
27 Reviews
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End to End (2022)
What a delight
25 January 2023
I needed something to watch that was light and didn't require to much concentration and I happened upon this. Oh my what delight.

George Ezra and his two best friends Adam and Christie embark on a walk from Lands End to John O'Groats, 1215 miles. They meet a few musicians along the way (what is lovely is that these musicians are not famous stars, but local musicians to the area, one actually was a second cousin in a brass band).

The scenery is fabulous, the midges looked horrendous. They camped along the way, with George playing his guitar and singing a few songs, lucky friends. No posh hotels, but clearly they had a support vehicle, but spending 3 months on this trip you would need one and I certainly wouldn't begrudge them that.

I highly recommend it and I will certainly watch it again.
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Shockingly bad
21 December 2022
I will give every film benefit of doubt and give every film a good go, but gosh with this I just couldn't.

The premise is that they always go away at Christmas to avoid going to their families, this year that went wrong (won't give away that detail as to why) and in turn have to go to each family of which there are 4 on Christmas day. I got to family visit number two and gave up. For two such well known actors this was truly a big disappointment, it really was a amateur performance at best. I know and accept that Christmas films are meant to be cringeworthy and I don't mind that, but this was another league.

There are many Christmas films out there, I would advise to choose one of those.
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A good rainy day film
4 December 2022
A good rainy day film

Despite the negative reviews I enjoyed this for what it is. I have not read the book and don't intend too, I have seen other adaptions and this is just a little more modern with a few swear words (not many) and a variety of sexual positions not used in previous films.

The scenery was beautiful, the costumes were fabulous and not of a style that have I seen before in any film of this period. The acting was all good but I think I would have cast a different Connie, I find Corrin slightly irritating.

On the whole it's an enjoyable escape for 2 hours and I will watch it again...on another rainy day.
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Just boring.
10 August 2022
I tried to stick with it and kept looking to see how much time left to watch, at 53 minutes left I gave up. Just couldn't get into the story and yet again all this back and forth with time was starting to really grate on me, so no not for me.
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A yawn
25 July 2022
Fell asleep during every episode, only watching it because my hubby is.

Dreadful acting especially by the led character. Work experience saves the day, come on.

Too much woke nonsense put in and spoils what could be a good story Boring.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Poor at best
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A fictional drama inspired my real events, a very dangerous combination because everyone then believes the fiction as well as the facts.

I was very frustrated with many of the story lines as they were so far fetched and some left unanswered like StClairs wife, what was that about? .. Why did they not get a helicopter up on day one with heat seeking apparatus?, no much better to get a few hundred officers from another force (like they have a 100 spare in this day and age)... Crime scene officers wearing all the gear for all the detectives just to wonder aimlessly all over each crime scene without it... Jackson's daughter must have been on holiday in the Amazon it took her so long to get back home... Sparrow's wife being the 'spy', come on... The campers oblivious to the woods being surrounded by police, leaving tent open, phones lying there whilst taking off on a hike.. My list could go on.

Poor at best.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Stretched a bit more than necessary
1 June 2022
Watched all series now, very watchable show but to be honest I was willing series 4 part 2 to end, it was getting very repetitive, hearing the line "we're almost there" was getting a tad boring. If they cut out all the slow lingering stares it would have reduced it my an episode, it added nothing.

Julia Garner was excellent, but I found Jason Bateman unexciting, he wears the same clothes and acts the same character and uses the same expression in almost everything I have seen of him.

Definitely worth watching and although they said this was the last one I felt the ending left their options open. I hope they don't.
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
Thank heavens for Ricky Gervais
24 May 2022
We need more people like RG to stand up to the 'woke' brigade and this will get their knickers in a proper twist. I just love the fact that he doesn't care who he upsets, I no longer watch any off the main stream comedians with all their woke views.

Loved it, hilarious 😂
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Slow burner
20 April 2022

I am not a fan of films with 'ghosts' and I was going to give up with this after 20 minutes but the story actually sucked me in. I stayed with it and it turned out to be a nice story (although what Gerry did I thought was quite unfair). However it showed us what true love can do to you and his intentions were good. Nice characters, some great music and even a visit to Ireland. Stay with it you will enjoy it. Slow start but it gets better.
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My go to feel good film
16 April 2022
Watched this 3 times now. It is a romantic, feel good film, no nastiness, no swearing, no shouting etc. It's my new go to film when I need a bit of cheer.

Two good characters that are drawn together through circumstance, with the usual things that normally get in the way in any romantic film, but they get there in the end. Loved the lead actors.
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The Firm (2012)
A must watch
14 April 2022
Contrary to the many reviews on here, I thought this was a terrific thriller. Good story, good acting, and characters that you could connect with. The only thing I have a grievance about is that they left us hanging without a second series.

I highly recommend this series.
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If I went on the bad reviews I wouldn't have watched it.
20 February 2022
Ignoring them I decided to give it a go as I think Julia Garner is a good actress.

Many gave up because her voice/accent irritated them, yes it's irritating but she is playing that of a true character so hardly her fault. I did find her wigs a bit distracting though.

I do agree that it is probably a couple of episodes longer than it needed to be but I found the story actually fascinating me the more I watched.

It's fascinating how many greedy people there are out there, how they latch like leeches onto someone who they think they can benefit from, free dinners, holidays, not to mention her business dealings. Having said all of that I had no sympathy for Delevy either, she was conning people all the way.

The difficult bit is you having to decide which bits you think are true or fake.

Give it a whirl, nothing to loose.
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Pretty daft
16 February 2022
This story is pretty daft, but the episodes are short and it passed an evening.

It says its a comedy, I smiled a couple of times but certainly didn't laugh.

A few little twists and turns all of which are predictable and I thought the ending was trying to line up for another series, which I won't be watching.
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Dark Desire (2020–2022)
Tolerated series 1 but life is too short to carry on with series 2
16 February 2022
Series one was OK.

So when series 2 came on line I thought I would give it a go. Got to the end of the first episode and made the decision to give up on it. The fake crying from Alma was the biggest irritaion, watched subtitles so cannot comment on the dubbing. The sex scenes just were boring, pointless and added nothing to the story, I could not watch 14 more episodes of this.

So I give it 4 stars for the first series and 0 for the 2nd.
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I gave this 1 star for a good reason
27 December 2021
This film is as slow and as boring as it gets. I should have heeded the reviews with the low ratings. There wasn't even a story, made out to be a western but actually it isn't, its a few cattle herders in the first 15 minutes and after that they walk around the yard wearing cowboy hats and that is as exciting as it gets. DULL DULL and DULL.
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I have a personal gripe at the end
18 December 2021
The film is fine certainly entertaining enough for children and quite cute.

A few dodgy American accents, but my biggest gripe of all is at the World Freedom event at the end of the film in the park where they had alot of flags and The Union Flag also known as Union Jack is flying upside down, how could that be allowed to happen! Shame that even the British actors didn't notice the faux pas!
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Godless (2017)
I definitely think it's worth watching
11 December 2021
I won't repeat all that's said before, but just a few highlights for me.

Cinematography was excellent, for example one shot of the riders coming into town, no obvious colour in the scene apart from a yellow neck tie. This was done few times and I loved the effect.

The music score was fabulous throughout, would make a great album.

Acting was great and a number of British actors too, surely this must upset some Americans when they cast an actor from another country to play an American?

I do get a tad bored that absolutely everything you watch these days must include a lesbian or gay scene, it added nothing to the story in this particular case.

The final shoot out seems to get alot of criticism, I thought it was well done, but those who are critical must remember it's a film its not real!
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Worth a watch
16 November 2021
Nothing better to do....well its worth a watch, short series, left so there is an option for a second series.

Pretty good acting, good story, and cleverly shot. I will probably watch the follow up.
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Jaguar (2021)
Bit of a yawn
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because I am running out of things to watch. Thank heavens it was only 6 episodes, any more and I would have given up sooner. Disappointed that they left it for another series, I won't be watching that!

Some terrible acting in particular Blanca Suarez, she is very wooden in her performance with movement, speech and delivery, she has the same blank look that she also used in Cable Girls, unable to express any emotions.

Episide 5 at the hospital, after the explosion how did they spend all that time getting to Bachmann without the rest of the army showing up from the floor belowtk? Everyone and I mean everyone couldn't kill or injure anyone standing within yards of them, all rather silly really.

How did the rest of the team manage to escape all the soldiers again at the hospital, oh I forgot they couldn't shoot!.

Why did they not kill Bachmann when they had the opportunity?

The music score was dreadful, so bad I had to turn the sound off by episode 5, I was using the subtitles anyway and even they went off the rails by the last episode!

Dreadful script, which is sad when the true story deserved to be told in a more plausible way.
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Cable Girls (2017–2020)
A moral dilemma
21 October 2021
I have watched all series and given it a 6/10 over all. Some series were better than others and I wish they skipped the last series altogether.

Four women fighting for the rights of women in the 20's and 30's , nothing wrong with that you might say, but is it acceptable to commit murder in order to achieve those rights? A moral dilemma.

I started this programme 3 times as I found it hard to like any of the characters on the 3rd occasion as I had nothing else lined up to watch I persevered. That is the basis that I would recommend watching this.

By the end I could only truly say that I enjoyed the performance by Francisco and Pablo, Carlota and Sarah/Oscar's relationship truly bored me and I had to fast forward their performances, Sarah was so wooden.

Music fine, didn't notice it despite all the comments. Voice over, didn't mind it either, but as I was watching it in the subtitle format it was hard to read and digest her moral wisdoms before the next bit came along.

One final note...I was bemused by the theme, fighting for women to be allowed to work but these girls spent most of their time scheming or plotting, in the cafe across the road, hiding in an office cupboard, or at the boarding house, even when on the switchboard they were just making sneaky phone calls. Their work colleagues must have been hacked off!

Anyway if nothing else is in your 'watch list' it will fill a gap.
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Unauthorized Living (2018–2020)
Anything less than a 7 is unfair
18 July 2021
Just finished the final episode 10 minutes ago and had a quick look through some of the reviews, I think many are unfair. It's a drama series and not real life! If it were real life we wouldn't watch it as we would call it boring Great characters, someone said awful characters, had they forgotten that it's the awful characters that make up the story, suspense and plot! My only character criticism would be Carlos, really over acted the limp gay wrist, not necessary and irritating.

Series 2 ramped up a gear and it all came to a very satisfactory end.

Good drama, thriller and certainly worth a watch.

Long episodes and translation gets lost occasionally but you will get the gist. But crikey they talk fast and I occasionally struggled to keep up with the subtitles.
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Queen of the South (2016–2021)
Bloody brilliant!!
26 March 2021
Loved this, I gave it 8 because of series 2, I found the trips to Bolivia a bit on the tedious side. Apart from that full of action all the way, a little bit of love interest, as each series progresses so does the style and Teresa's problems just get bigger. Highly recommend it.
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Sky Rojo (2021–2023)
Foxes and Hounds
26 March 2021
If you are looking for another Alberto (Miguel Angel Silvestre) and Raul (Asier Etxeandia) best stop here because Velvet it ain't! Their characters couldn't be more different, Romeo - Asier Etxeandia is the nasty club owner and Moises - Miguel Angel Silvestre is one of his henchmen. It's a club with prostitutes and Romeo justifies it as necessary for the economy, they make him a lot of money and work to clear their debts, but they never clear their debts. The opportunity arises and 3 of the girls escape, no spoilers as to why. The henchmen go after them. Their back stories are revealed as to why they all end up at the club. It's a great little story of girls getting their inner strength to fight back, short episodes and definitely lined up for another series. I enjoyed it.

However, started series two and just finished episode 2 and not going any further, I won't change my star rating as I gave it for series one. Stars for 2 would be 2 or 3. I couldn't get into it, made no sense, no story line and clearly the writers didn't have a story in mind either. Life is too short to persevere.
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Velvet (2013–2016)
Tears, laughter and stress in every episode
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started off slowly watching this show, by the time I got to series 3 & 4 I couldn't put it down, gosh talk about making the viewer suffer until the end. The characters really grow, some you think gosh they will irritate me but by the end you will love them all. Barbara (sorry I will use character names) was brilliant what a witch! Patricia, a sad character I felt badly needs someone to truly love her. The outfits are amazing, although I personally don't think I would wear any of Raul's outfits. I felt it was a crawl (justified) to get the two main characters to the alter but then tried to clear all up all loose ends in one episode. Why did the police give up so quickly with Patricia and Enrique. Sergio's secret deal that didn't come to anything..what was that about. The biggest crime of all was Ana's hair style from her afternoon wedding and her old long hair style in a bun for her evening wedding, how could the producers get to the end with such a terrible faux pas. I was bemused as to the fact that Ana didn't query any details for her wedding to Carlos, again everything seemed to get rustled up with the click of a finger. Gosh don't they drink a lot, a large whiskey for breakfast on arrival at the office was the norm. Alberto and Mateo were constantly on the drink and then leaping into their cars and never an accident. Me I would be useless all afternoon. Anyway to finish, loved the show, loved Alberto and Ana a great love story and fight to the end to get to the alter.
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Delhi Crime (2019– )
A very good dramatization of shocking events
19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A must see, if only to see the appalling conditions that the police have to work under, it's a wonder that they actually have a police force that are committed enough to work under these conditions. How on earth they manage to solve any crimes shows remarkable commitment. This is a truly awful event and I understand that mistakes were made in solving the case, but they did and well done to those concerned. Well done to the film makers for bringing this dreadful event to the notice of the rest of the world, and at least some good came to the women of India as a result, her death wasn't entirely in vain.
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