
14 Reviews
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
I. Love. Her!
27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do, I really do. Besides for the ambassador part, she's every woman and so relatable. She is smart and funny. She talks like a trucker. She's not afraid to get what she wants and says what's on her mind. She's not afraid to deck someone in a heartbeat. She is amazing! She looks familiar and I'm going to see where I know her from but I'm definitely going to say this part was made for her. She's amazing!

Ok, I do like the show too. It's a different POV on the same thing in a way...if that makes sense. I'm only half way through but I can say it's a serious show but I have laughed out loud. (That chair scene!)

I like the dynamics between her and most of the other characters. I know I keep talking about her but she makes the show.
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Very interesting
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's weird to say this, but I do like to see these type of documentaries. It does make you feel sad to see people struggling, and people in life or death situations, and people dying, but it is good to see because it puts things in perspective for you as you're sitting on your couch watching. It makes you grateful to be alive.

The things that bothered me about this documentary were the Israeli guys and the one rich dude. For the most part, I wasn't too mad at the Israeli guys until the one guy lied. Then I was like "plot twist!" At least the other guy told the truth about breaking into the box. No one can say what they would do in a situation like that, let's be real. But when they got back to the town, and the Nepali guy was asking for the bag, it should have been easily hand it over. It shouldn't have been a tug-of-war. You're in someone else's land. You should respect their culture and their rules.

Now, the one rich guy I want to punch in the face. I can already see he's a male Karen and he's used to getting his way and if he doesn't, he pitches a fit like a big sack of privileged 💩. If you don't know what privilege looks like, just watch the clips with this guy in it. If you don't see the privilege that means you are part of the privileged.

Those guys excluded did not ruin this documentary for me. I thank whoever made this for shedding light on such a tragic event. I'm still watching but i pray for those that didn't make it and the loved ones they left behind.
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Treason (2022)
Besides for the wife
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's ok. I like shows like but as a very strong woman who stays shut for no one I fee qualified to say the wife needs to STFU. Your husband is the interim head of MI6 and you're spying on him? Worrying he's cheating? Really? This man has national safety in his hands and she's worried he bought a record? I mean I'm no spy but I think I would have understand that's code for something. A man had to of written this part because I can't see a reasonable woman in this position acting like a little b unless a man wrote it. I know us women are dramatic but I think most of us would understand our husbands position.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
23 April 2022
Ok so first I wanted to address all the commenters that looked up the other commenters that rated the show highly. They went and stalked them and basically said "these people only have one review-they must be fake" because no one can like this show. First off, I've read the reviews on every show I watch and never saw anyone write that except for this show. That tells me that much like everything else online, people follow what others say and have no original thought. Second, I would rather hear the thought of a regular person...wouldn't you? Sometimes these reviews are like "the direction the cinematography were terrible" like really? The average person doesn't know or care about that crap. We're not professionals and Id rather take the opinion of a regular Joe than a professional. You know why? BECAUSE IM A REGULAR JOE!

Anyway, on to the show. Yes we've seen ground hog day ok big deal and who cares? I love the premise. Love that it's filmed in NY. I love Nadia. She is a hot mess and I definitely have a little of her in me. I'm definitely a fan. Not sure what season 2 can pull off, might have been better as a limited series but we shall see. I hope I love it as much as I love season 1.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Did I miss something?
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So...did I miss something? The mom does some magical throat slice that causes the female cop to be suspicious of her. Kind of like she was trained in tactical maneuvers, right? Only they never show the training...or did I miss it? She was a professional pianist who fell in love with the wrong guy, did a "heist" or two with this secret army, and then ended up in federal prison. So where in the hell did she learn whatever trick she learned that sliced the dudes throat in the beginning. They never said! I was waiting the whole time to see her training and it never happened. Was it to be implied? If so how?! She only did two freaking heists!

Other than that, I kind of liked the show.
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Before I Wake (2016)
Don't waste your time
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just trying to clean out my Netflix queue. Not sure why I ever put this on it to begin with. Anyway, don't waste your time. The kid is spooky and ends up with Justin Biebers old hair cut. Does she even grieve her husband? Sheesh. ✌🏼
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Idk why all the complaints
7 February 2022
People act like they write scripts, act, produce, and direct. Stfu and just enjoy. So tired of people. Is it a 10? No. But all these negative reviews. Smh.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Like the show but...
27 December 2021
I can't STAND watching her walk. Why does she walk like Redd Fox/Fred Sanford? 😂😂 I cannot stand to watch. She's a beautiful woman with a nice shape so why oh why does she always have that big coat and ugly walk? If it's on purpose, why?

I do like the show though.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Just started
13 June 2021
I mean it's not really a review because I'm only on the 3rd episode but as a fellow NYer...where the f are the NY accents?! Not one yet. It losing me.
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Master of None: Moments in Love, Chapter 5 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
I liked it
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean was it the original no? Should it have been a different show...idk...I'm just a regular person how the hell would I know. I did like it tho. It was slow in some parts and I won't lie I fast forwarded through like her eating a burger because people eating isn't sexy. But I really liked it. There was something very real about it. The stupid laughs in bed. The fights. The break ups. The still talking to each other even after divorce. I mean...that's literally my life rn. So yes, while most people didn't like it I feel like it really touched some very real part of me.
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Servant (2019–2023)
I just want to talk about shoes
21 March 2021
Can we please talk about the ugliest shoes on tv? Why does her having ugly shoes mean anything? Because they're disturbingly distracting. Why does this beautiful tv personality, with these gorgeous outfits, have the ugliest f k n shoes I've ever seen?! I can't pay attention to the scene whenever her shoes are shown. holy 💩 I just really can't.
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Not great but
29 January 2021
I love Wu-Tang since they came out so I saw Rza and jumped on it. The story is eh...I'm happy it ended the way it did though. I think that's what turned it around for me. Nothing original story wise but not bad. The story continues during the credits so make sure you catch the last scene.
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Desus & Mero (2019–2022)
Long time, first time
3 September 2020
I've been a fan for a few years since before the show and when they had their pod cast. I can't believe all the haters out there. Idk I'm from NY so I get their slang maybe those that don't like it is because they don't get it. Maybe if they had cowbells around their neck and sang Dixie tunes they would like them better? Who know and who cares? As long as these guys are on the air, tv or podcast, im tuning in. Bye hater! (maino voice)
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#BlackAF (2020)
Actually made me LOL
24 June 2020
I haven't laughed out loud watching a television show since The Office but this show did it. Love love love and I hope there's more to come.
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