
7 Reviews
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Catch and Release (II) (2006)
Decent, but misses the premise of its title
31 May 2022
I had never watched this before and remembered commercials for it on TV when it came out in 2007. I recently watched it on Netflix and expected something profound given the metaphor in the film's title. The movie's plot seems to jump around illogically at times, with random scenes (like what happened to Gray's job? There was one scene and she was never shown at work again.) Supposed feelings and a conflict between her and another character go unexplained. Weird. Her decision to go to the person she ends up with in the end is not logical either, without plot logic.

Performance-wise, Jennifer Garner is always a joy to watch due to her on-screen charm and realness. Timothy Olyphant is great in this film, as is the rest of the cast (Sam Jaeger? An underrated stud. Kevin Smith? Hilarious.)

I wish the film illustrated what "catch and release" means though, aside from Gray just using it at one point in the film nonchalantly. Because the journey Gray goes through actually illustrates the act of "catch and release" in the ups and downs of life, and it would've been more impactful to have a scene addressing the character's discovery. And clocking in at almost 2 hours, you'd think there would be space to move the story more sensibly.

Overall, the film is decent, and I think it's something one could watch if they enjoy Jennifer Garner or any rom-com/rom-drama seeming from the 2000s.
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Prime (2005)
A rom-com that's realistic
28 November 2020
Not spoiling anything, but as other reviews have put it, this definitely isn't your typical rom-com. There are elements that seem formulaic but as the plot plays out, you'll realize that it is mimicking the real-life ups and downs of being in a relationship. I love how the film addresses how parental opinion and control over a person's dating/love interest can cause conflict in a relationship, but eventually help two parties see what they want out of a relation with someone, their life, and their career. It's very real and I actually like how the film ended.
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Spread (2009)
Resonating reality about dream-chasing
10 October 2020
I think the overall message of this movie is still relevant to this day, not only to L.A., but to the age of digital talent and "influencers." Everyone chases what's on the outside and strives to keep up appearances and financial wealth, but really...a lot of what you see isn't real. And I'm positive a ton of 20-somethings are doin' exactly what Nikki (Ashton's character) in the movie does to climb a social ladder while not having anything truly to their name. A lot of transplants who go to Hollywood to chase their dreams probably find themselves goin down a similar path to make connections or gain benefits.

This movie surprised me, especially since it is labeled as a comedy (it's not). The first half is really a typical Ashton Kutcher film -- lots of sex and screwing around, so I can see why some people gave up on the film -- but towards the second half when the reality of the character (and Heather's) life set in, the weight is greater. Decent performances all around, notably Anne Heche and Margarita Levieva. Ashton has done many films that have a character who turns a slightly more serious leaf mid-film, so "Spread" wasn't a mind-blowing performance from him. Typical Ashton fare (he's always just so damn easy on the eyes for me) but the film overall is a good watch if you want a reality check about social climbing or just have 1.5hrs to kill.
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A charming surprise
10 September 2020
I've never watched a rom-com that could truly describe randomly meeting someone and going in/out of their lives as "A Lot Like Love" does. I played this with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Life has a lot of missed connections, and this movie definitely showed it. We hit so many ups and downs personally and professionally through our 20s and 30s, and it's amazing to have someone who's always a constant. What's special about this movie is that it was made before social media and cell phones really advanced, so it shows how we can really not know what is going on with someone until we see them again. I also liked how this movie didn't utilize many cliches found in its genre.

I recommend giving this a watch.
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Mulan (2020)
Was just "eh"
6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Majority of watchers already know how the story goes. I felt something was just really missing throughout the entire movie. The lack of the soundtrack that made the original animation version so touching was a miss for sure. The Witch character by Gong Li was completely pointless. And I feel (like others have mentioned) that deeper character arcs were just really absent from the movie. We don't get to see Mulan's inner turmoil in taking her father's place, we don't see the realization from her father once he realizes the sacrifice his daughter made. The iconic hair-cutting scene was absent too. Early press interviews indictated that Mushu's absence was due to wanting Mulan's camaraderie with her fellow men to be the focus but I saw zero depth between her and the men; the only thing we get in the obvious attraction from Honghui, which was a lame replacement for the animated version's Shang Li. The final battle scene was so Hollywood and made me roll my eyes. Mulan's efforts in saving the entire palace of people was also incredibly underscored in this version. Just very anticlimactic. And random, and I don't know if this was on purpose or not, but Yifei Liu looked half asleep in nearly all the scenes of her out in the desert on the horse. She looked really tired. And I love how once she decides to be "true" to herself...she lets her hair down and returns to the battle field with a super-clean face that's considerably paler than how she appeared for the first half of the entire movie. Come on....

I will say the set visuals overall were nice, but I've watched enough Chinese period dramas to know how massive and to-scale Hengdian Studios is with Chinese palaces and forts. So maybe impressive to others, but not super surprising to me. This movie reminded me a lot of the live-action "Aladdin" remake -- great visuals, but something is just missing story-wise. Many things cut from the animated version just take away from the belief of the live-action version.That all being said, I still think it was great for Disney to give Asian faces and Asian stars a chance to shine and represent a folktale known by generations.

I'd say watch this if you're curious, but if you don't -- you're honestly not missing out on anything.
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The Joneses (2009)
Relatively unknown move with a message so relatable today
23 August 2020
Despite being over a decade old now, "The Joneses" depicted the deceptive world of marketing before Instagram was even mainstream. It really speaks to the materialistic values of modern society....and in perspective really shows how things have progressed with technology today (YouTubers, Instagram influencers, TikTok stars). The movie makes you really wonder if there are families in the real world who operate just like the family in the movie does (closest I can come up with are neighbors/friends who are all in on MLM crap). Great performances by the cast (yes, even you Amber), well-made movie with a very real message.
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Watchable but very predictable
22 August 2020
Just seemed really predictable. Yes, it's a movie, but there's just so much unrealistic-ness with the plot. Very cliche love story. Probably the best part of the movie was Megan finally opening up to Alec about her college years. That's about it.
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