
158 Reviews
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Amazing dog story let down by bad story telling
25 April 2024
Such an incredible plot. The man meets dog connection. Whilst I don't know the degree of truth, I did fall in love with the idea of it.

But unfortunately this great story is linked to some woeful story telling. It is just awful. The whole film is painfully unbalanced. It rushes in and out of the story, not caring for how little sense it made.

The acting was unremarkable and the Directing was TV movie at best. I didn't feel any of the energy from the race and it never felt hard work.

This could have been a great film, in the right hands. But instead, all we got was this. A rainy Sunday afternoon film with little to no quality about it.

But I have to end this on a high. The man who found the dog and gave him a home. Such love and respect. You're an absolute star!

RIP Arthur. Glad you found those few years with a loving family x.
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Scoop (2024)
Well cast, creative and interesting
6 April 2024
I enjoyed all the cast. All made me feel that this was an accurate telling of a tragic scandalous story.

The story was told in an interesting way, with some creativity in the timeline. I liked that it was told from the Bookers point of view, with Billie Piper performing as good as ever.

The drama and tension was good, even though we all know the ending. With the tension being just about right.

I struggled with the celebration of the BBC and the Programme, especially after the way they treated the main presenter after all of this. All of which was omitted, rightly, from this narrow scope of the story

But this was enjoyable and is one of the better Netflix productions. Recommended.
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Such a good cause deserved better writing
31 March 2024
I love Bill. A great actor. A legend. I love football. I admire the cause. Most of us are one cheque away from being in this tournament. So I was desperate to like this.

But the story was a little rushed and a little shallow. It knew the story it wanted to tell and just spewed it out. Very dumb and simplistic. Yes, it ticks the good feeling box. But it could have done so much more.

The herioin addict made a great first impression. Good acting. Believable character.

The cause that I have NEVER heard of. Why? My ignorance or a system failure. Why is FIFA not shoving this down my neck every Saturday!? But this film got the message to me. So I am wiser. And I get to thank this film for that.

So the film was a success. And I am grateful. Thank you 👍
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Road House (2024)
Looks great but performs like a donkey
21 March 2024
The original is great, spoilt with acting Kings. The mystery, the intelligence, the action and the style. It is cheesey but it works. And this new film just reminds me how perfect the original is.

I like Jake as an actor. Top notch. He can fit into this role. But the makers of this one were clueless. They failed to understand why the original worked. Instead, they just wrapped the weak story development around awful scenes. It all felt so forced. Like they were deliberately trying to mess it up. So much so they nearly turned it into a comedy. A slap stick parody? A joke.

It did catch my attention in places. For the camera work. The occasional glimpse of creativity. The drunk driver on the bridge scene. A clever way of filming it. Super fast. Super harsh. Interesting.

But 90% of the rest of the film is an insult to the original. Only because the Director didn't have a clue. The choice to go for the lazy option was the wrong one.

And bringing in a sport celeb to 'act' was a HUGE mistake. The final nail in the coffin. His woefully inconsistent accent was laughable. His miserable acting. His pointless inclusion.

This film is bad. Sorry Patrick. They messed with your legacy. They made it perfect! Right, I'm off to watch the original. A true masterclass.
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It struggled to maintain my interest.
15 March 2024
A bunch of fine actors who had to endure some poor dialogue, awful CGI and non-sensical pacing. I really wanted to like it but the whole series was very poorly written and directed.

It was glossy and cliche. The last episode was a masterclass on super fast forwarding because the director ran out of time. They went from desperate PoW's to flying home in a blink of an eye. It made no sense whatsoever.

The annoying bit was I really wanted to like it. Occasionally it would show me aspects of the war I didn't know about. But then it would speed up and poorly cover it. Then it would jump to another topic and do the same.

The whole structure of this series was flawed. The story became a parody. Hard to take serious. Far too much jumping around and shallow character development.

It is worth watching but it will deliver a poorly paced anti climax.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Predictably ridiculous! Copy & paste nonsense.
10 February 2024
I went into this film, knowing the actor and knowing what he typically does. All my predictions were correct, this was a lazy story with average CGI and amateur acting.

I try to reason with myself explaining that this is a brain switch off film and I should just enjoy the entertainment. However, the story is so painfully bad that I just keep screaming all the way along as it progresses to a ridiculously stupid and nonsensical ending.

I did like that the film was addressing the theme of the scammers on the Internet, but was disappointed to see that it glorified the call centres, making them high-tech, exciting and energy driven, rather than the dirty poverty rubbish centres run by desperate people.

The action was cliche, and the CGI was absolutely awful in some places. The violence was as expected, and Jason Statham did what he always does, together with his ridiculous voice. Don't get me wrong I like him as an actor, but this was just a very lazy pay cheque.

The climax was so poor you literally have to switch your brain off and forget who and where he is going to because if you start to think too much about the details, you will just simply switch off the television and go and paint the garden fence. And don't get me started on the cliche villain who came out of nowhere at the end to help create the bad ass fight scene which wasn't really needed.

If you like a lazy film with little to no thinking required, then this one is for you. It will no doubt do well in the box office, then it will join the Z list of ridiculous movies on the bottom shelf.

Not recommended. Because it was so lazy!
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A lazy script with some flat direction
4 February 2024
The fact is that we know they win. We all know that. So why on earth structure the story on that tension? It would never work and simply doesn't.

So this was the chance to find a part of the story we didn't know and tell that. But the film fell foul to a lazy script. It just didn't bother. Leaving us to endure multiple races all telling the same story. Lazy lazy lazy!

But it could have saved itself with some incredible direction. Exploiting the waves, the levers, the splashes, the sweat, the biomechanics and the agony. But nope. We just got copy and paste scenes with very few exceptions. No imagination to find its own image. Creativity was missing in action.

Leaving us with just sentiment and the hate of the vile right wing GOP, err, I mean Nazis (oops, my bad!). It ended up being a predictable rainy Sunday afternoon film. Nothing more, never less.

It is a watchable film. It is pleasant. But that's all it is. I do recommend it. Just don't expect a Wow film!
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
A little slow but I kept watching...
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this series, despite the pace being a little slow. The first episode was a good hook that packed mystery and a punch. I liked the two main characters and a lot of the other celebs that came in.

The layers of the story worked but I felt there could have been more to tell. What I watched was just scratching the surface.

The transition from strangers, to lovers to irritation didn't quite hit the mark for me, it felt a little rushed. But I enjoyed the interactions and the eventual friction.

The end was slightly fantasy with StormTrooper precision shooting. Not to mention a cliche ending that felt a little desperate for another series. The fade to black was a mixture of satisfaction and disappointment. The potential was there but the story got a little lazy as the end approached. I was expecting more intelligence from the script.

But I did enjoy it. And I do recommend it.
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The Violators (2015)
The slow moody cliche of depression
26 January 2024
The copy and paste production of yet another damp and depressing drama that sticks religiously to the same old worn out story of poverty and sorrow. The painfully slow pace. The lack of any highlights. The unimaginative dialogue.

The sad fact is that you will sit through this hoping it goes somewhere new and intelligent, just to realise that it has nothing to say. To say the end was an anti-climax would be a huge understatement.

But the two actresses did have something about them. Their casting being the single positive thing. It is just a pity that there was nothing here for them to show off their talents.

So just add this to the big pile of 'indie' disappointments that do nothing but depress the hell out of you. Not recommended.
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Reacher (2022– )
So poorly written. It is like a poorly filmed parody.
10 January 2024
I watched Series 1 out of curiosity. It has a high rating so it must be good. And the lead actor has something about him. But oh no, the cast were woefully let down by a script so poor that it is difficult to tell if it is a parody.

The story makes zero sense. The characters are laughable. The convenient plot twists painfully predictable. And the insufferable padding to extend the run time is criminal.

Yes, the low information voters will love it. I tried to like it. But it was a genuine insult to the intelligence. Switching your brain off to watch is not good enough. You need a major coma to get through the ridiculous final episode.

Leading me to believe that the high rating is just another failure of the IMDB system to prevent media companies from Rick rolling the numbers. Pity.
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Extraction II (2023)
Exactly as expected. Dumb sequel.
17 June 2023
Ignore the bot reviews to try and over inflate the rating. This film is bad. Defies logic. Defies science. Defies basic script writing. Defies just about everything.

The story went from ICU hospital bed to tired cliche prison breakout, with woeful dialogue, in minutes few. All baked together with wooden acting and sub standard CGI effects.

The cliche East European gangsters who appear to have whole armies. With fights in cliche industrialised factories. With cliche fights on a moving train. With cliche just about everything. Incredibly lazy tripe for easy post pub viewing.

For an actor who can demand what he likes, I fail to understand how he ended up agreeing to this. Oh yeah, money!

I quite enjoyed the first film. The baddie who eventually became a friend. Great character. But that was chalk and cheese compared to this mash of cinematic self indulgent masculine crap.

A film clearly aimed at those who don't like to think too much. Another one created for the masses. Another Netflix factory mess.
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Repetitive non-sensical fight scenes. Snore fest 💤
23 May 2023
I enjoyed the first film. 2nd was okay. Loved the dogs in the 3rd. But found this one painfully repetitive.

The story was ridiculous. It was parody on steroids. Even the loyal fanboy must be left thinking WTF!? It just rolls from one macho cliche to another not even trying to be a good film. Just lots of pointless fights. CGI blood. Predictable outcomes and plenty of convenient plots.

The lighting was wonderful though...

But just too many super hero characters that defy science and biology. What is the point of sitting through countless fight scenes when you know they won't be killed? It got so damn repetitive I genuinely lost interest.

The sicophants will love it. But those who enjoy a good film will be left head scratching. And yawning.
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Heartfelt and original
19 May 2023
I am of an age where this actor was huge in my time. One of the very big stars. So to learn a little more about him was always a welcome thought.

Very soon into this documentary you get the idea that it is different. A new approach to story telling. A lovely format using old clips, drama and humour. It is gentle but so very effective in communicating the heart of the story.

I enjoyed this because I learnt from it. It filled those gaps in my memory where he went off my radar. I can now understand why. Whilst it did make me feel sad, it also filled my heart with hope. Knowing that humans have the ability to overcome most things thrown at them. The human spirit is strong, and this documentary proved it.

I most definitely recommend watching this. A well made, well balanced and thought provoking documentary. Job well done 👍
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The Mother (2023)
A hobby project for a bored actor
14 May 2023
A high profile actor trying to break back in to the action genre. But this is built on a woeful story full of convenient narration and cliche plots of convenience. You are meant to believe that she is a top both Jason B type character. Then almost instantly becomes a Mr Bean character making amateur errors with reckless decision making. It is so bafflingly stupid.

The confirmation of the stupidity is reached at the Crossroads with the motorbike. Damn. That was some really forced fed and poorly edited story telling. It made no sense. Served no purpose. Achieved nothing. It was just an awful waste of digital hard drive space.

Sorry JLo but this film was a flop. It stinks of interference and clumsy story telling. The acting is awful and the story predictable and cheap.

Not recommended. A real stinker!!! 💩
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Silo (2023– )
Dull and boring Zzzzz...
6 May 2023
Insert your cliche Hunger Games atmosphere, add a sprinkle of The Island and then fill it with sleeping pills. OMG... the story is so painfully slow. I wanted to like it, but I kept day dreaming about paint drying.

It feels like one of those series that has a shallow story that needs to be dragged out just to merit putting on Apple. But there is nothing to keep you engaged and wanting to know more. Correction, there is a little mystery, but it is hard to find the energy to care about what the reality is.

This show had two episodes to get me to buy into the story. By the time the second episode ended, I really couldn't care less. I'm struggling to find a reason to want to watch the third episode...
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Mafia Mamma (2023)
This was really bad. Really bad!
5 May 2023
She is a fabulous actor. No dispute. Market leading. But WTF was she thinking doing this!? I have been left speechless. I have no clue what I have just watched.

Was it a parody? Light comedy? Or just a poor film? The story had potential. I can buy into the theory. But the execution of the story was just farcical. There was simply no effort to join all the poorly shot clips together. The dialogue was dumb. The editing amateur. The characters pointless. The stereotypes pathetic.

I have no idea who this film is for? Who gets that drunk!? The whole film plods from one poor scene to another. To say it was predictable was an insult to predictability.

Not recommended. Not even on a rainy lazy day.
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Hard to imagine a worse film in 2023 💩
7 April 2023
A Guy Richie film? Yep, I'll have some of that. Looking forward to it. But five minutes in, OMG, this was painfully bad. Bad dialogue. But story. Bad directing. Bad editing. And the list goes on...

I thought I was watching a parody. But it wasn't. I thought I was watching an action film. But it wasn't. It was just oh so pointless. The story is so painfully dumbed down. It is at coma induced spoon feedery. So clunky it felt like Paris Roubais on a bad day.

I like all the actors in this. But this was just a pay day. They turned up, spewed out their painful dialogue. Filled the dumb story. Collect their money and then went home.

Not recommended.
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Simply awful. Really bad.
30 March 2023
No amount of fake reviews will turn this into a reasonable film. I just don't know where to start.

I liked the idea of her entering the house and then soon exiting in fear for her life. The mystery engaged me. It felt fresh. She run for her life. What happened to her!? But then she got put in jail. Then it lost me. I heard a click inside me. It was ridiculous. And it just got worse.

I like the male actor and I liked her. But I felt embarrassed for them being in this. She was painted as totally useless. A very weak character that teases the idea of being strong but never is. And he is painted as evil and can do anything. His strength means the story is pointless. If he can do anything then the story is pointless. No logic. He is unbeatable.

The story plods from one pointless scene to another. Trying to be something but failing. She spends the whole film covered in blood and running. Weak from start to finish. Relying on a forced political message that is just laughable.

This could have been good. But instead it was a parody. Very poor. Not recommended.
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Not quite the budget TV movie I expected
25 March 2023
I was never a big fan of the original. It was okay but more hype. So I wasn't expecting much. And to be honest I didn't get that much. But I was surprised that it wasn't awful. The casting was reasonable. The lighting with mood. The grittiness real. Not perfect. But acceptable.

I remember the first film I watched being more about what you didn't see. Tension. Mystery. Thriller. The kids were slowly teased out. Invisible but evil. But this film doesn't take that approach. It is more jump scares and gore. Mixed with some average CGI.

The lead actor was convincing and I enjoyed the performance from the supporting evil actor. Both did well in this film.

The story, build up and roll out was unremarkable. I liked the portrayal of adults being rotten, corrupt and selfish. Very topical. But let's face it, you know what you are getting with this. It is very reliant on jump scares.

This film easily fits between a 5 or 6. It is a lot better than some of the stuff out there. Not quite my cup of tea but an acceptable creation. Certainly not worthy of a low rating.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
I got a little more than I expected
18 March 2023
Very loosely based on the truth. The idea was so whacky the trailer did interest me. Helped that I saw that it wasn't taking itself too serious. Then the hype machine kicked in and I was keen to watch it.

I was expecting a total cheese fest. But I was a little surprised. It was far from perfect. But it made me giggle. Some scenes were well shot. Some a little tense. So in general it was entertaining.

The CGI was a little patchy. But in places it was good. And the cinematography was okay too. The characters were very rushed and underdeveloped. The whole story wasn't Oscar winning but I wasn't expecting it to be.

I was sad seeing Ray in his last film. A true powerhouse in entertaining. Goodfellas being an amazing legacy to gift him immortality. Respect!

So if you don't mind a little blood and gore then you may like this. It was entertaining, funny and original. Worth a watch.
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Painfully clunky & predictable
18 March 2023
A vessel for promoting some lovely Cornish scenery. That's all it is. If you want an intelligent story with unique twists and suspense then it's a good job you will be stuck on the A303 getting to see it. This is a painfully predictable film with a story so lazy it is a little insulting.

There are some likeable characters and some credible acting talent. But this project was created for the sake of it. There was never an intention to create a real film here. Just another transactional activity aimed at earning a few pounds £.

Every scene, whilst pretty, just collided into the next. The story develops at a rapid pace, ignoring the need for logic or feeling. It just wants to go from A to B and doesn't care how little sense it makes or what well trodden cliches it spews out.

This is a Sunday TV movie at best. With the rain pouring down outside and the family isolating from the next plague.

I hope that it helps to promote Cornwall because it really is a lovely place to visit. Even without the massive CGI sunsets.
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Such dumbed down cheap nonsense
11 March 2023
Not really filled the TV show but like the actor. So gave it a go. But the first 15 mins was like a high speed cocaine rush of manic story telling. It shoved so much in and none of it made any sense. It was just convenient plot garbage.

The story is so cliche, lazy and dull. The acting was plain. The intelligence non existent. A film reliant on a nice looking gritty urban backdrop. But the super villain who controls everything was just cliche and laughable. Just so damn lazy.

You really do have to disconnect your brain with this one. It relies on make believe and every cop cliche there is. It is just a very badly written and produced film. Someone had a lot of cash to throw away. And did just that.
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A story too big for this Director
9 February 2023
I was astonished at the simplicity and pure lack of creativity and imagination with this made for TV movie. It literally goes from A to B, copying and pasting all the way. Nothing unique to see here.

All good bio pics don't dare tell the whole story. It is just too difficult to make something great when you have so much to say. So they find the magic within. That micro story. And they make magic out of that. This film couldn't be bothered with that. So just painted by numbers, doing a very formulaic blah blah of nothingness.

Whitney was an amazing artist. One who deserved only the best. But all she got was a low rated TV Movie. A really tragic story.

That said, the actress did act. She was very good. I just wish they had done the right thing and given her someone who could have found her true magic with an intelligent story and more creative direction.
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Did the Nepo director run out of money?
5 February 2023
The film wound up nicely. I liked the characters and the performances were all good. Kendrick was superb. I really felt the emotion. So much so I found it very tense to watch.

Then the excitement of guessing the fate of both him and the missing person. How were they going to weave the stories together. I was guessing and second guessing. But I had a good idea...

Then all the characters merged. So I was waiting for the big climax. The plot twist. The sudden reveal. It was going to be great...

But no. After some great performances, all I got was a slow burner that climaxed into nothing. We both looked at each other and asked "Was that it!?" And then the credits rolled...

This film had a lot of potential. But tried to be too clever for its own good. A damp squib. All that tension and build up for nothing. So yes, do watch it. Just don't expect any answers at the end.

I feel cheated...
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The Menu (2022)
Best film in a long time
13 January 2023
Leave your Marvel characters at the door and grow up. Now is the time for a real film. A stellar cast and a story that has the nerve to be original. All glued together with some intriguing acting and spell binding dialogue.

A mixture of character, thrill and mystery. All wrapped up in a way that leaves you wondering where the hell the story is going. I felt sucked into the despair, left wondering what I would have felt and done.

But the best was the end. Not a triumphant climax. No orchestra. No explosions. Just a well crafted, well acted and well executed finish. So refined it should be framed and hung on a wall.

I've watched this four times now. It keeps drawing me in. So of course I recommend it. And I hope you relish the freshness just as much as I did.
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