
35 Reviews
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Madonna Is The Best!!!!
8 July 2001
This movie was awesome! Madonna is my idol and this film show's how hard she works to be where she is, and that she doesnt take anything for granted. People that have commented on this film have said she is a bitch and that she is mean to the people around her, well to me thats perfectly understandable considering how grueling the tour schedules were, and everything that messed up onstage and how little time she had to herself. You would be mean and bitchy to, dont even say you wouldnt either!!! Also there are only acouple scenes with her being p***ed off. Towards the end she has very funny, and cute momments with her dancers. Also the concert scenes are so beautifully done. Whether you like Madonna or not, the truth is she is not going to fade anytime soon, and she will always be the most successful female artist of all time. Madonna is my idol and no one can ever compare or come close to her. 10/10
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Strangeland (1998)
People, It's Not That Bad!
12 April 2001
Being a HUGE horror movie fan I really liked and understood this film. It truely is a parents worst nightmare.... When i first seen the previews for it, I must admit I wanted to stay away, I thought it looked to gross for me to sit through. But one day my younger cousin rented it and I watched it w/ him. While, his older sister was disgusted,I wasnt...which was odd bc usually I get disgusted by torture scenes and stuff like that, but for some reason i wasnt w/ this film....its really not that gross...Robert Englund, & Linda Cardellini turn in the best performances. By the way to the person who commented on this film saying he would like to meet someone who liked this movie who is over the age of 12...well I am 16, and i liked it.....Please give this film a chance....Its really not that bad.
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Jawbreaker (1999)
Very GOOD!
18 September 2000
Great acting,Great chemistry,Great Movie! I hated the character Fern/Vylette and my fave character was Courtney and Julie. I also hated Marcie Fox and how everytime she was introduced she HAD to say "Foxy" that was too annoying for words. My fave scene is the beggining one and the one where the guy who played Kenickie from Grease is Marice's father and is lecturing her! That is so funny. Tatayana Ali shouldnt have been an actress and the revenge scenes r funny also. Very good. 7/10 PEACE!
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Scream (1996)
Very good Movie follwed by poor sequals!!!!
17 September 2000
This is SUCH a good horror flick w/ a great cast and great acting. One of Wes Cravens best i would have to say. The beggining scene is the best! Drew Barrymore should have gotten a larger part......and YES i know she was offered but still, she shouldve taken up the offer. Anywayz the one character that i really hate is Randy. He is so retarded. My fave character is Stu. 8/10 PEACE!
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The Curse (1987)
This movie SUCKS!
2 September 2000
Anyone that could sit throught this film and actually LIKE it is beyond me! This is soooo bad! I was laughing! The only reason i watched it was bc my cousin forced me to, bc she bought it only bc Wil Wheaton was in it then she watched it and regreted wasting 5 bucks! Why did Wil even waste his great acting talent and his GORGEOUS good looks on this?! Oh well he must of REALLY needed the money! My advice is stay very far away from this film! It's not worth it! 0/10
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Last Resort (II) (1994 Video)
One My favorite Corey Feldman & Corey Haim Movies!
25 August 2000
This movie was soooooooooooo FUNNY! I seen it on USA when i was obsessed w/ corey feldman and i used to tape all his movies that were coming on....Anywayz while i was watching it i couldnt help but realize how stupid it was but thats the whole point! Thats what makes it funny! Its very enjoyable and it has its good parts. But the character that REALLY annoyed me was Sonya (We share the same name too) She was so dumb! She could never make up her mind! Well definitely check this out if your a fan of either corey or both...either way its freakin' FUNNY! 10/10
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Scarface (1983)
It has its good parts..........
25 August 2000
I guess....But this movie is way to long! Al Pacino turns in a great performance (as usual) I hated the chainsaw was unbelievable....i mean in real life the guy would have just pulled out a gun! Not a chainsaw! That was messed up...Michelle Phieffer was excellent as Elvira. If you want a great movie this isnt it, but if you want an okay movie go w/ this!!!!

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A great thrill ride!
31 July 2000
I had this movie on a tape that my mom's friend gave to me..i wasnt really interested in seeing it until i heard that Demi Moore was in it then i gave it a chance....And what an awesome flick! I loved it! The characters were so real, and Demi turned in an excellent performance as usual...Bruce Willis is okay in it..kind of unbelievable at times but other than that, i seen a very good movie! Rent it! 7 out of 10
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Poltergeist (1982)
How anyone can be scared by this piece of garbage is beyond me!
28 July 2000
What a stupid movie! 1st of all,the acting by everyone, except, Heather O' Rourke sucked! 2nd of all, the special effects were downright dumb! They were so fake lookin! I was laughing! And, 3rd of all, Why were the parents, that seemed so loving and caring, smoking pot w/ their kids in the next rooms!? That totally threw the whole movie off! This movie is soooo boring just like the 2nd one! Oh, and the mom and dad are sooo retarded! They put their kids through sooo much danger! UGH! 0 out of 10
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The scariest movie ive ever seen
25 July 2000
Now u know me..ive seen ALOT of movies, mostly horror and till now the only horror movie that kind of scared me was "Pet semetary" well, "what lies beneath" totally scared me! I loved this movie! great acting and storyline! there were no flaws...awesome, please go see it! The whole theater was jumping and screaming!
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Center Stage (2000)
Too slow, but it's still good to see at LEAST once!
30 May 2000
I wanted to see this really badly and on the day it came out I wasn't as good as I expected but some scenes were really interesting and exciting, others were just plain slow and boring. The ending was unrealistic and I don't like that...The actors were I must admit, outstanding. This movie is good to see once, then move on....wait for it to come out on video.
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Malcolm in the Middle (2000–2006)
Very good!!!
9 January 2000
This is a good show, But i still dont think its better than "Freaks and geeks" All and all, its still very funny and cute. Check it out! Oh yea, Frankie Muniz is adorable! Hopefully, this will be on for a long time!
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Very cute, i love it!
24 December 1999
This movie is so good! I first seen it when i was six, then i bought it recently and i still love it, im 15 now. Plus, the acting was great, and Madonna is my idol and she did a phat job! Alot of people didnt like this movie, and i still to this day dont understand why.
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Stigmata (1999)
WAY better than the exorcist!
10 September 1999
i loved this movie,its one of my favorites! patricia arquette and gabriel bryne were brilliant! why is everyone comparing this to the exorcist? it was ALOT better and ALOT more interesting. so go see it right away! 10/10
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13 August 1999
I loved this movie!the acting was great! KISS rulez! soooooo funny! i thought all the boys were major hotties, especially lex¡¡!!! So take my advice go see this movie! you will not regret it! its the best 10/10!
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The best one in the whole series!
8 August 1999
I think this movie is the best! And im really mad at the people who disagree because i mean think about it: The acting is great, And it explains a lot about Michael Myers. It is a lot better than Halloween H2O OK? So watch this one NOW! 9/10
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The best vampire movie out there and you KNOW it!
8 August 1999
Oh why, WHY must people put this beautiful movie down? It is a masterpiece and Anne Rice is a genius in my eyes. I loved this film it is the best! Lestat is my favorite character in this movie he rulez! 10/10 peace out!
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The Kids in the Hall (1988–2021)
8 August 1999
I tape this show off comedy central all the time and love it! I mean what is not to love? I think all the kids are fine and great actors! Especially Brucio! The best show in the world!!!!!! I obsessed with it! 10/10 PEACE OUT
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I was soooo disappionted....
22 July 1999
This movie sparked my interest because Robert Downey Jr stars in it. So, i rented it. I found it dull and meaningless with no piont at all. The movie just seemed to drag on and on and i was just sitting there, bored and waiting for it to end. I must admit it sounded like a funny movie, but this movie has no comedy at all, i didnt even laugh once. But Robert Downey Jr did a good job so.... 2/10
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American Pie (1999)
mad PHAT!
9 July 1999
I loved this movie! you could relate with the characters, and the movie ACTUALLY had good acting. it was very funny, but that's not all it was. it focused on romantic scenes too. there are very few of them, BUT, they made the movie even better. one of the funniest movies i've ever seen. 8/10
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Only You (1994)
A great romantic comedy!
9 July 1999
Being a fan of Robert Downey Jr. i rented this film, and i was very pleased. there are a couple of laughs, and the plot and acting is great! its a film about following your heart, and believing in the impossible. 9/10
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i just sat there for 2 hours and laughed....
8 July 1999
what a pathetic excuse for a movie! the acting was so bad that i could do better with a videocamera and no script! the people and clothes AND music was so nasty in this movie i thought i was going to puke. i mean , i like 80's movies but this one just has to go, me and my cousin watch it just for laughs. 1/10
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City Lights (1931)
6 July 1999
This movie was great! Chaplin, was adorable playing "The little tramp" Who helps a blind flower girl see. the boxing scene was hilarious, and "The tramp" has a true heart of gold! "Be brave face life!" and see this movie! 10/10!
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Chaplin (1992)
very interesting
24 June 1999
being a huge fan of Charlie Chaplin i rented this film. its very good and kept my attention BUT i feel they did not explain enough about the things that took place and i felt the movie should have been longer. things moved to quickly. but Robert downey jr was a superb choice for the role of chaplin and it is definitely a must-see! 7 1/2 out of 10
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Psycho (1998)
give it a break PLEASE
19 June 1999
this movie was ok, and thats about it, all i was doin the whole film was making fun of anne heche and her ugly outfits then i got really bored and shut the movie off, HELLO?! its not even scary! the shower scene was supposed to rule, and it sucked. when i finally got the nerve i turned the movie back on and watched the rest, and i liked the end BUT i am sooo glad i did not see this movie at the thearter because i would have wanted my money back.not a must-see but if your bored.......REALLY BORED, rent it just to see for yourself. peace!
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