
3 Reviews
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Life (I) (2017)
Boring with an awful predictable ending
1 October 2017
Nothing more than a hide and seek in space. Could have been a OK waste of time if not for the cliffhanger ending. I was crossing my fingers the whole movie hoping it wouldn't end like it did. I did of course. I really don't know what else to add. Acting OK but not great. Don't watch.
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27 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There is absolutely no critical view in this "documentary". This mad man model seems to be taken straight from the movie PI and are never questioned. There are absolutely no logical connections between pi and further behavior of the stock marked just some "observations" he has done. This is pseudo-science at its worst.

There are so many attempts at wow moments. Maybe the worst is when we are shown a list that says 1998 on it and we are supposed to believe that this is actually written in 1998.

The premise of the movie is that his model works and everyone who questions him is part of a conspiracy to keep him silent.

Don't forget, he is a convicted financial felon. He makes a ton of predictions, many that often contradict each other:

April 2014 "World War III Is On The Horizon" Aug 2014 "Kiss paper money goodbye" Aug 2014 "WE ARE WITNESSING THE COLLAPSE OF DEMOCRACY" Sept 2014 "The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption" Sept 2014 "''Martin Armstrong Fears 'Pension Funds Will Be Taken To Fund Infrastructure'' Sept 2014 "Spain is Militarizing Against Citizens – The Coming Civil War?" Sept 2014 "Scottish Rigged Vote'' Aug 2013 - Dow 30,000 and "THE STOCK MARKET WILL DOUBLE BY 2015!" Aug 2014 - "the US share market rising sharply," and "the cash SP500 should reach the 3000 level." And in Sept 2014 - "The Stock Market Will Keep On Climbing Financial Survival Network" Oct 2014 - "''November is still our target for a near-term correct low.''

and so on....
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
The greatest trick ever pulled is to make anyone believe this film has a coherent story.
24 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the target audience (and maybe even the writer) are all 14 year old boys who think magicians can do anything they want. I love a good sci-fi setting and I can accept some really fringe premises if the movie exploit them in a good way. This movie just relies on the audience swallowing everything and never questioning anything. If you start to pull any of the many loose ends it all falls apart faster than you can say bullshit.

I wanted to write this whitout spoilers, but the plot has given me a itch I can not scratch.

First, they stole 140 million by knowing the guys first pets name!?? Do they suggest the bank secure their assets with a simple password recovery scheme like that? I don't begin to understand. Are they seriuous? Why didn't they just say they hypnoticed him into withdrawing the money. Even thow that is not possible it is far more believable. This is maybe the most unbeliveble way to explain a heist I ever heard of.

There is not a singel interesting or plausible event in the whole film. Everything is just random. The fbi guy, did he base his whole career on this single moment? That is determenation and planning out of this world. But, I guess its a whole lot easier to say its just distraction and magic that did it all.

I would say that convincing people to pay for this crap is a far greater con than any of the ones presented in the movie.

I have seen allot of bad movies but they all have something if find interesting or good in them. Except this one. I cant find any thing positive to say. Stay clear.
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