
107 Reviews
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Repetitive, and honestly, not very interesting.
1 June 2024
Why is it not very interesting? I'll tell you...because the same situation (setup, execution, twist, and resolution) happens over and over and over again, every 4 to 5 episodes. You never get anything new. You know who the bad guys are, and what they'll try to do.

Which leads me to another gripe of these shows. The bad guys are known to all. Even the good guys. But the good guys go about their merry lives in such an artificially inflated state of obliviousness, that you groan loudly and lean on the fast forward button. The protagonists ignoring danger, never being prepared, always being REACTIVE instead of PROACTIVE, becomes so very tiresome.

And the antagonist demons?

Well, the centipede demon was kind of cool....and got a paltry 3 episodes.

The fox demon was also cool, and gets a mere 4 episodes.

The boring, redundant, annoying as hell Toad demon? Well, that ridiculous character gets close to 30 episodes. All backed by the annoying Ryui character, who is such a whiny POS, that you can't even consider her a true villain. She is such a buffoon of a character.

Throw in a lot of other forgettable characters, like Xui's sister, and you've got the makings of a show that simultaneously goes nowhere AND you know it is going nowhere. Nothing ever gets resolved to satisfaction, and the character's choices prolong the most ridiculous scenarios simply to fill the run time.

This one makes Eternal Love look like an above average show...and that's saying something.
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Everyone Loves Me (2024– )
Breaks the streak of Good Chinese Video Game shows
7 April 2024
The "King's Avatar" was a thoroughly enjoyable, funny, and endearing underdog story with some entertaining (albeit unrealistic) gameplay and gameplay animations.

"Falling into Your Smile" was another really good Chinese video game series, that had plenty of MOBA-style gaming scenes, and a cute love-story.

"Everybody Loves Me" however, is nowhere in the same league. It is incredibly annoying in its writing, and often practically unwatchable. The reason? It is so superficial, in every aspect of the show, that you know some simplistic solution will come along to save the day. There is no real or perceived threat to the main characters that ever pans out in the form of even a slight set-back.

Have difficulty getting qualified staff? Just pilfer them from another division. Don't worry. The owner of the company will never say anything. She's just there for looks.

Have a "Triple-A" deadline that just dropped and is due in a few hours/days and involves a complete rewrite of your business plan, model, coding, animation, promotional materials, etc. Etc. Etc.? Don't worry. Do successfully in a few hours with a dozen or so people (some of them newbies) what a full-blown studio with hundreds of people could never dream of accomplishing in less than a few weeks.

Run into a brick wall and can't make any headway? Don't worry. At least one of the lead characters will know someone privileged and, in a position, to solve all the teams' problems, allowing them to glide along unscathed yet again.

Need to get a deadline finished? Don't worry. Continue to play games during work, answer countless texts and personal calls during work, spend hours eating and socializing during work, and get drunk every night after work. Do not fret...the deadline will magically accomplish itself.

Lastly, the whole "love story" is so bland and ridiculous in its execution, you're left wondering if these two have ever talked to the opposite sex. All the misunderstandings and lack of communication typical of poor writing is on full display here. One or two heartfelt conversations where the leads actually say what they feel would have cleared everything up by episode 4, leaving WAY more time for actual video game development AND character development to be shown on screen. Instead, the behavior of the leads amounts to nothings short of a continuous stream of gaslighting, masochism, and borderline harassment.

And while I wanted to see more development of the characters, the company, the product, etc. I'd do with the show actually being CUT in length. It can't be salvaged content-wise, so make it a grand total of 3 or 4 hours. Condense it, so that things actually appear to be happening and have meaning to the story. The 17 or so hours this show runs is WAY too long.

And stop with the alternate "love interests" who don't stand a chance, and therefore add ZERO to the tension or development of the main characters' love story. These tacked-on one-sided romances are groan-worthy at best and frequently nauseating to the point that your fast-forward button gets a workout.
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I call it the "Leaving Las Vegas" Syndrome...
7 April 2024
... And that's NOT meant to be a good thing.

LLV is close to 30 years old now, and it spawned (or popularized) the whole depressive, bleak, love story genre. Unfortunately, for many of us (me included), we don't want to waste 2+ hours of our lives watching a slog fest of one bad event, one poor choice, one chance encounter after another. The world has changed. A lot of folks are stuck in situations similar to this. We don't need movies to show us. We could watch the news. We watch movies to escape reality, not be subjected to a fictionalized version of day-to-day news reals.

This genre is (or should be) dead. You'll feel no better, informed, entertained, etc. After sitting through it.

Other gripes: The typical "leg-up" events that occur during the story that are needed to keep you watching. They make no sense and are out of place. This culminates in a "happy ending" which is so obviously Scotch-taped, tacked-on at the end, that you feel you got from Point A to Point Z without ever travelling through B thru Y.

Additionally, the lead love interest is so un-fleshed out, you have a hard time believing she goes from self-destructive druggie to reliable upstart, friend, and lover. Just another example of the jarring transitions in character, setting, situation, all of which aren't developed...they just...happen, and make this hard to watch with any interest.

To the folks that profess this is a "character development study". What character development are you speaking of? The random changes in mood, motivation, and behaviors? That ISN'T character development. That's lazy writing.
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Eye Love You (2024)
Lets hope Ep. #5 doesn't become the norm for this show.
2 April 2024
This was quite an enjoyable show. Cute story. Lots of charming and interesting characters. A mildly interesting back-story.

But then episode 4 comes along, and you can start to see it....that failing of every less than stellar writer out there: The typical "Let's make the entire plot revolve around miscommunications, misperceptions, or total lack of reason." But episode 4 ends kind of meh....maybe OK.

But the transition into episode 5, which makes zero sense considering episode 4, brings all the typical tropes to the forefront. The lead, who is quirky, cute, and unsure, rapidly becomes unlikeable and annoying in her behaviors. And the writers don't help any by making the motivations behind every scene she is in justify a completely different outcome, or at least a completely different response from her.

Her actions become completely random and unfathomable that you stop caring, simply because you know she is going to say, act, or do something stupid.

I know it is only 5 episodes in, but if this show continues to revolve around using these cheap overused tricks to generate any sort of conflict (where any sane person wouldn't have any) then this show isn't going to get any better. And note that I said "sane". Sure, she has an ability that others don't know she has. But it does NOT justify her actions, and hence it becomes clear she has a serious psychological issue as well. And her traumatic back story can't, or hasn't, justified it one bit.

Again, lazy writers using lazy inconceivable interpersonal responses simply to move the plot/conflict along is just painful to watch.
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Ready, Set, Love (2024– )
IMHO, the Low Reviews must be from K-Drama Fans
13 March 2024
RSL continues a hot streak of Thai shows that I thoroughly enjoyed. It doesn't try to be too much, and you know what you're getting from the very beginning - an underdog story set against corpo elitism with some dark dystopian undertones. Nothing fancy. All of it easy to see.

What never ceases to amaze me is how these Thai shows end up far more enjoyable than their Korean counterparts who have 10-20 times the budget. But look closer and it is easy to understand why. In Thai shows, people act in harmony with their personalities. Not always logically, but consistent with how they are portrayed and how their history/up-bringing makes them as adults. In Korean shows, the never-ending illogical behavior, overly dramatic and nonsensical posing, and the martyrdom has gotten incredibly old. Just look at my reviews of Doona, Record of Youth, Castaway Diva, Welcome to Sandal-ri, etc. To see examples of how NOT to formulate a love story. K Dramas are trying to hard to be artsy and chic, that they can't get out of their way. Even Gyeongsong Creature features ridiculous choices by the lead characters.

RSL has none of that. It is simple, stays on message, and delivers an emotional ride.

So, why not 10 stars? Why only 8? Because I took off 2 stars for the completely unnecessary and pointless post-credits scene. It, a) Ruins all the good "feels" the ending provided, and b) Is an obvious attempt to tease a 2nd season. Though, this fails because the way the show ends does not lend itself easily to another season. It would have to be a drastically different show for that to work. (Think Hunger Games dark.)

So, do yourself a favor, and stop watching right when the first credit starts to roll. You'll thank me later.
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Not Good. Trust me on this one.
7 March 2024
-Long annoying monologues? CHECK -Isolated buildings with an ever multiplying number of guards, yet can't find the protagonists? CHECK -Leave bad (truly evil) guys alive, so they can then blindside, backstab, or capture you? CHECK -Excessively complicated escape plans that are doomed to fail? CHECK -Monster that easily dispatches dozens of guards from a distance, but can't land a single hit or catch the protagonists at point blank range? CHECK -Monster immune to hundreds of bad guy bullets, but stunned by protagonist single shots? CHECK -Hard-sole boots that make no sound when sneaking in an empty echo-prone chamber? CHECK -Protagonists whose day jobs seem to be getting captured, and recaptured, and recaptured again, because they /insert idiotic motivation here/.? CHECK -Martial arts skilled protagonists that fight like morons and get beat by an out of shape guard simply to move the plot along? CHECK -The usual annoying secondary characters along with a failure to share critical information that anyone of sound mind would share? CHECK and DOUBLE CHECK

This one has it all... every stupid, ridiculous, annoying plot gimmick and trope that makes the current generation of Korean action dramas so freaking unwatchable.
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27 December 2023
And this one is a perfect example of the leanings of Netflix and how it leverages its huge coffers to influence production companies and studios to churn out content that fits their "message".

The male-dominated shows of the past were ridiculous, demeaning to women, and mostly gone. And good riddance!

However, ALSO GONE are the shows were women and men worked together EQUALLY to solve problems or defeat some nefarious threat.

Today? Well, today is NOT about equality. Today's shows are all about women trumping men in every aspect of life. Be it physical, mental, spiritual, etc. This is the age of PAY-BACK, though the media and feminists will never (can't ever!) say such a thing. So, they pawn every show off as a "feel good inclusive event".

There is NOTHING inclusive about CR2:DotN!

All the female characters can do no wrong. Their plans all work. They move with near impunity. They get out of tight situations solo, or in pairs, without any assistance. They are always right and can out-smart anyone. And they are always ready to rescue the male characters. Which is necessary. Why?

Because ALL the male characters are buffoons. They are either comedic elements, like the rats. Or they are completely inept in their planning, execution, and communication. And when they do happen to perform some good, it is immediately written off as either, a) A mistake, that just happened, and wasn't intentional (just dumb luck), or b) it leads to a more perilous situation where the female chickens need to turn around and rescue the male characters.

Lump this in with "Obliterated", the last Indiana Jones travesty, "Blue Eyed Samurai", and countless other shows that exist now NOT to level the playing field and right the wrongs of the past, but rather to stealthily tilt the playing field while calling it "equality".

THREE stars for the animation. That's it.
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8 December 2023
Not going to comment from either side of the political spectrum on this one. That has been done ad nauseum by now. Any complex event, whether a joyous one or a tragedy, is not a case of Black or White. Right or Wrong. It is always shades of Gray. So, anyone who thinks that the blame for this rests solely on "X" rather than "Y", or "Y" rather than "Z" is purely delusional. And has an agenda.

What I will say, and I have to be critical about this is:

1. This documentary comes off as very amateurish in my eye. Like it was someone's big break, or even done by a bunch of college kids. The cuts and edits are jarring. The endless litany of personal accounts jumping back and forth with no sense of time or impact (except for a tiny little artificial clock) makes it clear they took accounts and artificially generated a timeline from them. And the lack of map graphics with locations showing where the individual accounts are coming from lends me to believe Netflix was just using up end-of-year funds to get this one in the can.

2. Probably more of a personal observation, but, did anyone else feel like a lot of these "interviews" were scripted. These weren't actors, so they should sound like average people. But they came across too smooth in their delivery, and the dialogue was too "generic" and crisp, to be considered natural. It is almost like Netflix interviewed these people, and then told them, "that's fine....but we'd rather have you say it like this instead".

All in all, an average documentary about a horrific incident, that honestly fails to elicit much emotion due to canned dialogue and sophomoric execution.
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Obliterated (2023)
5 December 2023
There seems to be a trend among movies and series coming out on Netflix. That is, the combining of two genres into one show. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it most definitely does not.

And it becomes much harder to pull off when the two genres being blended take on such an extreme version of themselves.

Now, I 've spent enough time in war zones and disaster areas to realize that I've become a bit inoculated (I wouldn't say numb) to extreme violence and suffering. So extremely violent fictious shows don't really faze me. And raunchy or sex comedies don't trigger me either.

But these two genres don't mix well and are exceedingly difficult to pull off. Recent failures include FUBAR with Arnold, and Bullet Train with Brad Pitt. I'd even venture to say that Pulp Fiction wasn't nearly as good a movie as people want to believe, and was hyped so much, simply because it was "new" and "edgy" at the time.

In NO WAY am I putting Obliterated in the same camp as Pulp Fiction. All I am saying is that extreme violence played off for a comedic effect is an acquired taste that I have never (and hope never will) developed.

Now, this show will probably get a ton of up-votes, from the teenage and college age crowd, simply for the many topless scenes. So, don't let the overall score convince you to watch. It isn't that good.

Oh, and most, if not all, of those topless scenes are likely CGI. Since they're about as fake looking as half the explosions in this blended genre, that mixes about as well as raisins and pickled herring.
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Welcome to Samdalri (2023– )
(Edit) 75 Minutes of content stretched over 18 hours!
4 December 2023
Final Thoughts: Suffers from all the standard KDrama Romcom failings. - Plot only works because of miscommunication or a lack of ANY communication. - Old grudges magically disappear with a few simple words, that could have been spoken decades earlier - Protagonist gets raked over the coals in social media, does nothing significant to counter it, says it "won't help", but ends up being saved by social media. - Too many characters, I mean REALLY too many characters. So many of them deserve zero screen time. - An ending that is rushed (remember, Korean writers can't seem to end a show without rushing to tie up all the loose ends) and so sickeningly sweet it will give you diabetes.

BIG PROBLEM: The oldest sister, and the youngest sister, have much more interesting plot lines and love stories than the main character does. I would have rather explored their problems and development far more than the main characters, who you know already what will happen.

But the BIGGEST problem is it is FAR TOO Long. So much of it is unnecessary, like the attempt at a love triangle. Totally useless here. The failure to communicate and share feelings simply to drive the plot along is maximum groan-worthy.

Only enjoyable and rated highly by lonely ROMCOM fanatics.

I'll change my rating if this improves, but so far this show has me scratching my head. Not in confusion. Not even in frustration (though it is a bit frustrating). But in absolute disappointment at the writing. They couldn't have come up with a better life altering emotional event?

Let me lay this out for you in clear terms, so you can see the idiocy that are the first two episodes: 1. Woman is WORLD-FAMOUS photographer.

2. Has uber powerful friends.

3. A non-name mentee accuses her of bullying, and attempts (probably fakes, but we won't know for a while) suicide.

4. And this WORLD-FAMOUS photographer makes one (ONE!) half-hearted attempt to clear her name.

5. Says she doesn't want to expose the truth of the mentee having an affair with her boyfriend because of "pride", despite putting her fortune (remember, she says she loves money), her career, her name, and essentially her ENTIRE EMPIRE at risk.

6. Oh, and she doesn't hire a lawyer to fight the slander.

7. Nor does this WORLD-FAMOUS photographer have a publicist to handle the media.

8. So, she flees to her hometown...and the show begins, I guess.

Are you kidding me? Are we supposed to believe all of these laughably bad and absolutely ludicrous omissions, deletions, and life-choices to set up the "plot"? And all in the first two episodes? This better get better, and less insane in its logic, and fast! Otherwise, people will tune this one out in no time.
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Castaway Diva (2023)
I called it in my review of Episode #10
3 December 2023
There I said I didn't like the direction the show was taking, and it was getting bogged down in standard K Drama tropes such as "we have to go our separate ways, you/me are holding me/you back", among others. And then, to close the show out, it would give the fans about 7 minutes of singing.

Well, I pretty much nailed it. Though I don't think we got the full 7 minutes.

It is unfortunate that this show decided to be more about the legal system, domestic abuse, and contract issues, rather than the development of the lead character as she "learns" the business and works her way up. Instead, we get a constant barrage of side stories and tragedies that distract from why most of us came to see Park Eun-Bin rock in all her glory.

Again, unfortunately, she takes a back seat to a lot of unnecessary situations and shenanigans (for instance, the love triangle that isn't a love triangle that could be a love triangle that doesn't want to be a love triangle that ends up being...what? I don't know WTH it ends up being). And then there is the sheer stupidity of someone caught on tape committing attempted murder being deposed and investigated but allowed to remain free despite being a clear and present danger to those around him. I live in Korea, and this gentleman would have been locked up in pre-trial confinement on day #1. But we had to have him inexplicably out, roaming free, wreaking havoc, simply because....again, why? To add a "horror" component to a show that should have been an underdog story about overcoming adversity, filled with the "feels" and music. Just another example of a limited series trying to do too much and be too many things without sticking to its core message.

I give it 7 stars because of the acting, which is phenomenal across the board. And the songs, though few and far between, are enjoyable as well.
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Pluto (2023)
A 45-degree slide into mediocrity.
30 November 2023
I will agree with a few of the other reviewers. This show is: 1. Far too long 2. Starts off somewhat compelling, then becomes preachy to all heck (hence the 45-degree slide review title).

3. Spends far too much time on minor characters of zero significance 4. Has characters using powers when convenient, but "forgetting" to use them...also when convenient (read: would stop the plot advancement stone cold in its tracks) 5. Pretty much takes existing manga source material and breeds it with every Star Wars cliche there is 6. Lots of "lack of communication" going on (despite advanced tech) again simply because it would solve the problem and end the story 7. The whole King of Persia (*cough* Saddam *cough*) being a somewhat "decent" guy until abused by the West is a laughably bad attempt at rewriting history 8. Memory chip McGuffins abound 9. And many more attempts to get "The Message" out to the masses in standard Netflix fashion.

So, don't believe all the 9- and 10-star reviews. This one's reviews are seriously padded by fanboys of the older source material. It is grossly over-rated, has an inflated sense of self-worth, and is honestly not that good.
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Castaway Diva: Answers vs. Risks (2023)
Season 1, Episode 10
I'm a tad worried...
27 November 2023
Gotta be honest, I'm a bit worried about this show. I love the premise, and the start was very VERY promising. But we're now into that standard KDrama rut of family dynamics, crimes you know occurred but the police take the whole show to do anything about. And the WORST KDrama trope...the "You (or we) will bring you down. You need to leave." or the "They will hold you back. You have to leave them".

This is in EVERY series these days (Doona, Record of Youth, even Triad Princess, just to name a few). It is old, it is tired, and it makes zero sense. Real humans don't act like this. They don't approach every problem like it is BLACK or WHITE. RIGHT or WRONG. There are always shades of gray and ways to address these conflicts without triggering the tactical nuclear (destroy existing relationships) button.

Was hoping for WAY more singing and working her way up from the bottom. And these past two plus episodes have left me dreading that this one will continue to be a family dynamics / crime drama until the very end, when they tack on about 7 minutes of singing at the end of the last episode so everyone can ride off into the sunset feeling good about themselves.

Nope...not liking where this is going at all. The good uplifting feels are gone. Long gone.
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Feel terrible for Sean Bean...
26 November 2023
Because no amount of money to star in this abomination will erase the blight upon his storied career.

I have reviewed lots and lots of movies and shows in the past few years. And this one has got to be among the worst I have ever had the displeasure of screening.

I should have known from the snippet Netflix plays when you hover over the title. The quote I believe is, "You are safer here than with Guurad. She has already captured many kids like you." OK, just stop right there. Please stop. Please stop making these children save the world craptastic movies. You know, these kid hero movies didn't exist when I was growing up. The stories were always kids learning to be better, or wiser, through the actions of more experienced and seasoned individuals. But Hollywood obviously needed to cater to a new demographic for tickets sales and merch. And so the pandering to child warriors began. And this is what it has completely devolved into. This piece of trash.

From the ridiculous plot. To the laughably bad and cringe-worthy dialogue. To the cartoonlike action sequences. This movie has absolutely NOTHING going for it.

Except, it hits that Gen Z demographic that needs constant emotional reinforcement, or they turn into sniveling basket-cases.

God, I feel dumber just sitting through this dung heap.
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My Holo Love (2020)
I guess networks don't care about re-watchability anymore.
24 November 2023
And the revenue that comes from it.

I'm not going to critique the plot and concept of the show much, because honestly it was pretty good. The tech is a bit far-fetched from a physics bending perspective. But the whole concept was unique.

What I have an issue with is writers continually making supposedly smart characters about as gullible as five-year olds. I mean come on! Thinking that repeated assaults and kidnap attempts were "just a bunch of hackers" and not attempts at corporate espionage? Ridiculous! Especially when it is mentioned numerous times about how the two main companies in the show are competitors. Then, the series of poor choices, inaction, lack of common sense, etc. That follows is truly groan worthy.

And here in lies the problem I have with this show. You'll watch it to the end because of the concept. But you will NEVER rewatch it, or even stop surfing if you see it on a TV channel. Why? Because the plot devices and aforementioned gullibility makes you hate any and all human interactions in, outside the lead and the Holo. It is truly THAT painful to watch. So, watch once for the concept...and never think about it again.
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Ruined by an overused trope!
24 November 2023
Regardless of how it ends, or doesn't end, this very promising and charming show was ruined in 10 seconds in episode 5. I'm talking about that insanely overused and tiresome trope of agent/manager stating: "Don't you understand what the paparazzi will do to this person (enter love interest's name here) if you continue this relationship?" Then causing the lead to do something completely out of character, simply to add heart-break to the story, where NONE was needed.

You needn't look further than "Doona" or "Record of Youth" (two Korean Dramas) to see how this ridiculously overused plot device ruins shows. It is like the writers have never been in love, and don't understand a flipping thing about how you weather the good AND THE BAD in a relationship. They think you're dumb, and pander to you with "this relationship will be too hard if we let it continue". So unrealistic, and so patronizing.

I would like nothing than to see every writer who uses this abomination of a plot device fired and never allowed to work again.
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Kaala Paani (2023– )
Puts a BIG "M" in Melodramatic, and not in a good way.
23 November 2023
Wow, did this show have promise. Fascinating setup, that led you to believe it would be a survival show with people working together to save the day. And the first few episodes reinforce that.

Unfortunately, it becomes a complete slog of idea after idea, piled on top off one another. None of which are ever fleshed out to satisfaction. This show is definitely the epitome of quantity over quality.

TOO many characters, going TOO many places, doing way TOO many things, but never getting anything accomplished. And don't get me started on the flashbacks and backstories. Having some background on a few lead characters is a must for a good story. Having EXCESSIVE flashbacks and backstory on nearly EVERY character in the show is ridiculous. And none of the back stories is good. Seems like everyone in this show is damaged. There are zero normal people.

And all this backstory garbage bleeds screen time away from what could have been a good epidemic/clash of cultures series. Instead, it comes off like a soap opera, with cheesy dialogue, cartoonish antics, extreme stereotypes, and melodrama in spades. Another wasted premise.
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Gritty, and honestly pretty good.
23 November 2023
First, the bad: In typical Korean fashion, the final act, and the last battle in particular, are so ridiculously cartoony and poorly executed that the groans you'll utter detract from a thrilling ride up to that point. If you think James Bond movies are filled with gratuitous monologues, well this movie's final 15 minutes put those movies to shame. Then, the hesitancy to pull the trigger and end the threat is completely out of place given the background and motivations of the characters to that point. Yes, it is to set up the "thrilling" reveal, but it is so corny and cringy that you're left with a bad taste in your mouth.

Up to that point, a fun ride with some really interesting supporting characters. It really is a shame that it ends on such a lame "Boss Battle" note.
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Pending Train (2023– )
Good...which becomes OK...which finishes as Ugh!
22 November 2023
Fun premise, ruined by absurd actions (as mentioned by other reviewers) of the lead characters.

GUY WHO DOESN'T TRUST PEOPLE - Gets life saved, has his precious tools returned, convinced not to stay behind.... still treats people like pests.

GIRL WHO THINKS SHE'S INVISIBLE - Helps everyone, plays critical role, eventually loved by all... still acts like a wet noodle.

GUY WHO THINKS HE MUST SAVE EVERYONE - Kinda does, still mopes around like a clueless tool.

They are just so unlikeable in that this traumatic defining period in their lives doesn't seem to affect them, or improve them, or change their behavior in any way. Normal people don't behave like this. Well written characters don't either.

And then the ending...oh lord the "ending". Can't really call it that. More of a two episode slog of people running around aimlessly doing their own thing without any coherence as to why it was being shown on screen. I felt like I was watching water molecules exhibiting Brownian motion. The whole, "you take her! No, you take her! No, YOU take her!" hot potato between the two male leads was nauseating as well.

By the end, I thought I was watching a really bad Korean Romance Drama, and not a "pseudo-sci-fi" show.
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Why must such promising shows go off the rails...
12 November 2023 the final two episodes.

I'll tell you why. Lazy writers who run out of ideas on how to consistently close out a show. Now, I'm not up on the source material, but the last two episodes try WAY too hard to wrap things up neatly, only to fail to wrap anything up at all. The whole point of a season ender is to set up season 2, and to do that, you must give some closure to a few of the characters. But in this case, NONE of the plotlines are satisfactorily resolved.

Additionally, the last 2 episodes take the physics-bending action to the extreme, which completely dilutes the impressive hard work and dedication the main character's back story so eloquently displays. Instead, we have super human strength (a tiny woman and an old man holding a huge gate closed against a horde of enemy), a fire that starts like everything in Edo was doused with kerosene moments before, characters who get bones crushed and pierced through to their guts, but are up and fighting like nothing happened a few days (sometimes MINUTES) later. And then the ridiculous, 1700's era firearms that can't miss a bullseye at hundreds of meters, when in reality, they couldn't hit anything beyond 25 meters reliably.

I get it, it is fantasy. But when the final act completely throws logic and physics out the window, simply for the sake of closing out (poorly) the story, the blame rests solely on the shoulders of the production team for not pacing the story well. A mad frantic unbelievable sprint to finish a slow-burn marathon does not make good watching.
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Castaway Diva: Coincidence vs. Fate (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Now we're talking! (Or singing.)
31 October 2023
I was a tad concerned after the first episode, that this was going to be another Netflix bait-and-switch. You know, the shows where the poster looks cute, and the trailer looks inspiring, but the show has dark and gloomy overtones. Even though it is early (2 episodes), I am glad to say that this isn't the case with this episode. Heart-warming, well paced, some mystery, and a really touching scene (or scenes) at the end. Sure, there are a couple of nit-picks. Like how a girl stranded on an island for 15 years and found alive wouldn't INSTANTLY be on every national news channel for weeks. So, the plot revolves a tad around her remaining unknown. Again, a tad far-fetched, but excusable if it pays off going forward.

And though I am not one to vote high or low based on an actor or actress (in fact many of my reviews make fun of people who obviously upvote atrocious shows because they're blatant fangirls or fanboys), I have to say, at this stage in my Korean Show watching, if it has Park Eu-Bin in it, chances are, it is getting a high rating. She is THAT GOOD! Amazing actress.
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Great premise...but...
29 October 2023
I like the premise. It is unusual and unique, something missing from Korean Dramas/Comedies over the past 5-7 years. Everything seems copy-paste.

But this one has an interesting twist. HOWEVER, the continued reliance on parental violence towards children to either start a story, or fill in background during flashbacks, is also stale and a bit repulsive. It is getting to the point that you can't have a show without a lead or two being damaged in childhood. In this show, the leads are SERIOUSLY damaged.

And this takes away from the emotional value of her getting stranded on an island. Why? Well, think about how it would tug at the heart strings to see a loving family grieving, left behind, and their struggles going forward. Instead, you are practically THANKFUL that she ends up on that island. And I don't think that is the emotion the writers were looking for.

Hopefully, future episodes play it less heavy, less abusive, and more on an underdog story. Rather than an abusive origin story.
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As a SATIRE...Great! If NOT a SATIRE...not so much.
29 October 2023
A strong EIGHT stars if this is meant to be a satire, lampooning life in Korea.

  • A scathing satire of alcohol consumption - A scathing satire of beauty infatuation - A scathing satire of predatory dating - A scathing satire of politics before family - A scathing satire of weight concerns - A scathing satire of...well...just about everything.

It works, because it is obviously poking fun at ridiculous behaviors and how easily common situations could end up vastly different (usually better, much much better) if the characters behaved in a rational manner. You'll laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of it all.


If this was NOT meant to be a satire, but a serious and believable romantic dramedy, it FAILS MISERABLY. The continued self-loathing and insecurities FAR beyond what even a mentally ill person would experience, if not meant to be satirical, is just grating to the nerves. Other reviewers give great reviews because of the "Heavy Message". But that's the problem. It is not realistic. It is artificially heavy in a cartoon-like sort of way, that again, ONLY works if this is meant to be a satire and not a believable underdog story.

Then, in typical KDrama fashion, the last two episodes come off like they were directed by someone entirely different. They are a collage of small short-attention-span set pieces that transition jarringly and never really mesh into a coherent flow. The last 30 minutes of episode 16 are the worst. This is typical of Korean shows and their infatuation with epilogues once the main threat has been resolved. But it is far more conspicuous here and so overly emotional in one direction or the other, that you don't have time to digest any of it.

Last gripe: The continued KDrama reliance on a stalker/creep (usually male) to deflect some of the blame from a wholly unlikeable female character, and to excuse some of her past behaviors. It doesn't matter that she ruins relationships and causes chaos in her wake, she has to be seen in a pitying light because of her backstory and the fact that she drew unwanted attention to herself. Well, I'd like to tell the writers: Everyone has a sob story in their past. It doesn't make present day behaviors anymore excusable. So, as usually, no accountability for damages caused.

8 stars as a Satire. 4 stars if not. So, an average of 6 stars.
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Decent, but nothing new, and WAY too long
28 October 2023
Somewhat enjoyable, mainly because the side characters are just that...characters. They add levity to what is a pretty dull romantic story. The dullness is compounded by the fact that this series is WAY too long. It could have been 10 episodes. Maybe even 8 episodes. There are times when the same thing (boy does something, girl leaves boy, girl/boy get into danger, get miraculously saved, reveal some new character traits, and reset for the next episode) happens four or five episodes in a row.

Compound this with the overused Korean Romantic Drama tropes of: 1. Love Triangles that are BORING and always get resolved by convenient twists of fate. 2. School Bullying - yes, this one has it too. Yawn., and 3. The circular and extremely annoying logic behind the "I hate you, now I love you, but I can't be with you, I miss you, but I'll hurt you, but you take me back" cycle that is so overused it causes you to groan in exasperation.

Lastly, the lead, who has fended for her own for years, generally doesn't seem to be able to stand up to anyone. How did she survive to adulthood? She's so passive and meek for the first 12 episodes it is sickening.
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Doona! (2023– )
First "Record of Youth", and now this...
22 October 2023
Three stars for the female leads who carry the show.

Folks, it is safe to say that if the main characters in a KDrama tell each other "I love you", you can stop watching right there and turn the show off. Because it is going to end badly.

This one is no different. It is like the writers of the show think their target audience are celebrities, instead of normal everyday people looking for an escape, and a good ending. Instead, they get a show where the characters ignore their feelings for the most inane and trivial of reasons. And when a chance (and then a second, and then a third...) appears to make things right, the writers have nothing but stodgy stoic dialogue that makes no sense and leaves you frustrated. You're pretty much screaming at the TV because of the stupidity that goes down. And don't get me started on how this "world famous" personality can move around the city and never be recognized in public...when it is convenient for the plot to move forward. But that's one of the minor gripes. This show is an abortion of bad choices, senseless motivations, and garbage writing. Only thing worthwhile are the female leads, all of them, because they can act. The male leads, again all of them, are pretty much wooden and are just there for the plot's sake.

So, in summary, love means nothing in these shows. There was no reason for them to not get back together. I guess this is why the birthrate in Korea is so low. Shows like this feeding people the idea that no matter what, your relationship will fail. No use trying to work against all odds and save it.

Another Netflix underdog story where an unsatisfying ending leaves you angry at your monthly subscription cost.
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