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MUCH better
8 July 1999
This film, although made almost immediately after, is NOTHING like the original stupid Pink Panther. Every scene contains lots of funny moments. Clouseau is much more clumsier in this film, and although his accent is still kinda shaky, still has much more funny lines. Also, we're introduced to Kato, who breaks up a drab setting to jump Clouseau and to mop the floor with his butt. And Commisioner Dreyfus, who is driven slowly insane by Clouseau's stupidity (his eye tic is a riot!) The final scene where Clouseau is interrogating all the murderers drags but is interrupted at just the right times when Clouseau breaks you up again by falling through the doors and later falls off the couch. Don't get put off by the age of this movie, rent it today.
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oh man, is this crap over yet?
8 July 1999
If you're suffering from insomnia, then pop this movie in your vcr and try to follow the complicated storyline and almost total lack of humor. I'm a HUGE Pink Panther fan and all the other movies in the series (with an exception to the Sellers-less films) are downright hilarious and fun to watch. But this first entry...BLECCH!! No Cato to kick Clouseau's @$$, no insane Dreyfus to go berzerk, just a whole bunch of boring sleepy stiffs. Plus, Clouseau's lovable nasely accent hasn't really broken in yet. The only slightly good part is the chase scene near the end but before and after that, I was struggling to stay awake. Avoid this movie at all costs and catch all the others (you won't miss much, or anything for that matter.)
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Jim Carrey's masterpiece
7 April 1999
Before I saw this movie, I regarded Jim Carrey as the most overpaid, overhyped goofball in Hollywood. After I saw this movie, I had very different thoughts about him. He plays his role as a simpleminded, innocent schmuck in his movie to perfection. Plus, he isn't a shouting screeching moron as in the Ace Ventura films or Cable Guy or a "serious" person as in Liar Liar or The Truman Show. Being a huge fan of "older" comedy movies (pre-1990s) a lot of the funny films today just don't compare to the ones of the past but this film is a HUGE exception. With the year 2000 breathing down our necks, I think it's safe for me to give this movie the "Best Comedy Of The 90's" award. On a final note, this movie kinda makes you feel all good inside as well. Think about it: two dumb morons who are plagued by bad luck all throughout their life just say "screw this" and drive across the country to Aspen to give a beautiful girl back her briefcase while encountering many perils along the way. Once in Aspen, the perils and the fortunes just keep piling up. The movie does have a sad ending in a way but hey, they're making a sequel so there's no need to pity Lloyd and Harry too much. Rent this movie right now.
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UHF (1989)
UHF= Uproariously Hilariously Funny
6 April 1999
I'm a HUGE Weird Al fan and if I were to be stranded on a desert island with a choice of either all his albums to listen to or his masterpiece of a movie to watch, I'd honestly choose to take UHF with me. I've seen this movie countless times and I still crack up whenever I hear lines such as "I'M THINKIN OF SOMETHIN ORANGE! SOMETHING ORAAAAAAANNNNGE!!!! GIVE UP?! IT'S AN ORANGE!!!" uttered by the crazy but lovable Stanley Spadowski. The movie and tv show parodies are very funny, although not as hilarious as the ones in the much raunchier Kentucky Fried Movie. The best thing about this movie is the characters. The actors who play them all fit their roles perfectly. The most underrated character in the film is the nameless homeless guy who bugs the crap out of the evil and hotheaded R.J. Fletcher whenever they run into each other. This movie deserves the title of "Best Comedy Of The Decade"
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Eddie saves the movie as well as the child
6 April 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Right away, I'll say that the plot for this movie is downright asinine. A toddler could have typed the script up. But thankfully, Eddie Murphy is downright hilarious in this film, making jokes and acting goofy in every scene. This movie contains some of the funniest scenes I've ever seen. While most people may just consider them.....whatever they want....I crack up just thinking about them. For example, the scene where Chandler (Eddie) walks into the bar and starts harassing the customers to tell him where Tommy Tong (who works for Sardo the demon) makes me laugh hysterically every time I see it. And the first scene where Chandler is on a talk show trying to tell the public about a missing girl and the flakey host keeps interrupting him also tickles my crazy bone. Hmm, lemmie think of one more: AHA! The dream scene where Chandler meets Sardo and his henchmen is making me laugh right now as I think about it while typing. There are just too many other funny scenes that make me chuckle uncontrollably to list here.

If you decide to rent this, you'll be in for some good laughs, even if you're not an Eddie Murphy fan. AND REMEMBER: STAY ON THE PATH!!!
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48 Hrs. (1982)
What's happenin luther? sorry about the door thing!
6 April 1999
This is one of the best action/comedy movies out there but I wanna comment on the characters. In my humble opinion, the best one in the movie is neither Reggie nor Cates but the poor frizzy-haired unlucky little sap Luther. Right from the beginning, his wife gets held hostage by the bad guys Ganz and (I always laugh when I think about this name) Billy Bear the indian. Then, he's forced to all these errands for them or else and finally just when you think he's all done following Ganz's demands and is about to get his wife back, he gets bullets pumped into him on their getaway bus. I was actually sad to see Luther get wasted because he made me laugh more then anybody else and the scene where Reggie opens the car door, knocking him arse-over-tincups to the pavement and then saying "What's happenin Luther?! Sorry bout the door thing, did that hurt when I did that?" is (pardon the pun) side-splittingly funny. Rent 48 Hours....and don't let your kids grow up to be like Luther.
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"most disappointing comedy of the decade"? NO WAY!
6 April 1999
I read somewhere on another site that this Brooks movie was considered by many people as "the most disappointing comedy of the decade". Obviously, those people never saw such dog crap such as Leonard Part 6, Hobgoblins, or Cobra. (yes, I consider Cobra a comedy. But I'll save that for another review.) Anyway, out of all the Brooks movies, this one has to be the raunchiest. (even more then Blazing Saddles) You actually also can learn something about history by watching it but once you see classic funny scenes such as the "mighty joint" or King Louie's "jump the queen!!!" you'll forget all about the educational part of the movie. Out of all of Brooks' original musical numbers, the Inquisition song I think is his most singable and has the best lyrics. (Actually, I love the Blazing Saddles theme song but that doesn't count because it isn't sung by Brooks himself.) If you like plenty of sexual inneuendo, and just plain gross bodily function jokes, you'll love History Of The World: Part 1. Hmm....I hear Brooks might be making a sequel to The Producers....sounds great but why not make us stop waiting and just make a HOTW: Part 2???!!!
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non-stop insanity
6 April 1999
Having laughed out loud and throughly enjoyed both Airplane! movies, I decided to see if the comedy genius trio of Jim Abrahams, Jerry, and David Zucker had any more masterpieces. When I discovered Kentucky Fried Movie, I rented it immediately. Well, I'm gonna say that this is my all-time favorite movie and there will never be a funnier movie made. The laughs in this film are non-stop.The whole entertainment and media industry takes a huge satiric beating, including public service commercials, educational films, and everything else imaginable. The best part is the very last scene when a young couple is getting quite intimate on the couch with the news on the tv in the background. The scene actually makes you stop and think that maybe tv isn't so "mindless" after all. Oh yes, and the theme song is a classic also.....I have it ringing in my head this very minute. If you want a comedy movie with an intriguing, serious storyline to go along with it, rent one of the Airplane! movies but if you don't give crap one about a plot and just want to laugh and not think, rent Kentucky Fried Movie.
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High Anxiety (1977)
High bouts of laughter
6 April 1999
This is the Brooks film that nobody remembers. That's sad because this is one of his better films. Although it doesn't have as many childish and raunchy jokes as Spaceballs or Blazing Saddles, it still gave me plenty of laughs. You don't have to know anything about Alfred Hitchcock to understand the plot (think of it as a simple funny murder-mystery.) The best scene is when the hotel bellhop goes Thorndyke mumbles out "That kid gets no tip." Oh yes, and the bird crap scene speaks for itself. As for the "High Anxiety" song that Brooks sings, it is nowhere near as good as the Inquisition song or the Men In Tights song. Oh well, that's why god invented the mute button. Rent this movie as soon as you's a lot funnier then you might think it is
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Silent Movie (1976)
a good idea/good cast but not enough good laughs
6 April 1999
One word describes this movie: predictable. Unlike other Brooks movies, where a wacky scene, joke, etc. comes out of nowhere, in Silent Movie you kinda know what is gonna happen next in virtually every scene, eliminating a lot of hearty belly laughs. You kinda get the feeling you've seen some of the scenes before from The Three Stooges. The funniest thing about the movie was the weird totally different look of the 3 main characters, with Mel Funn's sailor outfit, Marty Eggs' aviator gear, and Dom Bell's pre-1950s shirt, slacks, and wide-brim hat. Overall, a very disappointing Brooks film but not as much of a snore-fest as Young Frankenstein.
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More serious then obnoxious
5 April 1999
Before I saw Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein, I thought to myself "Wow, how in the world did Brooks produce two comedy masterpieces in the same year?" Well, I rented Blazing Saddles and LOVED it. I crack up just thinking about all the funny scenes from it no matter how depressed I am. The next week, I rented Young Frankenstein and I was so excited as I was putting it into my VCR. I thought it was gonna have the same wild wacky childish humor as Blazing Saddles. Well, when the movie ended, I was a little bit disappointed. The movie was very...ummm....serious. There were a few good laughs here and there and Marty Feldman's "Eyegore" chracter was great, but other than these 2 things, the movie just never tickled my funnybone and actually made me kinda sad when I saw the part where Dr. Frankenstein and the Monster first saw eye-to-eye. I really hate to bash my idol Mel Brooks but this movie is quite a bore to watch. If you're looking for plently of raunchy, childish, and obnoxious humor, rent Blazing Saddles but STAY AWAY from this one.
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