
64 Reviews
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RIP Joel M. Reed
14 May 2020
I view the film as a metaphor for low budget horror and exploitation filmmaking. If you push the limits of sex, nudity, violence and gore you're viewed as a hack and a sleaze. It's tough to get quality actors for your films and getting critics to see your vision, but ultimately Sardu is just an artist doing everything he can to put on the best show possible.
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Tiger King (2020– )
If the feds want you, they'll get you, period.
11 May 2020
The feds wanted Joe Exotic so bad they cut deals with a bunch of other criminals to capture one criminal. How is getting Joe for plotting murder and letting the supposed actual hit man walk, justice? The case was such a joke they had to get him on something completely different, what a joke. My issue isn't with Joe being in prison, but all of those other scumbags not. With Carole at the top of that list. I know there is a lot of narrative at work, but man, almost no one in that "documentary" looked good.
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The best movie in an overrated franchise
10 May 2020
40 years later and Disney with all of it billions of dollars still can't make a Star Wars film that comes close to this.
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An average movie that came out at the perfect time
10 May 2020
Not a big Star Wars fan, but like everyone else I've seen the movies a few times, recently watched this again and man does it not hold up well. All of the sudo British accents and posh attitudes that some of the characters had that were quickly abandoned halfway through the movie. The worst being Carrie Fisher, it was hard to ignore and even harder to give it a pass. The movie had great timing. A few years after the Vietnam War ended and also at the tail end of the Hollywood New Wave that consisted of long artsy serious bleak films that focused on drama and character development. Suddenly here's this action-packed space adventure with robots, space ships, swords, chosen ones, ancient myths wise old men, bad guys in all black, good guys in all white, turn your brain off adventure. Looking back now it's an average movie with a lot of holes in the logic and filmmaking.
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The Pit (1981)
A tale of two films
7 May 2020
The first half of the film about a sexually deviant sociopathic preteen boy terrorizing attractive women and being picked on and bullied by other kids his own age, that movie is intriguing and really good. The second half change in tone to a comedic horror creature film which by all accounts was the directors call, that movie is average at best and only because of the remnants of what the first half of the film established. Maybe the director knew the film wasn't going to play out well in its original form. A lot of movies start off well and fall apart after their initial premise is established, but either way, despite an interesting final twist, the movie is only works because of how odd it is.
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This movie is a kid emptying his toy box on the floor
7 May 2020
Once you get past how cool it is to see all these characters on screen together, this movie is very lacking. The characters have no consistency, the deaths are hollow and are just there for shock value since we all know they won't say dead, the power levels of the characters and the stones fluctuate to fit what the plot needs. This is a very flawed film, but with that said I still think it's the best marvel film by far. The action and Thor's subplot are both good and Thanos is great, his character holds the movie together.
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Fan service the movie!
7 May 2020
On first viewing you love how everything is tied up. Stop there! If you've only seen this movie once do yourself a favor and don't ever watch it again. On second viewing this is a below average overly long film in which very little happens in a bloated second act. The only thing that still stands up is the Avengers trinity of Thor, Captain America and Iron Man versus Thanos, but it real makes you question the power levels of these characters, Thanos took them all out with no stones. The time travel subplot has more holes than swiss cheese I don't care how much screen time they gave explaining it and "joking" about it, I quote joking because in the MCU references count as jokes. There's the soul stone, in the last movie you had to make a sacrifice, how is Black Widow's suicide a Hawkeye sacrifice? How does Thanos not feel all 5 stones leaving his glove? Why so much build up about the glove in the previous movies if Iron Man can make one in a few hours, there's more, there's so much more but, at the end of the day Disney's 3-hour infomercial manage to make billions of dollars while not anger China or SJWs in the porcess, so for that alone this was impressive.
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Cancel, Tony Manero! Another classic that couldn't be made in today's culture
7 May 2020
This feels more like a documentary than a movie. The film touches on so many urban issues including classism, religion, racism, peer-pressure, jealousy, rivalry, rebellion, respect, unprotected sex and rape, in a way that feels honest and not contrived. It's not trying to make a statement about these social issues it's just showing you realistic characters that deal with it. I see a lot of people that like the film hail Tony as a hero and a lot of people that hate it decry him as a shallow idiot. I view him more as a tragic character that sees the path he's going down isn't the right one, but doesn't quite know how to deal with it. He's not happy with the man he is, but doesn't quite know how to change into the man he wants to be. Movies that try to accomplish these things intentionally come off pretentious and ham fisted. This movie was just and honest slice of life story with a great lead performance and its realism lead to its depth. Yes, the amazing soundtrack and dance sequences are the reason why it became a blockbuster and a cultural phenomenon, but even without them this movie would have been a cult classic and time capsule of the late 70s.
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Eddie Murphy is a funny man, I wish someone told that to Tony Scott.
7 May 2020
Eddie Murphy is good at telling jokes and making fun of people, but for some reason either Murphy himself or the filmmakers he worked with kept trying to turn him into an action star and traditional leading man. The weakest parts of the original Beverly Hills Cop were the action sequences you had to sit through in-between Murphy putting bananas in tailpipes and tricking snobby elites into giving him what he wants. You'd think for the sequel it would be more jokes and less paint by numbers boring action scenes, you'd be wrong.
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Cartoons aren't this cartoonish
7 May 2020
I've never gotten into the Indiana Jones franchise and this movie makes me glad I didn't. The only reason I watched and was able to finish it is because I played it with the rifftrax commentary. Good lord this movie sucked.
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Cube (1997)
An interesting premise that ultimately goes nowhere.
7 May 2020
Bad dialogue, hammy acting, contrived drama, yeah, this movie has its flaws, but considering it was made on a budget of around $300,000 U.S. with unknown actors, it's pretty impressive once it's put into context. I love the use of the "No Exit" premise from the Jean-Paul Sartre play that's been used in The Twilight Zone and I myriad of other films, but lack of creativity in the ending showed that there likely wasn't much more the filmmakers had in mind past the premise, which is disappointing.
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Is this even a satire anymore?
24 April 2020
In 2004 this was just a satire. Today with Donald "MAGA" Trump on the verge of getting a second term as president, celebrity narcissism and worship at an all-time high and liberals cancelling everything and becoming parodies of themselves, this film feels all too real.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
it's okay
24 April 2020
Judging it as a movie it's pretty repetitive, cliched, illogical and the lead character is as always in these movies is very stupid. Judging it as a popcorn horror movie, it's definitely above average, it could have been better if it had an R-rating and shaved off 20 minutes.
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The dreaded "Horror Comedy."
23 April 2020
I wished this movie would have been labelled a "Romantic Comedy" or a "Buddy Comedy" or any other comedy except the dreaded "Horror Comedy." A genre which horror fans and comedy fans alike seem to despise and this might have been considered a mainstream hit instead of a cult film, which everyone how sees it likes it, but not enough people actually see it.
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Scissors (1991)
Campy 90s thriller
23 April 2020
There are so many things that make no sense and plot points that are completely meaningless. The main supporting actor, Steve Railsback plays twins, but neither of those characters story arcs play a factor in the main storyline or the climax of the film. The acting is so over the top you'd think someone told Sharon Stone this was a comedy. Almost no situation put on screen in this film makes any logical sense. There's a bird in the film and you can see the string attached to its leg that the handler is using to control it. This is definitely a so bad it's good movie, but be warned the score may be the worst I've ever heard and it's bad in a bad way and the movie is at least 15 minutes too long, so even the "good" parts can drag and get tedious at times.
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Sisters (1972)
A fun watch for film buffs
23 April 2020
An interesting low budget murder mystery and early Brian De Palma film. Noted for his love of Hitchcock, De Palma borrows heavily from Rear Window and Psycho. There are quite a few twists in the story, unfortunately I found the movie to be less interesting with each one. Still a good movie and a fun watch for film buffs.
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StageFright (1987)
Giallo/Slasher film hybrid
23 April 2020
This Giallo/Slasher film hybrid marks the directorial debut of Dario Argento protégé Michele Soavi. The direction and technical aspects of the film are all solid, however the characters are paper thin and there isn't much deviation from the standard tropes and clichés both before and after its 1987 release to interest those who aren't fans Giallo or slasher films. Not worth going out of your way to see, but not something you'll regret watching either.
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Banana in the tailpipe
2 April 2020
Peak Eddie Murphy with the perfect mix of comedy and action, the film slows down for him to do his antics while still keeping the story moving. The side characters play off of him well and the fish out of water role is probably his best type to suit his talents. Also, the soundtrack and the score are just as iconic as his performance.
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Curse of Bigfoot (1975 TV Movie)
Film padding the movie.
2 April 2020
Film padding the movie. There's barely enough good footage here to put together a trailer, yet somehow upon its original release the director, Dave Flocker manager to stretch it out to just under an hour. 1975 must have been a tough year for programming because Bigfoot got a TV debut and added framing scenes to reach the 75 minutes required. I watched this with the A-team at rifftrax on commentary and even they could barely get me through this slog of a "film." Good for Flocker, I'm sure when he made this disaster for peanuts he never thought it would play on TV and still be around decades later.
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Low budget shlock that knows what it is.
1 April 2020
Gratuitous nudity, violence, gore, "action," over the hill stars looking of a payday and unintentional comedy. With that said it's at least 20 minutes longer than it needed to be which will test your feelings of it's so good it's bad to just bad. Luckily it saves the best for last with a third act filled with crosses and double crosses.
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Superman: Red Son (2020 Video)
93% on rottentomatoes 😂😂😂😂😂😂
1 April 2020
Jimmy Olsen is black, why? Because, shut up you racist! Wonder Woman is a lesbian all we need now is a trans batman and they can form the Progressive League. Also, for no reason and I literally mean no reason, because it doesn't affect the plot in any way, Wonder Woman is stronger than Superman. Stronger than the character writers hate working on because he's too overpowered. Feminism, ladies and gentlemen and if you think I'm reaching, she reminds us in every scene how much she hates men because we're all stupid and she leaves our doomed society and the movie to escape to her island of perfect women, subtitle movie, real subtitle. Superman kills Stalin after seeing some files from Louis Lane showing that governments can be corrupt. Superman...🙄 Superman can't figure this out for himself? Whatever! Imagine if the traditional version Superman found out how many people died of aids in the 80s because Reagan pretended it wasn't there, "it's just the gay man's disease," or how the US under Bush Jr. went to a pointless war with Iraq because "God told him too," or how many innocent people died, I'm sorry how much "collateral damage" there was with drone attacks under Obama. Superman killing Stalin makes no sense for the character. This movie takes a piece of art in Superman Red Son that handled its complex political subject matter objectively and turned it into a subjective piece of American propaganda. Christ filmmakers are you aware of how much people like Stalin and communism in general thrived then and still does now on propaganda and here you are unironically using propaganda to speak out against it! This is so upsetting because this isn't the new New Warriors, a cast of characters written to push the identity politics of the writer or GI Joe a flag waving right wing toy commercial, or even an original Superman story, this was Superman goddamn Red Son a story that ended with crescendo that makes you think, instead of cringe. Read the comic book or heck even watch the motion comic and you'll be outraged by this Superman Woke Son garbage too.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
I wish I could give it zero stars
26 March 2020
Why couldn't they have just made a good movie about a female antihero team, instead of this woke new wave feminist propaganda/Margot Robbie vanity project. All men are either useless, stupid, misogynistic, evil or some combination of all. And the hero of this film is a narcissistic, violent, psychopath who loves egg sandwiches, isn't that cute, funny quirky and irreverent, laugh! You non-progressive oppressor. Btw, in what way was she emancipated? She had no restrictions on her behavior at any point, she makes no growth as a character, the one thing she does get over is her breakup with the Joker, but we never see him or the dynamic of their relationship, no codependency, abuse, nothing hinted at that she suffered from and then later overcame through the course of the movie. Leaving all of the subtext and messaging aside, the movie on its own merit isn't good. The villain couldn't be any weaker and more forgettable, the characters are paper thin because there are too many of them to flesh out and the whole poop out the diamond storyline, what is this a 1980s TV show? It's uninspired, unimaginative and dated. I can't think of one memorable scene in this movie I liked and no I can't get into fight scenes in which 200lb stuntmen fly around trying not to accidently hurt 120lb women in heels, makeup and wigs. How are they able to break bones or knock them out with one blow? There's no context in terms of rigorous training or super strength or agility. No, they're kicking their butts with feminism and if you don't like it you must hate women. Good luck with that marketing and trying shame people into liking your movie WBs, because it worked so well with Ghostbusters. It may sound like I didn't enjoy this film, but if it had a little bit more narration it might have swayed me, there were 2mins or so of screen time in which there wasn't any narration either telling me what I was about to see with my own eyes or trying to fill in holes in the swiss cheese storyline in postproduction. At least Suicide Squad was just a bad movie, this is a bad movie that makes you feel like Alex in a Clockwork Orange. You'd better watch and see what a terrible person you are for having a penis and if you don't I'll tell the world it's because you're scared of empowered vaginas. I wonder how all of the people that made, support or just enjoyed this film would feel about it if all of the gender roles were switched and if the answer is, they've already seen Hollywood make those films, then I hope they have enough self-awareness to then understand how I felt watching this.
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typical 80s low budget Fantasy/Adventure/Action/Sci-Fi film
25 March 2020
This film checks a lot of boxes for a typical 80s low budget Fantasy/Adventure/Action/Sci-Fi film. It has a "will they or won't they" romance with the lead characters, the heroine was kidnapped at least once, an archer sidekick that's also an effeminate monotone elf, a comic relief dwarf played by Peter O'Farrell, a slow-witted giant that's just a tall actor, a villain that wants to rule the world/universe and a budget that's one tenth of what the script calls for. The only reason to watch this movie would be to make fun it and from that standpoint, it's a success.
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Conventional in certain ways and arthouse in others.
25 March 2020
Based on watching previous police dramas you can lull yourself into thinking you know where this movie is going, from scenes, to characters, to what seems like an obvious plot twist at the end, but you'd be wrong. This movie will set things up and then either forget about them or move on from them with or without you. The story and plot are almost playing out in the background and you're left focusing on this cop who's lost his way and instead of learning, changing or paying a price for his criminal actions, he just simply comes to grips with who he is and accepts it. Conventional in certain ways and arthouse in others. This is definitely a love it or hate it film.
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Too Many Cooks (2014 TV Short)
Not what I expected
24 March 2020
I heard this was an interesting short that was on adult swim that I should watch. I'm glad it wasn't spoiled for me. It's aided a lot by not knowing what's coming. A must watch if it wasn't spoiled for you and a highly recommend if it was.
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