
10 Reviews
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Deep Freeze (2001)
Absolutely no redeeming values what so ever, even the fx suck.
23 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS AHEAD - but only so you don't have to suffer this awful monster movie.

Group of scientists, students etc.. travel to reserch lab in the Antartic & get attacked by a rather funny looking monster which resembles a big beetle. That's it.

Didn't expect much from this J C Buechler directed movie but at least the monster fx should have been good, they aren't. It's goreless too, they couldn't even get the 'Alien' style chestbuster scene right.

One of the few movies I've watched that required extended use of the fast forward buttom - during the attack scenes(!)

Absolutely no redeeming values what so ever.

The UK dvd contains the film &...wait for it, a pathetic photo gallery.
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Cradle of Fear (2001 Video)
Amateurish mess of a movie. SMALL SPOILERS!
8 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing this movie has going for it is 'some' well executed gore effects. NOTHING else. Alex Chandon's directing skills haven't really improved from the days of Bad Karma. Not helped by weak actors & a terrible story which doesn't deserve 120 mins of your time. Even if it was all gore (it's not), you'd still be wishing it was all over come the half way mark.

Fantastic knife through the cheek mouth effect - all in one shot. Cool Head popping at the end, the rest was either badly filmed or was just plain cheesy.

The UK dvd screams UNCUT all over the box. but then it's hardly the type of movie the BBFC lay into is it - better made movies of a similar style have got away with just as much.

Rumour has it the UK distributor (not Chandon) pre cut it, who cares.

three outta ten.
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Pep Squad (1998)
What Tripe 2: The Sequel!
10 March 2002
Just correcting what Mark Asquinn said in the previous post. This terrible film was infact retitled "I've Been Watching You 2: Prom Night" for it's UK video/dvd release. (who'd watch a film called "Pep Squad" anyway?). The first "I've Been Watching You" is actually Dave De Coteau's "The Brotherhood" - you can thank me later for sparing you that 'jocks in boxer briefs' flick. UK renters should be very wary of these independent pics from small studios. Well I suppose one good thing for the fans of this "Pep Squad" is that it's available on dvd here in the UK - not the US :) makes a nice change.
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So so slasher film
6 May 2001
I gotta admit, the first half of this film had me reaching for the stop button, pretty boring. However the film wakes up just after halfway when the teens get trapped in the huge dark creepy mall, only to be stalked by an unknown killer. There's a few twists here & there, It's not that gory (although the UK version was cut by nearly a minute). I've seen a lot worse - Hide & Go Shriek - the other one set in a mall is lame in comparison to this.
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Intruder (1989)
No holds barred splatter movie...
1 January 2001
Well it is if your (extremely) lucky enough to watch the UNRATED version (Tempe video are apparently working on an official uncut dvd edition). But even without the KNB gore there's still a lot to enjoy here.

Some of the more stupid slasher conventions are left out (thank god). There's very little of the "snooping around on your own & gettin' bumped off" variety. The few female characters don't get laid, don't get their tits out etc... & get killed off screen (nice touch).

Elizabeth Cox gives a solid performance, as does the cute Renee Estevez, whilst none of the male actors are annoying -but go out in a big way anyway :)

Maybe the camera work was a bit over wacky - & may annoy the average movie goer, Scott Spiegel toned this down for his (awful) From Dusk Till Dawn sequel but it still distrated from the action a little.

The only downer about the film was the end (with the two cops) Wasted cameos). Most slasher films end with stupid twists or leave things open for a sequel anyway so I won't down mark it because of this.

9 outta 10 (uncut version)
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Clever little flick shows the rest of 'em how it's done!
1 January 2001
There's so little wrong with this slasher movie. Perhaps the end shot kinda left me a little frustrated but that was the only time this movie lowered itself to the depths of other slasher films. Also I must confess the ending was ruined for me because they showed the killer (as he finally appears) on the front of the UK video box :( MAJOR SURPRISE RUINED! Performances are fine for this kind of film, likable cast too, especially the heroine Kathryn MacNeill. Fx are generally top notch as is the creepy music. The tension just keeps piling on.....

Go rent! (or by the dvd)
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Permalink (2000)
Aha! found the f***er!
25 December 2000
Typing in the real director's name, Miles Feldman revealed only a couple of movies & Voyeur.Com wasn't one of them. Here in the UK This terrible home made movie goes by the name of BigBrother.Com, no doubt to cash in on the "real" Big Brother show. AND they stock it at Blockbuster video too. Shame on them! Shame on everyone involved in this heap of S**t too! If anything, the film previewed a movie called Camp Blood (also stocked at Blockbuster) & so I'm kinda greatful in a way cause now I've been saved £3. So wots the movie about? Three lads invite a bunch of teenage bimbos over to a house equipped with webcams. Queue the odd shower, pee scene, & lots of brainless banter. Some stalker comes along & bumps everyone off with a knife. That's it. Only because it's a homemade movie, they couldn't afford any make up fx. This garbage gives "proper" slasher movies (Slumber 3, Sorority house et all) a really bad name - & if you hated those, blimey what will you make of this? 1 outta 10!
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Granny (1999 Video)
I can't believe they stock this at blockbuster :(
18 June 2000
I took it back & said we'd already seen it. They fell for it too. Thank goodness it was only on an hour. My friends will never trust me to pick a decent film ever again :(
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Cut and Run (1984)
bloody 'ell!
4 June 2000
I watched the "butchered 18 rated version first & didn't realise that the film had been badly censored. It was pretty dull actually. The best thing about the film isn't the music score as everyone would have you believe. Its the art work for the UK video box. But then Medusa Communications always did have a knack for stunning box covers. Having watched the uncut version a little later. All i can say is my jaw dropped. It's like watching two different films (well almost) I'd give it 8/10. Not a patch on Cannibal Holocaust though :)
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Mission of Justice (1992 Video)
Well at least Cynthia wasn't in it.
19 May 2000
Pretty crap plot wise but worth sticking with just to see the "Gauntlet" scene which lets Wincott lose with a pair of sticks. Awesome scene. The fight in the garage is pretty cool two with some bad guy doing a neat somersault which looked rather painful. Nice to see Karen Sheperd kicking some butt too. One of the problems I had with the film was with it's main bad guy - Matthias Hues. The guy may be well built, but fight? get outta here! On a whole the film looks a bit dated thanks to films like "Drive". I'd give it 7/10 (for being at least more entertaining than it's prequels)
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