
3 Reviews
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Ridiculous...but the good kind.
27 January 2007
From the director of Narc comes a movie that's trying to be Snatch, Lock, Stack and Two Smoking Barrels or anything Tarantino-esquire. It doesn't really succeed, but that doesn't mean it's not balls out entertaining. I mean, the beginning is a little all over the place and the plot is shaky, but seriously…screw plot. When these guys start blowing each others heads off plot is the last thing that matters. I literally laughed out loud during the build up to the big climatic battle (the one in which three separate gun fights are about to commence within a casino) due to just how ridiculous these guys have stacked the deck…but ridiculous in a GOOD way! The plot twists are a little "meh," one I predicted in the first half hour and the other one you couldn't predict because you didn't have the information to predict it, but the whole movie is pretty satisfying. If you saw Running Scared or Lucky Number Slevin last year, and you enjoyed them…this ones right up your alley.
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Epic Movie (2007)
Decent, but short.
26 January 2007
I knew when I saw a parody of the Saturday Night Live bit "Lazy Sunday," I was in trouble. What is Epic Movie 2 going to have a take off of the "D*ck In A Box" segment? In all actuality though, the movie wasn't THAT bad. It was far superior to Date Movie, which I walked out of last year. But the movie itself is so short (iMDB says 86 minutes, but it didn't feel like it even cracked the eighty minute mark) that it didn't seem worth the price of admission. It actually didn't give you time to walk out even if you wanted too.

The two (out of six) Scary Movie writers, Friedberg and Seltzer, were hit or miss with their bits. But luckily there were more hits than misses. I've got to tell you though; these dudes are OBSESSED with the black rapper and MTV culture. Every other joke is someone having a grill or break dancing or getting "crunk" or being a DJ on a turntable. And in Date Movie they did the "Pimp My Ride" joke, so of course here they've got to do the "Cribs" knock off. If you find that kind of thing funny, this ones a can't miss.

But...I will admit I laughed at quite a few of the bits, and the performers did pretty well. Jayma Mays was spot on with her Anna Faris impersonation, and Kal Penn (who seems like he should have grown past these type of movies by now) was able to hold it all together real was the rest of the cast. I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie in theaters unless you're extremely bored and need to waste eighty minutes, but I would recommend seeing it when it comes to HBO or Showtime. It's decent for what it's suppose to be, but it's not really worth the price to get in.
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Queer Duck: The Movie (2006 Video)
12 July 2006
I literally signed up at this site just to knock this lame duck out of the water. I'm almost positive the person who wrote the review "Queer Duck Rules" had some hand in the production of this film, because this was just junk. I checked it out because I saw that it was written by a former Simpsons writer, and had Conan as a guest could that not be funny? But this film just completely lacked the flow of a proper comedy. There were a couple of decent jokes in the mess though, but I didn't actually laugh at any of them. I just kind of acknowledged that they were jokes in a "well, that's not bad" type of way. Nothing worth spending money on.

In addition, the film kept on using sound effects after each a drummer in a nightclub. I guess to ensure that the audience understood which lines were jokes, and just about everyone came off looking bad. On top of all of this, the musical numbers were drawn out and tedious, which made them feel like nothing more than filler.

This cartoon runs at about seventy-two minutes. I turned it off at about fifty minutes, and I actually felt ashamed that I wasted fifty minutes on it. That should tell you all you need to know right there.
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