
8 Reviews
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Perfectly done
27 January 2023
I bought this DVD years ago and have watched it a ton. The creator did a wonderful job capturing what made Neo special, and I'm incredibly grateful for it. It transported me back to a time in my youth that I now have a video for, thanks to him.

Neo was one of a kind in its maturity and how it welcomed anyone in the door - as long as you didn't behave like a d*ck. The Chicago night scene has felt a bit empty since it's been gone. And when I visit other large cities I'm always seeking out a dirty dark club hidde. In an alley, so I can try to recapture a little of the vibe. So far I haven't found anything that quite compares.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Worth the commitment. Wow.
22 March 2020
Masterpiece of a series. It's important to get thru the first 4 episodes. Those didn't grab me, initially. (I appreciated them later on 2nd and 3rd viewings).

There are characters, and scenes, and quite a few episodes, that stack up with some of the best in television history. And I'm 50, and have watched TONS of stuff. Epic. With a lot of fizz and sizzle along the way.

Doesn't take itself too seriously, yet can be completely engrossing at times. At least half of the actors in this are highly outstanding, and completely dedicated to their performance.

Highly recommended.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Where did this gem come from?!!
1 June 2003
Sure it re-used a lot of concepts from other movies, but so what? If you agree those were cool concepts, then just go with it, because this film presents it all VERY WELL.

This really is the thinking-man's sci-fi I've seen since the original Matrix. Excellent acting throughout, a story that builds nicely as the movie progresses, wonderful action sequences and some surprises at the end. You haven't seen anything until you've seen "gun-kata". Very cool. Very original.

See it at night, with no interruptions. And don't worry...the puppy doesn't die.
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You will LOVE it or HATE it
14 July 2002
This movie stays low key, and hits on a lot of levels with a lot of characters. But its like a great car that you drive down a country road in second gear: you will either appreciate the smooth ride, the beautiful weather, the excellent craftsmanship, and the music tying it all together nicely. OR, you will grip the steering wheel tight and feel the anxiety that comes with not going faster.

Apparently there are two definite sides here: those who think this film is a gem, and those who think it is a waste of time. I personally thought it was great, precious, and wonderfully done. BUT, had I gone in expecting something more funny (ie. "Meet The Parents") I would have been disappointed.

Either way, its a flavor that is definitely worth tasting. Rent two DVDs, put this one in first, give it 40 minutes, and then decide if it is for you or not.

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The Cell (2000)
Don't watch before bed...
14 July 2002
Wow. I love a good, demented movie, but this one takes the cake. Its like a Nine Inch Nails video without the music + Hellraiser + Technicolor + a lot of good drugs.

1. It is EXTREMELY well presented. Camerawork and coloring is in a league of its own. It is a beautiful piece of work. That said...

2. What is going on in the head of the person who conceived this nightmare??? My God...they should be locked up before they do something evil.

3. Did anyone else nearly puke when Vince Vaughn had his little adventure in hell? That makes the Reservoir Dogs scene look like it belongs in a Disney movie. Bucket please!

Overall, its hard to score this flick. DON'T watch it with the family. DON'T watch it if you're squeamish. DON'T watch it if you are emotionally unstable. DO watch it if you want to see something unique, although far from perfect, and you don't mind bizarre and graphic violence.

Ok, I need to go vomit now. Cheers.
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An absolute MY opinion
30 December 2001
WOW. After reading all these reviews, I think everyone will fit into one of these groups after seeing "The Royal Tenenbaums":

A) You will love this movie with all your heart. Not for the humor, or the people starring in it, but for the wonderfully filmed details, the subtle nuiances of the script, and the unique 'environment' that Wes Anderson created in this little world. Each actor is slotted into a specific character for a reason, and portays them to perfection.

B) You will be disappointed, because you were expecting a slapstick comedy after seeing the previews, and don't have the flexibility to change gears and simply recognize good moviemaking. You probably thought 'Rush Hour 2' was a good film.

C) You will complain that it isn't as good as RUSHMORE or BOTTLE ROCKET. Come on! Don't base it against those classics. Base it against the other 1,000+ movies that have come out over the past three years. This one certainly ranks high, considering the excellent balance of emotion, visual artistry, humor, and HEART that you were fortunate to sit through for two hours.

We should all go to the movies demanding QUALITY entertainment for our $8, and the entire crew gave us just that. Their love and caring shows throughout. If you enjoyed it, then I think you are someone who understands that gems like this should be appreciated for what they are, and thanked God you weren't spending your money and time on another "Pearl Harbor" or "Saving Silverman".
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Soak it in....!!!
19 December 2001
There is no need for me to analyze this movie in full detail. Everyone else can do that.

Suffice it to say, this is a BIG movie. A lot of people go to a lot of places and do a lot of things, and only have three hours to do it. By the time its over you find yourself a little exhausted, but dying to see The Two Towers (Part 2).

As time passes I find myself liking this movie more. While watching it scene-by-scene, you think some stuff is great, and some stuff is just okay. But once you have the chance to really step back from it all and soak it in AS A WHOLE, you realize how truly grand and magnificent this film is.

The movie is often violent, but not really gory. Its not sugarcoated. It isn't for young children. But if you have a 10-12 year old boy PLEASE take them to see this, so they can grow up with the enchantment and memories that many of us experienced with Han Solo, Darth Vader and the gang.

Don't hold all the Burger King promotions and non-stop TV ads against this movie. It is a great, large adventure. Go see it on the big least once.
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The Matrix (1999)
Who Could Possibly Find Fault With This Movie????
24 April 2000
I'm stunned to see the people giving this movie bad reviews. Who are they? What do they like? Where are they from?

I've been around long enough to know a great ENTERTAINING movie when I see one. I'm 31 years old. I saw the original Star Wars the day it opened, as well as all the other ones on opening day. I think The Godfather is the greatest movie ever. I think Sean Penn is brilliant. I think "Bottle Rocket" was extremely underrated.

That said, I feel like I know a good flick when I see it. This movie simply ROCKS! I've never left a movie feeling both intellectually stimulated and energetically charged like this. It MUST be seen on the big screen, or a great TV with good loud sound. By the end I was ready to run out into traffic and jump from car to car. What a rush.

So, if you have NOT seen this, give it a try. Don't trust the reviews in here that are negative. See it with an open mind, pay close attention to the story, and enjoy. I've now seen it about 8 times, but the first time is always the best.
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