11 Reviews
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Hit-Monkey (2021–2024)
It's actually really good!!!
28 February 2022
When I read the synopsis I cringed.

I expected a cheep, cartoonish, silly TV show about a talking monkey. Luckily it is not.

The show subverts the expectation of silliness by delivering a serious, deep narrative which is beautifully animated.

There is a lot of humour but it's mature classy humour. By having it in an otherwise serious story it works very well.

Unfortunately I think the show is canceled. It's a shame they didn't promote it more. I only just found the show this year.

DW no cliffhangers are left. You will get a strong feeling of completeness at the end.
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It's different - which is usually bad but isn't here
24 February 2022
Once you understand the take and art style of the movie I feel it is definitely worth a watch.

  • It tells a decent narrative with depth, twists, journeys and payoffs to things said earlier. You get a narrative structure that tries to mimic that of better DC animated movies (like the killing joke) but it doesn't do as good a job.

  • despite being an Asian anime style movie, effort has been made not to change the looks of the characters too much from how they look in other DC anime.

  • Catwoman and her cat are really likeable and the anime style suit them
  • when certain anime tropes do occur (like an anime weapon), it is well explained and rationalised.

  • Despite being quite feminist the movie doesn't fall victim to too many feminist tropes. Sure everyone is Bi but cat woman remains obsessed with Batman which is good. The movie also doesn't pretend Batman doesn't exist
  • Lots of small call-outs to other hero's

  • Characters that aren't cannon do look super anime.

  • movie looks voice dubbed
  • I wasn't that keen on batgirls voice but I'm ok with it
  • Classic anime police characters. High tech guns etc but it's all believable and explainable. Nothing too unrealistic.

In conclusion it's an interesting watch. It is a proper DC movie if you stick with it.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
So much better than the CW DC universe!!!
19 February 2022
This show is truly something special. It hits the comedy perfectly. It gets sad and makes you sympathise for the characters without breaking the comedy too much or making you feel awkward. Most shows tend to drag on the emotional stuff forever but peacemaker does it realistically and as a payoff to certain things.

Concepts like racism and inclusion of minorities are done very well without you ever taking it's intentional which is how things should be. I had to hear some characters bring it up before I realised.

The opening credits. Usually I skip past this but it's such a hilarious dance abd done so seriously I just had to watch it each time. It really sets the tone for this show well.
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Mosaic (2007 Video)
Enjoyable and low stress
23 November 2021
As long as you know what your getting into it isn't a bad movie.

I feel the movie is intentionally not trying to be hyper realistic or attention grabbing. The character of Mosaic is really interesting (even if he's not complex by todays standards).

It's a good movie to watch if your looking for a low stress movie. It's quite cheesy but in a charming kind of way at times and with depth at other times.

The movie knows what it is and sticks with it.

I'd recommend this movie for lite entertainment on a slow day.
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The Condor (2006 Video)
Interesting, contained, mature(isn)
23 November 2021
An interesting look at a lesser known superhero. Surprisingly despite the premise of the movie being a little silly there is a lot of depth and maturity to the plot.

It's a great rainy day movie to watch (Probably alone). An excellent standalone movie especially given the rather silly "power" of this superhero.

Low stress and relaxing.
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English dub review from a non Indian:
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have not watched band of brothers but I imagine this show takes some inspiration from that show, all be it with a comedic/dramatic splash common to Hindi series. As a non Indian however I can say this is done very tastefully and the acting is quite superb.

The English dubbing is done beautifully and is hardly noticeable. Accents are on point and jokes translate very well.

I'm not one for sad endings. Not really a spoiler if you know Indian history (which I didn't) but the army doesn't make it to their objective in the end and has to retreat. Their country doesn't even recognise them as hero's after India gains it's independence.

It's quite tragic but it is highlighted numerous times that their objective is to inspire and lead the way to India's independence even if they aren't the ones to win it. In this sense the hero's manage a victory.

The hero's don't do anything dumb on their part (to a bit a fault) so you won't keep hating the hero's for their mistakes. All failures are explained well as being their superiors faults. This forms the first negative which is minor.

The show does fall intro the trap of showing Indians as smarter than the dumb stubborn British at every turn. The Indian hero seems to know everything which for the most part is a good thing and makes him easily likeable.

To my surprise the show does portray the main Japanese guy as quite honourable and understanding of the plight of the Indian people. That was really well done.

On top of top quality acting and a high production quality the artistic choice of filming half the series in the present and half in the past was superb. Although it's probably down to save on the budget they do make sure there is a lot of excitement and at times lots of action on the modern day bits so it isn't noticeable.

I would highly recommend this as a feel good show.
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Burning Questions: Red Notice (2021)
Season 1, Episode 12
From the synopsis I thought it would be boring but it was really thrilling
13 November 2021
Reading the synopsis you get the feeling this movie will be a really cheesy film. It put me off from watching it for a few days.

Despite what the synopsis says this isn't a cliche movie. It subverts many tropes quite well while still remaining a light hearted comedy.

It's made in the style of The hitmans bodyguard.

This can easily become a summer classic.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
Excellent start in first and a bit of the second season. Soap drama after that
5 November 2021
The first and a bit of the second season are great episodic, self contained episodes where each episode highlights the different aspect of the firefighters lives. It's so interesting. The personal drama is kept lite and goes into depth just the right amount of times.

However as the series goes on the show writers run out of ideas and start making everything "personal". Every episode the main accident that the firefighters responded to us caused by someone who has a beef with them or is endangering the life of their "family".

I stopped at the episode where the fire that killed one of the main cast members was caused by a guy who sent a letter to an arsonist in prison (a disgruntled ex member of the firehouse who was causing fires to spite them in a precepts plot line) from the address of a fire which occurred many years ago killing the father of one of the current fire fighters.and scaring the fire chief.

I couldn't take the drama anymore.
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It's a pretty good movie to watch on rainy days and it knows it
1 March 2021
While the movie isn't cinema worthy it is an Excellent quality movie for Netflix.

It's got a happish ending and isn't too plot heavy or filled with jump scares.

It's a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously (not that it's a total comedy but it doesn't try too hard to make you get excited into the plot which is nice as yiu don't have to think too hard

Decent world building and it doesn't try to set up sequels too much tho there is a a little attempt to.

It's acted well since the actors aren't overacting too much.


A little silly how one of the main characters who appears to be quite young owns a huge apartment and a business (I'll leave it at that)

Some things are left a little unclear too but it's forgivable given that you won't be dying to know them
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Talvar (2015)
Excellent plot and very well filmed
26 September 2020
I didn't know this was based on a true mystery but it is an excellent movie. I don't speak the language but with subtitled it was still very enjoyable
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Funny, clever and very high quality
16 September 2020
Excellent to watch when you have 22 minutes spare and want to relax. No cliffhangers or suspense so you won't get addicted to it and can have fun even if your watching it in like 2 minute intervals.

This is really good to watch when taking a break from work or a project and you don't want to get sidetracked for too long

No cringe family morals or values pushed into you. It's edgy and light hearted just the right amount.

It's definitely doesn't feel like a series made to sell toys.

On and it sets up like two other series (it's got carry over between episodes but it's extremely slight and you won't feel the need to watch the next episodes to gain enjoyment from what you watched
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