
22 Reviews
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Caveman (1981)
Airplane for the Prehistoric Age
5 January 2020
I think too many people reviewed this movie hoping to have some seriousness in the movie.

Forget this, it is an out and out rollercoaster of comedy and silliness just like in the Airplane movies, take off your serious head, relax, be ready to laugh, have a clear head and you won't be disappointed.

This movie is so funny that even when you watch it again and you know what is coming next, it is still funny, the Cavemen are funny the Wildlife is funny, the leading lady is a gorgeous ex-Bond girl in skimpy clothing, what more could you want ?

This movie doesn't try to be realistic, it just wants to make you laugh and please post on here if anyone managed to keep a straight face for the whole movie ?
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Backdraft 2 (2019 Video)
The Fire is firmly Extinguished
5 January 2020
This sequel as most of them do did not live up to it's prequel.

It was ok and i had no trouble in watching it once but it's a movie i have no desire to watch again whereas the original movie i could watch again right now.

If you have a couple of hours to spare then watch it to relax and pass time but don't expect to be excited and on the edge of your chair.

Make sure there are no extinguishers around your house too as you may be tempted to use them on your tv in order to stop watching this movie.
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Backdraft (1991)
Great movie, highly enjoyable, Towering Inferno for the 90's at Ground Level
5 January 2020
I love this movie, plot twists, action all the way, the great Kurt Russell in one of his best roles, the irrestable Rebecca De Mornay as well.

This movie is of course original, not many likes this about firefighters but ion its own right is a great movie anyway and one which you simply have to watch and decide for yourself.

What are you waiting for ?
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Entertaining, easily worth spending your time here
5 January 2020
A movie which has nothing to do with the prequel really and best watched as a standalone movie and as that, i thoroughly enjoyed it, it held some surprised and plot twists and reminds me a little of the older movies called Hard Rain.

The leading lady is gorgeous which probably got it an extra star but a movie i will watch again sometime soon.
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Revenge (I) (1990)
One of the best Costner films and Madeline oozes sexiness
5 January 2020
A great Costner movie, not everyones cup of tea but maybe those people were expecting too much at the start. It is a same old story type of movie, so nothing original but it was still great and never boring. Just pick it up, insert it and kick back and be entertained, after all that is why we watch movies isn't it ?
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Lifeforce (1985)
The most perfect pair of breasts
5 January 2020
An enjoyable sci-fi movie, definitely different and i reckon it gave the idea to the later released 'Species' movies but for any males wanting to see the most perfect pair of female anatomy in the history of film, you have to watch this and for any females wanting to reshape theirs, look no further. This movie will probably go down as a bit of a marmite movie but i love marmite and i love this movie so without spoiling anything for anyone, , chill out, venture into space and back to earth, see female perfection and enjoy the ride.
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It Blew My Mind
5 January 2020
When i first saw this, it blew my mind, had me hooked and i'm sure i didn't blink until the end credits had finished rolling, Jean Reno seemed a strange guy the first time i saw him in this movie and i didn't know how to take him but in the end you adore him, Natalie played her part fantastic and Gary Oldman was the usual brilliant actor that he normally is. Luc Besson is one of the top 10 movie makers of the last 50 years and he doesn't disappoint with this one. I only have one criticism about Mr. Besson and that is that he never produces a sequel and he doesn't make films often enough. Extraordinary is the perfect world for Luc Besson, he has an imagination not matched by most people and he puts this into his movies perfectly and as such i can watch any of his movies once every day for the rest of my life. Very similar to Nikita in a way but i guess that's Luc's way of doing a sequel, just like Fifth Element and Valerian but all still magic nevertheless. Watch this movie, that is not a request, it's an order.
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Great Movie and Brilliant Song - A Million On My Soul - Luc Besson excellence again
5 January 2020
The movie is an 8 really but i give it an extra point for the visuals alone as this movie takes you on a journey in to the mind and imagination of Luc Besson and what an imagination he has. You have to watch this letting it take you where the movie wants you to go, don't fight it and stay in the world of reality otherwise you will not enjoy this movie, it is a stunning visual world and a world which could and should have spawned sequels as this is literally a movie that never has to end, it could go in any direction and i hope Luc revisits it at some time. The two leads are great and Cara is gorgeous and surprisingly talented at acting too, it may have you saying it reminds you of Fifth Element somewhat but again forget this and just go on the journey, this is one movie i could imagine watching with a headset on so that you can immerse yourself into the world and then i think the journey maybe would give this movie a 10.

Don't watch this movie without listening to the brilliant track at the beginning of the end credits. A thoroughly enjoyable movie which i will watch time and time again when i want to forget about the problems on this world and be taken on a journey into another world.
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Classic Movie but not really for me
5 January 2020
Well i have to say i'm disappointed at this movie, it is the first movie i watched where i couldn't understand a single word they were saying, it was all strange noises and stuff. Just joking, of course it's meant to be prehistoric man and they had no language so this adds to the realism of course but it makes it harder to watch too and i'm not 100% sure of how many people will be able to sit through a movie with no words, Intellectual people will of course find this interesting (as did i - haha) but seriously, considering the attention span of most teenagers these days, i would love to see this shown in school and see how many are awake at the end of the movie, so while i think this movie has it's place in movie history, it is certainly not timeless as only a certain age group are going to be able to watch it but watch it you should (or at least try) if only to see a genuine piece of movie history.
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Rising Sun (1993)
Japanese perfection meets American craziness
5 January 2020
I love this movie, it never gets boring, it is always entertaining and Connery and Snipes are great too, it is hard to say much about this film without invading one of the sub-plots and spoiling it for someone so just relax, put your feet up and let it take you on a journey where things are almost never what they see, and i love how it mixes Japanese with American, something i have never seen done to this level before, a great enjoyable rollercoaster of a movie pure entertainment.
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Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar, a beautiful place to spend a holiday
5 January 2020
Refreshing to see a movie with a lot of originality even though it was predictable but still hugely enjoyable, i have just ordered the Directors Cut with extra 24mins of footage. not a brilliant movie but very, very good and it is one i could easily watch again, hence the Directors Cut order. Enjoy, put your feet up and let it take you on a journey.
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Goodbye my sweetheart, Hello Vietnam
4 January 2020
Are the words to the opening song and from this moment, this movie grabs you and doesn't let go. It's crazy that Platoon got all the praise, Platoon is brilliant but not close to as good as this one. Kubrick is amazing most of the time and he doesn't let himself down with this one. The atmosphere it creates in certain sequences is unreal, in the scene with the woman sniper the background sound is amazing, it seems to be a certain kind of reasonance that just pulls you into the tv and of course we have the forever and still to be equalled drill instructor section, this movie never gets old and never gets boring. Another Kubrick masterpiece.
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K-9 (1989)
Easily the best of the dog and companion comedies that all came out at the same time as this
4 January 2020
We all know with this type of movie what to kind of expect from the actors but the dog always steals the show it seems and in this one, it is clearly the case too and for this reason only Jerry Lee wins hands down, he is so smart and funny that the other dog movies are nothing compared to this, he is amazing and i feel in love with him from the first few shots, an amazing dog who would be fantastic in any movie and Jim Belushi seems his perfect sidekick too. What a pairing these too make - don't miss this one and don't sit in front of the tv with a mouth full of drink unless you want your tv to get soaked from uncontrollable laughter.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Boring, watching a caterpillar emerge from it's chrysalis in real time would be more exciting
4 January 2020
Its sad to see movies like this that are charting the fall of the brilliant Jim Carrey and i'm afraid to say that i'm sure we have seen the best of Jim now. Cannot give any reason to even watch this movie once. Maybe glance for 10 minutes thought to see the master of multiple facial expressions fail to master even a single different accent, it's just awful. Sort yourself out Jim and save your career.
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Good but nothing special
4 January 2020
This in general was your everyday average movie and nothing you would miss if you don't get to see it. The main point of interest for me was that this film was made by the Israeli film school foundation and as such being a film about Syria in a kind of way, i wanted to see how the Israeli's portray everyone else and it was as expected in that the Israeli's always seem to want to convey a negative message about another people and when you own all the media and major studios, it is so easy as this film illustrates to paint a picture of whoever you want no matter if it is true or not. Going back to the movie and reviewing this independently though, it was just average, absolute AVERAGE.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Denzel's Best Movie
4 January 2020
Was expecting this to be a good movie with the combination of Denzel and Tony Scott but this was brilliant and i have seen it loads of times since and i never get bored still of watching this. It's a movie i cannot even explain why i like it so much as it is in theory pretty similar to so many other movies but this movie has something extra, something special, maybe it's the atmosphere it creates but it's just brilliant and one to go on your bucket list for sure. Denzel is fantastic and Dakota and Radha are great too and there is the usual brilliant Christopher Walken part also. Well that's enough for now, i'm off to watch 'Man On Fire' AGAIN.
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Trade (I) (2007)
Fantastic and Realistic
4 January 2020
Wow, what a film this was, it gripped me from the very beginning and i could'nt move, not many movies grab me like this and won't let go but this movie does that without even trying, i wasn't even expecting anything from this movie but it was mermerising and i have watched it many times since and it hits a home run because it makes you understand what is actually going on in this cruel world we live in Be careful about watching this is you are parents and have a teenager living abroad on their own or then again maybe that is even more reason to make sure you watch this movie but utter brilliance and really gets the message across that it is trying to deliver. If this movie does not stir your emotions then you are not human.
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Confusing, even the movie doesn't understand itself
4 January 2020
This movie starts ok for the first 15 mionutes of so and is easy to follow and lets you think that it will be a good movie to watch but its like driving an electric car from New York to California, it just won't make it and doesn't just fall a little short of the distance but it's a long way off and one which i could not bear to watch again. The idea is poor too, i don't know what they wanted to accomplish with this movie but i am sure they didn't achieve it, the whole execution is so poor, its like making a cup of coffee and using salt instead of sugar and vinegar instead of milk, it's just a wholly bad idea, tastes crap and something you would not put yourself through again, Stay away from this movie, stay sane, stay healthy. I'm sure if Manson had the ability somehow, he would kill the people who made this movie also.
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The Aftermath (2019)
Enjoyable and different
4 January 2020
This movie is good and enjoyable if you watch it without first trying to categorise it, i can't remember another movie like this, there are many with similar themes but this one seems to have something a little extra difference about it and if true about the main plot about where the Brits lived after the war for a short time then this has also educated a person who thought he knew most things about the war. Well Done, nothing amazing but a nice enjoyable movie nevertheless that i would have no problem watching for a second time.
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The Descent (2005)
Briliant and Surprising
4 January 2020
This movie surprised me as i was expecting another standard reasonable and enjoyable horror movie, it's like waiting to go on a new roller coaster and you're feeling ok until you sit down, the bars come down and you realise that you're staying put until the end of the ride and what a ride this movie is, its a great combination of adrenaline, excitement, fear and panic and has some great things happen that most people will not see coming. If you haven't seen this already then it has to be one of the 10 Horror movies that you must see at least once in your life. Be brave curl up on the sofa (alone if you dare), switch off the lights and prepare to have the living s**t scared out of you.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Gangster Classic
4 January 2020
Another classic gangster flick, this is another brilliant movie which i never seem to tire of watching. As usual Joe Pesci is un-nerveingly frightening in his role and for me steals the show again, Ray Liotta is also great in this, De Niro is good but never deserves to be the number one name on any movie in my opinion, i think the only one possible for De Niro to deserve the leading name is on Cape Fear, all his roles are too similar for me and he is over-rated, but nevertheless, this is still a brilliant classic movie and De Niro is a positive overall to the movie. Another MUST SEE before you die.
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Casino (1995)
A True Modern Classic
4 January 2020
This is simply one of those movies that you have to watch and i am sure the three hours or so will easily fly by and you won't even realise it. Everything is brilliant and I can't even think of a negative about it, i could watch this movie every day without getting bored of it. A MUST SEE !!!
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