"The Flash" Enter Flashtime (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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And very different episode and it works!
paigedimitropoulos7 March 2018
I have nothing to complain about this episode. The acting was great, and right till the end I was at the edge of my seat. I really did not know how Barry was going to solve this problem. But the writers found an unpredictable way to do it
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The Flash - S04E15 Enter Flashtime
j_forbesy7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
On this week of the Flash we had a much smaller scale episode compared to what we have had the past few episodes. Majority of this episode took place within Flashtime which naturally means the amount of events to take place is very few as time is moving very slow. This gave this episode that smaller scale episode feel and the episode really thrived because of it.

Before jumping into the Flashtime stuff, I want to talk about what was my personal highlight of the episode and that is Harry and Jesse. Although it was only a couple of scenes, those scene were extremely strong and emotional. Their father/daughter relationship is one I have always really enjoyed because they are really the only dysfunctional relationship we have on the show.

Moving into the stuff with Flashtime, I thought all of it is great. Seeing John Wesley Shipp back was fantastic as always. Violett Beane did a great job in these scenes as well as her scenes with Tom Cavangh, but the stand out really was Grant Gustin as Barry. We have seen many sides of an emotional Barry but this was different. The way Gustin portrayed the role of this distraught Barry was fantastic and was much of the reason why this episode stood so strong.

The use of the nuclear bomb was a great plot device to bring on the Flashtime stuff. It worked great because it wasn't a straight forward fix. While for me personally I would have rathered that Barry thought of the solution based off something Iris said rather than the other way around, either way it still worked really well within the story. My hope is that there is in some way a reply from the speed force because I find that some of the best episodes of the Flash is when they are fleshing out the mythology of the speed force.

Focusing on the end of the episode, it was great to see what we can now assume is Dawn West-Allen again. With the short break that took place, I had honestly forgot about this part of the season. With still quite a few episodes to go I am really looking forward to see when and how they factor her into this season and what her role is going to be in taking down DeVoe, or if she even has a role at all.

Overall, a great episode of the Flash. It didn't quite break into those top tier episodes for me but it is defiantly on the cusp of it. It had great emotion, character moments and didn't really have any major negatives that I could identify as major flaws.

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A Wrinkle in Flashtime
ThomasDrufke7 March 2018
There's nothing quite like a one-off episode of an Arrowverse show that hits all the right buttons. It's often frustrating seeing a show go from one 'big bad' centric episode to a 'filler' week of TV, but Enter Flashtime proved there's more you can do to keep the audience's interest than throw in a villain of the week episode.

This episode was like a sci-fi nerd's dream. The show is always dropping unnecessarily long science fiction terms and phrases that make no sense, and there was definitely some of that here too. But this episode took Barry's speed and the presence of Jay & Jessie to create a fascinating 45 minute sequence of flashtime insanity. There's no real villain of importance, nor do we even get a glimpse of DeVoe's whereabouts, but there was absolutely no need to. Watching the 3 speedsters try to figure out how to get rid of a nuclear bomb while everyone else is frozen was more than enough for me.

On a side note, there was a small piece of information dropped tonight about how DeVoe has been planning his destruction of Barry Allen for 3 years. Which, pretty much only further complicates his reasoning, or lack thereof.

Another piece of news is that Jay is training another speedster on his Earth. Does this have anything to do with Jessica Parker Kennedy's mystery character? Or is this just a completely new character to be introduced as a one-off later this year? At any rate, I quite enjoyed both Jay and Jessie's presence in this episode. Made me miss season 2 a little bit. Never thought I would say that.

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Holy Crud-Balls!!
mikeslove-266809 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
WOW!!! My heart is still racing! This was the most intense and emotionally draining episode of The Flash I've ever seen. I thought this was very well written and the storyline showed much depth. Between the "Flashtime" race to reverse the nuclear blast to Barry's interactions with his team and finally his tearfilled goodbye with Iris, I was completely done in. Now I think it's quiet, soothing music to calm down from the emotional intensity of the past hour. Well done!
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Love it
nickaroo-3230915 May 2018
Love the episodes when the flash abilities are being pushed to the limits and has to figure out how to solve problems keep up the good job great episode
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Strong standalone episode
cobi-806208 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While it does have some things from the overall story of the season this episode mostly stands on its own and still it is perhaps the best episode of the season so far. That may sound like I believe the season's story arc to be bad but it's quite the opposite. I like the the story but it has become somewhat stagnant as DeVoe has been doing nothing other than skipping bodies. I want to see what DeVoe actually intends to do with all the powers he has gained. Waiting very long to reveal things is something this show has been doing since season 1 but in the two first seasons I believe it was much better paced with certain reveals. In season 3 the real main plot wasn't revealed until episode 9 and the main villain wasn't revealed until episode 20. We know DeVoe's identity so the only mystery surrounding him are the goals he wants to achieve and how he intends to do that. Would be sad to see them make the same mistake of revealing a great idea (evil Barry) to then have no time to fully develop and explore that idea.

Enough of that, this episode was great. It is the first and only episode where Barry is moving at super speed almost the entire episode. I have wanted an episode like this for years and I'm glad they finally pulled it off.

Having both Jessie and Jay appear was great as it is always nice to catch up with characters we haven't seen in a long time. Unfortunately Jay isn't in his prime anymore which results in him leaving Flashtime early on. I would have wanted to see more Jay action but the idea of him training a new female speedster sounds interesting and perhaps Jay and his apprentice can appear in the first half of season 5. As for Jessie I really want to see more of her now that the writers actually seems to care about her and Harry's relationship. Got to say that was one of the best things about this episode and the season. I don't know why I really liked but I certainly did. Perhaps the actress isn't available much but I hope they continue having her return and not necessarily to fight alongside Barry but just to interact with Harry is well enough of a reason to have her visit.

There is one obvious problem having an episode like this which is really a problem in any episode where Barry somehow gets hit by things that isn't from behind. To be fair it would make it impossible to have anyone but speedsters pose any threat to him and we've had enough of speedster villains to go without them for another two seasons but they have been handling this much better this season as compared to previous ones. In this season I don't think I've seen Barry getting defeated through punches.

All in all I think this episode did a fantastic job of displaying Flashtime and Gustin really sold the sense of Barry struggling to keep going and not give up.
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Time Crisis
hellraiser710 February 2019
This is another of my favorite episodes of the show. Not much to say, it's pretty much your bomb thriller once again, yeah, the conclusion is predictable you can easily predict Barry/The Flash will disarm the bomb; but the real suspense is wondering how.

It's true that "The Thinker" isn't around this episode but I'm fine with that, sometimes we just need a breather from the seasonal villain and give our heroes a different kind of challenge, and this was one hell of a challenge.

Really love the use of the flash time, where the flash along with two other speedsters whom were nice to see again Jesse and Jay Garrick once more. I like how every one of the characters have a hand in the disarm operation and each tries different solutions and sadly none of them work.

I also like how the episode evokes almost an impending sense of doom as time is ticking away so is hope. One really touching scene is just seeing Barry with Iris probably for the last time and you just seeing him exhausted both physically and psychologically. You see just getting emotional and Iris is just trying to comfort him, I felt that was a genuinely human thing personally if I felt just utter hopelessness and helplessness, I would break down myself. It was touching how Iris knowing she is possible in the last moments of her life with the one she loves remains a rock for Barry, which I felt shows the strength in both her character and love for him. I won't say anything more except that in every puzzle it's never too late to solve it.

Rating: 4 stars.
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The best episode in this season
antcharats10 March 2018
This was by far the best episode in this season. We want more episodes like this. I really don't understand why ''the flash'' series becomes weeker and weeker in plot and at the same time it turns into a comedy... Also in my opinion I don't think that this elastic guy fits with the team, he is too funny. The character of Julian was far better. Fans need more ''serious'' episodes like this one and like seasons 1-2. Too much comedy spoiling the series. Sisko is funny but in a very good way and that's enough.
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wpacodd2 December 2018
I love this episode. By giving Allen a problem outside of the normal "villain appears, Barry loses, Barry trains, Team Flash wins" formula, this episode was a refreshing break from the Deveau story. It keeps the viewer eagerly engaged by testing every possible solution that a person can think of and concludes with a solution that doesn't feel too sappy or stupid. Aside from a bland "villain", 'Enter Flashtime' is a wonderful examination of Barry and Team Flash at the end of their ropes.
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Everything this show can be
fernandodelamadrid20 November 2018
Absolutely loved this episode. The "flash time" hinted a few times before becomes the center of this episode, and it's awesome. We get to see more of how it looks like, what characters can, and cannot do while moveng hyper fast, and the effect it has on each of them. The way it explores the limits of the series mythos made me think of Star Trek TNG. It is fun and entertaining to watch, and puzzling. U know the Flash will (always) save the day, but this one really keeps you at the edge of the seat until the very end.
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first ralph-less episode in a while, first fantastic episode in a while
kaleyannhronec14 March 2018
Ever since ralph dibney was brought on as a character the show has gotten increasingly more annoying. i absolutely hated the episode before this one using a female character we barely knew to fuel angst for him, killing her just so he could have "real" motivation to take down devoe (even though he only knew her for like two days, but i digress). this episode is the first one that i can remember since ralph was introduced that didn't have him in it, and the first one in a long time that i have genuinely enjoyed. this episode reminded me why i started watching the flash in the first place, why i fell in love with all the og characters, why i love barry and iris so much, and really reminded me what the core of this show was and it's that there's ALWAYS another way. a major arc in season one was barry being a different type of hero than oliver queen of arrow fame, and i felt like we really got a glimpse of that season-one barry again, going to his very limit to save as many people as possible. @ the flash writers, PLEASE stop sacrificing the quality of your show to further develop a sleezy straight white man, you always shine when you don't.
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Top 10 episode.
danielwaite-660083 January 2021
Arguably a top 10 episode of the entire series thus far. Embraced a new concept "Flashtime" that had not previously been seen in the show, conveyed emotional and powerful messages and was a nail biter. Fantastic episode.
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Almost a hit till you blew it
tracy_patrbv22 November 2018
The episode had amazing heroes joinning forces, it had an amaIng storyline but of course you had to blew it by making the most brilliant minds in the universe have no answer yet the barista/blogger/former reporter comes up with a scientific answer to save the day. This episode could have been one of the best yet you had to turn it to another Irs is the heroe one. Dissapointment
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We don't need no stinking physics
nabsltd25 June 2018
One of the first cringe-worthy episodes in a long time that has Barry running around Central City at many times the speed of light.

The vast majority of the episode supposedly takes place in the 5 nanoseconds between the start of an uncontrolled fission reaction (i.e., a nuclear explosion) and the effects expanding beyond the nuclear material. During that time, Barry runs many miles and stops to have conversations that take minutes of screen time. This shows "Flashtime" is effectively trillions of times faster than real time.

The real problem with the episode is it destroys the entire series, since if Barry can move that fast, he can literally move faster than anything any villain can come up with, and not using "Flashtime" to defeat every villain means that Barry is being incredibly stupid.

So, if you like the series (as I do), just pretend this episode never happened.
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pelingamze19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best episodes of the show so far. It has no sub-plots and thats really good because this episode fells more like a movie.
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Brilliant premise undercuts half the show for entertainment
caleblimsw27 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Taken on face value alone, this episode is of the highest quality, using the Flash's speed and powers to the max, along with finally giving us a good speedster teamup episode. The execution was at times the best the show has ever been, the tension and stakes kept high...except, of course, that this is a standalone concept episode that has no bearing on the plot itself. Thus, you already can predict the general plotline.

Also, as people pointed out, if Barry was this fast, then he'd be virtually unstoppable. The Thinker wouldn't even be able to get a thought out in time to stop him if this was his speed level. That's the problem, which means that the premise thar made this episode so great is also its greatest weakness.

Ultimately my enjoyment outweighs my disbelief, and I can forgive the one-off rule-breaking for an otherwise brilliant episode in a dull season.
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Pretty much perfect.
samuelbrinkley23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I see a tv show, I usually come to realize that all of the good ones have a very similar trope. In one of their middle seasons, such as this, there is always one unexpected episode that manages to not only surprise you, but also really bring you into its story. These episodes usually have a story not really tied to the main plot but usually indirectly relating to it. This episode is a perfect example of that. It manages to start off like some other episodes of the show would, but eventually incorporates the elements that make the flash so unique into it. Barry seems to have a classic silly CW lighthearted answer to the problem at first, but eventually realizes that it's more serious than that. In a show like the Flash, this was much needed as many people by season 4 didn't see many consequences coming from the smaller things in it, since usually all it takes is a small talk with Iris to get Barry through it, and while that happens here, there was a point where I was seriously questioning if Barry could get himself out of this. His desperate behavior intensifies as he goes through Cisco, Frost, Joe, and Harry Wells to find answers. Eventually however he even begins looking into other flashes perspectives like Jay and Jesse Quick. They try to help but discover that it's nearly hopeless. We really see each characters concerns grow as they realize the stakes and their motivations. When Barry came to Iris for help at the end, I didn't feel annoyed as I did a lot of other times, here it felt satisfying. Iris actually seemed to matter this time. I think the set up and pacing of this episode was also incredible considering it's a CW show. The acting was also peak. Overall an excellent episode and arguably the best of the show.
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Thrilling Episode
Julierempel12 January 2021
This episode is my favourite of the series! It's one of those episodes that I just keep coming back to watch over and over again cause it's my fave! It shows Barrys heroism and the heart of the show! It's so entertaining the whole way through!
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Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: Enter Flashtime
lbramson12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Best episode of this season and it's not even close! Barry, Jesse, and Jay pause time in an effort to stop a nuclear bomb. This is a filler episode, but filler doesn't mean bad. That has never been more true than in 4x15! Enter Flashtime is a masterful episode that feels that a movie and perfectly showcases the Flash's powers in an epic way. The scene where he throws the bomb into the speed force is a truly impressive, unbelievable moment! This episode feels like it was shot, written, directed, published, and even acted by completely different people. Comparing this to the rest of the season is baffling! One of the Top 10 of the entire series!

10/10-THE PEAK!!!
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Brilliant Filler!
prettybillydee5 September 2023
Enter Flashtime is arguably the greatest standalone episode of The Flash. Although it is considered "filler", it delivers on every level. The writing, direction, acting, cinematography and visual effects are all top notch.

Enter Flashtime offers a deep dive into an entirely new and original sci-fi concept, that was never named in the comics. The series took its time to develop "Flashtime", showing just how powerful The Flash really is. It is very refreshing and exciting to add a new phenomenon to the often watered down sci-fi canon.

The episode is visually striking and Grant Gustin gives one of his best performances as Barry Allen. All of the elements struck a perfect balance to give us some of the best Flash storytelling ever. Dare I say it, this episode is better than the show itself! 10/10.
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It could be great.
aopek16 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well the episode was good.

Until you realise that the writers are so in love with Iris that she suddenly becomes the smartest woman alive.

She is soooooo smarter than all those scientists so she could find the solution for this epic problem even if she is just a reporter.

We get it.

Iris is the best. Iris saves the day. Iris rocks.

The true star of the show. Flash who?

Iris for president ! Wooohoooo.

Enough with this girl CW power stupidity.

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Once again John Wesley Shipp was wasted
rorygunn7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was always was a fan of the original Flash series.even though it had it's flaws the lead John Wesley Shipp was solid so when it was announced he would part of the new Flash series I was excited.Unfortunately the had him inmprisoned for most of season one and when he was finally released instead of keeping him around to be a father to Barry they ship(no pun intended)him off to find himself in order to keep Joe West the father figure to Barry.What the hell?Then they kill him off.But thankfully they brought Shipp back as Jay Garrick the first Flash and once again good he can be a mentor to Barry and help him with his speed powers but no they send him back to his earth where he is rarely seen.Now for this episode after a lengthy absence they bring him back to help Barry only to have him suffer from bad legs and other physical ailments in order to retire the character and no doubt John Wesley Shipp who has proven that he is the only one with any solid chops and that's probably why Jay Garrick has to retire because if Shipp is around he will no doubt through his solid acting show the cracks in the show and the stupidity of the stories which is running out of steam.it's a shame because John Wesley Shipp really brought something to the show and could've really contributed to the show but he was too good for the producers and that can't be allowed..
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Flashtime=Dumb Episode=Goodish
fletchervanburen18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all; Killer Frost's development in this episode makes no sense. Why does she care about Caitlin (sorry if I misspelled that name) all of the sudden? Also, the writing is so lazy; This is a random new power flash got how? Why have we never seen flashtime before? How is he suddenly able to bring others into flashtime when he has never done this before? There was however, parts I liked about the episode: . Seeing people in what they thought were their last moments . Seeing Barry struggle . Not hearing the name "DeVoe" too much because it has become annoying.
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Another physics-hyped episode!
asb_deutsch15 March 2018
A little predictable when you know what is going to happen to Team Flash. The Space Force SFX seems too generic. But the positives are Barry using his wits to face his personal issues. My ratings (based on what I marked on IMDb): Season 1: 200/23 = 8.69 Season 2: 193/23= 8.23; Season 3: 188/23= 8.17; and Season 4: 102/15= 6.8 (This episode = 6.5/10)
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