
7 Reviews
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Actually turned out to be very good!
22 November 2021
The title doesn't help. I was actually ready to pass but I did what I call movie click bait, I watched the movie. Good surprise, indeed! There're here and there the typical clichés but remove them and the movie is very decent. The protagonist fit a certain role in life and manages to find another that suits her much better. Worth the watch !
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And we are back!
7 March 2020
I remember how adoringly and epic was "the first part" about Ye Hua and Bai love story. Since I don't want to leave spoilers of that one here, all I'm going to say that that story is among my list of the greatest love stories I've read or saw. Right with Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, all of my fav Shakespeare stories, etc. I don't mind people saying I'm overreacting. I stick to my opinion.

Now we have this little gem with a tragic love that just needed to be developed. While the first part had more epic view of gods and goddesses, this one is more human. That's all I'm gonna say 'cause I seriously don't want to leave spoilers of this one too. Take apart the logic changes in storyline that had to be there, this is truly a second part to Eternal Love. Great performances by Don Hua Dijun and in general all the cast. A very special thanks for getting as many of the original cast as they did (what a treat to see Yang Mi reprising her role!). Watch it, first Eternal Love and then this sequel. Good times are ahead for you.
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Right story, right actors
19 February 2020
I try to see productions from around the world, just for learning and fun. Korean and Chinese productions have caught my attention a lot! Maybe it's because it's such an unknown "territory", so different than my own culture and also because I taught in an international high school and had Japanese, Korean and Chinese students who were always happy to chat and share. Anyway...

This is one of my favorite series so far and I'm including American, British , all. The comic relief was really fun and well done but what had more impact, for me, were the tragic line and the amazing casting (genius). Please excuse me if I mess up the names, I don't speak Korean.

The actor who played Shin Kim was brilliant. He must be quite a renowned actor over there. If not, he should be. He was able to do both comedy and tragedy in the coolest way. The actor who plays the grim reaper is very good as well. Another actor that called my attention was that officer Park. He gave to the character just the exact amount of evilness without overacting. He scared the &@'j out of me.

And last but not least, the actress that played Sunny, amazing at portraying a strong capable woman who survives on her own and doesn't need anyone but herself. Very cool indeed and a role model for certain. But let me point out that all actors were a perfect fit

The story is so deep and well elaborated; well thought and has even one or two sublime scenes that left me out of breath. Go on and watch this series. You won't regret it one bit.
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Roma (2018)
The feelings...
23 February 2019
The time period of this movie is the beginning of the 70's. Just two years before that horrific Tlatelolco Massacre happened. Students (hundreds and hundreds of them) were peacefully protesting (as it was happening all around the world, but particularly in France). The Tlatelolco Square had, I think, three points of entry. Those were blocked with all the students, teachers and the army inside. Nowhere to hide. Then an elite paramilitary group started shooting. They even searched all the apartments sorrounding the square and kept with the executions. I mention this because many people don't know how bad it was in the aftermath. If you want to know more (and if you can find it), there's a tough heartbreaking movie that depicts all this. I don't know how they titled it in English, but in Spanish is Rojo Amanecer (Red Dawn).

So, the sociopolitical situation in Roma is this aftermath. It's a VERY realistic and raw movie.

Now, three generations of empowered women in Cuaron's movie is just marvelous. Can't say more because I hate spoilers.

Just watch the movie. It's beautiful to hear a language that is basically forgotten. The weird black and white makes it even more realistic. One of the best movies I've seen.
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Mi Hermano (2018)
17 October 2018
This really reached my heart. So much struggle in what you can see and what you cannot see.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
So terribly accurate that it breaks your heart but...
12 August 2018
... gives hope, tons of hope. I'd worked with teens in the autism spectrum and this made me cry. I wish all autistics had the Savant Syndrome as well, but that's that, wishes. It took me 3 years for one of my "babies"-patients for one of them to come to me, give me a hug and said I love you. His mom broke into tears and sure, did it as well. He saw me in a loooong line at the Miami airport, ran towards me loudly screaming MISS MARIANA MISS MARIANAAAA. It was so damn sweet. Hugged me, gave me a great kiss and yelled back to the mom that a bit embarrassed came running behind him.

Without any spoilers, savant syndrome is not that cool but it's cool anyways. I'm blown out by ALL performances, particularly "Doctor Murphy's". That's what they do, that's how they behave and the biggest, that's how they "don't feel". They have to learn any social interaction but have the biggest heart. It's our task to find out how to reach and interact with them. And the eye contact thing so real. Excellent performance by all cast and the reality of, if you are a bit different, even your parents reject them. My teen's mom was amazing.
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Bad Habits (2007)
Bad Habits, tough and beautiful to watch
1 September 2012
This excellent film, as mentioned by other review, is not for everyone. If you want to see an easy, happy-ending movie, you are up to a disappointment. The pain the characters portray through out the film grabs you and makes you empathize. It also teaches you that you must learn how to be flexible, to maintain your feet on the ground and stay away from deceit, keeping communication between friends and family a must. I also feel that this movie could happen anywhere in the world, since eating disorders are a problem human kind has been making its own brand from some time now. The motives and background that leads to them is so varied..... but so terribly common.... Finally, the photography and direction is amazing. When you finish watching this movie you certainly don't walk away feeling light-hearted, but you definitely leave knowing you just learned something.
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