
2 Reviews
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Possibly life-changing
26 June 2001
I saw `Body Snatchers` as a young child when it appeared on television. It led to the only time in my childhood when I had repeated trouble sleeping, and left me questioning aspects of life in general for the first time.

When discussing films, I found my boyfriend had identical memories of `Body Snatchers`, so we spent many months looking until we found a copy (It was deleted at the time). Never have I been so chilled. Things I`d forgotten, like the strange astral introduction, the scary trees or the bagpipe music emanating from the ship, flooded back almost against my will. We both braced ourselves for the `hybrid` dog which had haunted us for two decades. Oh sh*t! No warning, it came like a ton of bricks in the face, and took me right back to my irrational childhood fears (I don`t want to be a doggy, daddy!)

The film does merit at least two viewings. Second time round the plot developments, direction and twists may be appreciated more. This is a film which affected my life, by scareing me beyond belief. It made me aware of the power of a well-directed film, and I became a movie-lover as a result. I also became a regular visitor to San Francisco, partially to satisfy my obsession with the city, which started with viewing this film. If you haven`t seen it yet, buy or rent it, and savour your first viewing (I recommend not to watch alone, or when near bedtime!)
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Hannibal (2001)
Its very good, so see it on the big screen.
20 February 2001
I haven`t been affected this much by a movie in years, so that must be considered good value for money. The controversial gore scene towards the end made myself, and the majority of the audience, flinch, scream and nervously giggle simultaneously (a feel good/feel bad movie rolled into one!).

Having never read the original book I took the film at face value. It is beautifully filmed by a talented director and crew, and features lovely Italian location scenes which contrast with the grim plot. The acting is mainly excellent. Hopkins character appears creepier due to him beginning to resemble a kindly grandad, who suddenly turns and eats your brain. Julianne Moore`s excellent Clarice vaguely reminded me of Ripley, the star of Ridley Scotts masterpiece Alien. At worst, the rest of the cast were well above average.

The film had me captivated with its style, twisty plot, acting and gore. I found myself slightly rooting for the baddie Hannibal at some points, something I haven`t experienced since my empathy for evil Alex in A Clockwork Orange. If people find the deaths of some characters predictable, then maybe Scott has directed well in projecting Hannibal`s approach and morality.

This is the sort of big budget horror film movie-goers have been waiting for, so go see it on the large screen before its too late! Okay, it is not the same as Silence, so what? Ten years have passed and things have changed. I`ve heard the book is better. Well, I may now read it, but in the meantime I have enjoyed an excellent, thought provoking Film Of The Year!
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