
1 Review
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Funny that this movie, of all movies, would make me register for the imdb...
29 December 2000
I have to say that I was shocked when I read other user comments regarding this film. Seeing "The Family Man" on opening night, I didn't read user's comments before watching it for myself (I usually try not to). I am thoroughly relieved I didn't, seeing as the general opinion is not very favorable.

I walked out of the theater stunned. It takes a lot to truly touch me. I am unmarried, young, a self-confimred horror buff...I don't usually dig the sappy film type. But from the first time I saw the preview, I wanted to see "The Family Man." Not only do I adore Nicolas Cage, but this movie deals with the age-old question, "What if???" Who hasn't wondered where life's road would have taken them had they made one different choice? I know I have.

It is a movie about evaluation. I read many comments that said things like "he has tons of money, doesn't seem to be unhappy, blah blah blah". True. Jack is a nice guy, has the ability to buy anything he so desires...But money cannot buy happiness. On some levels, maybe, but deep down, you cannot buy your emotions. That's what this film tries getting across. While living the rich lifestyle, he was happy. Then a reminder about his one true love makes him think, and he is given "a glimpse" as to what could have been. After all that the film allows him to experience, he evaluates his rich, powerful life and discovers that a void had existed all along. While he seemed to have everything, he didn't have the love of others. He had their respect, but not their love.

This is not your typical sappy love story. And if you chose to see it with that in mind, you probably will be disappointed because there are so many more deep things about this film. While the love between the couple is told to us, it is undeniable... After all, Jack manages to fall in love with his wife all over again during his glimpse. What is so magnificent about this movie is the way that it makes you turn to your friends and family and lovers and thank yourself for all the choices you've made in your life to bring you where you are at that point. And if you are unhappy at that stage in your life, it makes you feel like you can change it.

I totally recommend seeing this movie and reading much deeper into it than you feel you have to. You can watch it for entertainment, or you can let it move you.

Remember, money doesn't buy happiness.......
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