
3 Reviews
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Definitely the greatest show I have ever seen!
8 May 1999
I saw Riverdance - The New Show and loved it from the very first moment! It is an energetic tribute to Irish dance filled with brilliant dancing, music and choreography! The leads, Jean Butler and Colin Dunne had me captivated with their exquisite dancing! May they always keep shining and keep dancing. Their on stage chemistry was amazing, and the unity between them on stage was obvious. They look like they were made to dance with each other! This show is my absolute favourite, and probably always will be. Long Live Riverdance!
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Far and Away (1992)
A brilliant film!
8 May 1999
Far and Away is definitely one of my favourite films. The acting and the scenery were both superb and I absolutely loved the story. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise were both brilliant in their roles and the romance between Shannon and Joseph was very believable (most likely due to the fact that they were married anyway!). Nicole gave a superb performance as Shannon, the scenes in which she is acting the innocent, but rebellious and naive young girl were brilliant. And Tom was superb as the poor but ambitious Joseph. A truly brilliant film which deserves to be on the big screen, I hope to be able to see it at the cinemas one day!
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A brilliant film which tackles a difficult and controversial topic with much success!
8 May 1999
I saw The China Syndrome as a compulsory film for English at school and loved it! I missed a few days of school and missed the middle and end of the film when my class watched it and decided that I just had to see the full movie. I then went to the video store and rented it out! It was such a well made film that it surprised me, for the time that it was made, it was very well made and believable. It is a brilliant film, with superb acting and a great story! I loved every minute of it, and loved the very end most of all. The scenes where Kimberly Wells (Jane Fonda) was struggling to keep her composure while doing the report were some of the best and were also sad. I recommend everyone to see this film and I can't wait for a chance to buy it! I also hope to see it on the big screen some day!
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