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Blue Bloods: Mind Games (2018)
Season 9, Episode 3
Great show but one little quibble with this episode
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We haven't missed an episode of this great show, but I find that the dinner scene at the end of this episode has continued to annoy me. Would the Reagans really pile on Eddie over her very odd prayer? I remember my first dinners with my future in-laws. They bent over backwards to let me know I was welcome. I would have expected the Reagans to do the same. I would have written an awkward silence after which everyone starts passing food and chattering without looking at Eddie, and then she bursts out laughing. Especially because it concerned prayer, I thought the scene particularly ugly.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
The disappointment was inevitable
28 September 2018
Recorded the first episode out of morbid curiosity more than interest, just to see what they changed and what they kept, with no expectation that they could ever come close to the original.

I suppose if there hadn't been the original series, the gorgeous photography and action sequences here would make for an hour of pleasant-enough mindless TV time. But with so many of us around who remember the real Thomas Sullivan Magnum and company, this is just pitiful.
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Frank Langella, Frank Langella, Frank Langella
25 September 2018
This was on TV this week. The strange title screamed "Film Festival entry," which is exactly where it was originally shown. Frank Langella's performance--a closely observed portrait of an elderly Manhattan novelist and university professor, once the darling of the city's intellectual elite but now forgotten and out of print--is the only reason to watch this movie.

An Ivy League graduate student is writing her thesis on his work, and she somehow wangles a series of interviews. She is little more than a prop to move the story, such as it is, forward. I stuck with it because Langella's power holds the screen, despite the fact that none of his scenes with this young woman ring true (and some are outright bizarre). Her interview questions are tedious, shallow, high-school-level drivel; in real life she would not have been invited back for a second round. It is said that we should never meet our heroes because we discover they are no more than human. Perhaps our heroes should never meet their admirers, because they, too, disappoint.
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Just watched a few minutes. This is funny?
10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was on US TV today, and we tuned in for a few minutes. A story about a troubled marriage is not our usual cup of tea, as my husband and I are both from broken homes, but anything that takes place in Scotland is a plus, so we gave it a go.

When the social worker angle was played for laughs, that did it. These situations are a nightmare, happening right now here in the states: parents put through social services investigations because their ten-year-old children are "unsupervised" while playing on their own front lawns! Hah hah. Hilarious.

As another reviewer noted, the mother makes a pretty speech at the end that is supposed to make everything all right. I am stunned at the number of people who think this is family entertainment.
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Shetland: Episode #4.1 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 1
If only...
19 July 2018
Long-awaited Season 4 has arrived, and it is every bit as good as the first three.

Back in the 1980s, I heard a young actor being interviewed about his new hit movie. He was asked his opinion on a current political situation. I have never forgotten his answer: "I'm an actor. I know as much as you do about what is going on, and I don't understand why my being a celebrity makes anyone think my opinion has more weight or importance than anyone else's." It was a brilliant deflection, and allowed me to continue to enjoy this actor's work in the decades that have followed, without the taint of always remembering when he shot his mouth off about something he had no expertise about.

I will never understand why people whose careers depend on popular acceptance want to insult and alienate half their potential audience, but they keep on doing it. It's an unforced error and they do not make themselves look more intelligent; quite the opposite. And that is why, although everything about Season 4 is as excellent as the others, I am enjoying it less.
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Father Brown: The Dance of Death (2018)
Season 6, Episode 7
The producer's wife's nephew, perhaps
28 June 2018
Spencer Tracy described the way an actor must disappear into a role as "Don't get caught acting." I was always aware that the young man playing the blind character in this episode was acting, to the extent that, instead of following the story, his lack of skill kept pulling me out of the narrative. Throughout the episode, I found myself thinking about how much he needs an orthodontist and a speech therapist, and above all, an acting coach.

All the other reasons we watch Father Brown were present: an engaging story, attention to period detail, great clothes and accessories, great country house settings, and of course the several characters who have endeared themselves.
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NCIS: New Orleans: Checkmate, Part 2 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 24
You know it's bad when even I can figure it out
18 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have friends who watch shows like this because they like to figure out the bad guys and their motivations while watching, but I usually drift along, semi-following the twists and turns, and almost always end up surprised by the conclusion. There are enough endearing characters on the shows I watch that spending time with them is a pleasant enough way to unwind at the end of a busy day.

In this two-part episode: I knew the policeman's car was going to blow up and incinerate him.

I knew Lou Diamond Phillips was going to end up the bad guy.

I knew when Pride went upstairs to change his shirt he was going to get shot.

If even I know what's about to happen, it's really a sad situation.
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It's deja vu all over again
10 May 2018
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Didn't that same whoever-she-is show up at the end of last year's season to pull the rug out from under Pride's investigation, threaten to break up his team, yadda yadda?

And the smarmy lawyer arriving with a phalanx of attorneys to spring the main suspect is a tired cliché.

Didn't we end this way last year?
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Cold Feet (1997–2020)
Great story-telling, great characters
5 May 2018
For many years, most of our TV watching has been UK productions. Poldark, Shetland, The Coroner, Home Fires, Father Brown, Death in Paradise, Inspector Lewis are some of our favorites.

Cold Feet quickly went to the top of the list. Vividly portrayed, funny, real characters, great writing--people you quickly grow to care about. Perfection.

We note that the current seasons (2016-present) are a continuation of the original series (1998-2003), so we will have to find the DVDs of the originals so we can spend more time with these folks.
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Death in Paradise (2011– )
Still like this show, despite many changes in the cast
8 March 2018
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I have watched from the beginning, and though I appreciated the fish-out-of-water premise, Ben Miller's character wasn't at all likeable. They made him annoying to everyone, including me. To me, characters like Miller's should have some sort of breakthrough. Kris Marshall's character, a bit of a cartoon, was loveable, like a big goofy golden retriever, and I actually enjoyed the show more with him. The departures of Gary Carr and Sara Martins took a toll. Their replacements are pleasant enough, but there is no "zing" with them. However, this is still a show we enjoy watching.
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Gave it three minutes
27 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
NOTHING like the book it is supposedly based on, which was sincere and respectful, if not understanding of, the life of faith. I assume the writers were trying to be as crude as possible. They've succeeded. Absolutely revolting. Do not invite these people into your home.
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The Crown (2016– )
Infuriating and Gorgeous
29 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Fabulous production. Too bad the writers have lazily fallen back on tired clichés and stereotypes in portraying the main characters. I have read extensively about the monarchy, and if the writers of this series have also done so, it is not evident here.

By all accounts, Queen Elizabeth and the Prince Philip are delightful, down-to-earth, good humored people, so completely without affectation that they once spoke of someone they had met as being "too posh for people like us."

In that regard, the end of "The Marionettes" episode was particularly galling. The Queen Mother was not the arch, sour snob she is here. She was a bright and happy woman who understood her calling and gave all 100+ years to serving joyfully. (Serving joyfully is a concept apparently lost on the creators of this dreary exercise.)

Instead, the writers are sympathetic to poor lost Margaret and the wretched Duke and Duchess of Windsor, self-absorbed characters who lived empty purposeless lives.
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The Coroner (2015–2016)
Enjoyable, lightweight, canceled
12 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Some evenings you just want to spend time with a few nice people and be mildly engaged with their goings-on, and The Coroner fills that bill. I read here that the series has been canceled, and in one sense I am relieved, because had it gone on, the writers would probably have been compelled to intensify the relationship between Davey and Jane, and the ensuing suffering, Davey's divorce, etc., would have killed the show for me anyway.
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Well done all!
7 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode illustrates everything wonderful about the series: great story, great casting and characterizations, wonderful production values. The location shots, as well as the always impeccably turned out Miss Fisher, are a feast for the eyes.

I especially appreciated the advancing--which is to say, stalling--of the relationship between Miss Fisher and Jack. Jack is a hurting soul battered by his nasty divorce and tied in knots about his feelings for Phryne. They both know she can't give him the comfort he needs. The sexual tension between male-female lead roles in detective series has entered the realm of cliché, but the hopelessness of Phryne and Jack's attraction is bringing a freshness. Brilliantly portrayed.
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Poldark (2015–2019)
Season Three begins
3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Five stars. The production is fabulous, the music every bit the equal of the wonderful score of "Oldark," and most of the actors here are well cast, with a few glaring exceptions.

Having read the novels several times, I am wondering why these writers/producers think some story lines needed to be radically altered. I was jarred by several scenes and lines of dialogue that were made from whole cloth. I'm sure someone who hasn't read the books is probably enjoying this production more than I am.
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The Fabulous Essie Davis
23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised to see one reviewer note that the Phryne Fisher of the books was about 27 years old. I have never thought of her as a day younger than mid-40s, that is, about the age of Essie Davis. Seriously, a twenty-something with Miss Fisher's depth of humanity and practical knowledge? "Worldliness" is more than being sexually experienced; Miss Fisher's worldliness results from immersion in many areas of human interest over years, hardly possible for someone in her 20s.

Also sorry to read here that there will be no more episodes. Two other of our favorites, The Coroner and Home Fires, have also been discontinued.
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Grantchester (2014–2024)
Hey Westsideschl
4 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This little old lady has stopped watching Grantchester. More than his collar is loose. Elsewhere I've noted that the author of the novels on which this series is based doesn't seem to have known any clergymen, but then I googled the guy and found out his father was the Archbishop of Canterbury!
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Grantchester: Episode #3.3 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was shown in California, USA on PBS the week of July 9. As of this episode, I've lost interest in the dithering of Sidney Chambers. I have no idea why or how he ever became a pastor. He drinks, he smokes, he suffers, but he seems to spend very little time in study, in prayer, in seeking God, or in counseling his flock. Thirty seconds at the end of some episodes are devoted to Sidney giving a few humanistic remarks in front of the congregation. Sidney, give it up and apply to the police force and be done with it. Maybe the books illuminated more of his past and his inner life. There is nothing on the screen. I was going to say that the author of the novels didn't seem to be at all familiar with the life of a clergyman, but just checked; Runcie's father is a former Archbishop of Canterbury. I will now bite my tongue. Hard.
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Sherlock: The Final Problem (2017)
Season 4, Episode 3
There's 90 minutes of my life I can't get back
20 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first two episodes of this season were not great. In fact, the magic was so completely missing that I couldn't remember why I ever thought this show was wonderful. Still, I had hopes for "The Final Problem." Alas, it, too was a boring mess. I don't remember previous seasons having so many guns, explosions, injuries, with hardly any wit or humor. Deadly serious and deadly dull. Ugh! I don't want Sherlock Holmes dragged down to the level of an ordinary person with relationship problems as he was here. I don't want Sherlock Holmes dragged down to the level of an ordinary TV sleuth. I wanted Sherlock the quick-witted, one-step-ahead-of-everyone-else genius. This season was a total loss as far as I'm concerned, and if it is the last season, they sure went out on a damp squib.
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The Crown (2016– )
They got so much right but so much wrong
18 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
We've watched eight of the ten episodes, and the awful is gaining on the excellent. The production is sumptuous, but did anyone involved do any research on the Windsors? I don't recognize these people from the reading I've done, and I've read a lot.

The Queen Mother is the worst. In real life, she was outgoing and enthusiastic, and understood that her extroverted personality was well-suited to her calling. She saw that she lifted people by her presence, and maintained a busy schedule almost to the end of her 100 years of life. Look at any photo of her. Her huge upturned hat brims were designed so people could see her beaming face. Read any of the notes she sent to friends and you'll realize that she would have been a hoot to hang out with. The actress playing her looks as if she were sucking lemons before each take.

The Queen is a sourpuss, too, and way too tightly wound. I have known people who have spent time with her and the Prince, and they've described them as good-humored, warm, and down-to-earth.

Most egregious was putting the dreadful Duke and Duchess of Windsor in such a heroic light. The writers skipped over their visiting Nazi Germany, willing pawns of Hitler's PR scheme. The Duke lied to his brother, the new king, about being broke, squeezing a big payoff out of the government. Having the Duke narrate the sacred moments of Elizabeth's coronation was disgusting.

Really a shame. Five stars for the production, five deducted for character assassination.
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