
35 Reviews
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Mudbound (2017)
Deep South
19 February 2024
Dreary, sticky, and something you'd like to forget -but not for reasons of disappointment in the film.

I suppose it is disappointing, but only because this movie illustrates the truth of American past in regards to killing innocent people because of the color of their skin.

I did have to skip a part of the film that was too dark, similar to the film A time to kill.

I do not live in the southern states, I live where it seems people are better behaved towards racial differences. I am always ashamed of how folks treated others so poorly and inhumane in days gone by, I am grateful not to have lived in those days. And yet racial tensions still exist in the year 2024- utterly sad and unacceptable.

Thank you for this beautiful film and for the actors who where brave and stepped into the past to show how far we as a nation still need to move forward towards equality and recognition.
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Hog farm smelly
7 February 2024
Like most viewers I noticed a shift in the science portion when Cory Booker began talking and taking this topic into far different avenues than expected.

They should have some more to show before and after health of their participants, who I expect were disappointed like the rest of us.

I am sure many more people would try more vegetarian options if some with a lot of time was preparing the ingredients for them.

There was a a recent Tik tok I saw were a man who was in a grocery store showed all the food items sold out except the plant based food-for good reason.

Not all meals need meat, but it certainly goes well with a plate of steamed vegetables.

Oh and yes hog farms do smell and one ruined the lovey smell outside my mothers home for 30 plus years until it was recently relocated for home to be put there. Happy to have people rather than pork as her downward neighbor! One of the only things that the population expansion has improved in our area.
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Clear and present danger
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I see many who are displeased about the amount of coverage Benita gets, it's possible the story would have never been covered the way it's been without her, she should be applauded.

The hospital with its power covered up their ignorance and in doing so were putting more lives at risks, this fact alone is absolutely shocking. I guess they put profit over patient well being. Humans should not be used as experiments unless 100% aware that they are doing so and that animals haven't been tested before hand. What happened in Russia and to the girl from Turkey were absolutely nightmarish.

The surgeon should not be allowed to practice on any human again, unless maybe it's Putin who probably helped cover up the first of the many lies about the plastic airway.

All women and men and especially the desperate can easily be tricked into believing cons. Everyone seeing this should look within and check their own vulnerability. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean you are immune to a con man or woman in your future.
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19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't mind reading subtitles and you also enjoy a realist ending, this film will do.

The main character, Aida says "I did my very best" and if you had been a teenage Jewish girl taken from your family (and never saw them again) and sent into servitude -you would have made some painful decisions along life's roads, as Aida did.

I found Shep's understanding toward a his mother to be very touching. The new found joy between long lost brothers to brought tears to the eyes. Shep's story seems like it could be a movie in its own right.

Izak appeared to truly struggle with the unknowns of his story. Just when he thinks he knows and has found peace it slips from his fingers. I can understand how it could leave him feeling like unfinished puzzle. Some of his pieces he seemed to have thrown out-with his adoptive brother and sister and the bitterness he showed towards them. I hope he will let them be part of his unknown history and find peace with what he does know.
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Watery soup
12 February 2023
By watery soup I mean that where once there was a complete base along with herbs, meat, vegetables and flavor, this adaption will look, taste and feel like a watered down soup.

The only explanation I can make as to why it was adapted in such a way would be to show to an audience of children age 10 and under, who might nightmare if they were shown some of the actually scenes that were written into the book.

I had hoped they had done a better job with the creation of this movie, I listened to the full book over 10 days or so, sometimes needing a break because of the heart wrenching descriptions.

The acting is fine, the customes nice (but too tidy for the time period) and it is soft enough to show a child who knows nothing much about what happened to millions of people during WW2.

Listening/reading the book was a pleasure-this film left me hungry for an actual meal.
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Lived it
3 February 2023
It's almost insane how a movie that's 30+ years old is as relevant today in 2023 as it was when it first came out!

I grew up in Utah in a LDS home where my mother battled depression (and still does) and my father was away at work and then often at church callings, leaving my mother with 7 children to raise almost as a single mom. My parents loved their kids, but mom didn't have enough energy to provided needed affection and attention to so many kids while taking care of a mini farm with large orchard. They had this property because they were taught to be self sufficient and bring as many kids as they could into life because we were spirits waiting for bodies.

Mom never felt accepted at church because she often spoke her mind or didn't dress the part or gush a testimony. Dad was a convert and gave up most all relationships with his family because they weren't interested in hearing about his new church. Mom told him to never talk about his life prior to joining the church because she thought it would give her children excuses to do "bad things"

Our family was dysfunctional and we still struggle with speaking truth. Our family had secrets that we couldn't share because fear of rejection from the community.

I married a non-member and saw love between my in-laws my parents never shared. I wasn't married long before I felt a pull to try to get my husband to convert and take me to the temple. The battle raged for 20 years with me having deep bouts of depression because I didn't fit into any local community because we weren't a normal LDS couple and in Utah there weren't many healthy groups to gather in that weren't into drugs or sex.

I did go through the temple and it was the strangest experience of my life-the temple no longer has you symbolically slit your throat, but to swear to keep secrets before knowing what they are is very troubling to the mind. I could tell my husband what went on or I was told that Satan would have power over me and that I was wicked and breaking promises to God if I told him things. It put our marriage in greater harm after I went because he wondered if I was doing baked things with people when at the temple.

I spent several years staying completely away from going inside an LDS church because of mean things said about marriages like mine or because I wanted be to like everyone else and have a temple marriage so because that's what happiness is supposed to be like. My marriage was actually very healthy in many ways because we had to work so hard at communication because of me being told by leaders and church speeches that he wasn't a worthy man, meaning he was wicked. I knew he wasn't because I saw how he was with our children and other people, how intelligent he was at work and how men he worked with that were LDS liked him and said what a good man he was.

Why didnt my husband want to join?

He had money he felt deserved to be spent on his family, our home and vacations together. He didn't believe in a God who watched every second of the daily lives of billions of people. He also really was repulsed by JS having God threaten his wife with destruction when she didn't want to live polygamy.

I grew up next door to a polygamist family and down the road was a temple they held school in. I watched impoverished families everyday. I saw old ladies buying baby formula with food stamps for younger wives. I saw fake businesses rise and fall because of fraud.

My children had long bouts of no kids playing with them because we weren't going to church during many years and then when we would go again everyone suddenly loved our family. And then it was hard rejection once we stopped. My son was told by his closest friend that he would ever speak to him again once we quit for good. My son sobbed to me at age 16 over it.

I have lived the nightmare of trying to be "perfect in all things". I have watched my sister battled depression as well, but never understood how they could be so sad when each of them did marry in the temple and had church going men-it's because the people are taught they they must live perfect to live in heaven and they fear not doing so.

Wives hate husbands if the aren't holding family home evening, blessing their kids enough, reading daily scriptures with family and on their own. Many families can't afford vacations because the extra money goes to tithing and fast offerings -for people who can't feed their own families. Money is stored away and spent on missions, sometimes for other members in the ward (which my parents paid did).

My parents paid for 2 of my brothers to go on missions, but spent 0 dollars on the education of their daughters.

The church fractures communities when they split wards every few years. My aged mother isn't honorably allowed to attend the congregation of her choice because she is assigned a building to attended. She has cried many times because she has lost values friends because she no longer sees them at church and weekly meetings. The last time this happened was age 77 and she has finally decided to break the rules.

This mother of mine could have raised us to speak our truths as women, but she has learned that doing so in Utah can have consequences that are unpleasant in the community. My mother at times seems like she has 2 personalities-one the obedient church woman and the other -a very confident, independent human being who can be fierce in her love of people who are not treated well.

It has been very confusing to see her two sides. I didn't understand it until I began at age 43 to listen to and look into forbidden information about the church. These forbidden fruits are all facts that the current church hides and rewrites to keep its membership.
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I Shouldn't Be Alive: A Walk Into Hell (2006)
Season 2, Episode 7
No knowledge
22 January 2023
I have stood at the edge of the Grand Canyon in June-I would NEVER try to hike in the summer.

As I sat watching this show, living in Utah and knowing that grown men still do take young men out on "High adventure" hikes, I cringed and cried and knew I was smart never to allow my teenaged son to go on these types of activities.

There is almost an attitude of daring Mother Nature to bring back a story to tell at church-yes I have heard several, including ones about Angels landing at Zions canyon.

It saddens me that people in the year 2022 still dare Mother Nature and die in the Grand Canyon.

This episode is a pure example of warning to not do these types of hiking activities in the summer.
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Blonde (2022)
29 September 2022
I've only recently come to want to know more about the tragic story of Marilyn, I was further drawn in by watching her last film with Clark Gable- The Misfits.

I don't think this one would have ever made it to film if Metoo hadn't happened. What a break through for many of us that have not been understood and were without voice.

I believe that Marilyn wouldn't have been the type of exploited woman if she hadn't really undergone what some of this film alludes to.

A victim from childhood and throughout her womanhood is very disturbed by sexual trauma and if her mother has abandoned her it will be even worse.

There are several movies during the 30-40s made that allude to the exact type of couch interviews for movie parts (ie rape) that this film shows. There are women of that age that attested to it and even knew it was what may happen if they wanted to become a star-that still doesn't mean it was right!

For hundreds of years desperate women would do and still do what they can to feed themselves or cover up pain from a terrible past.

Dear Marilyn

If you had lived in our age I think you would have been surrounded by women like you who also work so hard to tell the truth and desire to take back their power.

Where ever your spirit has flown to, may it live in peace and be surrounded by those that understand and love you.

From One who knows a little of what it may have been like to be you, fractured from your little girl self and trying to be in a grown up world.
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One of Us (IV) (2017)
12 August 2022
Not really a review...

Leaving the religion that one grew up is very difficult, especially knowing that you will disappoint your parents, siblings and community (often your neighbors).

Growing up in UT I was raised in the dominate church here, I to suffered sexual abuse that was covered up by church and parents, it always made me view church differently because of this. When I left for good it was bitter sweet, but at least I had not married another member and my children weren't brainwashed like I had been.

I married a good man who always tried to get me to think for myself, and leave the hive mind group -similar to the thinking of this group.

I had no idea this group could be so cruel to its people, very sad. It would leave you desperate and suicidal to try and leave, you must be about to love yourself up leave a group that isn't healthy, but it's agony especially since this group doesn't give you any life skills to make it in todays world.

I'm not mocking the religion, but it's hurting good people and pushing them into an unhealthy isolation/extreme situation as many conservative churches are doing in the year 2022-you don't have to teach hat the outside world is evil to keep people in line, you shouldn't teach that that one group is gods people (LDS do this too) because it creates narcism throughout the group from a very young age. This way of thinking is tearing many communities apart-it needs to stop. We are all part of the human race/ family.

Etty, Ari, Luzer I hope you are prospering in the year 2022! You are brave to find your our way even if it's a lonely road, I know a little how you feel-it leaves you raw some days and feeling free as a bird on others. Take care.
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Nope (2022)
Really liked it
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The preview for the movie was much scarier than the actual movie was and I had instantly thought-Nope I'm not seeing that (on date night).

With the poor choice of summer movies 2022 we decided to go and and see it out of curiosity and hearing that it came off differently than every thought it would. Very glad I did, but clouds are a bit creepy now.

From the start when I saw the relationship between OJ and his father I knew the show had a deeper meaning that just ufo stuff.

To me I saw the movie as a view into a family who had had father that cared more for his horses and fame than for his children.

The next part when OJ seems invisible to the crew while standing next to his horse at the studio made me sorta mad-as if he were expected to be a character instead of a human being who had lost his father in a tragic mysterious accident.

OJ is the member of the family that sees what is/has been going on and he's brave enough to confront it, as he confronts (in the end) the beast to save his sister.

That's how I see it anyway.
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Skipped parts
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have known about Anne Frank, but have never heard/read her diary-I thought Helen did a wonderful job expressing the words that had been penned by a lovely young writer named Anne.

The tragedy and horrors of the holocaust are still haunting and real genocide still exists in many parts of the world by 2022.

The only part I couldn't bear was the girl sending messages. If they wanted to add in a youthful voice they should have just had a real (non actor) talk about how he/she was learning of the story of Anne and of what happened to her. I also skipped those parts.
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Toxic disease
4 July 2022
Avoid toxic people

That is the message of this movie-they leave chaos in their wake.

In each relationship Anna encages in she tears holes between people that may have had a true friendship or maybe those people also were toxic on their own account.

Some people can't see what is going on and the con she is good at-this is also the way DJT works to carry out and why I believe he is spoken of at least twice in the show.

I read that the money made by making this film was not given to Anna -that it went to pay her debts-as it should.
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Abhorrent "religious" practice
16 June 2022
Spot on truth to much madness within our society.

I grew up next to polygamist neighbors living in poverty in Utah, fathers rarely ever seen. The church they go to is the one that Cody and family from sister wives goes to and it has swelled beyond belief since they made that disgusting series which glorified the religion for many.

Believe me when I tell you that this isn't "religion" it is counter culture, isolationism, and predatory practice -it's not a GOD type church unless you worship predatory men.

These modern polygamist practices wouldn't have happened if it hadn't all started in the 1800s in New York with Joseph and Brigham.

The reason Utah and it's neighbors won't go after these crimes is because millions still won't see the truth of that. The parallels between Warren and Brigham are clear as water.

How many know that once Brigham got the people to Utah an unknown amount were excommunicated and had to be rebaptised for being disobedient to Brigham and more than likely the law of polygamy that was brought out of the shadows once they had journeyed out of US territory. Sounds like Warren? (The LDS church covers up its own truth)

My own ancestors lived the abhorrent practice and those women never wrote a word in journals that it was from God. One ran away with the army when it came to Utah, another was able to divorce her husband. Poor women.

I really despise the LDS church after learning about the hat trick that Joseph fooled the people with.
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Upstairs Downstairs (2010–2012)
Great first season
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the first season I couldn't wait to see what was on the horizon, but the show took a sordid twist early on in season 2 that was simply sickening.

And even though those things happen who wants to dish that up and enjoy it? What were the writers thinking?
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9 May 2022
I've watched ep. 1, so far I understand much of what is being presented.

The writer of the screenplay intended to shed light on many truths that active members of the Church do not/are told not to examine. Members do not know the full history and the role of propaganda the church produces to keep its members in line.

The reason the film series was made is to help those of us who have been harmed by the teaching and who have left to let go of our pain and move on, knowing that crimes like this this were real because of indoctrination that does go on.

I applaud this series and I hope those on the fence will give pause before driving their children and themselves to confess sins to old men with 0 psychological training.

This is the first show I have actually like Andrew Garfield in.
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Catch and Release (II) (2006)
Dead End
17 April 2022
Began watching and after about 45 minutes I could see where the movie was heading, which, to me, seemed like a dead end relationship. I turned it off and have since read what the plot was and saw that I was right.

Girl seems to pick rotten apples.
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Bliss (1997)
Help through healing
10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"You married a scarred and emotionally dysfunctional woman"

If you are willing to go down the road or know what it is like to be one of those women, this movie may be helpful to you. It may also trigger you.

This is not a sex movie for fun, this about healing people with deep and painful hurt and the makers knew their stuff.

As I watch it I can see my own self in the character of the woman and also see what it can be like for my husband. I can also see my siblings who also have trauma from teen date rape and have issues with sex and desire.
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Great to watch again!
2 July 2021
I saw this movie with my sweetheart on opening weekend 1998, I got engaged the next day on Valentine's.

When I saw it it made me wonder if my guy was the right one for me...all the years later I decided to watch the movie again. It was so great to hear the songs, the jokes and funny scenes. It was so great because I wondered at times that I might be marrying a Glen, but I indeed ended up with a Robbie!

This movie is genius. I love it.
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Maisy (1999–2008)
Journey to happy times
22 May 2021
It's been so many years since I watched Maisy with my children and read whatever books we could find at local libraries.

As we were sitting on the couch my husband brought up the name and our 18 year old daughter and I walked down memory lane and tried to figure our how we can purchase DVDs so we won't forget our happy memories.
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Cocktail (1988)
Love the ending
25 March 2021
If you've ever payed much attention you'll see that Tom's hairstyle changes several times. I think he was filming Days of Thunder at the same time. Of the two Cocktail is better.
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Too good to just be a movie
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers only for those that are triggered by rape trauma. For the those who watch the first episode and want to watch more, but have the fear they will run into what comes to be an incest scene-no need to worry there is not one. For a victim of abuse I was really worried this show would come at a sickening cost, the show hints at it, but in the end I was very relieved I didn't have to endure trauma of that nature. There is a rape scene though, so for those that are triggered by such, be aware-it is not a prison rape (but that is spoken of).

For those that have never experienced such a violation of this magnitude you never will know what that does to you mentally-the trauma is hard to ever escape. Chasing that peace has been a lifelong search for me.
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Premonition (I) (2007)
What to say?
22 January 2021
The movie was about what I expected. I watched just too see another great performance by Sandra Bullock. I kept thinking to myself how much the relations for this couple could have been better if they'd simply bought a bigger bed! I mean I'd hate my husband too if we had to sleep in a small bed like this couple shared! A good nights rest does wonders for your marriage.
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Took 2 days to watch
12 December 2020
I never have seen other versions of this movie, but often had seen the cover to the one staring Streisand and was put off from watching since I first saw that cover as a child and thought of it as an old person's type of show; well I guess I'm an old person now. (I think I'll skip Streisand's even though I'm a huge fan)

I took two days to watch this movie because my husband isn't a fan of this type of movie and I had to pause it to go on a Friday night date. That pause gave me time to reflect on people I've know who struggle with addiction and the toll it takes on their personal relationships. This movie reflected that well. I was in tears with the last song. Loved the music, and I want to add that it took me years and years to like Gaga's music (glad she's tamed things down, so I can appreciate her now)
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Slave trade
28 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this several years ago and what surprised me most was that they dared to approach the topic of the African slave trade without actually stating what was going on. Of course the woman in those scenes wasn't black, but had her makeup altered, but anyone with a brain can figure out what was going on. As we recognize that what went on in those centuries and can see how terrible it was to own another human being, this movie is important to remember as one that showed the worldwide truth, that the slave trade involved many countries and types of people
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Mother and daughter film
12 October 2020
Bette Davis is the perfect example of projecting and codependency. She projects her own disappointments, that she's had during her marriage, onto her daughter and will drive you nuts watching her. I found myself screaming at the screen! Maybe it hit too close to home since I have an unstable mother too.
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