"True Detective" If You Have Ghosts (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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A heartbreakingly beautiful episode
salle-503084 February 2019
Perhaps the best episode of this season so far! We're finally given the climax to one of the several story arches that has unfolded throughout the show thus far. We're slowly but suspensefully fed increasingly more and more information about storylines and events that have been hinted and foreshadowed at over the past 4 episodes. There's still much left to be revealed, but this episode seems to really be setting the stage to how the final story will unfold over the next 3 episodes. Lastly, the final 10 minutes of the episode were perhaps the most beautiful and heart wrenching of the entire series. This complicated bond that the the two central actors have been able to portray is simply remarkable!

(Side Note: the nod to season 1 with bringing flowers to a dinner party was a nice touch!)
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The actors episode
anthonyjlangford22 February 2019
A short review to state the obvious perhaps, that the actors are really gripping in this season but to make a special mention of Stephen Dorff. Being close to the same age, I've been watching him since his popular youth days, then he slipped out of the limelight though never stopped working. It's really great to see him back in first class material. This is the best I've ever seen him by far. He's been fantastic throughout this entire series but in this episode, particularly the end, he is mesmerizing.
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sunn_rize7 February 2019
..can sometimes be complicated unfair unexpected painful and these two characters are a great example of a sorrowful end line. Ejogo, McNairy, Fisher-so talented.

Let's face it - quality television has become nearly extinct. The arrival of a much anticipated season 3 of True Detective was equivalent to that finally delivered lost-in-the-airport luggage. I couldn't wait to tear open episode one.

Ali & Dorff lead an incredible duo each with their acquired burdens. The 'scene' in episode 5 was especially heartbreaking. Love the time period shifts. I just wish the sound was a smidge better. Looking forward to knowing... What. Happened.
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Exquisite portrayals of heartache and disappointment
disambiguator5 February 2019
This episode was incredible! If the last 10 minutes of THIS episode doesn't earn the show an Emmy award for the 2019 season, then there will TRULY be no justice.

So good was that final scene, I completely forgot that I was watching a scripted drama, as I sat there riveted and moved with tears streaming down my cheeks. It was amazing to see these two wonderful actors go toe-to-toe in what was probably one of the most brilliantly acted, and emotionally powerful scenes of any show I've seen this year...Especially Stephen Dorff's performance. And, it was obvious that Steven Dorff and Merhashala Ali were emotionally moved as well, because they both continued to shed real tears throughout the scene, up until the point "Roland" made the joke about "senior incontinence"...Hell, I had to laugh at myself when I "laugh-cried" at the joke, and am STILL teary-eyed even now, as I write this. lol

I am certain there were tears and applause all around at the end of the scene's filming. Also, the chemistry between the two actors is amazing, and I hope we have another opportunity to see these two paired again, because It would truly be a crime (please pardon the pun) if we didn't.

Kudos to the actors, writers, and all involved, because this is what good story-telling is all about.
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A Masterclass in Character Development
pabstcanrocketship4 February 2019
This season of True Detective has some of the most deft character development I've ever seen on TV. It's already on par with season one in this regard and if it can maintain its steam it's poised to overtake. The three leads in this episode, Amelia Wayne and Roland deliver the sort of subtle, grown-up acting that's just a pleasure to watch.

Now, I don't think anything in this show will ever beat the plot of season 1, and I'm ok with that. But as of this episode, season 3 has proved itself to be masterful at building real, flawed people about whom you can't help but feel deeply ambivalent - in that good kind of way that makes dramatic tv so engaging. I cant wait to find out more about the big secret deed alluded to in that final scene!

Post Script - special mention needs to go to the makeup wizards on this show. They have reached utterly new heights of believability with their aging techniques. I have never seen a more convincing wrinkly old man neck in all my life lol.
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Remarkable character development
marcoarbia7 February 2019
This is the way it's supposed to be. The core of this story are the characters and their relationships. The dialogues throughout the episode are playout beautifully, always so grounded and raw, but complex at the same time. A testament to a remarkable screenplay. Ali is huge in every scene, polarizing, and his interaction with his wife and partner are very compelling to witness. The final dialogue beetween Wayne and Roland was tense, bittersweet, funny and emotional at the same time. Bravo, Pizzolatto, this is how you do it.
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Porch scene
lukasiljeg30 December 2021
First season is phenomenal. Best season of TD. But porch scene in season 5. Best scene in whole serial. My God, what acting by two leads. Ali and Dorff. Cant believe Ali didnt win Emmy and Globe for this and Dorff wasnt even nominated,lol! This scene is acting masterpiece and beats every other acting scene in 2019. Shame on you Emmies and Globes! That was masterclass acting.
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Strong episode it was!
trulex4 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was one hellova powerful episode, damn, case thing is getting weird but who cares? Until the end all we can do is just guessing, pulling drama deeper and deeper. Beside, llast 10 minutes blew me away, very emotional and very realistic play, getting inside the characters like these two is all you can enjoy all the way... well done!
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Nicely developing Story
polsixe10 February 2019
About halfway through and it the good story is coming together, exactly what happened in 1980 and 1990 remains a puzzle. The lead characters are interesting, enjoying Stephen Dorff who seems to be channelling Christopher George or Sam Elliott . M. Ali plays a Wayne Hays who we're not sure was very competent at all or did something so shocking in the past. The relationship with his wife Amelia is also atypical and well played.
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Amazing attempt to get away without any case progression for 5 hours
big_brother_19844 February 2019
Compare with how much story the first two seasons had covered after 5 episodes. There has to be some very ingenious continuation to make me consider re-watching this, while I cannot see season 1 often enough.

It's certainly worthwile to guess how the aging technique works, and to experience people in three different phases of their lives. Probably Pizzolatto figured one more time jump than season 1 should be enough to make it interesting.

But the climax it builds up to is like the child stating "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" in "The Emperor's New Clothes" ... meaning a lot of season 3 is like watching paint dry, and once you realize the magic is gone.
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formotog11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good episode. I'm a big fan of the way the story has been unfolding throughout. The way future timelines provide teasers and indicators of what's to come. The way that despite there being future timelines where previous events have already been established, events still continue to unfold in a gripping way. There are still a lot of unanswered questions because gaps have been carefully crafted into the plot. Who's to blame for this crime? The parents? Corruption? The church? Is it all a big intertwining conspiracy? I'm not sure if we'll even find out but I'm definitely interested to know. The final scene between Hays and West was also very nicely done. I think this season in general has nailed character interaction very nicely. Very likeable and three-dimensional characters. Not so much in the way of plot progression this episode but still good

High 7
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Highly Entertaining
herrbrett9 February 2019
Stop searching for season one, and you will be blown away with season three. Look season one is a classic, never to be outdone. But after the mishmash that season two became, we should be thanking the creators for taking their time on this season.

The writing is back to the top shelf of drama. Deep philosophy is embedded in the writing. With season one we were given dialogue on faith and religion and life. In this season we are forced to think about the role that memories play in our identity and purpose on this earth. This season is EQUALL to season one on the think scale.

Bottom line, the last scene in this episode is the best 10 minutes of television I have seen since thrones over a year ago. Way way better than anything in west world season two.
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Yep, still nothing
kuarinofu4 February 2019
While this episode was much more emotionally packed, had some interesting character moments and interactions, the story still didn't move a bit and we're stuck with the "wait and see" and "what have we done" kind of haunting past.

The next episode will have a spoon of an actualy story progress and 55 more minutes of somewhat interesting dialogue and overly long slow scenes (and more awkward racism comments out of nowhere).

Classic hype building up to a disappointing ending.
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Painfully, torturously boring.
RobUk8518 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like the previous episode, and the subsequent three episodes to follow nothing really happens. So slow that by the time it finished I wished someone had murdered me in the woods, just to alleviate the boredom for a while.
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gelasma-19 August 2022
Brilliant scenario, brilliant dialogue, brilliant acting. This final scene on the porch !! With all this unsaid or partially said that leaves you wanting to learn more, to know more, and served by two brilliant actors...
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gkarun694 February 2019
You've got to admit season 1 is one of those masterpieces you get once in a while.

Coming back to Season 3,we've got a decent storyline and this episode was good with "reminiscence" of Season 1.It has got potential to end with a bang or it might also be a dud.
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Even boredom itself is bored to death
interestingstuff21 January 2023
This was an incredibly boring episode but then again the entire third season has been incredibly boring. We are 5 episodes into this season and spent 5 hours but only saw like 20 minutes worth of story development. The rest of the time was just wasted on characters chitchatting or doing small talk in extremely slow motion where they speak one word per minute, saying non-meaningful vague things that don't matter to anyone else.

Don't get fooled by those 10/10 reviews obviously written by HBO's marketing department. Maybe HBO should spend more money on making good shows and less money on writing fake reviews to promote its terrible shows.

Also, this is NOT character development. If you think this is character development you have zero clue what character development even means.

They should have just ended this show after the first season. Neither of the second or third seasons are anywhere near good.
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S3.E5 - Two Old Men [8.5/10]
panagiotis199326 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S3. E5) My Live Reaction / Review for True Detective Season 3 Episode 5 ''If You Have Ghosts''. The previous episode was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. The trash man lost his mind, he killed everyone. They had it coming though, they pushed him to the limit. The trash man left Wayne with no choice, such a tragic end. They really blame the trash man about what happened to Will and Julie? That makes no sense. The relationship between Wayne and Amelia is so problematic. They found Will's backpack at the trash man's house but Wayne thinks that someone else put it there, I believe Wayne. Wow they made Roland look so old, really good makeup. The conversation at the end was a bit too long and kinda boring. Overall good performances by the actors and intriguing plot. This episode was good and I enjoyed it. My rating is 8.5/10.
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About killing time...
samofnine9 December 2019
I do not compare this with season 1, at least not like many other people here. Every episode I hope: Now should it get interesting. But all we see are character studies, 3 timelines and around 5 minutes story development or action in each episode. It's like the last scene. If you want to kill time, watch True Detective! I couldn't do much with season one either, but I liked the second season, because there was actually happening something, it was even thrilling! I think Mahershala's makeup is one of the best I've ever seen, it looks so real! But besides that I rather watch the 3rd season of Twin Peaks again. At least it's strange and funny while it's slow. I don't know if I want to watch TD any further. I like the actors but the story is like that hot cheese on the top you try to pull off with the fork but you pull and pull but it never gets fully off the top of the pizza or pasta. Maybe I should watch the 3rd season of Broadchurch instead. It's kind of the same story but less boring. And it has some Doctors in it.
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So far this is the worst season
nicktusk-9559126 August 2021
. Not trying to be overly negative but this season didn't make sense at all it started off OK with the missing children. Too many plots and subplots that don't tie into the main characterization of the story. I like Marshawn Ali he is great but too bad the writing was really bad for the season.
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This script ... bleak
johansk8god12 May 2020
Stop Comparing with session 1. People say. Fair enough, but is not good Any way u look at it.

Poor script. Not much of a plot, even worse with the theme and character development. Boring.
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If You Have Ghosts
bobcobb3017 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The scene at the end was good, but the problem is we are comparing this to the first season of True Detective and there is just no comparison. The two leads that year would have blown this scene away. Good episode for sure though.
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Still very slow and boring
confidential-6789710 February 2019
This show should have either been made over 4 episodes or had each episode only last 30 mins max. The last 4 episodes, nothing actually happens at all until the last 10 mins of each episode.
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Nothing happens
cyberkepon4 February 2019
Empty episode where nothing happens. This episode could have prolly been merge with the previous one.
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The theme aong is a great indication
jpapanone26 April 2020
Of this season. Slow and boring and too long.

There is no speed setting, though I did start using the 10 second forward button in hbo go app. Thankfully this is an 8 episode season and I only have 3 more left. I thought it was 10 amd had 5 more to go.

This show is as boring as catholic mass used to be when i was forced to go and then went on my own voluntarily until i realized what an utter waste of time that was. If i had the choice of an hour mass or rewatxh an episode of this season...give me the mass. At least I'll hear something i can mockingly comment on in my own head.
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