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The Number 23 (2007)
"The Equation is Perplexing."
20 January 2020
The Number 23 is an intriguing concept starring Jim Carrey as Walter Sparrow, a lighthearted but somewhat disturbed dog catcher, who becomes introduced to a mysterious book entitled "The Number 23" by his wife Agatha portrayed by Virginia Madsen. Initially, Walter doesn't seem phased by the book until he soon descends into absolute madness realizing he's more connected to the writing and author.

As already mentioned the concept is intriguing but the overall execution is middling. Walter's deranged journey uncovering the depths of clues further explaining his connection found in the novel, including why "23" is specifically endangering, has great ideas but wacky structuring and pacing. While the cinematography and soundtrack steal the show, the other half with writing and performances could've had more adjustments.

Once we're introduced to Walter's culprit of obsession we're also introduced to another story that seemingly outweighs the main premise. Although they're connected the other story following a detective named Fingerling has more flair. With better writing, either as the main premise or told differently, it would've been more intriguing. The same goes for Walter's story as we're introduced to other characters serving great importance to his ongoing misadventure.

But neither characters and premises in the main or parallel stories are given enough exploration for enjoyment. There's instances where certain unexpected twists and subplots are introduced but the film's length and structure doesn't help enough. Even when Carrey portrays one of his absolute disturbing performances the film doesn't give him enough time or ways to convince audiences.

With two different convoluted stories occurring, and many underutilized ideas wasted, the film never reaches its fullest potential and feels lesser about the importance of "23" when it's more focused mixing concepts. Mathematically speaking, there's also not enough equations to make the film more interesting without seeming convenient to elaborate anything happening. The obsession of the number becomes totally sidetracked by unanswered questions and ideas that makes things more disjointed and implausible.

The equation is perplexing.
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Smartass (2017)
"Wasn't Smart Enough."
28 June 2019
Joey King portrays a young, rebellious, reckless, and often humorously dimwitted teenager named Freddie on her quest to San Diego, California. However, along her journey, she encounters various strangers and situations often either turning violent, making her more vulnerable, or going everywhere.

Unfortunately, the storytelling and tone deliberately goes everywhere the moment audiences are randomly introduced to various subplots seemingly following the main focus with Freddie. It couldn't decide who to follow, what genres it wanted, what film it wanted to be, and give reasons to care.

There's genuine ideas ridiculously merged together that would've otherwise been another film with better writing. Freddie's story involves some humorous and heartfelt concepts but also strangely darkly humorous and horrifying scenarios with people being unhinged, homicidal, boldly prejudiced, and moronic.

As these stories involving drugs, mischief, and murder collide they're never fully utilized or find their purpose until it's nearly over. But by that time, audiences remain bewildered, unsatisfied, and pity the characters for their ineptness and the film's lackluster focus. It couldn't decide what to do or be long enough to underwhelm the experience.

"Smartass" wasn't smart enough to overshadow its half-witted writing.
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"Captain Mediocre."
17 March 2019
As a Marvel film, Captain Marvel had potential to outdo its predecessors. As a regular superhero film, Captain Marvel had potential to outdo its premise. Unfortunately, despite carrying many elements of previous Marvel installments, it fails to embody their success due to its questionable ambition. Not only does it fail to carry enough baggage to persuade audiences to care about her ordeals, but also giving more time to tolerate her.

The story of Captain Marvel follows protagonist Carol Danvers on her elongated adventure to recover memories while utilizing her vast superhuman strength within an ongoing war. Although she's joined by allies and foes, she's presented as an unstoppable and stoic heroine with behavior that could be considered reckless and unsympathetic.

One of the biggest problems with Captain Marvel, unfortunately, is Captain Marvel. Aside from her blatant stoic attitude, which at times are followed by some mildly emotional and disjointed comical outcomes, she's incapable to avoid being merely humdrum. Her attitude in this film is dreadfully humdrum to the extent of not caring about her impending fate. Although she manages to somehow build chemistry with other characters, their personalities feel more alive than Captain Marvel.

Carol, as a character, leaves an interesting impression towards audiences. She's seen as a genuine heroine but also a recklessly stoic individual. She's given the strength to overcome her worries, and overpower her foes, but not enough time to appear outmatched. Time is also another unfortunate problem in the story since audiences aren't given enough with characters and subplots. The storytelling featuring certain crucial ideas are merged in sections that either feel rushed, unfinished, not enough, or outright questionable.

The universe that Captain Marvel introduces to audiences has ideas that could've been given more depth but was purposely condensed to fit the main narrative. It's all about Captain Marvel's quick flashbacks and toughness but never about vulnerability and giving more context to her origins. This also follows other characters in certain instances but theirs are underutilized and unsatisfying.

Captain Marvel is mildly enjoyable with lowered expectations and ignoring any potential setbacks that greatly trembles any storytelling or characterizations. In comparison to other Marvel installments, this gave audiences the least dynamic introduction to a character that feels too abrupt than properly timed. It''s an ambitious installment that fails to entirely exceed its intent.

Carol Danvers isn't Captain Marvel yet. For now, she's Captain Mediocre.
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"Repeatedly Underwhelming."
20 February 2019
Happy Death Day 2U is a tedious, unnecessary, and strange continuation of its 2017 predecessor. It continues the story of the unfortunate Tree Gelbman tasked to uncover the identity of a mysterious killer during a time paradox. Although not an amazing introduction, it however garnered success despite its glaring shortcomings overshadowing its innovative concept.

This sequel however entirely jeopardizes the mysteries, surprises, and purpose of the first installment by outright contradicting everything. It shamelessly attempts to retell the original premise, with familiar subplots and characters, but barely challenging itself to expand its possibilities despite what's presented. As the original film, its cinematography and wacky acting are tolerable but never enough to redeem its mediocrity.

It attempts to channel other time traveling films, while making amusing commentary, but fails to understand what made them work. The premise explores the theory of multiple universes, with some intriguing thoughts, but never entirely explores them while selective characters are given different outcomes within scenarios. There's many missed opportunities and mistakes that would've been otherwise forgiving if this were the first installment. But alas, it wasn't and merely prolongs an already exhausting experience that caused more casualties and confusion than closure.

As Tree's experience, not only is it exhausting but repeatedly underwhelming.
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Taken 3 (2014)
"Taken Out."
11 December 2018
The third installment in the Taken franchise was a mistake. It's a bloated thriller film that attempts a different style to the usual premise but fails to otherwise convince audiences to find enjoyment. In this story, the protagonist of the previous films is challenged to prove his innocence upon the mysterious murder of his former spouse. But he's also tasked to uncover the true murderer, those potentially connected, and either evade or fight his way through hordes of hunters.

It was a seemingly intriguing idea that was ruined by horrific pacing, ridiculous editing, recycled occurrences, humdrum outcomes, expendable villains, and weak storytelling. It's a boring thriller that wastes time being a tedious drama than an action film the series was known for. Even with some middling character development, if viewers are familiar with the film's predecessors, it's not enough to redeem its deeply flawed experience.

It's the final Taken film with innovation taken out.
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"A Boring Man."
22 October 2018
The Wicker Man is an absolutely jarring experience. It's a remake of the 1973 edition but fails to vastly improve anything the original properly presented. It follows a police officer investigating a mysterious case leading into uncharted territory that initially sounds intriguing but unfortunately goes nowhere. It's a film with tediously confusing moments that makes audiences more frustrated than Nicolas Cage's character.

Despite some otherwise interesting scenery and ideas, they're often middlingly redeeming as the film continues with elongated nonsense. Cage's character utilizes his time questioning everything and everyone, which would be helpful in better writing, but involves himself into a boring wild-goose chase that leaves audiences feeling either uninterested or unsympathetic towards everyone's stupidity.

The acting is bland, the storytelling is insulting, and the result of poor pacing and enthusiasm lead to an outright terrible film. It's a disgraceful remake of David Pinner's 1967 novel Ritual and has nothing newer to offer even to original fans. Had the film been written, directed, and acted differently in another time then it would justify itself as a desired redo.

The Wicker Man isn't just a confused man, but a boring man.
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Sex Tape (2014)
"Delete the .MP4 file."
11 October 2018
Sex Tape isn't a pleasant comedy to watch. It's awkwardly timed, written, and portrayed even with its seemingly interesting list of actors known for their comedic attributes. However, the film merely utilizes their potential with middling effort that leads into middling results. It follows a married couple who were previously sexually active until obtaining offspring. Their story involves an unfortunate incident with their recorded sexually explicit adventures being accidentally shared to others without their consent or knowledge.

During their strange adventure to find any device, and anyone withholding the devices, that contains the file sounds intriguing but ends with endless humdrum ideas. Their problem could easily be resolved but their predicament is foolishly approached with overly ridiculous encounters. There's many instances of interesting ideas but they're treated like a terribly written sitcom and cartoon merged together.

Although badly written, some smaller redeeming qualities come from the performances from the leading actors. Their ballsy devotion to the film's premise is deeply shocking but also strangely charming. Their chemistry balances the profoundly dumb ideas throughout but also harms their performances as it makes them seem dumber than the writing. Stupidity seems to be encouraged in this story as nobody either sensibly speaks or acts sooner to prevent any unwanted dilemmas.

It's a brainless comedy about sex that makes the sex less appealing. It's not funny enough to make sex acceptably awkward. It's not carefully crafted to allow the actors to explore interesting elements into this awkward story. But worst of all, it's just not sexy enough to be a worthwhile porno. It would be easier to just search for real sexually explicit videos elsewhere with their badly produced content to actually feel justified.

Just delete the .MP4 file. Three hours of lust sounds like a horrific wet dream.
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Suburbicon (2017)
"Leave the Neighborhood."
28 September 2018
Suburbicon is strangely intriguing but unfortunately a flawed mess. It follows a suburban family dealing with a deathly tragedy caused by two ruthless criminals. The family accepts their losses and attempts to continue their lives until the criminals return with more than they expected. Initially, the story feels energetic and mysterious but soon becomes weirdly misguided.

Despite its creative direction, and superb casting, the film doesn't give characters enough time to evolve or explore their stories. Instead of one singular coherent premise, there's an additional subplot that either feels expendable or a seemingly better story written without enough context. These conjoined stories makes the film's time length tedious and unlikable.

But so are many people in this particular town. Almost every individual in this fictitious town are absolutely snooty, aggressive, spiteful, or downright insensitive. It's a textbook case of beauty glossing over ugliness in the worst imaginable way possible but masked with humor. Its humor however often feels dry as it's overlapped by some deeply uncomfortable themes that affects the quality of the film in many ways. It's incapable to determine its worth or purpose due to its scattered ideas and non-sequitur storytelling.

There's not enough characters to root for, too many glaring flaws that otherwise ruins a great idea, elongated nonsense that jeopardizes the enjoyment, tries to present twists that either happen too soon or aren't justified enough, and overall forfeits any further redeeming qualities that would consider it a modern classic.

Take my advice. Don't live in Suburbicon. Just leave the neighborhood.
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Prison School (2015)
"Lock them up and throw away the key."
10 September 2018
This is a disgraceful adaptation to its animated counterpart. It's tedious, rushed, and at most a terribly filmed experience for hardcore fans and newcomers. In this live adaptation of the animated series Prison School, the plot follows a group of seemingly innocent individuals who become embroiled into school imprisonment after an unfortunate misconduct. Afterwards, they're forced to endure the wrath of an abusive female overlord while utilizing teamwork to outsmart the system.

What the animated series did in many ways that the live-action adaptation failed to do was capture the atmosphere of the manga. Each episode proved to have significant devotion to the source material, despite some petty changes, and remained faithful enough to warrant its purpose. This "adaptation" however couldn't prove worthiness even if it meant saving the careers of the actors who mildly shared any resemblance to the original characters.

It immediately loses its flair upon its first episode by outright betraying the source material. It thinks nobody would notice how uncomfortably unenthusiastic and stupid it was. It takes amazing material from its source and ravages it into a completely shortened, misguided, and humorlessly dreadful adaptation with less than worthwhile redeeming qualities. Whether it's about its lame censorship, missing content, outdated cinematography, and shallow acting, this "remake" loosely satisfies fans and unfulfilled its comparisons in the worst imaginable way possible.

Don't release these degenerates. Lock them up and throw away the key.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
"Stay Home."
8 September 2018
Vacation is a mess. It's an absolute mess. It's a rushed, irritating, and unpleasant mess that shames the Vacation franchise in the worst imaginable way possible. From its lack of coherent humor and storytelling, to its aggravating, bumbling, and disinteresting characters, the movie fails to utilize its potential with lame timing and unenthusiastic directing. Before the movie was over, audiences would immediately regret accepting to join these idiots on their trip to Walley World.

The protagonist is an absolute moron and you'll hate him including his stupid family too. Although his wife may have small redeemable qualities, she's however too oblivious to realize just how profoundly stupid everyone among her was. Only their oldest child attempts to question anything but he too isn't saved from being portrayed as a goofy dork. However, the worst offender is their youngest child. The moment this little runt appears on screen it becomes the most hateful experience ever. Audiences would want him dead before he actually commits a crime as with other actual offenses throughout this disaster.

Everyone and everything sucks in this movie. They're either annoying, stupid, unnecessary, or unlikable. Nothing goes by unquestioned, nobody receives enough consequences for their stupid behavior, and this was merely an active crime scene for the Vacation franchise. It was a mistake to create this film and this family would be blacklisted nationwide if they actually existed. But that's probably not far from the truth since stupidity doesn't discriminate.

Don't take a vacation with these morons. Stay home.
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"Awakened Audiences to Tiresome Nonsense."
20 August 2018
This particular Amityville installment is absolutely shallow and viciously tedious. It introduces audiences to a story with middling potential but reduces it to a ravaged, overly recycled, and insulting parody of the franchise. It frequently shows an imbalanced tone and lack of innovative storytelling with minimum effort to redeem itself. While the cinematography sometimes captures the seemingly brooding atmosphere, at least when it could, it's however interjected by bland acting and strangely edited scenes that either appear unfinished or redone without context or excitement.

It's yet another installment that awakened audiences to tiresome nonsense.
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Nude (2017)
"A Beautifully Crafted Experience."
15 August 2018
"Nude" is an extremely bold but surprisingly charming and intriguing documentary. It follows David Bellemere, a professional photographer known for his risky photography, to photograph selectively attractive but shy young women with a popular modeling brand pursuing sales. David's mission however becomes more challenging as his knowledge and resources are heavily tasked. Throughout this documentary, viewers sink their eyes into what appears as the depths of modeling and photography involving attraction, expectations, and imagination. It's sometimes surprisingly heartbreaking as the personal dilemmas and outcomes from decisions made by the photographers and models are explored.

But its most glaring feature, immediately from its introduction, was its presentation of the human anatomy. It explores nudity in a way that prudish viewers may find shamelessly distasteful while others could appreciate its context. The vast beauty of the women involved in this moderately tense experience gives audiences a thoughtful interpretation of confidence and peering what's beyond their flesh. They're equally treated as delicate art opposed to aggressively demeaning inanimate objects. Their bodies, from every lingering camera angle and eyesight, are naturally exposed with wonderfully immersible environments. Before the documentary ends, audiences will feel closer to David and the models in ways that cannot be explored through censored televised broadcasting.

This presentation isn't for the easily offended or those seeking "tasteful" content with less revealing scenery. It was a raw, emotional, and original story about a misunderstood individual associating with either unchallenged or ambitious models showing the world there's truly more that happens before, while, and after the cameras record. It's highly recommended that this beautifully crafted experience is seen for what it was bold to do and wouldn't restrain itself for any individuals or reasons otherwise.
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The Fly II (1989)
"Deserves Pure Extermination."
27 July 2018
The sequel to the 1986 remake, of the 1958 motion picture of the same name, has all the potential but no innovative style or flair. Immediately from its introduction, it's an insulting continuation as it partakes oddly middling storytelling and downgraded characteristics. Aside from being heavily flawed by its reduced quality, misguided directing, and bland acting it also remains focused being absolutely grotesque. While its predecessor wasn't far from being repulsive, this sequel however offers no charm or likable traits with its disgustingly dreadful atmosphere. It's a failure as a sequel and standalone carrying the name even with its eccentric but boring premise.

This bug deserves pure extermination.
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Dom Hemingway (2013)
"Too Much Hemingway."
7 June 2018
Dom Hemingway is a middling darkly comedic film following a criminal who returns to society after an incident that stole enough years from his life to miss many things. Some including family drama, partners in crime changing their styles, and Dom's previous lifestyle and relationships eventually catching him. Dom is a hilariously flawed and shameless individual with no intent to change or apologize to anyone. His behavior spirals out of control so much to the point where everyone either leaves him or meets their unfortunate demise. He's simply an uncontrollable daredevil who suddenly shows there's more about him the world hasn't seen yet until it's too late after untimely incidents.

But that also applies to audiences who view this film expecting more from Jude Law's great performance as Dom including the film's seemingly convoluted storytelling. It presents potential and willpower to shock audiences, with its crass violence and humor, but ultimately losing its flair between moments involving drama and resolving various subplots.

It's impossible to determine who the main villains were, if Dom ever truly learned to redeem himself, or successfully vowed revenge for experiencing nonstop deceits, and furthermore if anything that occurs within the film's timespan were worth introducing us to Dom's twisted world of criminality and idiocy. Although the film shines with memorable performances and cinematography, its repetitive pacing and storytelling ruins what would be an instant classic.

There's simply too much Hemingway to see and not enough reasons to care.
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"Unreliable Protection."
23 March 2018
Drillbit Taylor follows three tormented friends who desire protection from absolutely anyone to prevent a vicious schoolyard bully from initiating more chaos. However, Taylor must decide between exploiting his services for money meanwhile protecting his identity, the boys, and blending into the school despite being known as an annoying lurker, thief, and beggar.

It's no surprise Taylor has a complicated situation but it's merely his fault as with the outcomes among his relationships, interactions, and impending consequences. This especially applies to the main characters who aren't capable defending themselves or being believed when a dangerous individual consistently stalks, harasses, and morbidly abuses them.

Despite the film's major efforts to maintain the attention span of its viewers, it struggles to balance comedy, drama, and romance with a seemingly disjointed runtime with some elongated scenes. While some parts are humorous with cheerful moments, others are however dependent on certain characters and subplots that are either useless, unresolved, or unprepared.

But so was Drillbit since throughout the film he has a questionable demeanor towards everybody by appearing more as a selfish treacherous recluse than a trustworthy bodyguard, friend, and overall fellow. His actions spoke louder than his monotonous speeches and proved he either deserved what horrific things happened to him or seeking another source to satisfy his greed would be worthwhile.

Aside the ridiculous nature with many questionable scenes, the film isn't terrible enough to not be enjoyed but not great enough to be better than what was created. There's some shallowness to the story, as with many characters, at the fault of the conjoined storytelling from three writers including Seth Rogen and John Hughes. The potential to elaborate the effects of bullying and outright menacing behavior by bullies while strategically merging it through comedy and drama are sometimes flat and dishonest.

At times it desires being crass and sinister while being lighthearted and romantic but ultimately unbalancing everything due to its restraints on content. Audiences are expected to root for the strangely unlikable Drillbit, and the three hopeless victims, but their relationships remained crucially underdeveloped and sidetracked by other nonsense. It's like watching a fight where nobody is truly harmed until it's either too late or demanded by unsatisfied viewers.

As the viewers, the protagonists desired vengeance but were given unreliable protection.
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Cabin Fever (2002)
"Not Very Infectious."
19 December 2017
Cabin Fever is a bloated corpse filled with various ideas and mistakes.

The premise simply follows a group of college students partaking a vacation within the woodlands to unknowingly have contact with a biological virus. They're far from proper medical attention, or any safety in this regard, but this gives them and the film enough time to risk being greater.

Unfortunately, the film doesn't properly risk enough when it constantly relies on weird humor, disjointed pacing, and middling storytelling with a severe identity crisis. Throughout the film's time introducing characters, and other strange subplots, audiences learn how limited they are by either not appearing enough, being disposable and tedious, or serving nothing special.

However, aside its flaws, it's fairly tolerable when it finally descends into madness and less characters survive the premise's gruesome focus. It's not just an original idea ahead of its time, created at the wrong time, but one of its own kind that unfortunately couldn't become better if a reenactment followed its similar middling direction.

It's a nasty virus film that's not very infectious as an actual viral infection.
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"An Intolerable Infection."
19 December 2017
This "sequel" to the first entry in the Cabin Fever franchise was absolutely, and literally, a disgusting mess that no deep cleanser could resolve. In addition, this version of the film initially wasn't intended to be created. This version is a pathetic, downgraded, and horrifyingly unwatchable "sequel".

Straight from its introduction, it's cheap and full of horrific humdrum outcomes that follows the remainder of the film. It continues the first entry's cliffhanger with no intentions to be creative or interesting. Instead, it focuses having extensive scenery of extremely grotesque nonsense that doesn't add any positive energy or excitement from beginning to end.

It's not just too foolishly gruesome to watch, it's too grueling to experience in the worst imaginable expectation that engraves scars. It takes more risks with its material to raise the level of shock value than give audiences a meaningful horror experience. While it partakes having decent cinematography, and a humorously mediocre soundtrack, the remainder of the film is a terrible mixture of high school shenanigans on steroids while attempting to be mildly adventurous as it engages more shallowness.

It's an intolerable infection that deserves immediate medical attention.
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"A Waste of Contaminated Water."
19 December 2017
The third entry in the Cabin Fever franchise was undoubtedly a disgusting mistake.

With the attempt to elaborate the origins of the bacterial plague that was previously unanswered in past entires, it offers an overly bloated and convoluted story with nothing special aside being absolutely disgusting. Although not as grotesque as the franchise's second entry, it continues retaining the exhausting nastiness its predecessors began.

The biggest unforgivable dilemma with this film, aside from everything else, was its merged storytelling with two separate situations. These events are intended to conjoin answers but merely create further questions and flaws. Its introduction becomes the film's main subplot and had more interesting scenery than the film's main focus. Despite that, almost none of the characters are likable or tolerable, the elongated and senseless disposable scenes are immediately annoying, and the film dares to become an exciting thriller during its final act.

It's absolutely revolting, stupid, and a waste of contaminated water.
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Cabin Fever (2016)
"The Same Disease, But Less Effective."
19 December 2017
The Cabin Fever franchise receiving its first official remake has improved but ultimately disappointing additions. It retells the original story involving a group of misbehaving college students having the unfortunate contact with a vague bacterial infection but not any better. It proceeds with the same material less with creativity and more with similarities.

While certain elements are sometimes intriguing, they're too repetitive with not enough surprises or enthusiasm even with its cast. Although not worse than the franchise's second and third entries, it's simply not recommended unless the other installments are ignored. The film doesn't discover its true identity, or delivers what fans and newcomers deserved, until its final sequences that somehow outdoes the original.

It's the same disease, but less effective.
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Hard Candy (2005)
"Harder to Chew."
18 December 2017
Hard Candy is a challenging film to experience viewing. It's discomforting, questionable, and shares a weird parallel with reality as it discusses a heavy controversial topic. It immediately immerses audiences into its unsettling universe where everyone are either perpetrators or oblivious to the main narrative. Despite focusing primarily on two characters, what mysterious events unfold among them are deeply alienating and horrific.

However, even with its powerful narrative and performances, it's a complicated and vague film that expects audiences to develop their interpretations of certain outcomes than presenting them. Other issues include its sometimes disjointed cinematography, disposable minor characters, characters having an identity crisis, some misleading and miswritten scenes, and obvious missed opportunities to make a statement in exchange of simpler storytelling.

It's a seemingly hard film to watch that's actually harder to chew.
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Stay Alive (2006)
"An Unfinished and Shallow Game."
16 December 2017
Stay Alive has innovative concepts but the inability to commit catering to its presumed demographic by not sustaining coherency or scares and being outright misleading. It follows a group of flawed companions not sharing enough chemistry while being haunted by an unknown entity. Audiences are expected to serve them sympathy but only few are given enough time to be properly introduced or evolve.

The film primarily focuses having elongated eerie scenery, unsympathetic drama, missing and confusing elements, and outright senseless censorship. It's an unsettling original horror film that's terribly disjointed with a horrific identity crisis and doesn't properly execute its ideas. Some characters foolishly endanger themselves, scenes pilled with nonsense becomes repetitive and exhausting to watch, and its main narrative fails to convincing.

It's an unfinished and shallow game for shallow impressionable gamers.
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The Pest (1997)
"An Insect That Must Be Permanently Exterminated."
14 December 2017
The premise follows a wacky con artist targeted by a heartless hunter after purposely accepting an offer to remain alive in exchange for money. Knowing that, the film immediately shows potential to be darkly humorous and original. However, the biggest mistake this movie commits to is remaining outrageously weird, frenetic, and brainless with its material.

There's more scenes pervasively pursuing lowbrow humor, stereotypes, and utter annoying nonsense. The main "protagonist" also insists contradicting his safety by obtaining more enemies and never remaining in an undisclosed location. Other characters, minor and important, are either underutilized or useless.

From its beginning to its end, it's an elongated silly disaster with no redeeming qualities even for audiences with less expectations. It's restrained by its nonstop crassness, disinteresting and disposable subplots, and uncommitted premise that doesn't lead anywhere clever until the end. It's equivalent to a poorly developed cartoon turned into an expensive stage performance with no effort or adjustments.

The Pest is an insect that must be permanently exterminated.
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Life Stripped Bare (2016– )
"Not Bare Enough."
14 December 2017
Life Stripped Bare follows individuals tasked to live without their belongings for a particular amount of days. Although initially they're intrigued, it's however quickly glaring how totally unprepared, shy, and unwilling they become. Their first opportunities to surrender their belongings, most notably their clothes, isn't too challenging but they're quickly salvaging these items opposed to going further without hiding their skin.

The documentary also challenges viewers with numerous topics while they're without certain resources for a prolonged time. But unfortunately, the main cast doesn't devote themselves long enough to learn or earn anything. Even while streaking through crowded areas, they're bewildering audiences about whether they actually cared. At least that especially applies when it hasn't been an entire week yet they're still sheltering themselves from being viewed or otherwise gathering items to clothe themselves.

It's an intriguing premise with thoughtful messages but wasn't capable to fulfill its fullest potential. Credit is due to the volunteers but after they're clothed, and certain blatantly sloppily edited scenes occur, the documentary loses its flair and feels like it could've been longer instead of being a disjointed and rushed mess. It's not terrible but it's absolutely not bare enough.
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"A Horrific Friendship."
14 December 2017
It's an absolutely, dreadfully, disrespectfully, infuriating, miswritten, misdirected, misguided, mediocre, and painfully unwatchable cinematic sodomy that had intriguing concepts merged with disastrous nonsense.

Characters are underutilized and shallow, main premise and subplots are disjointed and unsatisfying, creative concepts that could potentially enhance the experience are wasted, and audiences are unfortunately subjected to an entirely poorly executed film.

It's hard to watch and shamelessly reinforces terribly negative stereotypes involving lonely individuals beyond acceptable standards. Its intentions to be shocking, oddly humorous, outright disturbing are purely raw and unwarranted with no rational excuses. It's a deeply, uncomfortably, degrading, and inflaming disaster that fails to be coherent, intriguing, or welcoming to absolutely anyone even to the lowest demographic.

It's a horrific friendship nobody should accept even with no standards.
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"A Middling Birthday."
14 December 2017
Throughout this particular time-loop horror film, there's many instances where great potential is uncovered but either underwhelming, disjointed, or underutilized. Primarily the incoherency comes from its style of writing and scenery with characters and subplots. Although some creativity is presented, there's never enough explored or justified to enhance the messy experience.

However, despite some major setbacks, there's some elements that could be appealing in terms of comedy, drama, romance, and horror. Unfortunately, for some viewers, these and other elements may either appear incomplete, irrational, or outright unsatisfying. There's many characters but few are given enough time to perform to their fullest to benefit their existence including unexpected outcomes for questionable consequences.

Many opportunities and ideas, with the great performances, are missed many times to the extent that gradually alters the experience. For some, these could be easily ignored and accepted for their worth. But for others, these are weirdly written and directed concepts that deserved a greater vision in better care. It delivers what the premise promises but not strongly as it could.

It's a middling birthday party for the middling demographic.
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