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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
One of the most spectacular films I have ever seen
10 June 2001
Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor both have incredible voices (especially McGregor), the story is exhilerating, the costumes are breath-taking, the sets are lavish and spectacular, and the musical numbers will stick in you head for a long time to come. And those aren't even the best parts of the movie.

I was initially very leary about Moulin Rouge, but about 45 minutes in I realized I was absolutely in love with the movie.

Nicole Kidman is absolutely radiant on screen - and shows a wide range of acting ability. Although I've had a thing for her since seeing Far And Away, Moulin Rouge takes it to another level. Nicole Kidman is absolutely beautiful (pity Tom Cruise for letting her get away).

The Elephant Love Medly and Like A Virgin musical numbers are nothing short of fantastic.

I don't think I'm going out on a limb to say Moulin Rouge will receive Academy Award Nominations for Art Direction and Costumes. Possibly for make-up and original song as well (Come What May or I'll Fly Away).

I just hope the DVD is a director's cut with even more scenes - or at least a lot of behind the scenes stuff.
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Brigham City (2001)
Thoughts on Brigham City from a non-Mormon (no spoilers)
13 April 2001
First and foremost, Brigham City is a murder mystery. But it's also a story about how a murder can make victims of everyone who lives in a small town that is supposed to be safe.

While Brigham City is set in a predominantly Mormon town in Utah, but it could just have easily been any small town in America and the people could have been of any faith (or none at all). The people of the town feel safe and secure. No one locks they're doors. Everyone knows everyone else. Then their sense of security is shattered by a spree of vicious murders. Suddenly everyone is on his guard and quick to distrust those they have trusted for years.

The plot of Brigham City really has the feel of a traditional Hollywood thriller, the addition of Mormon culture give the film a higher level of depth. While the film is about Mormons and provides some brief glimpses into their beliefs and customs, it does not attempt to convert audience members to the LDS church.

In his second film, Richard Dutcher does an admirable job of bringing this story to the big screen. The film feels more professional and polished than his previous entry (God's Army), but at the same time doesn't feel like the typical Hollywood fare.

What works in this movie is Dutcher's attention to detail and the depth of the characters. I was pleased to see how the violence in the movie was implied rather than shown directly. I was also impressed by the casting of Wilford Brimley. There may have been a commercial reason for him being attached to the film, but his presence gave the film a feeling of familiarity.

Dutcher also makes great use of camera angles and music to cast each person as a suspect. This is also the film's low point, as it is used so much it begins to bog down the story. Non-Mormons may feel that certain points of the movie are a bit too preachy.

All in all, Brigham City is a decent movie. I don't recommend it for younger children, as some of the implied violence may be disturbing, but most people over 13 will probably be drawn into the story the same way you would a traditional Hollywood thriller.

You might ask why I (a non-Mormon) interested in seeing Brigham City. Since I manage the movie theater where the film is playing I wanted to be able to give an informed opinion about the movie. As a movie fan, I was interested to see how Brigham City stood up to other Hollywood and independent films. As a person, I was interested for the glimpse of Mormon culture the film provided.
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Don't expect anything more than entertainment and eye candy
3 November 2000
Charlie's Angles was entertaining. Charlie's Angles was fun Cameron Diaz, Drew Berrymore, and Lucy Lui were wonderful to watch. What more needs to be said.
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A total waste of time!
27 October 2000
The only reason I even watched BW2 was to test run it for my theater (looking for presentation problems). Horror movies usually scare the sh** out of me and I thought this movie would do the same. BW2 didn't even flirt with being scary. About the only thing I took away from the movie is the amazing resemblance that Jeffrey Donovan bears to Ralph Fiennes.
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Lucky Numbers (2000)
Not a bad recovery for Travolta or Ephron
27 October 2000
Admittedly I will be among the minority of people who liked Lucky Numbers. That said, I think it's an interesting story with some good laughs. John Travolta and Lisa Kudrow are good (although you will be wishing Kudrow's character would meet a semi).

Set in 1988, this story is about what happens to a popular weather man who rigs the state lottery with the help of his girlfriend who happens to be the lottery "ball girl". What's funny is watching how deep the characters get into trouble and how each attempt to get out of trouble gets them in even further.

Although 100 different directors besides Nora Ephron could have done this movie better, it's not a bad recovery from Hanging Up. And for Travolta, it should get him back in the good graces of those unfortunate souls who saw Battlefield Earth.
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Don't read too much about this movie! Avoid Spoilers
19 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Pay It Forward is an excellent movie with excellent acting. It is likely to get some recognition come Oscar time. But I won't say anything else, because I don't want to ruin this movie. Everyone else should do the same. 9 out of 10
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The Cell (2000)
The Cell is by far the strangest movie I have ever seen!
17 August 2000
The film starts off with a surreal walk over a massive sand dune to blaring Arabic music, and gets stranger from there.

Jennifer Lopez plays psychologist Catherine Deane who, through the wonder of modern science, goes inside the mind of schizophrenic patients. In the movie's opening scenes, we learn that she is participating in research project to bring catatonic schizophrenics back to reality. This premise is the set up for the main story in which the FBI is trying to stop a schizophrenic serial killer who's crimes are becoming more frequent. As luck would have it, the Feebs catch up with the killer as he collapses into a permanent state of catatonia. The problem is the he is the only one who knows where his latest victim is being hidden. Desperate to find the girl before she dies (in a manner that gives rise to the film's title) Catherine (Lopez) goes into the mind of the killer in hopes of finding the missing girl.

What follows is a series of very strange scenes I really can't find the words to describe. The visual imagery of The Cell is at times beautiful and at times disturbing. The sets and costumes are elaborate and well crafted. If the academy isn't turned off by the story, The Cell could pick up a couple of nods in February.

A few cautions about this film. If you do not like movies that jump around with little continuity, I would recommend you pass on this one. Also, this film is rated "R" and I would take the rating very seriously. Although the language is minimal, there is some violence and numerous depictions of mutilated female bodies (many of them nude).

I don't know that I can go so far as to say I liked The Cell, but it was definitely better than I expected. All in all I give it a 7 out of 10, because that's the max I will give without saying I actually liked a movie.
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Scary Movie (2000)
I Laughed My Ass Off!
9 July 2000
The characters are flimsy at best, the plot is virtually non-existant, and the jokes are rude and crude.

But who cares, this is the funniest movie to come out in a long time. I didn't care for Austin Powers (either one), and I didn't even laugh once in Duece Bigelow. So why did I find this movie so funny? Because it didn't even begin to take its self seriously. Yeah it had the usual fart jokes, but in this movie it's the women who fart. Carmen Electra gets her silicone implant ripped out with a knife, there's a gym teacher with the biggest balls ever seen, and an orgasm that puts "Old Faithful" to shame.

Don't go to this movie expecting great acting or a great script. Just go to have fun and sit back and enjoy yourself. A word of advice; leave the kids at home or send them to see Chicken Run.

By the way stay for the end of the credits, there is a surprise that is worth the wait.
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God's Army (2000)
All in all a decent film
3 June 2000
Let me first say that I am not a member of the LDS church. In fact I am agnostic. I recommend that if you are Mormon, you skip over this review.

I enjoyed watching this film. The way you enjoy listening to a lecture about an ancient civilization. The story is very simply about Mormon missionaries, with subplots that have varying degrees of creditability. This film is not a sanitized, sugar coated view of missionary life (aside from an obvious lack of profanity from those who slam the door in the face of missionaries). In fact, the opening scene of the movie consists of a drive through LA. Along the way you see tattoo parlors, strip clubs, and cops in the process of arresting a criminal. This film even contains a pair of prostitutes (don't get to excited, there is nothing going on).

The films main character is Elder Brandon Allen, a 19-year-old kid from Kansas. Allen is confused about the purpose of his mission and is struggling with the collapse of his family (his mom is leaving the church and his step-dad who brought him into the church is in prison for molesting children). Brandon's companion is Elder Dalton (played very well by director Richard Dutcher), a 29-year-old missionary who is dying of brain cancer. The relationship that develops between Allen and Dalton is predictable, but at the same time has the feel of realism.

There are a few scenes where we see the two missionaries attempting to share their religion with other, usually with the cliché reaction.

One thing that pleased me about this movie was the definite lack of religious ideas. Sure the missionaries pray and talk about God, but we are never given any real insight in to the fundamental ideals of Mormonism. In fact the film seem so devoid of these ideals that you get the impression that Dutcher was intentionally leaving them out. Perhaps because the majority of the audience will already know them and because the "others" don't need to hear them presented by this medium.

At times, God's Army starts to feel like an anti-Mormon movie. There is even a missionary who is reading books that question the validity of the ideas in the Book of Mormon.

The down points of this film include a under developed relationship between Allen and a female missionary. This relationship almost feels obligatory.

I was very drawn into the movie right up until the final 20 minutes. Dutcher ends the film in a way that is clearly intended to satisfy the Mormons.

If you like independent film and have an open mind, I would recommend seeing God's Army. If you like to go to a movie strictly for entertainment and don't like to think about what you're watching, you might want to skip this one.
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A wonderful movie with a Gump flavor!
27 April 2000
Where the Heart Is, is a very wonderful movie that allows the viewer to just sit back and enjoy. As you watch Novalee Nation (Natallie Portman) transform from a vulnerable down on her luck and knocked up teenager to an elegant and wise young woman, you can't help get sucked into the story. You laugh at her obsessive hate for the number "5" yet are amazed at the way bad things always happen involving fives.

You feel bad for Lizy (Ashley Judd) and her awful bad luck with men, not to mention her children who have snack foods as namesakes. Yet you think of someone you know who always seems to attract the worst of the other sex.

And you feel relieved (and yet sad) when you see the failed life of Novalee's boyfriend who dumped her at Wal-Mart.

The only negatives are that the movie gets a bit slow in certain places and gets "preachy" at times.

If you have ever been pregnant or lived with a pregnant woman, you will really be able to relate to a lot of the humor in this movie. And if you have children, you will feel the full emotional impact of this film

I highly recommend this movie for almost everyone. And guys, it's not a chick flick!
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Without Paul Winchell, Tigger isn't
28 February 2000
Paul Winchell, Sterling Holloway, and Sebastian Cabot. They are the reason why Winnie the Pooh was so endearing. Jim Cummings and John Hurt just don't have the magic.

Call me sentimental, but I did not like the Tigger Movie. The main reason is that the voices are not the same. While the animation was essentially the same as every pooh cartoon I have ever seen, I couldn't get past the fact that Tigger just didn't have the same spirit and exuberance. Even Eeyor had a noticeably different voice (much deeper than the Eeyor of old).

Besides the different voices, the story was very slow. In fact, the movie put me to sleep.

I admit that the kids will like this movie, but I'm not sure how those of us who grew up with Pooh will feel.
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The Avengers (1998)
Belongs on everyone's "be sure to miss" list
7 January 2000
I will say this for "The Avengers", "Knock Off" was worse. Aside from that, this movie is the worst I have ever seen.

I can't believe that Sean Connery, Uma Thurman, and Ralph Fiennes would allow their careers to go this far down.

Put this move on your be sure to miss list.
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Jim Carrey CAN act, and I Loved it!
28 December 1999
Let me first say that I am not a fan of Jim Carrey. The first movie of his I saw was "The Cable Guy" and I swore I would never watch another. Then I watched "Liar, Liar" and didn't think too much better. Then came "The Truman Show"; I was somewhat impressed. However, I wasn't too thrilled about watching "Man On The Moon". Given my feelings about Carrey and the little I knew about Andy Kaufman, this didn't seem like my kind of movie.

Guess what. Not only did I like "Man On The Moon", I loved it!

Jim Carrey proves he can act, and he does it very well. "Man On The Moon" was funny, sad, touching, and more. Often at the same time. Danny Divito was good and Courtney Love will probably win a Supporting Actress nomination.

It is uncanny how Carrey was able to take this controversial comedian and make him human. By the end of the movie you get a sense of knowing who Andy Kaufman was and why he did the things he did. I was very young when Taxi was on, and had no real knowledge of Kaufman. I can only imaging what this film will be like for those who actually followed his career.

I don't know what else to say. I loved this movie!
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This is Good!
26 December 1999
Any Given Sunday is a very good film about what goes on behind the scenes of pro football. Al Pachino is very good as usual and Cameron Diaz is just as powerful. In fact, I was expecting Pachino would overshadow Diaz. Far from it.

Jamie Foxx is good as the arrogant third string QB; LL Cool J, Jim Brown, and Lawrence Taylor (aka LT) are all good in their respective roles.

There are a couple thing that bothered me about the film. The football scenes were filmed extremely close up, which makes it very hard to following what is happening. Also, there are some inconsistencies in the football scores and scheduling.

This aside, I would recommend this film for anyone who is not sensitive to what they see.
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I Really Liked Bicentennial Man
17 December 1999
That's why I gave it an 8 out of 10. I felt that Robin Williams did a wonderful job of creating a character that was not quite human. I think that the make-up was wonderful, and will most likely be nominated for an Oscar. The way the characters age throughout the movie made you wonder if this hadn't been filmed over a period of decades.

There are, however, a few things about Bicentennial Man that didn't quite sit right with me. First off, I feel that the story didn't spend enough time developing the relationships between the characters. A couple of the supporting characters were introduced and then quickly dismissed. Perhaps this was on purpose - if a robot is around for 200 years, not everyone it comes in contact with will have a significant role.

Beyond the development of the characters, I thing Bicentennial Man lacked a spark or warmth. Through out the movie I kept thinking to myself that something was missing. If you have any ideas on what that something was, please let me know.

Also, I would like to warn parents that there are a few things in this movie that are a bit risqué. And in spite of what the previews may have made you think, this movie is not for kids. Most children under 13-14 would probably be board with this movie.
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End of Days (1999)
A cross between a shootem up action flick and a religous horror film?
16 December 1999
After Twins, Junior, Kindergarten Cop, Terminator, and his other good roles; this has to be considered a step back for Arnold.

He plays a drunken/suicidal cop with the opportunity to save the world. The script is filled with inconsistencies and contrived explanations. And Arnold gets to shoot things and blow things up.

See End of Days if you want to see things blow up. Otherwise, skip it!
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You must see this one!
15 December 1999
Anna an the King has to be the best historical film I have ever seen.

Jodie Foster is at her very best (as if she could do less) and Chow Fat does a good job too. The sets are lavish and evoke the image of a kings palace. This movie is very entertaining, and really draws you in. There are several high emotion scenes that make you feel like you are a part of what is happening to the characters. I now want to learn more about Anna and King Mongkut.

Although I haven't seen every movie this year, I would have to say that Anna and the King would be the favorite for Costume Design and Artistic Direction Oscars. I would also bet on Jodie Foster being nominated for Best Actress, and the Film for Best Director and Best Picture. May not win all of these, but I would bet on nominations.

In short, I really love this movie!
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Don't waste your time!
10 December 1999
Somehow, the trailer for Duece made this movie look like it would be a hilarious comedy. When I watched the movie, all I could do was scratch my head and wonder what I had found funny.

I did not laugh at this movie! In fact, I don't think I even gave a little chuckle more than once or twice.

I think the only joke involved with this movie was the fact that it was even made.

Go see The Green Mile, or if you want comedy find a theater that is playing "Being John Malkovich". Just don't waste your money on Duece Bigalow
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If you like "Films" you must see this one!
17 November 1999
Short and sweet. I had very high expectations going into this movie. I was not disappointed! If you like John Malkovich, John Cusack, or Cameron Diaz you will probably like this movie!

By the way, there were no cheesy lines about Malkovich and Cusack both being in Con Air.
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Superstar (1999)
What can I say? I liked it!
10 October 1999
I work in a theater, so I see almost every movie that comes out. I saw Superstar with expectations of laughing. I laughed! I haven't seen SNL since the days of Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Dennis Miller, etc.; so I have never seen the Mary Cathrine skit. That aside, I felt that this movie was just like an SNL skit, complete with the stupid comedy. I know this film won't win any Oscars or Golden Globes, but I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting to laugh.

By the way, if anyone can clue me in about the VW bugs, I would be most grateful.
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Random Hearts (1999)
Slow, but not bad
10 October 1999
I like Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Indian Jones. I'm not such a big fan of his more dramatic roles. Although I have liked many of Ford's movies, they all seem to have the same kind of feel to them. This movie is no exception. There is a love story, which kind of comes from left field and then goes nowhere fast. There is the struggle to find out the truth about his wife. And there is the sub-plot about the crooked cop.

As I watched Random Hearts, I found that I could sympathize for Ford's character. But I just had a hard time getting into the movie. I would probably recommend this movie for video night.
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Judd is good; Jones....we've seen this before.
23 September 1999
I think that Double Jeopardy is another case of the trailers making the movie look better than it actually is.

Ashley Judd played a pretty good and for the most part believable role. Tommy Lee Jones played the same character he has played in every movie.

Although this movie had great potential, the script was not written well. You know that Judd's character is convicted of murder, but not what degree of murder. This leads to the question of how a convicted murderer gets parole in just 6 years. There is a point where Libby (Judd's Character) learns that her husband (whom she was convicted of killing) is still alive. Rather than trying to prove he is alive and prove her innocence, Libby gets herself in shape so she can track him when she gets out. In order to get out, she admits she killed him and throws herself on the mercy of the parole board. I can't help wondering if these are really the actions that a woman would take in this situation (especially a woman with an affluent background).

Double Jeopardy had a lot of potential. The writer could have written a richer and more believable story. And if someone other then Tommy Lee Jones had been cast, this movie may have reached its full potential.
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Must see if you liked The Sixth Sense
11 September 1999
Although the acting wasn't as good as The Sixth Sense, you should see this movie if you liked The Sixth Sense.

I thought Stir of Echoes was scarier than Sixth Sense, and Echoes had some awesome Cinematography . For example, there is a scene where Kevin Bacon's character is being hypnotized. The camera fades in a way that makes you feel like you are closing you eyes, and then you hear sounds like a glass clanking to the side, and other people whispering beside you. I almost felt like I was being hypnotized.

Stir of Echoes is rated R, but the only reason is lots of language and a few shots of a bare breast.
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Stigmata (1999)
Not bad, but probably not for everyone.
10 September 1999
Stigmata is about a non religious woman who suddenly starts to develop wounds like the crucified Jesus. As the priest/scientist who comes to investigate these wounds tells her, this only happens to deeply religious people. So why does it happen to this woman?

I have a hard time saying that I liked this movie, but I also have a hard time saying that I didn't like it. This movie is full of religious references, and may be hard to understand for those who do not know about Catholicism. Also, this movie may not be for those who are deeply religious and are offended by anything that question the church.

About the best way I can describe this movie is, Interesting.
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No laughs, but a decent love story
3 September 1999
I'm kind of baffled as to how Outside Providence could be billed as a comedy. I think I laughed all of three times during the movie, and none were more than a chuckle. This film has also been called a "gross out" comedy. The only gross thing I remember is a guy getting puked on.

In spite of that, I did like the movie. I thought the relationship between Dunph and Jane was very comfortable and believable. And some of the interactions between Dunph and his friends (at home and at school) were entertaining.

I went into this film with very low expectations. I left with my expectations slightly more than fulfilled.

One note. The teenagers, to whom this film is targeted, will most likely be board.
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