Bornless Ones (2016) Poster


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Definite Evil Dead Knock Off, but...
gemandeye17 March 2017
This can be looked at as a direct rip off of The Evil Dead or an homage to it. The voices of the demons most notable, the symbols/sigils, reanimated dead bodies, the cabin in the woods etc. However, it was still enjoyable while not on the same level. The gore was not over CGI and appeared more use of practical special effects for that portion. The story line was OK. They attempted to inject some new ideas, or a new idea (using demons to heal sick loved ones-not a spoiler starts right off that way), into the formula but it really was not a make or break concept even though the film wanted to use that as a reason the demons are conjured up. The acting by some was better than others but nobody was awful yet nobody I am really expecting to see in any quality films. I have been surprised before at people's acting resumes though. Jennifer Aniston from Leprechaun to Friends to Horrible Bosses. She did quite well and who'd thought after any Leprechaun movie any actor would have a chance. Then it just kind of ends. Nothing special. It gets a 5 for decent quality and being better than most Evil Dead or NOTLD rip offs.
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Evil Dead Rip Off!
traceylohnes24 February 2017
This movie took idea after idea from the Evil Dead! I watched it with a group of people and we all kept yelling out "another Evil Dead rip off"! It wasn't even close to as good though. It's a time killer if you're bored but wouldn't seek it out. I'd also wait til it's free. Not really worth the rental fee. The makers of Evil Dead should get a cut of the profits for this one!
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Happiness knows no time
nogodnomasters1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Isolated cabin in the woods. House was used to summon demons to cure little girl. House now goes to new owners who care for Zack with Cerebral Palsy. New owners disturb sigils designed to keep out curing spirits. Bad things happen.

The film uses an idiotic voice distorter for demonic voices. I hate those, but apparently everyone else thinks they are cool. Characters are okay, but got old. We see the child and mother die from the "bornless ones" inside the house, so who put up the sigils to keep the demons out? Sigils are used to summon spirits to do our bidding. They extrapolated their function. Sigils only obey the will of the person who creates them, so if the person who creates them is dead, do they still work? People have things that they hide and demons bring it to light. Seems people are possessed at random to attack someone else and know the drill.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Bobby T).
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Worthless Ones
danocaster29 March 2018
10 Cent version of The Evil Dead is a laughable no budget horror possession film. Now I love good possession films. They're actually very hard to pull off. A group of young adults go to an old house in the country(Big Surprise!) that turns out to be haunted by demon types. This movie gets worse as it goes. The acting is marginal and the special effects really weak. However, Bobby T is really freakin' hot as one of the guys girlfriends and make s a pretty good demon. The ending is quick and unsatisfying. This film has multiple titles, which usually means they had a hard time distributing it. All in all, I wouldn't recommend it but Bobby T is worth checking out. Good luck!
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Survival of evil
TheLittleSongbird16 May 2018
Saw 'Bornless Ones' being fond of horror/thriller regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre), and the cover was cool. Was less taken by the concept though, which sounded ridiculous. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to watching and reviewing.

Unfortunately, do have to agree with the low rating and the poor reviews. 'Bornless Ones' is one of those films that mostly didn't take off, starting off interestingly, but went downhill far too early, never recovered and progressively got worse, particularly in the near-unwatchable later stages. Never judge a film without seeing the whole thing and wanted to not make 'Bornless Ones' an exception, so gave it a fair chance.

The location is also suitably spooky.

However, so much brings 'Bornless Ones' down. All the acting is either over-histrionic or disinterested, both in a few cases, and the direction is so phoned in and pedestrian, one gets the sense that the director showed no interest in the film at all. Too much of the soundtrack is intrusive and annoying, made worse by the excessive and obvious sound effects that just cheapens the mood. The film looks drab generally and like it was made in haste, the photography especially betrays that with its amateurishness. The effects are far from special, the complete opposite in fact.

Where 'Bornless Ones' most underwhelms is the writing and story. The writing is incredibly lazy, it's awkward in dialogue, is gratuitously crude, confused because of not tying things up or going into full detail and doesn't feel complete. The story suffers from a very erratic pace, apparent early on and gets muddled and ridiculous in the second half. It further suffers from feeling too much like a short film stretched out with a lot of useless padding. The stereotypical characters are as unlikeable as they come, the inconsistent and illogical motivations bring them down further.

For a film billed as a horror, there is very little interesting and nothing remotely scary which makes a waste of such a spooky-looking location. The scares and thrills are too few, barely any even, and are far too predictable, anaemic and weakly timed to make impact, with the chaotic pacing and obvious sound editing cheapening them significantly. 'Bornless Ones' doesn't engage let alone thrill, the more it progressed the more chaotic but everything just feels chaotic and hasty), predictable and more nonsensical it became for a premise that was already far too derivative with far too many easily foreseeable moments. The ending leaves very little impact, very contrived and not much of one at all.

Overall, very poor. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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So sad. Sooo bad.
rlb1-566-72375210 September 2020
Terrible acting. Especially blondie chick. Not even gonna waste time for details. Just bad everything. Why can't people write, create, or act any more? Soo many talentless people out there in make believe land. God I miss all those wonderfully talented and creative people from the mid 20th century. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
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Just another generic horror movie...
paul_haakonsen2 May 2017
It was without any prior knowledge about the movie when I sat down to watch this 2016 horror movie that was written and directed by Alexander Babaev. It was solely my love for the horror genre that made me pick up this movie and give it a go.

I will say that the movie wasn't the best of horror movies that I have seen, nor was it among the worst. This was, in my opinion, a very generic horror movie, in terms of scares, storyline and such. So you shouldn't get your hopes up for something out of the ordinary here.

The storyline was rather predictable, as the writer/director was obviously following the blueprint of how to make a horror movie step by step. No surprises, and you essentially know what will happen well before it happens and even before the storyline leads up to that thing that lurks around the corner.

There weren't really any scares or anything to make you jump out of the chair and make your heart race. As such, it was just a bland and very mediocre horror experience. Especially so since the story also was awfully predictable.

As for the acting, then I must say that the performances in the movie were wooden and rigid, and there just wasn't a natural flow to the performances put on by the majority of those in the movie. And as such, the movie was suffering.

Some of the concept ideas were adequate, and it was actually a nice thing that the writer had come up with for the one suffering from cerebral palsy. But the overall picture just wasn't that outstanding. And the special effects in "Bornless Ones" wasn't overly flashy or impressive, to be honest. So don't expect to be bedazzled by a myriad of special effects.

"Bornless Ones" turned out to be a less than mediocre horror movie. I have seen far worse horror movies, trust me. I will actually say that the movie is still watchable, if you have nothing better on the to-view-list. I am rating it 4 out of 10 stars.
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Just Watch Evil Dead Instead
Novacain200626 June 2021
Saying this movie is "Inspired By The Evil Dead" is way beyond kind and misleading. This movie is literally a rip off of every single element from ED except each thing is executed with no style whatsoever and most end up falling flat and eliciting laughter instead of scares. Stabbed with a pencil? Yup. Someone falls down steps into a basement? Check! Someone says "SHE TRIED TO KILL ME!!!" Checkerroo... It just goes on and on with so many facets bordering on idiocy. Like the central story of a paraplegic young man who suddenly talks and walks much to everyone's...surprise except the viewer. Because despite being unable to move for years he has the build of a high school running back and muscular arms which would be thin and atrophied if this was remotely real. These people say stupid things, do stupid things and regardless of the situations they're put through remain shiny, primped and pretty throughout the entire film. One guy even gets stabbed through his eye, into his brain and 2 minutes later is acting like nothing happened at all. This movie has all the elements of a decent horror film but the execution, terrible dialogue, low rent acting and fx on top of a cliche ridden script which is nothing more than a Sam Raimi "lite" bargain basement Evil Dead knock off full of annoying, 1 dimensional characters just makes it a tedious watch. By the time it was over I didn't care if any of them survived and actually preferred then all NOT. Unlike the Evil Dead which I've watched 100s of times this turkey won't ever get a second viewing from me.
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A Decent Attempt
dcarsonhagy12 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Simply put, "The Bornless Ones" is a movie about possession. A couple and two of their friends visit a cabin in order that Emily's brother can have some rest and relaxation. Involved in a horrible auto accident, he appears to be close to death. Miraculously he seems to be getting better and better--but he is also hearing voices. Little does anyone know he (and everyone around him) will pay the piper to the unknown and this "cabin in the woods" is the worst place they could have chosen to go.

The movie was alright. It wasn't anything great, but the director kept his characters reeled in, which is a nice change for movies such as these. I think the movie borrowed heavily from the original "Evil Dead"--it just wasn't nearly as good. I do enjoy movies that let you know "NO ONE" is safe, no matter how pure he/she may come across.

Rated "R" for brief nudity, explicit language, and violence. I thought this one was a little more fresh than most of its genre.
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Evil dead on a budget.
onebengalcat2 September 2019
A lot of ideas stolen from Evil Dead. Acting was okay. Could of been better by the main character. I guess watch if you wanna see Evil Dead does Indie. I watched for free on Tubi. Would have been upset if I'd payed for this knock off.
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Really enjoyable if slightly flawed possession effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder26 February 2017
Moving to a secluded house, friends helping a woman care for her disturbed brother find the house was used to summon a horde of demons which possess the group one-by-one and begin tormenting them for their own pleasure forcing them find a way of leaving the house alive.

This was quite an enjoyable effort. One of the more enjoyable aspects of this one is the fact that there's such a ravenous and chaotic energy present throughout this one which is quite an important feat. There's plenty to like with the film's scenes of the demonic imagery present throughout the walls and windows of the cabin which signal the start of the haunting leading into the possession and eventual outpouring of chilling incidents in the house which are quite enjoyable. With the scenes generally featuring plenty of voices echoing from deep in the house or showing them wandering through hallucinations featuring cult members engaging in the ritual slaughter with the lone victim being ripped apart, there's a generally creepy and atmospheric tone throughout here that sets the film's rather strong action in motion. The start of the possession with his increased physical mobility and threatening nature starts in on the scenes of the friends slowly tormenting them with otherworldly actions where they're clearly under the influence of some demonic force where it deals with the pregnant friend cutting herself up and then tormenting the remaining members of the group, the supposedly crippled friend turning around and brawling with the group and the various scenes of the demonically-possessed beings going around tormenting them in some rather fun chilling moments that are rather nicely handled. There's also a lot to like with the way the demonic action is mixed together with the creepy look of the possessed individuals, going from the traditional dark skin and blackened eyes along with the disfigured voice bringing about physical deformities that emerged from the incidents concerning their original deaths which are nice handled and makes for a great demonic force. Coupled with the rather brutal and bloody action with the demons driving them to mutilate and disfigure themselves in shocking moments, there's plenty to like here even though it does have a few minor flaws. The biggest issue here is the rather complex and confusing backstory to everything here which is glossed over rather quickly and doesn't really make much sense. There's little about why the house was used or what the purpose of it all was for so the way they get released seems rather clunky and really hamfisted. That also applies to the rushed and confused finale, where it seems to switch personalities on the participants without any real reason and everything just doesn't make any sense. The last big issue, and what really hurts this one the most, is the fact that this one is so structurally and stylistically similar to dozens and dozens of other efforts doesn't really do much for it as it plays into the suspected tropes so easily it doesn't offer up much in the way of surprises as it goes along. Beyond these qualms, there's a lot to like here.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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Solid Shell
scythertitus8 October 2018
Definite inspirations from Evil Dead and Flatliners, but kept simple and with a decent pacing that makes the runtime fly by.

There could have been a few more over the top moments, but the film was probably hampered by budget. The story is also a little rushed, probably due to similar constraints.

Overall while a bit amateurish and sloppy, it is an enjoyable enough possession horror. Would have benefitted from going a little more extreme and pushing boundaries in theme since it suffers in budget and originality.
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No go
killercharm19 April 2020
No go movie about a pair of couples who go out to the boondocks to set up house in the newly purchased home that one of the couples is moving into. They bring along the severely handicapped brother of the Blond Girl. Soon as they get there spookiness ensues, and it's all aimed at the brother, who can't walk, talk or take care of himself. Until that house. All of a sudden he can do things. But a reversal is impossible. Only the blind love of his sister would disregard that.
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Don't bother.
johannes2000-113 July 2021
Gather a few youngsters, preferably with mutual issues, in some dilapidated cottage in a forest in the middle of nowhere, and you should have the perfect start for a nice old-fashioned horror-flick. Unfortunately in this case they didn't deliver. Apart from the mediocre acting, the biggest problem is the story (or the lack there-of). It's an incoherent hotchpotch of a curse, demons, witchcraft, zombies and ghosts, it's way too much and as a result it adds up to nothing in particular. The only thing reasonably entertaining is the gore, which, I grant them that, is pretty well done.

There's hardly any narrative, the friends enter the cottage and wham, the curse or evil power or whatever it is that apparently hovers in the house, hits the new occupants one by one and turns them into murderous demons. Vague innuendo's of transgressions in the past suggest that each gets what he or she deserves. Well, I can confirm that indeed none of them is in any way sympathetic, including main character Emily who is some sort of pristine saint and therefore even more annoying than the rest. The invalid brother is a strange addition to the story, at first it's suggested that he's some sort of intermediary or channel to the demonic powers, but in the rest of the movie this doesn't get any follow-up.

Anyway, pretty disappointing to put it mildly.
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Evil Dead cost less but was far far better
Jester22216 February 2021
Yes. It's an Evil dead rip off. But far worse films to rip off right?. Acting is tolerable for most part. The blonde being the weakest imo and the other girl is incredibly hot! Wow. The thing that really annoyed me is the demon voice effect. It was terrible. A bad pitch shift and sounded more comical than scary or demonic. The way they treated the brother with CP also was annoying. Talking about him as if he wasn't there. Patronising. They'd make terrible carers. Ok fx, limited gore. Cliched script. But watchable.

Considering Evil Dead was made on a far less budget it screams originality and experimentation. This director does nothing to make this his own. It plods along ripping off parts of better films but with no real sense of dread or suspense. Not bad though for a young director I guess and have to start somewhere. But if want to see a real homage to Evil Dead then check out the film. WITHER aka Cabin of the Dead. It is fantastic.
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We Have To Make Our Own Seals Then
wandernn1-81-68327425 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so this is another one made for IFC, so definitely not expecting too much from this one. The Opening consists of a possessed little girl and her mother, having a standoff in a Cabin in the WOODS. And the shotgun apparently wins, vs both of them.

So Next we have a carload of kids, on their way to this 'WONDERFUL HOUSE' as it is called by the bizarrely enthusiastic realtor guy who meets them there. So we have 2 couples and a disabled guy who has CP apparently and is in a wheelchair.

Well at least one couple know what you are supposed to do when arriving at a new CABIN IN THE WOODS , they start knockin it out.

+1 Star for Knockin it Out and the 'small' joke inserted there-in

Later when the 2 couples are partying in the living room it appears that the CP dude strokes out or chokes to death in his room. That's sad. WEll Zack was dead on the floor but when his sis goes in his room he's in bed again. I guess Zack will be the weird one here eh???

So Amy has a big bad dream, where Zack is hovering over a bunch of babies in sacks. When she wakes up, they find Zack in his room and Zack stands up. But Zack can't stand up! But Zack did stand up. They call a doctor to come out and the Dr. examines Zack. Zack seems to be doing a LOT better.

So anyways, Zack leaves with DR. who crashes his car after Zack takes out his throat. Zack walks back to the cabin. And then the other Demons show up. People start freaking out. Phones don't work. Michelle stabs her pregnant womb with scissors. And then one dude is stabbed in the eye wiht a big nail or something

-1 Star for pulling the big nail out of dude's eye....

And Zack forces Woody to fall down the stairs and stab himself in the face and break multiple bones

-1 STar for removing the sword that went thru Woody''s face in his fall down the stairs....

Woody is all demon now, he stabs Jesse from behind and casts him aside. But Emily she finishes off Woddy and then when Jesse turns demon she finishes him off too. But then Emily's Mom appears and tells Emily she needs to kill Zack to end all their suffering. But Emily resists!!! And Emily seals the House and kills MomDemon! and Jesse whacks Emily and cripples her then Zack finishes off Jesse and then Zack has to wheel out Emily in the wheelchair and that's the END!!!


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A Nice Surprise
P3n-E-W1s326 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Isn't it just the case, after I moan about dull and boring new horror movies something comes along to prove me wrong... and boy am I glad to be wrong, I just hope this isn't the exception.

Bornless Ones surprised the hell out of me. This is a real budget film; there's only one production company and one distribution company. So my hopes were not too high, to begin with.

What you get is a pretty decent story based around the occult with daemons taking possession of the living under the guise of helping. Though this has been done a few times the addition of the possessed secrets coming out and giving the daemons the capability to torment and torture their prey is a nice twist, which adds to the strength of the story.

Another bonus, for me and the film, is the actors. Though most are not well known, except maybe for Austrailian Mark Furze for his stint on Home and Away, they all give sterling performances.

Michael Johnston gives a great performance as a cerebral palsy suffer, Zack, who seems to recover from the incurable illness.

Margaret Judson portrays Emily, Zack's sister, who is now charged with looking after him after their mother dies in a fire during a car crash. She is believable as a sister under stress and strain while trying, so hard, do the right thing, even though it negatively affects her relationship with her husband.

Devin Goodsell plays Jesse, Emily's husband, who, not only suffering the new stress of looking after Zack and the relationship trouble it brings, is also having work problems and has been suspended from his teaching position.

Mark Furze and Bobby T personate their friends Woodrow and Michelle. Mark Furze is very believable as an American Jock who will do anything to help his friend and girlfriend. Bobby T is also a talented actress who gives a more than credible performance.

These are actors and actresses to watch out for. If I could make a film, I would consider these five in the running.

The credit for the story and its screen depiction goes to the writer and director Alexander Babaev. He does a nice thing of including daemons into the occult, along with their sigils and symbols. I have a cold shiver of dread when I see the writer and the director are one in the same because, in my experience, it hardly ever makes for a good film. However, like I stated at the start of the review, I am glad to be wrong. With this film, Babaev has me committed to watching his next movie, should there be one... and I hope there is.

There are some decent special effects in this film as they use wet-work, most of the time. The only bad effect is the CGI Guardians, as these are spirits made out of mist, they just don't look as realistic as they should, luckily they don't detract from the film too much as they're only on screen for a few seconds; though they are memorable for the wrong reasons.

For all the Horror Fans out there I would recommend this as a late night view, grab a beer and settle down for a decent movie.
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