
2 Reviews
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Authentically Human Filmmaking
3 June 2014
There's great magic in Words and Pictures. And that magic comes from the sheer joy of watching a real human story so eloquently played out before our eyes. In a time when we are bombarded by CGI laden, tent pole films crafted by marketing firms rather than great storytellers, it is refreshing to find a summer film that focuses on character and the human condition. I loved this film and the emotional journey it takes us on. Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche are both at the top of their game in this film, giving us layered performances that are humorous, touching and yes… I'll use the word again… human. The greatest strength of this film is it's screenplay with it's honest look at relationships. The relationship between words and pictures becomes the vehicle by which we dive into all the emotional relationships. These are flawed and delicate characters making their way through the minefield of life. Fathers and sons, lovers, coworkers, mentors and mentees. All of the relationships play out so beautifully and honestly on screen. From our wonderful leads to even the smallest of supporting characters, not an emotive moment is wasted. Thank God there are films where great writing is still revered and producers, directors and actors who take a chance with those words and bring them to the screen in glorious moving pictures. Don't miss this one!
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Garpenfargle (2004)
A small dog left at home for the day has fun on his own.
22 November 2005
Of the many short films by students that I get to see at festivals and through friends, this little film has always stood out for me because it does so many things right as a short film. First and foremost it tells a story VISUALLY and uses only a hint of dialogue. It also is visually fun and creates a full well rendered character out of it's small canine lead, something many big Hollywood films with animals fail to do. From a sheer entertainment standpoint is pure fun to watch. I found myself laughing through out and I am always showing it to friends when the discussion of fun short films comes up. Technically the filmmakers do a GREAT JOB with shot selection, editing and music. This film is a great example of how a great short film can be made with the simplest of setting and resources. Great job guys!!!
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