
53 Reviews
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Chopper (2000)
This movie is just fantastic.
30 June 2005
Eric Bana gives a performance of Oscar quality. Reality and unreality become as one. I was totally astounded by this movie. "Chopper" the man is a conundrum. This is a must see film. Australia has given us Bana and Russel Crowe.Thank you, Australia. Is the man evil or just a good story teller. One will never know. There are so many scenes with so many points of view the viewer is constantly questioning his own sanity. "Chopper" wrote a best seller and perhaps he will mystify his readers with other prison stories. He has such a fertile mind and imagination. Genius describes the man and performance. This film is being added to my library.
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Love Liza (2002)
Still unanswered the blame if there must be such.
28 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot grasp the conclusion that a suicide must be the bereaved party's fault. Phillip Seymour Hoffman's performance as the grieving husband is astounding. But failure to read his wife's last note to him discovered after she died, shows that his love never developed beyond the childish stage. Finally when his emotional level did rise to the point where curiosity overcame reluctance, he opened the envelope and saw that her love never wavered, but she could not continue life on life's terms. But her "Love Liza" at the end of the note proved the guilt, if there has to be guilt assigned,lies not with him. But he never grew up. And so the story ends. But I felt cheated. I never pitied him, but slowly grew angry with his infantile behavior and perhaps his immaturity was a contributing factor. I give the film a rating of 7, or to be more exact, 6 1/2.
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The Pianist (2002)
Absolutely mesmerizing
28 December 2003
I lived through this period. Americans were unaware of the atrocities in Poland until the end of the war. This movie grips you and the suspense never ceases. I can understand now why Jews fight with such fervor for their right to exist. Polanski and Brody are magnificent. 10 is my vote.
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A remarkable film
15 May 2003
I still don't now if these twins are conjoined or not. Most say they are not. There performances were superb. No matter what, they are not freaks.

They are two sensitive people trapped in the same body. I only wanted the very best for them. An empathy developed.

It is sad that nature plays such downright dirty tricks. They were the nicest people around. It makes you want to help the less fortunate.

I give this film 10 stars. I will see it again.
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High Crimes (2002)
A Super Elegant Thriller
30 March 2003
What can I say? This is a superb movie and deserves the highest grade possible. I was enthralled. There are many twists and turns, many, but all seem so convincing. I put this on the list as one of my favorite movies. I will view it again and again. I still am exhilarated. I have no criticism.
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Trouble was I was unable to escape.
23 March 2002
Why I stayed awake to view this tedious torture of a film was beyond me.

Right off Rob Lowe should have thrown his wife overboard. She was more stupid than stupid and her foolishness at every juncture made you want to shout "leave your husband and get on with the Greek". This was one of the worst films I have ever seen. I regret that I showed my stupidity right through to the end. I could have cut it off. I was hypnotized by the amateurish acting. What a wasted evening. This gets a zero on my meter. Women can't be that stubborn and obnoxious and STUPID. Don't say you haven't been forewarned.
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Dogma (1999)
Engrossing. Excellent. Highly Recommended.
27 December 2000
I will see this movie many more times. I wish to relish the dialogue over and over again. The performances were right on. And my Parish is promoting once again the the fallacy of Indulgences, a slippery slope. I think religious instruction and organized institutions do miss the point. All we need is love and faith. And faith is a gift. Such talented actors. Affleck and Damon and the prophets were extreme. I believe I saw it correctly when God pressed her fingers on one of their mouths for such foul language. This movie is not for the squeamish. If unabated swearing gravels your a--, then I suggest you bring along ear muffs. Still and in spite of, I give Dogma a 9 out of 10. My faith was strengthened by this fine movie. Wow.
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Everyone involved in this magnificent film deserves praise.
16 November 2000
I have seen it twice on HBO and I will see it again for each time I am able to understand more the complex character interaction. This movie is extremely well fabricated. Annette Bening deserved an Oscar. Spacey got his. The film got its. It is so sad and beautiful at the same time. Life and death are the same journey. Beauty is everywhere. I too thank God for every day of my existence. It has been a wonderful experience. Spacey and that 18 year old boy got it right. They were soul brothers even at the very end. What magnificent entertainment. I wish I had the opportunity to go one on one with Spacey and Bening. I would remember that experience all the way to my grave. I believe in true life they are true thinkers. Please everyone see this wonderful film. Alan Ball has composed a masterpiece. The Director Mendes has done a magic weaving of the plot. We need more films like this to stimulate us so as to avoid the cracks in relationships that they exposed. I am still confused by the Marine at the end in his bloody T-shirt. I do not understand its significance. How did that happen. Help. Help. Thanks. This is truly one of the all time greats.
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What's love got do do with it!
4 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Francis Bacon was not capable of love. His male lover was. And so the brilliant Bacon took joy in berating his lover. Bacon may have been a talent but his evil nature begged for punishment. If his death did one just thing it removed him from society. And though he knew his lover was suicidal he just remained indifferent. That group he was allied with is the Algonquin soiree gone crazy. I prefer the American counterpart, more civilized and FUN. Ebert hit the nail on the head in his review. I too give the film high marks but I felt so empty at the end. I want to say "Francis Bacon, go to Hell" but I am sure that is his residence now.
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One Kill (2000 TV Movie)
A tremendous film
16 August 2000
Excellent cast, story line, performances. Totally believable. I realize the close knit group that exemplifies the Marine Corps. But this movie brought fear to my heart. The marines let principles be damned. It seems that this film was based on real life incidents. It shows how difficult it is to go up against the establishment. Anne Heche was utterly convincing. Sam Shepard's portrayal of a gung ho Marine was sobering. And Eric Stoltz as her attorney was so deft balancing his loyalty to the Corp but also his loyalty to his client, while high above on his tightrope. He knew what his true course of action had to be. But he was pulled apart by his immersion in the Marine tradition, loyalty to the Corps above all else. I sat riveted to the TV screen. All in all I give this one a resounding 9 out of 10.
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Worse than AWFUL.
13 August 2000
All around this was a disappointment. It never is clear why she has a quizzical look on her face. And she needs further acting classes. Theron so far has little talent. Her grimaces are always the same. Depp is a let down. "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and "Donnie Brasco" reveal his abilities. Perhaps it is the whole film that needs re-writing. There are a few chilling moments but I kept rooting for the bad guy. This was not time well spent. I wish there were a way to show negative numbers. I would have chosen "-10", really, really awful.
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Total disappointment
15 July 2000
A total waste of time, car chase after car chase and unbelievable situations. This is a bummer. I gave it a 1 only because I could not give it a 0. In a class with Executive Power. I wish reviews were more honest. Fred Ward is growing old and Antonio Sabato, Jr. needs better material. What a waste of time.
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Executive Power (1997 Video)
A total waste of time.
15 July 2000
I gave this a 1. There are so many plot twists that you can never be sure to root for. Total mayhem. Everyone gets killed or nearly so. I am tired of cross hairs and changing views. I cannot give the plot away. Convoluted and insane. If I had paid to see this I would demand my money back. I wish reviews were more honest.
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Woody has done it again.
15 July 2000
Totally enjoyable. Clever writing. It all could develop this way or that way. Sorvino won an Oscar as she should have. I was captivated by Helena Bonham Carter. These Brits prove they can master our accents. I hope Woody has many more years in which to write and direct. If I were an actor I would plead for a part. Woody is AMAZING. Thanks.
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Lawn Dogs (1997)
An amazing experience, an amazing film
14 June 2000
I just lucked out. I had no idea what to expect. This movie was riveting. Rich people in their own little compounds are horrifying. They lack compassion. And they practise all kinds of unkindness. This kid eventually had a perfect relationship with this child and prejudices killed it. I am going to see this movie again and again. The chemistry between the little rich girl and this young man only trying to make a living as a gardener, well it was magic. And Camelot Gardens with its abysmal mores brought their friendship to an end. I am totally pleased with the ending. He to find new endeavors, she to return to her emotionally deprived father and mother. The whole sequestered compound is the evil in the piece.
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Totally engrossing
18 April 2000
How can one be so charming and likeable and then be a killer. The homo erotic love that slowly developed between film buff and hired killer (never truly consummated) was real and each realized it but too late. The evil one knew he was doomed. Better death than destruction of the only person who really mattered. I thought the protagonists played their parts to perfection. The ending is disturbing. But the plot though contrived does make sense. I have seen this film twice. Now when I see a charming and smiling face, I wonder "What's behind all that?" Makes you think twice. We all can be fooled by manipulative satanic individuals. I give this one an 8 or a 9.
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Absolutely Appalling
20 February 2000
Garbage from the get-go. Nothing redeeming about this film. If you enjoy movies that deal exclusively with the baser instincts, then this one is for you. Stilted performances. If I had paid to see this missterpiece (get the pun) I would have demanded my money back. Who are these inept actors that think they might be gifted. Such a sham. I say, destroy the prints and make believe like it never happened. Whew!!!
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Such dialogue
15 February 2000
I once saw David Mamet on a Dick Cavett show perhaps in the 70's and I was impressed with his wit and overall charm. I wrote him a short letter attesting to his performance and amazing as it may seem, he sent me a postcard from San Francisco thanking me for my interest. I was a resident of that wonderful city at the time. Why am I writing this? To let him know if he reads this that I think he is an incredible writer. Glengary Glen Ross is totally absorbing in the verbal exchange between the characters. It is so true to life. You end up despising all of the real estate salesmen because they toy and play with the truth and are all downright dishonest. Each has a price. At the end when Spacey says to Lemmon 'I despise you, always have', I only wish Lemmon had said the same about him. They all were despicable and so alluring in their lives of lies. I give the movie a 10 out of 10.
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Total garbage
4 February 2000
This movie was a mess. So many lines, so many characters, so little definition, so little logic. If I had paid I would have yelled for my money back. The performances were ludicrous. Andrew McCarthy was the pits. He gets the most stupid expressions on his face when acting. I guess you can guess I give this one a resounding '1'. Sorry, but I was unable to go lower.
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Body Heat (1981)
This is a must see. I have seen it 7 or 8 times.
4 January 2000
At the end when Matty is seated in her lounge chair on the secluded beach sipping a drink, a man comes up behind her and starts talking. Do we ever know his identity? His is just a voice. And can anyone tell me what he is saying. The sound track obliterates the conversation. And who says crime doesn't pay! This movie is flawless. Matty is the embodiment of pure evil. That was Turner's first role. And Hurt was superb as just a dumb cluck, a horny dumb cluck. What a film? And Ted Danson. What a far cry from Cheers. I give this one a resounding ten.
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Holds out hope that the right one for you is still out there
28 October 1999
I give this a ten. It just makes you feel good. Joanna is an eyeful and Brendan is at his best. That young man is an ACTOR. I thought his underplaying the part made it all seem the more real. He was a little daffy but then aren't all artists. What a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The equal to 'City of Angels'.
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We have no right to ask for perfection
4 September 1999
Meryl Streep as Kate, a woman dying of cancer, performs her role admirably. No wonder she was up for an Oscar. In the part she proves that caring and nurturing housewives are just as important as their sisters out in the business world. And the lesson she teaches about life's expectations and their lack of fulfillment as the relationship grows, that is the most important thing she teaches her daughter. We can expect too much of our mates. Realize that there are many slips and forgiveness or understanding are the main ingredients of a happy life. This is a sombre movie and the ending though sad, shows reconciliation between the father and daughter. I give this one a ten.
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Bulworth (1998)
If only the message would inspire the electorate.
4 September 1999
This is a great movie, inspirational in a way. Warren Beatty certainly proves his mettle once again.. Many a laugh but more than that, many indigestible bits to ponder. It is true, the voters no longer determine their destiny. It is the fat cat corporations that run the show. And we are lead along as if on a leash. I have often thought that God's purpose for putting us on earth is just what the movie suggested, namely, complete intermarriage and the melding of the races. Then color would be of no concern, once everyone goes along with the idea. This movie spurs me on to bigger and greater heights. Thanks, Warren.
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I Think I Do (1997)
So much shallowness
2 September 1999
None of these screwballs has CHARACTER. They all are looking for any excuse (thankfully not drugs) to plunge themselves into a drunken stupor. And then any type of behavior is pardonable. They seem to have no grounding, no true substance. They are caricatures, exaggerations. Gay or straight, I would not choose any of them as a lifelong friend or partner. It is all so pitiful. Wasted lives, wasted relations, wasted everything. They exhibit no qualities that would prompt me to pursue avenues of friendship. This movie is for the very young who choose to wallow in the absence of aspirations. All they are able to do is laugh and thereby lessen their terror of life and its responsibilities. They truly are cowards when it comes to self-examination and the foolishness of their reckless philosophy, all fun and nothing else. God protect us from these aimless wanderers. I was so disappointed. But then I am older. And that would explain a lot.
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This one is a charmer.
31 August 1999
I spent a pleasant evening last night viewing this superb portrait of americana. I only wish that I had grown up in such a small town. These kids, teenagers, had it all, most of all solid friendships. I never was able to determine for certain how many if any would leave that fateful Monday morning on the journey to Los Angeles, leaving the small town and its people behind. That some left was inevitable. That some stayed was natural. I would have stayed. As the song at the end said, Dancer may not be on the map, Mr. McNally but it ought to be. I agree. My next visit to West Texas will include it. What a delight I have waiting for me. I feel SO good!!!
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