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Don't Look Up (2021)
A satire that missed his target
23 January 2022
I really wanted to like this movie, because I adore THE BIG SHORT by Adam MacKay, and I enjoyed VICE a lot too. The cast is impressive and most of them are doing a great job.

The problem is elsewhere, in the mix of genres that is not successful. The comedy parts are hilarious. The scientific parts are interesting. The political satire is well done. Besides all the efforts made, it's not working. That is just too much.

The underlying message is not that subtle (we are all going to die if we do nothing). And I think most of the people who will see the film already share many views with these writers. I just don't think the message will get through with all the rest of the humanity who really don't give a s... about the future of this planet, because they're just too busy and scared to even think about it.
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It happens sometimes
8 February 2015
As it happened many times in film history, a film made by great artists, written from a book based on historical events, is ending in a tasteless pudding. Steven Soderbergh made many good films, often a tribute to many genres like "film noir", science fiction, cops and robbers, etc. We're having a nice cast in this film, and none of them should be proud of the result. It's tough not liking Clooney and Blanchett. and here, they are a strange couple. Probably because their relation in the story started before the Second World War, and we don't know much of it. It's not helping to try to understand where their love affair is fitting in all this complex historical scheme. Here, I guess the problem is the screenplay, based on Joseph Kanon's novel which counts more than 500 pages. It's complicated to make a story in a film lasting 105 minutes. The music is nice, the cinematography all in black and white is also very beautiful. But when the film is ending, you just try to figure out what went wrong. Apart the screenplay, we should also ask why choosing Blanchett to play this character. Her German husband seems too young for her, her accent is not credible. And her eyes are covered with dark lenses, which are giving the actress a strange look, like if she's not feeling well. Maybe she did. It's not completely bad, but after watching it, it's easy to understand why it was a commercial flop, probably explaining why Clooney and Soderbergh had to make "Ocean's 13".
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Brilliant and funny
15 January 2015
I've just watched it on Netflix, several hours after the Academy Awards gave it 9 nominations. All of them are worthy. All the make-ups, costumes, design, photography, etc., is exceptional. It's beautiful, well-made and all this beauty is useful, serving the story. These craftsmen put all their talents to make this film unforgettable. We could watch it in 30 years, it'll be great forever. Besides, the film is a mix of comedy and a breathless thriller. Previous films by Wes Anderson were funnier, but the story was losing its interest after an hour or so. Here we have a story who's holding it all the way. It's impossible not to laugh even when M. Gustave is in jail. It's well written. In the end, the most interesting part of the film is the cast. Every member of it is good, and a lot of them are really great. They should have nominated Ralph Fiennes for his portrayal of the concierge of this old hotel. He's brilliant and funny and just for him, you have to see this movie. The first time I've seen him on a screen was in "Schindler's list". I've never thought I could watch a film in which he's so different and as good. He's a master.
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Not a total mess, but
14 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's impossible to think that this film was made without the writers have asked themselves a simple question. Which is: what will happen when the girl discover these two guys are the best pals in the world? Woman would be furious, outraged and cheated. It's hard to even imagine this meeting between the three main characters will never happen. Sorry to spoil it, but when it does, the rest of the story is so useless it's hard to even care about what's going on in the end. And it's not the worst part of the film. We're in the middle of a buddy movie, an action thriller and a romantic comedy. Neither of these three sides is passing the test. I gave a 4 for four reasons: Pine, Hardy and Whiterspoon are doing their best, and are producing a couple of smiles in some scenes. But the cup is going to Chelsea Handler, the best friend who gave so much bad advices to Lauren that it's getting rather funny in the end. This actress is very good in this supporting role. The movie last 103 minutes, and it's at least 15 minutes too long. Don't pay for this, just watch it on free TV. Doing this probably helped Reese Witherspoon to make a statement for her career: she played in three great movies launched in 2014 (Wild, The Good Lie and Inherent Vice). "This means war" is a mistake in her filmography.
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Well above the average
6 December 2014
I've spent the 1992 year in Beijing, People's Republic of China. While I was there to work as a foreign expert, I had the chance to work for China Films, where they were writing subtitles for Chinese movies which were exported to abroad customers. Most of the films were Kung Fu movies, and in all of them, the dialogues were so dumb it was laughable. it's not the case with this film. This a well-made movie, with nice battle scenes, but also with an interesting story about a real character. This Master of Wung Shin was the teacher of Bruce Lee. The story is going on from 1949 to the end of the 1960's. It's rather interesting. The version I've watched was in Cantonese, with subtitles, and I recommend it.
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The Killing: Eden (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
Not a great finale
19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The third season was a masterpiece and was deserving a 10. That last one (and 4th) was not that good. There were too many holes in the story, the main one concerning Skinner's death. The police found his body a month after his death in a lake, where a lot of young girls bodies were discovered. How the City was able to put all these murders on someone else, while his body was found in a car just besides? That's not realistic. More bizarre is the fact that Stanbury's mansion was not under surveillance after the murder of all the family. And again, a month after the shooting, the house was never cleaned up. It's also unbelievable. And the appearance of Linden's mother is not well displayed in that last season. The writers should have found a way to make this encounter more useful for the rest of the plot. It wasn't the case. Anyway, it's at least nice to discover at the end that Holder is in fact a good father. On 44 episodes, there were about 50 percent of them that were real great.
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Mad Men: The Doorway, Part 1 (2013)
Season 6, Episode 1
Super Bowl ad
31 May 2014
I don't know why I'm still watching this program. Probably for all the other characters besides Don, who's getting bored and boring us by the same time. But watching it I've just noticed a serious goof about the screenplay. We're in December 1967. Peggy Olsen is working with a client, Koss, which is selling headphones. At the start. her agency is having a printed campaign in the newspapers, saying "Lend me your ears". By the same time, there is this terrible story going on from the Vietnam war, where US soldiers are on court-martial trial because they were cutting ears from Vietcong people and putting them on a necklace. Someone on the "Tonight show" is making a joke about it. And the crisis is starting at the agency. Peggy's colleague, Burt, is talking about the TV advertising spot that will be showed during the Super Bowl. And this mistake is repeated at least three times in the first 2 episodes of Season 6. It's a mistake because the championship between AFC and NFC became the SUPER BOWL the year after, in January 1969. It was on that year, which was the third time this championship took place, that this moniker was used for the first time. Later, the NFL gave back this name to the first 2 championships, both won by Green Bay Packers.
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Lincoln (2012)
Like a great play with phenomenal cast
18 January 2013
Knowing that story quite well, and as a fan of Spielberg, I was expecting a lot from this film, that I saw after all the buzz following Academy Awards nominations. As many critics have reviewed, this is essentially a dialogue movie, people are talking all the time, sometimes in law babble. So the film is more like a theatre play, with very few scenes of real action. But it's a masterpiece in its genre. There are so much great performances in it that's impossible to signal them all. At least, I was moved a lot by many scenes with George Yeaman (Michael Stuhlbarg), Preston Blair (Hal Holbrook), Molly Lincoln (Sally Field), Robert Lincoln (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Ulysses S. Grant (Jared Harris), Elizabeth Keckley (Gloria Reuben), W.N. Bilbo (James Spader), and of course, Thaddeus Stevens (Tommy Lee Jones). Not surprisingly: in all the scenes these great actors are sharing the screen with Daniel Day-Lewis. After seeing him in so many films where he was great, it seems almost impossible that this actor may get better. He is and it's a joy to watch. You must see this film, a history lesson.
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Argo (2012)
Arranged, but it's fine
14 November 2012
In French, we have this proverb saying: "This was arranged by the filmmaker". At the end of "Argo", we can guess that the conclusion of this story was arranged a little bit for more dramatization, but it's alright. I was a student during these events and I recall it quite well. The help of the Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor was essential for these people. I also remember the harsh comments made by Ronald Reagan, right after all the other hostages came back safely in United States. Everybody knows that the previous president Jimmy Carter did all he can to bring back these people. It's real fine from Ben Affleck to let Carter speaks during the credits. It's a well deserved way to thank him. Alan Arkin is absolutely great in here, and he certainly deserves another Academy Award for his performance.
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Free Money (1998)
Laughingly bad
28 October 2012
For all the good actors playing in this film, which is certainly their worst in their filmography for most of them, it's worth watching. It's hard not to point the holes in the script that permit them to overact. The worst clown of them all is certainly Marlon Brando. The man has clearly no interest to play with his partners in every scene is appearing. Even Jack Nicholson in "The witches of Eastwick" was more subtle. Brando's performance is a shame, because the film is rather well made. Simoneau is doing his best to put some energy is this comedy script which is making us laugh, but for bad reasons. The authors of this script have worked hard to create such basic characters that they forgot to write a story that suits them. It's unfortunate that with this cast of good actors helped by numerous ones from Quebec province in smaller roles, everybody seems to do his best to survive it's scene with Brando. The result is so perky that it's hard to understand why it's not a cult movie.
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The Master (2012)
A strange one
28 October 2012
I'm still not sure what to think about this film. The direction is phenomenal. The crew is incredibly crafted. The cinematography is magnificent. But I didn't like the story. In fact, the biggest problem is that I don't believe at all the possibility of a relation between Freddie Quell (played by Joaquin Phoenix) and Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour-Hoffman). Quell's character is so unpleasant, so selfish, so basic, such a loser, that I can't think a second a sophisticated man like Dodd could find anything interesting in him. Otherwise, you can't watch it without loving the way these two great actors are performing together. The scene in the prison is riveting, like all the critics have said. But every scene between them is special. We knew for a long time that Paul Thomas Anderson is very good in getting performances from his actors. He does it again here.
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Hunger (2008)
Breathtaking and stunning
9 September 2012
This is a stunning effort. The director made choices that are breathtaking, even in the quietest moments. Several scenes are viewed from the eye of the prisoners, sometimes from their guardians. One of the most spectacular scene is the most static: a long dialogue (about 18 minutes) between Bobby Sands (Michael Fassbender) and Father Dominic Moran (Liam Cunningham), including 14 minutes of a long-shot where they are filmed from the left side of the room. Sands is smoking three cigarettes in a row, explaining to the priest he will start his hunger strike a few days later. Despite the Irish accent, it's a must-seen in original English version. It's almost the only scene of the movie with dialogues. And it's harsh to hear and bear. The rest of it is showing us the daily life of IRA prisoners, who are trying everything they can to bother their guardians. We also follow one of the guardian and, in another scene, we're seeing the despair of a young anti-riot squadron policeman. At the end, you can't be untouched by this episode. There are no winners or losers in here: only human beings who are trying to survive. It's a masterpiece and everybody who's living in a country divided by religious or political reasons should see it.
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Good, but not enough
28 August 2012
I've read all the books in 2011, while watching the Swedish movies on television, translated in French. I've enjoyed both of them a lot, even if I have to admit, like a lot of people, that the 2nd and 3rd movie were not as good as the first one. This David Fincher's movie might be seen if you know nothing of Stieg Larsson books and movie adaptations. If you do, it's better not watching it. I'm afraid to say this version is adding nothing to help us understanding Larsson's world. One of the saddest thing in Fincher's movie is the different accents used by the actors. While Rooney Mara is using a guttural and rough accent as Lisbeth Salander, Daniel Craig and Robin Wright are talking with no accent at all. It's just enough strange to bother any listener except for Americans. Besides that, it's well made and Mara is as good as Noomi Rapace was, except for the fact that seeing the US version after the Swedish movie is rather awkward: because there is nothing new and astonishing in the latter. I repeat: it's a must to see it if you haven't seen the previous ones. Otherwise, you won't lose your money, but maybe your time.
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The Beaver (2011)
Strange film
25 August 2012
There's something wrong in this movie, but I just can't figured it out. The cast is great, especially young actors like Anton Yelchin and Jennifer Lawrence. Even Mel Gibson is doing well in such a strange way, like it's hard to know if he's crazy or just acting crazy. Maybe it's just the shortness of the movie. It doesn't give us enough time to understand what's going on in Walter Black's mind. The bigger problem is we just don't believe his wife's behaviour. I don't know if it's Jodie Foster's performance who's causing it, or the way her character is written. It doesn't fit in many ways. We really understand the Beaver, because of the voice Gibson is using. Is it a problem of tone? Not a real comedy, not a complete drama? We just don't know. In fact, there's too many doors that are opened. Foster's character is saying: "I'm just confused". We share that emotion at the end. It's sad, because I'd really like to love this movie, because of Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson, as great actors and filmmakers they are.
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Great director doing another great movie
24 August 2012
That's his fifth motion picture and again, Alexander Payne is offering us a masterpiece. Like Rory McIlroy when going in 4th round with the lead, it seems Payne is ending it by doing it effortless. And with a smile. Every actor is at his best in here. Robert Forster and Judy Greer, for the better. Even George Clooney, who's playing such a low profile character, is doing real fine. He's not the most gifted actor, but he's touching our heart quite well in this film. This a tragic story, but shot in a magnificent place. It is like listening to a great pop song with sad lyrics. Payne is again showing us a man who's life is collapsing without any doubt, but standing still. Like in "About Schmidt", "Sideways", "Election" and "Citizen Ruth" (a woman in this one). It's funny, but you don't laugh. It's sad, but you don't cry. Sometimes, life is just too hard to bear. You can't not like this film.
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The Avengers (2012)
Fine, but
31 May 2012
I've seen it in 3D and I'm afraid to say it's adding nothing to this film. In fact, like it happened in so many other films boosted for 3D, the lighting is too dark. For the rest, the movie is as funny as the first Iron Man movie. It's made with serious, but tongue-in-cheek humour. The cast in incredibly laughable. All the main characters are played by great actors, which is helping to support all the non-sense parts of the script. The craziest one is certainly Mark Ruffalo who's playing David Banner, a.k.a The Incredible Hulk. The man is always angry, and it takes a long time before we could see the deepness of his anger. But the waiting is good. The first part of the movie is just too slow, it takes too much time to start. As if the authors were trying too hard to explain every links with all the other Marvel movies made before. It's not always useful. It's nice to see some more great actors like Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johanson to join this team.
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Designed to start a cult
22 May 2012
First time I've watched it, I think I've fallen asleep. I've seen it several times, but in parts. Which is also rather funny, considering there is no story in this film, only a confused plot. And there are so much great scenes in this. It's hard to count them all. I just saw it altogether, and it's a must. Many of the actors have been seen in previous Coen brothers films (Goodman, Buscemi, Turturro, Polito, Stormare). They must have did something with their food, because they are stunning in this one. Especially Goodman, except for the fact that he's a using a four-letter word a lot. It's funny, vulgar, well made and played. You can't ask for more.
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What a blow
10 May 2012
I've seen every movie pictures this man had made since "Mean streets", except for two of them: this one, which I've just watched, and "Kundun", the other movie he made just before "Bringing out the dead". After "The age of innocence" and "Casino", this director should have been allowed to make a film every year for the rest of his life. But the 1990's were not a good period for him, because for the exception of "Casino" and "Goodfellas", his films made not enough money. And that's the way this industry is going now. This movie is not nice. It'll give a blow if you accept the challenge: it's a nightmare, an hallucinate journey by a man who's falling in pieces. Paul Schrader screenplay is a tormented one, not easy to hear or watch. Nicolas Cage have made a lot of crappy performances after winning an Oscar for "Leaving Las Vegas" four years before this one, but not here. He's very good, even rather calm in a film where everybody else is overacting. Cliff Curtis, Tom Sizemore, John Goodman, Marc Anthony and Ving Rhames are good also, even if they're playing very strange people who are easier to perform. I've fallen for Patricia Arquette. Scorsese has gotten better during those years to direct beautiful women (Pfeiffer, Stone, Diaz) and getting the best from them.
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Despicable me
29 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I'm spoiling the story by saying Kevin is a murderer. It is easy to guess it right at the beginning of the film, but we just don't know at the start to what extent Kevin's craziness has gone. I hated every minute of this movie, and even then, I have to say it's a must-seen film. Because the story, which will make you feel awful, is incredibly harsh, but well told. Unfortunately, I don't think it was necessary that Lynn Ramsay used so much effects (music unrelated with what's-going-on-scenes, long close-ups on rotten food, grinning youngster, etc.) to obtain what she was looking for: to force us to decide (or not) hating this kid, his mother, his father. John C. Reilly is playing another dumb-but-funny character he has done several times. He's not at his best here, but hopefully, Tilda Swinton his helping him in several scenes. It's a shame she didn't get an Oscar nomination for her performance. She's so great in this that it'll be hard to see her in a bad film in the future. I would have give a 9, but I think the way it's made is just too much.
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Expecting better, but still a nice effort
26 February 2012
George Clooney is a good actor, and he's becoming a formidable director. This movie is fine, but I was expecting some more. Great dialogues, thrilling scenario, excellent cast. Everything is fine. But I didn't enjoy the film as much as I was expecting. I just can't find what's going wrong in it. The story isn't that surprising. Anyway, it's very entertaining, and for once, it doesn't last forever, only 95 minutes. And it's rolling well. Maybe it's just because we, I mean spectators of my age (49), are used to 3 hours movie on politics. With an international side story. Here, we just have people who are trying to save their butt. Maybe that's where is my deception is coming from. It's not a movie about a political candidate, but a thriller based on a personal default.
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A Serious Man (2009)
A masterpiece
26 February 2012
I've just watched it on DVD. The movie didn't stay on screen long enough in Quebec City to give me time for seeing it. It's a masterpiece, because if you don't know anything about this movie, you couldn't guess it was made by Coen brothers. It sounds like a Woody Allen's film. But if you think of the subject more closely, it's full of references to all of their other films. Larry Gopnik would have fit perfectly in "Barton Fink", "Miller's crossing", "Raising Arizona" or "Fargo". He's a man who have lost everything, but stand still. He's a man whose faith is shaken, but he's still believing. He's still trying to understand what's going on. He may seems beaten, but he is not. This movie has plenty of great scenes. It's humour is just so dark it's hard to laugh at it.
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Great cast
27 January 2012
I've seen it when it was released. It was a shame Anne Hattaway didn't get an Oscar for her performance. Bill Irwin is very good in this also. It's fine to see him playing something else than a serial killer. I've found in love with Rosemary DeWitt seeing this movie. She reminds me a lot a young Christine Lahti with her smile. Jonathan Demme tried something new filming this story. Some of the characters are played by non-professionals. The camera is on the shoulder most of the times. There's is no score, except for live music played by actors. I like that film a lot. All the scenes that included Debra Winger are stunning.
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Great adaptation
11 January 2012
I've just watched this film. I read this story as written by Michael Lewis, which is very interesting to read also. Great book, very good movie indeed. I never thought Sandra Bullock, who is a star, could also be as good as she is in this role. Her performance is not spectacular, because her character is phenomenal, but she clearly understood the essence of Lee-Anne Twohy as described by Michael Lewis. I've enjoyed the film very much. I was expecting some dramatic Hollywood-twisted scenes without any link with the real story of Michael Oher, who is also a phenomenon by himself. But not. There are a couple of scenes when you can guess, even if you have not read the book, that are just too much. But it's made with a nice sensibility. And it's a true story, totally unbelievable. A screenwriter would have imagine this story, any producer would have dumped it. It's impossible to dislike this film. Just a small problem: for people who are not fluent in English, the Southern accent of Nashville characters is hard to catch. But it does not reduce the fun to watch it even if translated. This family is unique and their story was to be told.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Aging well
17 December 2011
Saw it in 2011, and it's still rather funny. Most of the comedies of this period don't last long, because of the music, or the way it's done. Not the case here, it's still a perfect comedy after 18 years. Andie McDowel has never been as good as in this movie. Maybe with the exception for her performance in "Four weddings and a funeral". Bill Murray is also playing one of his funniest character. But the best part of this film is the screenplay. It seems that it was the first try by screenwriter Dany Rubin. He wrote the story, and did co-writing of the script with director Harold Ramis. I don't know which part of the success of this film is due to who, but it doesn't matter. There are so much incredibly laughable scenes in the film you can't count them. You won't regret it.
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Great script from a brilliant novel
11 December 2011
Dennis Lehane's book, with these Kenzie-Gennaro detective couple, is enjoyable. "Gone baby gone" is certainly one of the nicest thriller novel ever written. The script by Affleck and Stockard is also great. They rightfully chose to cut the angles and went to the core of this story. They did well. For his first movie as a director, Ben Affleck is doing a very good effort, especially with his cast. There are a bunch of great actors in this, Morgan Freeman, Ed Harris, Amy Ryan and Amy Madigan, and they are all good. The only thing that bothers me is Casey Affleck. He's done a good performance, but the only problem is he doesn't look like the part is described in Lehane's novel. So it's hard to believe is as tough than he has to. But the couple is completing with Michelle Monaghan is OK. They fit well together and you have to believe in them to like this movie. It's a brutal movie, with a lot of violence and coarse language. But hey, the story is going on in the poorest and tough neighbourhood in Boston. You have to be good in vocal English, because the slang used is sometimes hard to hear.
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