
8 Reviews
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
This show is boring me to death...
11 July 2018
I just finished Luke Cage Season 2. Now trying to watch this??? Ughhh. I want to get into it but it's pretty tough to watch. Seems like a typical CBS daytime light hearted family drama.

I will keep trying hope it gets a lot better. Marvel television usually doesn't fail to deliver even if it starts off slow. I wasn't the biggest fan of The Defenders. After the fifth episode, it finally picked up. In the end, it was worth a watch. Maybe this will be the same.
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Way better than expected..
19 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I've waited sometime for this to appear on Showbox. I finally got to see it and wow. I was a bit disappointed in the ignorance of the characters but this was pretty solid! I'm a guy who has watched more horror films than the average human and they never bother me. This film had my heart pumping because (other than being a fan of both actresses) I'm kind of invested into their characters and wish no harm (okay, maybe a little 😈) to come to either of them. I guess the reality of knowing you could actually die being eaten by a shark was vividly clear to me, so maybe that's why this one affected my emotions a bit. Lol. Maybe the nice guy buried within doesn't want to see bad things happen to good girls even if they are somewhat ignorant.

I know I'm less likely to see Michael Myers in an alley, or Freddy actually killing me in my sleep, but A SHARK?? Hey, that's way too real. Lol.

There was actually a "Pitch Black" moment in the film which was cool and used well. Didn't really mean to do a review but this is worth a watch for the thrills.At one point, I actually wanted to stop watching it because I knew something was going to happen to Claire Holt's character (the blonde). Then I was, I'm not going to want to watch this later.

The only disappointment other than their stupidity, was the predictable events like Mandy Moore being attacked during the boat rescue, and the flairs failing at the most needed moment. She actually had three. The first one lasted the longest, the second was close to a dud, the third never reappeared. Lol.

If you are looking for some deep emotionally driven, passionate dramatic story, then go ahead and pass it by but If you've watch and liked Films like Jaws, Open water, The Shallows, (mainly The Shallows) then this could be a title you'll enjoy.
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Too much too soon..
10 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Batman Vs Superman

Okay.. I must break my silence.

Let's Batman Vs Superman. Let me start off by saying awesome visuals. The initial build up of the film is so great. I had a feeling that the whole body of the film (Much like it's interpretation of Doomsday) wouldn't be as strong as it's head.

Many people have asked me how was Ben Affleck in the film? Did he drop the ball? Drop the ball??? First off Ben Affleck is a fine established actor and director and has been around longer than most of the cast except for maybe Laurence Fishburne and Jeremy Irons.

Besides..Batman isn't that far of a stretch from Daredevil. (That's right. This actor played both). Although it wasn't the best of superhero films, but this wasn't Ben's fault. It was Sony's, the director, producers, and whoever thought it was a great idea to cast Jennifer Garner as Electra's fault! (I love her though. Just not as Electra).

Alright, the other thing is I'm not sure why Batman is actually killing people. Maybe he's finally had enough and decided to become the Bat- Punisher and take people out for good.

The story started out well and ends up all over the place. It's hard to tell where it is going. I personally think they decided to cramp too much into one film. One of my buds said that he thinks that Doomsday looks perfect. I was like "What film were you watching?" I'm more of a Doomsday fan than Supes and I think they just wanted to put a monster in it that looked like Godzilla 2000 and one of the beasts from LOTR and said "Hey, let's call this Doomsday!"

His treatment to the big screen was equal to Spiderman 3's Venom and Monster Sandman as well as Amazing Spidey's Lizard! Hell the Krakken from Clash of the Titans remake looked more threatening than the film version of Doomsday (who happened to be missing the white hair and much spike detail by the way).

Wonder woman had some good cameo scenes but was under utilized. Here are two things that really bothered me. 1. How is it that the greatest detective in the world who studies all of his enemies before battle, not know the names of his enemies' parents.

Interesting enough, he somehow knows that kryptonite kills him? 2. If Clark Kent's body is in his wooden coffin, who's body is in the black Superman coffin?

I could ask how does Superman always know when and where to show up, but we've been saying this for years. Well, it's still a visually stunning film overall and worth a treat. Hope I didn't kill it for anyone. Agree or disagree. I've stated my piece. I await Captain America: Civil War now. "Please Don't f this up!!!"

-Ant'juan Apocalypse Avri.
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Mercenaries (2014)
Low budget fun. Nothing new but still entertaining
8 January 2016
Man, online sit at home critics are just dogging on this film. Guys, keep in mind it's a low budgeter. People in general don't understand all the work that goes into making a film not processed by Hollywood big wig studios. Sure there was some lackluster acting and a few playing it straight forward. I've been on set of some low budget films. I have to say this one was decent. I only got bored in the beginning during the typical intro of each character. That has been done over so many times. (Vin Diesel - XXX) none the less, when the action gets rolling, it's not so terrible. I noticed people trashing the fight sequences. I can't speak for any others but I thought Zoe Bell looked great pulling them off as a harsh judge of screen action who came from a martial arts background myself.

I have to say that Nicole Bilderback is underrated and underused in this film. She is an actual kick-boxer who never once gets to showcase any of her real skills. She actually stills every scene she is in though it seems the only curse word she knows is "bitch". Lol. Asylum has come a long way from the mock busters they were known for back in the day. I think this film was a good cheesy action ride. Give it a chance.
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Entertaining but somewhat still a recycled homage
2 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Terminator Genisys - Review. * Warning* *Spoilers*.

OK, I haven't done a film review in a long time but Terminator has long been one of my Favorite guilty pleasures. I even enjoyed some parts about the horrible Rise Of The Machines, & Salvation.

After seeing all the promo stuff, Entertainment magazine, web spots, trailers, etc..I stayed far away. When I saw the Asian actor playing T- 1000, (who looked dead on) I was kind of curious. First off, I have to say all the actors did exceptionally well. Sexy ass Emilia Clarke looked like a hot ass kid with lady humps. Wtf? Lol.

I felt the same way I did when I saw Ellen Page raping the other character in SUPER. Lol. She tries so hard to channel Linda Hamilton but comes off more like Eddie Furlong in T2. I guess that kind of works..she is his mom in the story. She sort of looks like a young Linda at times.

I think Jai Cortney and funny faced Dr. Who's Jason Clarke were horribly miscast. I can forgive Jai Courtney a bit, but Jason Clarke looks NOTHING like a John Connor!!! Again, acting wise, they did exceptionally well.

Most of my beef with this film is mainly technical issues, but I was mostly entertained. Originally, I expected the worst but was utterly surprised.

OK, In the opening during the scene when Kyle is walking up to the time machine, he has pants on, next clip no pants!! Not even a hunch over to give hint that he had gotten rid of them. OK then.

Later, we see The CGI recreation of Arnold from T1. Bet you can guess where they got this idea..

Close up, it looks good for a moment until he fights old Arnie (who makes no sense being in the film at all) then it just looks like the Ang Lee version of The Hulk!! Cartoonish!! Jeesh!

Back to old the f**k can a android or cyborg age? I know why they did it, but realistically, I had to just turn my thinking brain off.

Here's another.. Sarah Connor comes back to her own secret base and gets burned by her own acid trap she has set up for a Terminator attack? Um.. okay.. So there was no other way to explain that she had an acid trap for the machines? Wow.

I think T-1000 should have had more screen time. This movie aims to make us cautious about the fact that we all rely on technology lots. It's under toning message is that there is a real danger being that we are all connected via tablets and cell phones, etc.. This could be possible. So far so good. It hints on the thought that tech and machines are taking over but never really delves deep into it.

I guess the writers have been studying the last few X-men films and said "Hey, Terminator is based on time travel, instead of just a prequel, we can copy those films and tie the original films together and still be a homage to Cameron's work".

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the film, but nothing new or groundbreaking here. The writers and director needs to REALLY make this their own all be it using the blueprint that Cameron laid down. It's like all the recycled bull we already know about the series but slightly watered down.

"Come with me if you want to live" & "I'll be back" seems to have lost it's punch!!

Just like X-Men: Future's Past, this edition plays like a what if story. The worst possible scenarios. Again, still entertaining but a bit lackluster. By the way, Arnold continually saying "I'm Old" in EVERY movie is getting a bit tiring. Yeah, dude, we got the picture when you left office.

Oh well. If you're a die hard Terminator fan like myself, it's worth a check out. Just keep in mind it's a worst possible scenarios story.


-Avri's review.
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Good god!!
13 July 2010
I can't even sit through this BS! I was so bored with this film, I'm taking multiple restroom breaks, cooking meals, anything I can do to avoid listening to this crap just hoping something exciting would happen later. This makes a half ass attempted to be funny but is NOTHING like the original. Funnything is I usually enjoy these over the top tongue in cheek dialogue action films originally inspired by the style of Quinton Tarintino, but this one just doesn't do anything for me. You want to see how a film like this should be done? Rent HELL RIDE. Good with over the top humor and action. Quinton's worst film (DEATHPROOF) scores much higher than this one. Even the female who attempts to replace Willem Defoe was horrible. "I'm so smart, I make the smart people feel retarded". Good god!! She never even says anything intelligent during the whole film!!!! Norman Reedus and Sean P Flannery just looks as if they are really not having fun at all with this one. Much similar to how Wesley Snipes was portraying Blade in BLADE TRINITY.

I don't know. For average easy to please people who haven't seen the first one, they may be blown away, but I've watched this type of film far to long to be impressed. Like I said, the first film was a sleeper hit. This one, misses the target. It should have went straight to DVD. Hell, SMoking Aces 2 (The direct to DVD sequel) was far more entertaining than this film. I know with these type of films, they are not so much focused on the acting as much but, jeesh. I just could not engage into this movie. I wanted so bad to see a funny action film and this one just let me down.

Maybe I will look for more P.J. Pesce, Larry Bishop, Robert Rodriguez, & Quinton Tarintino films to get my full squeeze out of the lemon.-Avri.
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
Oh my gosh!! You can give it more cred than that!!
23 July 2008
In response to another review posted on here. I wouldn't go as far as to say this film rips off other movies, but if you're going to state possible inspirations you may wish to mention Escape from Newyork. Not Lord of the rings. There was totally nothing in common between this film and Lotr. What's wrong with saying this movie was a good one? I think it was pretty unique and gruesome. I get the same intense feeling every time this director does a film. I think he's very original and underrated. Over the decade I've seen so many boring wannabe horror films that just flop. Neil Marshall isn't afraid to test new waters. Hollywood is. I haven't really seen a film with this type of subject matter since Mad Max or Gladiator, even Braveheart. Those films are in a special category of their own so, this one has to be somewhat of a gem. I think it beats out Chronicles of Riddick of similar substance but you, people would probably call it a great film because of the star and all of it's special effects and downplay this one.

I await the next Neil Marshall film. Even another Doomsday would be awesome. I'm so glad it was Rhona Mitra. I always thought she was a hot underused actress as well as Christina Cox (who I think sometimes look alike) I hope they are both the new faces of female action hero on the big screen.
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The Descent (2005)
Stop the madness
10 October 2006
I've just saw this movie. I was like wow.. It was kick-@$$. I have to agree with one of the reviewer comments written. There are scenes in this movie for over some long periods of time that make you feel a bit smothered and closed in gasping for air. I also this Juno was judged very unfairly towards the end of the film. I think both girls should have made it out and resolved differences after encountering safe grounds. After all It was Juno who didn't wish to leave until she found Sarah. The other were going to leave her for dead and look how Sarah repays her. Juno didn't even get a chance to explain that it was an accident, with all the craziness happening, there really wasn't much time to talk and I can believe she was still shaken by the events and had to bury the guilt of killing her own friend. That part where the really injured friend still living and snitching. on Juno to turn Sarah against her sucked. She ran up on her after she had just killed two of them hungry bastards. I would have stabbed your ass too.. Anyways, what kind of friends are they for leaving Juno while she was battling those things trying to protect her slain friend's dead body? The Juno's ghost thing at the end kind of sucked also. The timing was too soon. I would have rather seen a mauled Juno barely escaping the flesh-eaters and making it back to the other jeep just to seek revenge on Sarah. She could have crushed her head while she was puking out the window. Oh well, overall still an interestingly good film. Dvds? Anyone?- Avri.
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