18 Reviews
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The Twelve (2022– )
Please remember,YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Because of the inclusion of the great Sam Neill, I was really looking forward to this Mini-Series as it were. I refuse point blank to give this drivel any stars whatsoever, and if it were allowed I'd give it a MINUS, we have enough trash coming out from DISNEY, without this BS.

I'm truly sorry to the people, i.e. Family and friends of the producers, cast and crew, that have given this garbage 8 or more stars (They would be the only one's to do so), why do we have to have all the expletives (Not family friendly), also the phoney copulation, with the guy completely NAKED and the woman FULLY CLOTHED, I mean come on people this is as bad as the baby being born in NEIGHBOURS, with the woman delivering through HER TIGHTS, also why the Lesbians, Vegans etc. WOKISM AUSTRALIA????
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The Batman (2022)
Come on people!!!
10 June 2022
I've just watched "The Batman". Okay it's light years from Adam West. But I personally don't think it deserves the criticism you're all giving it. Think of GOTHAM the T. V. series, that was really dark, and I loved every minute of it.
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Senior Year (2022)
6 June 2022
I've just watched this poor excuse for a comedy (I'm assuming it was supposed to be a comedy).

The format has been so many times before, sorry, it amazes me, as to WHY they keep trying to flog a dead horse??

I was so looking forward to this, hoping for something NEW, but most of what we got was WOKENESS and a touch of climate change, thrown in for good measure.

I'm sorry, if I've offended anyone, with these comments, but it's as I see it. I don't think that I even smiled once, let alone laughed.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Be Careful!!
9 April 2022
I watched this series live. I have just binge watched the whole series again on Amazon, and to be totally honest, I am in total agreement with other posts on this site, and that is "Watch up to the end of series 5" then forget the other 10, REALLY!!!

That's where it should have ended!!
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Authentic Frontier Gibberish
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Come on guys get a grip, the fight scenes were very very well done, but come on with the WOKE codswallop of an African (JARL), I'm not saying there wasn't , but come on, really, a JARL?.

Where was the part where Aethelred, went to Normandy?

Apart from all that, hollywood. Did anyone actually do any research?? Sweyn Forkbeard actually died in 1014, so how the hell could he have turned up in Kattegat, with his grandsons, which was much later?.

Please guys it's not difficult to do some real FACT CHECKING??
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The Marine (2006)
Utter garbage
7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first time I've watched this garbage, and I'll never get back the 11/2 hours I wasted watching this utter drivel.

First rule of comedy, you must have reality.

When the cops are shot at the Gas Station, the cop car has a flat, but when our hero drives away in it, it's not a flat at all.

Overall the film was ludicrous, surely this was from a sixth grader in his parents basement.
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Please help!!
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the movie was very good (Apart from the brake linkage being severed, which would have automatically applied the brakes), first rule of comedy, you need reality, that said, the scene wouldn't have gone the way they wanted it to, had it done so.

The relationship of the Father/Son, started off well. We were then introduced to the now loathsome WOKEISM, which is now being stuffed down our throats daily by the political theatre. A quick message to Disney, STOP IT NOW!, or you may well suffer the consequences of that Wokeism, coming back to haunt you.

Sir Ben Kingsley, WHAAAT!!,was he supposed to be some sort of comic relief?? (Or did he need the money).

Katy, well what can one say, one days training, and she's as good as Clint Barton (HAWKEYE), gimme a break!

The CGI, was way over the top. Unfortunately it was nearly a snoozfest, almost!!

So, that's the reasoning for my 2 stars. Disney is ruining everything get their hands on at present.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Patriots (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
5th grader work on critical race theory
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The reference in the programme to "The Insurrection" is totally laughable.

I would like to ask a simple question "How many people have actually been charged with INSURRECTION??" Potraying "Patriots" as wanting to start a Civil War, and quoting Trump saying "Stand back and stand by", and the weak minded watching this drivel will believe it.

Felipeperez-23313 states in his review that there has been no proof of election fraud, all I can say is just which planet has he just arrived back from??.

This episode, has made my mind up that this programme is OFF MY viewing list, perhaps the ordinary FBI series could follow suit, we'll see???
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Fire with Fire (II) (2012)
10 September 2021
The plot has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. Bruce Willis should be ashamed of himself for being in such drivel, obviously he just did it for the money.

Sorry, but I can't bring myself to give it any stars at all.
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Poor man's Terminator!
11 August 2021
I'm sorry, but anyone who gives this drivel any star rating haven't got two brain cells to rub together.

The plot (Ha,Ha) was dreamt up in some sophomore's dorm. The acting (If you can call it acting, I've seen better in "Plan 9 from outer space) to say the actors were wooden is the biggest understatement ever.

The writers (Well what can one say, puerile nonsense), I was just wondering if this was an old Ed Wood script that someone found, and thought, as a tribute we'll make it!!!
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Highlander: The Raven (1998–1999)
Authentic Frontier Gibberish!!
12 July 2021
To say that the acting is wooden is the biggest understatement, the cast have branches sticking out of their heads, or may have well had!!!

The acting is abysmal, this is something a college student and his friends have dreamt up. Childish, very very childish.
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1 April 2021
Just watched this, and unfortunately in 1985 this would have been top notch. Unfortunately it's now so dated, and really looks like a "B" movie, and to honest if it were made today it would go straight to DVD.

To be totally honest to say the acting was wooden would be THE biggest understatement, as at times the acting was laughable.

I know they made several other sequels, but if they are as amateurish as this then I really don't know what to say.
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19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've just worked my way through this excuse for a movie. I'm sorry I can't even bring myself to give it one star, although for the costumes I will. Really, fake snow, at least get something that actually MELTS! I would think that if you really want to capture Chinese mythology you would be better off watching THE GREAT WALL, at least it had some semblance of a storyline.
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WandaVision (2021)
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up in the 60's with Bewitched etc. In the 80's there was a series on TV called Hi De Hi! one of the main characters was Ted Bovis, the camp comedian. He had an understudy called Spike, and he said to him "The first rule of comedy Spike, you must have reality." This (For want of a better Phrase depicts this abomination) I'm afraid it is exactly exactly what Ted was referring to. I've watched 3 episodes and thought this must get better, but I keep seeing Samantha!! (From Bewitched) I'm very sorry as a Marvel devotee this is the pits. How people are giving this abomination between 8 and 10 stars is beyond me, I can't even bring myself to give it one star (Although I may have to, but I don't want to), it's abysmal. As for keeping it in Black and White just doesn't bear thinking about. I'm sorry I just can't bring myself to suffer any more.
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Oh Dear!!
4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What can one say, I want the 2 hours of my life back! Why can't these movie makers try at least to improve on the original, instead of trying to KILL the franchise. This is not the only movie franchise to do this, as we all know, surely it doesn't take a rocket scientist to come up with a good follow up. The opening was passable, but then went so far downhill it was an impossibility to climb back up. Please for heaven's sake if you are going to make another, GET some scriptwriters that have a modicum of sense to put together something that at least has a good plot, as for me the plot of this mistake was to relieve the paying customer of their hard earned cash.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
30 August 2020
How can I say more than darthbalzzz in his review. I echo every sentiment. I too loved GOT and Vikings, this show is as good IF NOT better than either them. Please be sure to watch it from the very first series episode one. I hope in my heart of hearts that their WILL be a Fifth series.
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Mortal (2020)
Just watch it
7 August 2020
Please, do your self a favour and watch this Movie. Ignore the knockers (I think they were expecting Marvel?), yes okay it was a bit slow at first, but stick with it, and please, please IT'S NOT MARVEL STUDIOS, ignore the fact that it is not a multi million dollar budget, and that it's Norwegian (With English subtitles, and as a bonus they SPEAK English too). I don't normally go for foreign films, but I really did like this one. Please remember it's a FANTASY, and watch it with that in mind. I, like a lot of others are desperately hoping for at least one sequel, if not several (PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE). I am trying very, very hard not to include spoilers. I have scrolled through some pretty horrendous reviews (Even from a Norwegian), really I have no idea what exactly they were expecting (As for Azrafiq, I'd love to know exactly which movie he was watching, as it wasn't the one were talking about) and as for people saying it was a naff ending (Get a life), it was a cliff hanger, for a sequel. I for one will definitely be watching the sequel. Bring it on!
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Oh Dear Netflix
29 January 2020
I started watching this, and to be perfectly frank, I really don't know why Netflix would put their name to such drivel. I gave this one star for the CGI, I agree with others in that this, for want of a better phrase SHOW, is racist, and preaching white privilege. The two leads are totally unconvincing, and as for the whiny kids, well what can one say?? Please don't be fooled into thinking this is an upbeat show, it's nothing of the kind (Worse than LOST for quirky flashbacks) I do hope that someone in NETFLIX is reading these viewer responses, I for one WILL NOT even attempt to watch another season (Only got to episode 7 by fast forwarding, and it is getting worse instead of better)
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