
6 Reviews
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Blindfold (1966)
Should be out on DVD
11 March 2004
I've seen this mystery/comedy on one of the cable channels, a few years ago. I believe it's a Universal picture, and it may be one of those movies that the studio hasn't gotten around to putting out on VHS or DVD.

It's not bad as a film, and I hope that it comes out on digital in the years ahead.

Rock Hudson is his usual self in this film, playing his typical cool guy/nice guy self in trying to figure out who the good guys/villains are. And this movie did keep me guessing till the very end.

Nice movie
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Better than given credit for
28 November 2003
While many critics don't like this version of the Old, Dark House, in fact, some of them prefer the Boris Karloff version; I have to confess I like this version.

I first saw this when I was a kid, and found myself absorbed by the mystery and surprised by the identity of the killer. As an adult, I can confess who it is--is a pretty obvious, but still I liked this film and I think Tom Poston is underrated for his work in this film.

It's sort of like the Addams Family, with a murder mystery added to it. It should be out on video or DVD, and I hope William Castle fans will try to get it out a bit more to the public.

A horror film, that doesn't have any blood and gore, just some comic suspense, and the revelation of the killer is well-played out.

I liked it.


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Better than given credit for
8 November 2003
Well, as the above commentor said, the animation is not the best, and that most certainly is true. But still, I think the tone and message of this little film is great.

If you can track this special down, give it a try. It would be great for some Christian elementary school classes, that might want try something different during the holiday season.

I would classify this special as a "B" movie. The A's being the ones that got popular and constantly repeated. This means that this isn't bad, but wasn't given the chance to catch on. It's a pity the networks didn't replay this a few more times when it came out.

The scene when the animals lose their one night gift is particulary poignant, and it does stick in the mind.

I hope it comes out on DVD in the next few years, along with a few other Christmas seventies cartoons that seem to be forgotten these days.
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Needs to be on DVD, and seen
8 September 2003
If this adaptation of the Selfish Giant is the Readers Digest Version from the seventies, and has narration by Paul Hect, I cannot endorse this video enough.

I've had the good fortune to loan it out to a Christian English Teacher at a Christian School who used it for a junior high class. I'm so glad that I was able to spread this great fairy tale around.

Hopefully, the owners of this adaptation will rerelease it on DVD, and perhaps it gain a bit more exposure in the Christian community.

A powerful story, with an ending I really didn't expect when I first saw it as a child. And somehow it stays with me. That, and the Reader's Digest version of The Little Mermaid has far more dramatic punch than say current Disney films. And I'm a Disney fan.

I wish I could get a few more copies to donate to a few friends of mine. This truly is a classic, but sadly probably won't gain the audience that a Disney film would get.


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Should be on DVD
2 September 2003
With so much anime coming to the States in DVD, I don't know why this great film (possibly my first animated foreign film) hasn't recieved greater acclaim.

I love the music to this film, I love the storyline, and the multi-faceted characters. I wish some studio would get on the ball, and get this a bit more attention.

It's a great film. And a great intro to anime before there was "anime."


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Ok film needs more notoriety
15 August 2003
The Tom Poston of The Old Dark House may not be a great horror film, but I have to confess I enjoyed it. It's hardly a super-scarey movie, but when I first saw this film when I was a kid, it kept me guessing just who the villain was till the very end.

Now as an adult, I can admit the scoundrel's identify was telegraphed a mile away.

Still for children, its an ok scarey film as oppossed to some more of todays' films.

I like Tom Poston's work in this film, and it's interesting to see him as a young performer contrasted to his later work on Newhart and other shows.

A nice film. May not be in the same calibre as the original version, which I have not seen, but it would be great if it came out on DVD.

Note: it's never come out on video either.


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