
57 Reviews
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Shallow Hal (2001)
A bit too drawn-out, but entertaining, sweet and funny.
15 April 2003
This is a entertaining, sweet and funny movie. Gwyneth Paltrow is truly sweet and heartbreaking as Rosemary. Jack Black is funny and sweet, too. Jason Alexander is very funny, as Black's best friend. The fat jokes with Rosemary, though old and tired, are still amusing, because of Black's reactions to them. Overall, Shallow Hal is a entertaining, sweet and funny movie. Only real complaint: A Bit too drawn-out. *** (out of four)
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48 Hrs. (1982)
Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte are timeless.
15 March 2003
Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte are timeless, in this '80s Comedy-Action movie. The dialogue, Murphy and Nolte, are so good, that I can overlook the somewhat threadbare plot. The dialogue is, to me, the best dialogue ever written in any buddy-cop movie ever made. The scene in the Country Western bar, is one of the most memorable scenes in cinematic history. Overall, although a somewhat threadbare plot, Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte are pure magic. *** (out of four)
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Teen fluff, that works pretty well, if you let it.
7 March 2003
This is a totally unoriginal movie, but it has a certain charm, which gives it a passing grade. All the actors are fine, especially Lauren Ambrose and Seth Green. The way the ending ties up everything is somewhat cheesy, but pretty charming, if you let it be. Also, this is one of best soundtracks to a movie, in recent years. Overall, a fluffy, but pretty charming teen flick. **1/2 (out of four)
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Funny, but unspectacular.
28 February 2003
This is a funny, but unspectacular sex comedy. The Pace was off, the lighting was off, but if you're looking for a decent laugh, you could a lot worse. Nice to see scores of nudity, too, plus that stunning, (albeit short), girl/girl kiss scene. Unspectacular as the movie is, it still blows away recent sex comedies, like Saving Silverman, Say It Isn't So, Tomcats, National Lampoon's Van Wilder, etc. Overall, 40 Days and 40 Nights is a decent sex comedy. **1/2 (out of four)
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Decent, but a little disappointing end to the trilogy.
31 December 2002
Back to the Future Part III is a decent end to the trilogy. Most of the movie takes place in the old west. The act by now, is getting a little old. Although, this sequel does possess the charm of the original, that Part II lacked somewhat, it still doesn't have the sheer energy, or explosive entertainment of Part II. This is not a bad movie, by any means. It's pretty fun (especially the train tracks finale), but it has a "going through the motions" type feeling at times. Overall, a decent, but a little disappointing end to the trilogy. **1/2 (out of four)
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Extremely entertaining sequel. (mild spoilers)
31 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Back to the Future Part II is a highly entertaining sequel, to the original masterpiece. This sequel takes off right where the first left off, with Doc, Marty and Jennifer Traveling to 2015. After 2015, they then travel back to 1985. It's there, they learn, that the timeline has been altered. So then they realize, they have to travel back to 1955, where most of the first movie took place, and fix the altered timeline. There are so many twists and turns and endless suspense, that this movie is like the Energizer Bunny. Overall, an extremely entertaining sequel, that only lacks the comedy and emotional impact of the original. ***1/2 (out of four)
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Training Day (2001)
Solid police drama.
1 July 2002
Training Day is a good, solid police drama, but has an unsatisfying ending. It just didn't feel right. Washington is dynamic, in a oscar-winning performance. Hawke holds his own, too. Overall, despite a unsatisfying ending, this is an entertaining, high-powered police drama. *** (out of four)
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Amusing enough.
12 June 2002
There's nothing great about Not Another Teen Movie, but it's passible enough. The highlights are: Randy Quaid, Jamie Presley, The Foreign exchange student, the Varsity Blues-like coach, the Mr. T cameo, and the '80s teen movie references. While there's nothing great about Not Another Teen Movie, it's still funny enough. **1/2 (out of four)
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Dutch (1991)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles meets Uncle Buck meets Home Alone.
9 May 2002
Dutch is a mix of other John Hughes movies, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Uncle Buck and Home alone. Out of those movies, Dutch is at least funnier than Uncle Buck. Although, nothing new, Dutch is still an enjoyable movie. Overall, very funny and entertaining. *** (out of four)
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Body Shots (1999)
Yes, it's pretentious, but also entertaining, sexy and funny.
23 April 2002
Yes, Body Shots is pretentious all the way, well done, but it's also entertaining, sexy and surprisingly funny. Ron Livingston is hilarious as Trent. There's also some highly steamy sex scenes. Overall, the movie never bored me, it's a perfect example of a guilty pleasure. *** (out of four)
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Joy Ride (2001)
Entertaining thrill-ride. (minor spoiler)
11 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Joy Ride is an entertaining thrill-ride. The suspense, just builds and builds. The movie is also funny, Zahn is a riot as Fuller. Only Complaints: Walker is boring, Sobieski has hardly anything to do, and maybe a little bit too much on the safe side, with all of them surviving. Still, this is quite an entertaining thriller. *** (out of four)
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Funny, better than Mallrats, but slightly disappointing.
2 March 2002
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is better than Mallrats, but not as good as Smith's other movies. This starts out fine, but the road trip scenes are highly uneven. The jewel thief sub-plot was pure eye-candy, but otherwise pointless and the weakest of the road trip scenes. The film picks up when they get to hollywood. The movie is quite funny at times, but never truly hilarious. Overall, slightly disappointing, but still funny and better than Mallrats. **1/2 (out of four)
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Solid remake.
17 January 2002
Tim Burton's remake of Planet of the Apes, is a solid, entertaining action flick. The apes are outstanding, the humans, though not as good, are passable. This is just guilty pleasure summer fun. Overall, Tim Burton's remake of Planet of the Apes, is solid, entertaining summer fun. *** (out of four)
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More entertaining than the original.
16 January 2002
American Pie 2, in my opinion, is funnier than the original. The original was very funny, but dragged at times. In this sequel, the comic mischief rarely lets up, and for that, it's more entertaining than the original. Some of the more uninteresting characters of the original, like Kevin, Oz, Vicky and Heather, are given less screen time, and it works. Stifler is given more screen time, and he is absolutely hilarious. I also found Finch more enjoyable this time around, too. Overall, American Pie is faster, funnier and more entertaining than the original. *** (out of four)
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
Some big laughs, but spotty.
22 December 2001
Scary Movie 2 has some big laughs, but it's also spotty at times. For every good joke, there's a bad one up next, and it plays like that most of the way. The best bits are: The Exorcist parody, the talking bird, the cat fight (some thought it was stupid, but I thought it was quite amusing), Ray and the clown doll, giant Weeds coming to life, and a comment being made about some bloody footprints. Except for Ray, I felt the returning characters were more fun to watch this time around. Overall, Scary Movie 2 is spotty, but has some scenes that are very funny. **1/2 (out of four)
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Funny, but not as good as the original.
25 October 2001
This is a funny movie, but the original had a tighter script. In the original, Austin Powers was fresh and funny, but in this sequel, the character wears thin at times. This sequel also recycles many jokes from the original, and their not as funny this time around. However, the Dr. Evil character is expanded further, and he is a treat to watch. Overall, uneven and not as good as the original, but still offers a number of laughs. **1/2 (out of four)
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Dumber than I excepted and better too.
13 September 2001
This is a really stupid movie. Even dumber than I excepted, but also better than I expected. It just had a goofy charm that worked a lot of times, but it stumbled sometimes too. Just when you think it can't get any more absurd, it does by a mile. Kutcher and Scott relish in their roles. The bit players are a mixed bag though. Overall, Dude, Where's My Car? is incredibly dumb, but it still has a goofy charm that works often. **1/2 (out of four)
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Scary as Heaven.
24 August 2001
The Blair Witch Project has a nice concept, but it just doesn't work. I'm not saying this because I need gallons of blood and super-duper special affects to scare me either. For a horror movie to work, it needs to have some type of thought put into it. The concept is great, but the filmmakers do nothing with it. The characters are obnoxious and very stupid too. Would you still be holding a camera and filming, while being chased by some unknown force, and scared out of your wits? Overall, a great concept, but poorly executed. *1/2 (out of four)
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Rocky IV (1985)
A guilty pleasure in every sense of the word.
18 August 2001
I don't know why, but every time I watch Rocky IV, I get goosebumps. Sure, it's very predictable and completely unrealistic, but I can't help it. The Villain this time, Ivan Drago is menacing and scary. This also has the best fight, music and training montages of the entire series. Overall, Predictable and unrealistic as it is, it's still highly entertaining. *** (out of four)
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The Good Son (1993)
Decent thriller, unintentionally funny at times too.
14 August 2001
The Good Son is a decent thriller. Some of Macaulay Culkin's scenes are unintentionally funny, like the scene where he tells Elijah Wood that he learnt he could fly. Overall, this is a decent thriller, thats also unintentionally funny at times. **1/2 (out of four)
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Funny, but forgettable.
9 August 2001
This is a funny, but forgettable comedy. The laughs are there, but there's not much else to fall back on, and maybe not as quite as funny as it could've been. Overall, Meet the Parents is a pretty good, but forgettable comedy. **1/2 (out of four)
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Enjoyable comic action.
9 August 2001
Demolition Man is an enjoyable comic action film. The film's view of the future is very funny. Snipes is gleefully over-the-top, Stallone lets the movie come to him, and Bullock is amusing. Plus, an array of other amusing characters, including Denis Leary. Overall, this is an enjoyable, very funny comic action film. *** (out of four)
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Creepshow (1982)
Fun, but uneven.
5 August 2001
Creepshow is a fun, but uneven horror anthology. "Father's Day" is the first and weakest, "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill" is a bit better, "Something To Tide You Over" is decent, "The Grate" is my personal favorite, and then finally "They're Creeping Up On You" is the second best. Overall, Creepshow is a fun, but uneven horror anthology. **1/2 (out of four)
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Christian Bale is so good, but the movie gets dull too often.
27 July 2001
American Psycho is a movie that gets dull too often, but Christian Bale is exceptional. The movie could've really been set today, because it's not like materialism doesn't exist today. Fight Club, an enormously better satire, proved the '90s aren't no better than the '80s. Overall, Christian Bale's performance is what's saves this movie somewhat, from complete boredom. ** (out of four)
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Good, but it just gets tiresome toward the end.
25 July 2001
The comedy in What Women Want works so well, but the romance doesn't. I felt the movie started getting tiresome when Gibson and Hunt's romance went into full swing. The movie worked so well up to that point. It's just such a shame. Overall, entertaining and funny to a point, but just gets dull toward the end. **1/2 (out of four)
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