
7 Reviews
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
I sat through the whole season for THIS?
26 April 2020
It started out fairly interesting then started to go downhill with the graphic birth scene and idea that somewhat intelligent people would worship a rock, but the ending was so ridiculous - touchy feely with no regard for justice whatsoever that I wondered why I wasted all my time watching. Additionally, the young actor who played Julian is clearly middle eastern and looks nothing like any other the actors who are supposed to be his parents - this was just hilarious to me that casting department would think people would not notice this.
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Silly 1970's titilation
26 March 2020
Had high hopes based on what reviews I read but I found the soundtrack to be silly - pay attention to the words - even a 12 yew year old could come up with something better. Embarrassing. Why are there hardly any young men - and why are only the young women nude? Why doesn't the stranded detective USE A PHONE to call for reinforcements? How could anyone be so dense as to worship vegetables goddesses and participate in sacrifices? If no one can SEE her, then what's the point of Ekland dancing nude? Edward Woodward has always been a favorite and he was the best thing in the film. The ending was horrific. Lee was just a typical 1970s suave villain who would have been at home on the original Hawaii Five 0.
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Touch of Evil (1958)
21 August 2018
Had heard about the movie for some time, so decided to record it from tv. The only good thing about it is the camera work. Honestly it was as bad as a C movie, if there is such a thing. The acting was stilted, awkward, and some aspects were almost laughable, like the corset that Janet Leigh lounged around in ( in a motel with a clerk like Norman Bates and out in the middle of nowhere!) and the fight scene with Charlton Heston busting heads like Bruce Lee. Orson Welles work does not age well. It reeks with self importance and the whole experience seems pointless.The badmen do terrible things but then just seem like clownish fools on the other hand. None of the lawmen in the movie seem to really know what they're doing and I wondered what I was doing watching the film. I have to wonder if the glowing reviews on here are from people who feel that they SHOULD admire the film. WHY?
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Two tragic characters
4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Dark story of two tragic characters and a catalyst for disaster. I don't think that many of the posters on the site recognized that the two men in the movie, Lester and Behrani are actually bookends to some degree because they seem to be narcissists who want their own way, regardless. Lester throws away his wife and kids in order to get the woman he wants (at least for the time being) and Behrani strikes his wife when she dares question the ethics of selling a home for three times what he paid for it. Both men rely heavily on the appearance of power, and dare anyone to get in their way. They will not even listen to their wives or girlfriend, as they think they know best. Behrani is the wiser one, as he knows that power doesn't only come from the firearm carried, but from a brave heart. Everyone in the story underestimates the other and judges on appearances alone. Behrani sees Kathy simply as a reckless and overly emotional woman, without realizing that she has suffered a loss and is combating alcoholism. Kathy and Lester see an immigrant who takes advantage of a situation to jack up prices, when Behrani just wants to restore his family to their previous great fortune. Behrani realizes too late that appearances and money mean nothing when your own child is lost. Behrani, the narcissist, will cause the death of his own wife rather than admit his failures in protecting their child. Lester realizes, too late, that 'having the eyes of a child' as Behrani says, will cause you to throw everything away for an uncertain future. All are headstrong characters on a road to destruction in order to get what they want. Kathy sits perched, like a succubus, high above the tragic action.Is she a victim or a villain? The only wrong note in the film was how Behrani's wife would climb the outdoor steps in her doped up state? Otherwise a dark but thought provoking film, similar to American Beauty in its depiction of the dark side of the American Dream, and the tragedy of not truly understanding, but believing that you do.
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Midsomer Murders: Second Sight (2005)
Season 8, Episode 5
Silly anti Christian plot
14 January 2016
I usually like Midsomer - though I often wonder why no black or Indian actors on the show - this plot was ridiculous and definitely anti Christian. A baby, who cries when she has ESP experiences, killed by baptism? A crazy minister... really? A man who can pull up a large granite tombstone? Implication in this series seems to be that any person who has any spiritual life at all is disturbed and usually the killer. The hero is the one who never goes to church, supposedly because he is 'enlightened.'Since when would ESP be considered pagan? I cannot make the connections. Very disappointed to have wasted my time and watched this drivel. Writer should be fired.
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Well the costumes and sets were great
1 September 2014
First of all the movie is too long and should have had some editing. Christian Bale did a plausible con man with a not too convincing comb over. Amy Adams' costumes kind of over shadowed her performance, and Jennifer Lawrence was OK in a kind of Goldie Hawn type of character. Cooper was not convincing as the FBI agent - how would they hire someone who has a powder keg temper and doesn't double check the details? Renner was good as the over the top Rat Pack type Mayor. The movie was nothing to brag about and I was disappointed because I felt that the plot was thin and not cohesive at all. Could have been so much better... Tidy ending where everything somehow works out.
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Could have been better
28 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the reviews I decided to see the movie. The scenery was spectacular and the story line fine if you suspend disbelief a bit. The ending where Mitty ends up on the cover ( hey, what about the other employees?) was a bit much to swallow, but the theme of getting out of your comfort zone and taking a chance resonated with most viewers, I think. Sean Penn was good as the adventurer/photographer and Stiller was surprisingly good playing a dramatic role, although sometimes the movie seems split between trying to be a comedy and trying to play it straight. I'm sorry, but skating down mountain sides on a skateboard is completely outrageous and unbelievable, and this is what I mean by the split nature of the movie - played for laughs as something outrageous it would have worked, but to believe that this meek guy who worked at a pizza chain and then at the magazine could also somehow be a world class skater.....The people with me thought the movie was too slow - I think they expected either a comedy or a hair raising adventure kind of like Indiana Jones. It was worthwhile seeing, but not exactly what I expected
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