
35 Reviews
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Wedding Planner Mystery (2014 TV Movie)
Interesting enough mystery. Not enough Andrew Walker.
5 June 2024
This mystery wasn't that entertaining. Easy to follow without paying attention. The female lead was mostly falling for the guy who wasn't Andrew Walker(who didn't have enough screen time). The time he was on screen was fun, he never disappoints and is so adorable. Andrew W. Played a reporter, Aaron, following the wedding planner, Carnegie, here and there to try and help solve the mystery, tho she kept chasing him away. The female lead was pretty and spunky. But just a bit annoying to me. I'm not sure if I will watch this again but I enjoyed the kiss at the end along with the happy ending. When Aaron and Carnegie were spending time together there were some romantic sparks that made the movie fun to watch.
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For Love & Honey (2024 TV Movie)
In a mood for a sweet hallmark romance with Andrew Walker..
5 June 2024
I thought this movie was as romantic as most hallmark movies starring Andrew Walker. He was really fit in this movie. Wow. He's always sweet and adorable. Cute smile. He has chemistry with most Hallmark actresses. He kisses not just smooches. Which is fun. There was definitely a spark when Austen took the Eva's hand and gently pulled her to take that evening stroll. I loved that this was filmed in Malta. Such beautiful scenery. I thought the adventure they went on was quite interesting and exciting at times. Bees 🐝 don't just make honey. They pollinate and without them humankind could not prosper and would come to an end. I didn't like honey til I went to a booth at a festival and tried some. Being in Az there was red chilis in my favorite. I watch Hallmark for the actors I have grown to care for and the romance. The movies of course have plots but they are changing from main characters moving from the city to small towns and to being filmed in unique locations. Andrew Walker is loyal to Hallmark unlike some stars who have left cause they are bothered by diversity. Shame on them.
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9-1-1 (2018– )
The action is gone and the show is too soapy
1 June 2024
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I guess I am the rare person that didn't see Buck as gay or bi. I have watched every episode of this show one at a time, I recorded them, for 7 seasons. I definitely was not shipping Buck and Eddie. I just saw them as good buddies who both cared for Eddie's son. My 3 daughters are bi. My niece is gay so this has nothing to do with my feelings about queer people. There's a strong story arc between Hen, her wife and family. This show used to be exciting and fun to watch. It's getting way too soapy for me. After 7 seasons, idk why they had to change a character's sexuality. I think it's fine to keep some heterosexual people on shows. I saw Buck as not finding that right woman( but not the right man)taking a break from dating. A lot of people his age go through it. Idk what character they will change next and I don't want to know. The show as I knew it has just changed too much. I will miss the action but I am done watching it. I don't want to even want to know how Buck's relationships with men ends up. WHY do we have to worry about friendships being sexual. Why can't people of the same sex just be close friends?? Us heterosexual women don't have much to look forward to on the show. The writers were in control of the storyline, after all. Now there will be 2 story arcs of gay couples. It's fine but like I said its just too soapy for me. It's not the show it started out to be....
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.....reach for the stars, seek out new life, boldly go where no one has gone before
30 May 2024
I have no idea where these bad reviews are coming from?!? Especially the 1's?!? I have seen each episode of TOS like 500x. Started watching it with my mom. Then I watched it with my Trekkie friends. I have turned a couple of my kids into Trekkies. The first time I saw the starship Enterprise on the big screen I was in awe. I thought Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond had a great cast. I think Strange New Worlds has done a great job too. It took me a minute to get used to the new James Kirk but otherwise all the actors did an amazing job! It's fun having Nurse Chapel on the ship and wondering what her relationship with Spock could possibly become. The sets are nostalgic, beautiful. The uniforms and other costumes amazing. So far the new life they have come across and the adventures have been interesting, absolutely fascinating. I have watched both seasons 1 and 2 and can't wait for 3 tho it's not coming til 2025 and will only have 10 episodes. I can't believe we have a series like the original again! Not so much darkness but with the humor of TOS. The chemistry between Captain Pike, Spock, Uhura, Nurse Chapel, the Doc and the rest of the crew. I am so happy about it and I am sure most Trekkies out there are too!
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Alice Nevers (2019)
Criminal investigations, love triangle, drama, stylish
28 May 2024
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This show seems to have had about 7+ prior seasons or something. It's a spin off from another show called "The Judge is a Woman". It starts after Alice has had her baby, introducing her partner Marquand and visiting the father of her baby in prison(some kind of diamond thief?). It seems Marquand was at the babies birth, cut his cord and held him. He loves little Paul (his Godson). Alice is called an examining judge. Haven't quite figured out what her exact duties are but she's addressed as Judge, she goes to crime scenes with her partner, does interrogations at her office and police station. She and Marquand are very close(best friends) and have tons of chemistry. Both are very good looking. The investigations on the show aren't very interesting. I like the style of the show. I am actually more invested in the love triangle since Mattiue, the baby's Dad is out on parole and living with Alice. Marquand is very much in love with Alice. They shared romantic kisses before the babies Dad got out(with Marquand's reluctant help). Alice seems to be living with this handsome person because he's her babies Dad but has sexy dreams about Marquand. I hope I'm spelling these names right. At the end of each show they play this pretty melancholy music and show emotional images of what occured, some in slow motion(like Cold Case if you have seen it). I really like all the characters on the show. Tho the investigations aren't real exciting they are interesting enough. I am going to keep watching cause I want to see Alice and Marquand together. At this point he's losing his patience a little cause he doesn't trust the other guy with Alice and Paul but he's so cute, sweet and kind, kind eyes that so far he's waiting for her to make the right decision and choose him.
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Sully and Michaela are as one at last...
28 May 2024
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The wedding we've been waiting for. Machaela's mother and sisters make it to town bringing beautiful dresses, tux's, china and more for the wedding. There's a couple of hitches but they work themselves out. Michaela with the help of the ladies gets her bridal gown perfect. Sully decides against the tux and wears a gorgeous ceremonial buckskin outfit. Dorothy, Myra, Grace, Colleen are so lovely in the bridesmaids dresses from Boston. Mathew, Jake, Robert E. , Horace stand up for Sully. The most special part is that Cloud Dancing arrives in the white buckskin shirt made by Michaela to be Sully's best man. Jake and Robert E. Knock out Custer and tie him to the table in the clinic so he wouldn't be causing trouble. Loren steps in to give Michaela away but her mom decides to take that honor after all. The ceremony and wedding are wonderful. Brian is smiling so much and so happy. The town follows the wagon carrying the married couple to the train. Brian had been busy decorating the train car into a beautiful wedding chamber with the bed Sully made. Good byes are said. Sully carries his bride onto the bed. It doesn't take him long before he starts to untie the laces of her bridal corset(after all he's been patient for years)Michaela being shy says but it's not dark. So Sully pulls each blind down saying "it's getting darker and darker". Michaela pulls the last blind down "and darker". As Sully told her in the previous episode "we will take it ever so easy" and I am sure he does but wow the start of this marriage consummation is well, so romantic. Jane Seymour and Joe Lando have some amazing chemistry to say the very least. They are looking into each others eyes, holding each other and kissing which is well, so romantic. The camera moves from the bed to the wall lamps, shaking as the train carries the blissful wedded couple to Denver. I don't know about anyone else but I was crying tears of joy during this episode. I could have replaced "romantic" with other descriptive words but I left it at that...big sigh.
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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Sully's Choice (1993)
Season 2, Episode 10
Sully needs rescuing
27 May 2024
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DrMike needs to leave for a while to take tend to an epidemic in another town. She leaves Sully in charge of the kids. It's funny cause Colleen and Brian are arguing and Sully is at a loss as what to do, they go to town. Sully tells Brian a bedtime story about a miner who finds treasure in a secret cave. The 2 go to the cave the next day. On their way back they come across renegade Indians blowing up the railroad, fighting the Calvary. Sully tries to stop the chaos and gets shot in the back, seriously wounded. Brian goes to town to get help. They are able to go get Sully and take him back to town in a wagon to find he has a bounty on his head for the mess at the railroad. Mathew, Colleen, Brian, the reverend are able to get Sully to the secret cave while Grace distracts soldiers with pie. When the Reverend goes to the clinic to get supplies he's eyed by Hank and Jake who are going to try and find Sully for the $200 bounty(after all Sully does for the town). Jake ends up helping Colleen take care of Sully, get the bullet out, sew him up. Meanwhile Hank has been knocked out and tied up outside the cave to prevent him from causing more trouble. Sully feeling a little better decides to turn himself in instead of running. The town protects Sully from the Calvary by saying he was in town. Custer wants Sully's shirt off to see if he's been shot. But Dorothy saves Sully by saying the soldiers wouldn't want to admit they shot an unarmed man in the back. DrMike comes home. All is well and Sully says the kids help take care of him too. It was nice to see how much Sully is loved and appreciated in this episode.
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L'art du crime (2017– )
Crimes solved by art. Dramatic, tense, amusing
27 May 2024
I have watched this show seasons 1-6 episode 4. Crimes are solved through the interpretation of art masterpieces. Most episodes take place at the Louvre, some at other locations. Antoine, the temperamental crime division cop is transferred to art crimes division as a last resort. He is teamed up with quirky Florence who is an art specialist. Antoine has no knowledge or appreciation of art. These 2 have an amusing partnership with some crimes bringing danger which bonds them. Their on-off again relationship continues throughout the series. The other characters on the show are like-able. All the guest stars are great. Looking forward to season 7 to see what else Antoine and Florence can get themselves into...
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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: The Library (1994)
Season 3, Episode 5
The controversy over the town library...
24 May 2024
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This episode reminds me of Fahrenheit 451. DrMike's mother sends crates of books to share with the town. The first library is opened. Sully has a book by Walt Whitman and begins to read a poem to DrMike which makes her feel uncomfortable. She believes it's inappropriate and wants it kept away from the kids. When the reverend and the townspeople decide many of the books in the library are obscene they close it, take books from those who have checked them out. Horace is reading about vampires. Eventually a mob of townspeople burn many of the books. Michaela walks into the church and describes some plots from a book in which a father sacrifices his own daughter, a man is married to more than one woman and God makes a bet with the Devil. Everyone at church is astounded by this book, even the reverend, til they realize it's the Holy Bible("Footloose" and dancing?). The library reopens with all the books. Jake begins to take reading lessons from Dorothy. Brian learned from a frog jumping contest. And Michaela decides she would like to share the erotic Walt Whitman poems with Sully as they snuggle up in the evening on the front porch.
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Hank ain't no hypocrite..
23 May 2024
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This episode revolves around Hank and Myra's relationship. Myra freeing herself from her contact plans to marry Horace. Hank shows up at the engagement party drunk, jealous and begins shooting, aims the gun at Myra. Sully instead of knocking the gun out of Hanks hand with his tomahawk, gives Hank a head injury. Michaela goes to check on Hank in the saloon, we get the memorable line "Michaela, you don't know what love is. You've never been with a man". Michaela storms out saying she hopes to never see his face again. Hank congratulates her for speaking her mind. Hank ends up in a coma, no one visits til Myra confronts them attending church saying they are all hypocrites, sitting with their Bibles judging Hank. It's hard to understand Myra's devotion to Hank.

He took her in when she was a homeless young girl, made her a prostitute and "owned" her. She once told Hank she felt sorry for him because he didn't know what love was( aside from physical). But sometimes we see the damaged side of Hank that she maybe understood. I didn't like the way they dressed Myra in dark, drab buttoned up dresses, her hair all up in a bun. Well, everyone visits and talks to unconscious Hank. Grace says it best " your the devil we know". DrMike goes on about how she holds in all of her passion because she's afraid but Hank doesn't, that's when he wakes up. This episode is out of order and is named for Brian as he receives a telescope from "grandma" and is looking for "the man in the moon". He gets upset with Colleen because she doesn't believe we will someday go to the moon. Sully's line was to an angry DrMike about Hank, "Maybe it's you that can't forgive him" referring to Myra still caring about Hank after everything....
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"Michaela! I will find you!". Sully's love rescues Dr. Mike again.
23 May 2024
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Part 1 and 2 of Abduction is sometimes difficult to watch. Especially if it's your first viewing. Michaela gets herself in trouble again. This time with the dog soldiers. They get angered and kidnap her in front of Sully who is outnumbered. They shouldn't have been out in a buggy looking for one of her patients when there was an Indian uprising but as usual she had to have her way. Sully shouts he will find her and drops to his knees as the dog soldiers ride away with her on horseback. I believe it was One Eye who had her. Sully with the help of Wolf is able to track her location and eventually save her. Cloud Dancing's son gets killed trying to help her escape so the Calvary would release the innocent Indians, mainly women, kids, old men that were captured. Sully and Michaela finally get to rest. He asks her so lovingly if they "hurt her"and was relieved she said no. He gathered berries and honeycomb and as she was eating the thick honey and it was sticking to her mouth and fingers, dripping down from both, a passionate kiss and he held her. A little risqué for this show. Then they have the scene where they jump off a cliff together into the water below as they are being chased, they each say I love you before jumping.. They survive and return just in time as the toss of Sully's tomahawk stops the gears of the guillotine. Custer keeps his word and frees the Indians he had planned to hang if DrMike wasn't returned. DrMike is fine, seems emotionally unscathed, thanks Sully and they celebrate Brian's birthday. A happy ending thanks once again to DrMike's hero, Byron Sully, the gorgeous mountain man.
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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: The Circus (1994)
Season 2, Episode 14
A lot of fun with the townspeople
22 May 2024
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The Circus is one of my favorite episodes. It's mostly fun and even Hank, Loren and Jake are nice to everyone and are a joy to watch. It's spread around town that a circus is coming, it is first called "big" and ends up as being "colossal". When it's actually a woman and her daughter in a large covered, wooden wagon with circus written on the side. They go from town to town and create a circus by using the people who live in them. Sully and Dr. Mike are on flying trapeze. Loren and Brian(such an adorable, amazing child actor)are clowns. Jake is the ringmaster. Dorothy(and Horace?) part of the magic show. Mathew and Colleen end up as the high wire act. The mom is called Heart because she has a heart shaped birthmark on her cheek. Her teen daughter, Atlantis, has webbed hands which of course in the end Dr. Mike operates and gives the girl "normal" hands which the mom was against at first because she wanted her daughter to accept them as "special". But Atlantis just wants to fit in especially after her crush on the engaged Mathew. The townspeople have a great time and won't accept their percentage of the money for the show. Even Jake even gives his back. MY FAVORITE PART: Dr Mike is being pushy about doing a flip in the show, Sully says one thing at a time. Dr. Mike asks Sully if he thinks she's too bossy and he sweetly says "not for me". But as he turns from her he gives a very cute roll of his eyes. Ya, she's bossy but that's ok. Sully is a hero with long hair that dresses in Native American clothes(usually dirty), necklaces and even a medicine bag. He's a gorgeous hunk of a man! I love the chemistry between Sully and Dr. Mike. A fun episode.

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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Another Woman (1994)
Season 2, Episode 15
Sully did Dr.Mike wrong BUT Dr.Mike did Sully wrong in Boston
21 May 2024
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I knew this blonde girl raised by the Indians would be trouble the minute Sully laid eyes on her. Always wants to help those in distress. He spent too much time with her. He knew how she felt about him and he was attracted to her and felt he had a connection to her being that they were both of 2 worlds. He had a commitment to Dr. Mike and he shouldn't have been spending so much time with another lady, no matter what. When she kissed him, well come on, he told Brian who saw the kiss and knew it was wrong, that it takes 2 to kiss and Sully did kiss back. Brian was so hurt and angry by what he saw. This episode always upsets me BUT when Dr. Mike was treating Sully so badly in Boston, ignoring him and hanging out with that doctor who she "thought she was sure at times she loved" !?! Well, that really made me mad cause she had no right to treat Sully the way she did as it was obvious she was embarrassed of him around her rich Boston family and friends. I could go on and on about those 2 episodes. Anyway. Sully was wrong but Dr. Mike was wrong first.
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The X-Files: Alpha (1999)
Season 6, Episode 16
Season 6 isn't perfect but it's entertaining. Scary Dog
29 April 2024
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This episode wasn't so much about the monster of the week for me. I like season 6 because David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have perfected the characters of Mulder and Scully. I love their glances, loving touches and how they are protective of each other, how much closer they have grown, more than partners, more than friends. I thought Karin being "enamored" with Mulder tho unhealthy was kind of sweet because she was such a loner. Mulder is always nice to people, even suspects and tries to understand them before rushing into anything rash, unless they are an immediate threat(true monsters). Scully has become more open minded. I don't think this murderous dog was that scary but I enjoy nearly every episode of X-files that connects Mulder and Scully. Mulder was saddened at the end for not truly understanding Karin. He put his "I want to believe" poster back up as it was returned to or sent to him by Karin(she had one). I love Mulder!
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L.A. Heat (1996–1999)
Lots of action! Amusing! Needs some romance for us ladies.
9 April 2024
I have been a mood to watch 90's shows. Recently Silk Stalking which I loved. This past month Tarzan from early 90's. That's where I discovered Wolf Larson as Tarzan running about saving the jungle from pesticides, poachers, gold diggers etc all in only a butt flap. So, I wanted to check him out in L. A Heat, he's obviously wearing the crazy baggy colorful clothes, blazers with shoulder pads etc 90's style. He and Steven Williams make amusing partners. Lots of chemistry. Ya it is like Lethal Weapon. There's so many car crashes and fires and people walk away without a scratch(which is good?)Once August had his harmonica in his pocket which saved his life when he was shot. Anyways, being a woman I would prefer a little more romance. Male partners are great, like White Collar but nothing beats a female and male together. This show is entertaining, Wolf Larson is really cute and fit, Steven Williams is a great actor. But the car crashes are getting old for me...I'll probably watch an episode here and there during the day when I have nothing to do because both actors are fun to watch.
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Joe Pickett (2021–2023)
Anything that can go wrong does go wrong
6 April 2024
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People who only watched a half an episode or 2 or 3 shouldn't judge a show. I think all the actors in this series played their parts well and there were some interesting characters, good and bad. I don't think Joe Pickett(played by Michael Dorman) was suppose to be the most exciting man but a humble man, brave and with strong moral convictions. I watched all of both seasons. I liked the relationship Joe had with his wife. She was very sensitive to the trauma of his past. He was a simple man and she was an educated woman, a lawyer, which made their love seem bitter sweet. She was always there to support and comfort him through everything even when she was the one who needed the comfort. She supported his decision to move to Wyoming and to become a game warden there. He was a caring, loving husband and father but many times his job put his family in danger. He definitely should have put their safety first but he was obsessed with getting to the bottom of things(along with his wife). His daughters were strong young girls who went through a lot by living in Saddlestring and because of their Dad's job. Taking the abandoned young girl into their home brought an interesting twist to the lives of the Picketts. Joe's mother in law was an unusual and somewhat amusing addition to the story. Joe tried to be the best Game Warden he could be considering all the corruption, the conspiracies going on in Saddlestring. The bad guys were really terrible men and easy to dislike. There were some supernatural aspects to the show and wow those twin brothers living off the land were some very strange characters to say the least. So creepy! There was a group of respected men in the town who did some despicable things to women for which they went to great lengths to cover up. The worst part of the show was watching Joe and his family go through one terrible situation after another, just when you thought nothing else could happen to them something even worse did. It was hard to watch at times. It did make you thankful for your own life not being as complicated and as plagued with bad luck. True the show wasn't perfect and seemed far fetched at times but that's what made the show as interesting as it was, for better and for worse. Thankfully there was a few less serious parts, like Joe's truck getting destroyed several times. I could never go into every detail of the show and won't try. I had to keep watching til the end and I am glad I did. I can say I have never seen anything quite like it. I hope there is a season 3 and that something will go right for the Picketts and their lives will be a little brighter. My son really enjoyed this show too and was glad I suggested it. I guess you could say it was a modern day western of sorts that takes place in the wilds of Wyoming. The good guys versus the bad guys. Joe Pickett being one of the few good guys....
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Falling in Love in Niagara (2024 TV Movie)
A sweet romance with a fun plot
18 March 2024
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I have only seen a couple of Jocelyn Hudson's movies but she's different than some of the other Hallmark leading ladies. She's cute, pretty and funny. I didn't know that her costar Dan Jeanette was on one of my favorite tv series, Star Trek:Strange New Worlds. He's very cute and funny too. Great hair. These two made an adorable couple with a lot of chemistry. Several kisses not just one at the end. The movie took place at and around Niagara Falls. Beautiful location. She left a fiancé behind that dumped her 5wks before their wedding and who was self absorbed and didn't appreciate her and didn't bring out the best in her. She decided to take her honeymoon with her sister at Niagara Falls to visit the places her grandma told her about and to be more spontaneous. She met a tour guide who helped her come out of her "practical" shell and to face her fears and to be fun and adventurous. They had an exciting time together. He even wrote her a love song. She and her sister made some nice new friends, attended a wedding. The movie was very romantic. Not so many obstacles came between them. Just her ex fiancé. This is one of those movies I will watch over and over. It's of course a Hallmark movie with the happy ending which brings us all comfort unlike some other movie genres. It was a feel good movie and I believe most Hallmark fans will enjoy it.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 4 is different but brilliant. More action than dialogue.
17 March 2024
I like that this season took place in Alaska during the dark days. I thought it was a type of a horror show with an insane murder for the detectives to investigate. I think it was interesting to have some tough, brave ladies in charge as the detectives. Jodie Foster did an amazing job with her character. The rest of the cast were great too. Poor Prior went through a lot of trauma and being the newbie got the worst of it all. I felt bad for him. I think the insanity of the murders fit into the true detective theme(also used the same symbol as season 1). There was some supernatural aspects to the show which made it very dark, creepy and mysterious. There were a lot of clues to sort through that didn't make much sense. They ended up in some frightening and dangerous situations as the investigation moved forward. The darkness, extreme cold, the snow and ice provided a lot of atmosphere and opportunity to create a crazy murder and investigation. Maybe some men who watched didn't approve that ladies were the stars of this season. They didn't have to watch all 6 episodes if it bothered them. Must have liked something about it. I thought this season was addictive and fast paced. I looked forward to each intense episode. It was different than season 1. Season 1 was the best of all 4, though while binging, it seemed to move slowly and there was more dialogue than action. Season 4 had a lot more action but didn't skip on any necessary dialogue. I thought it had a very unusual plot and was definitely worth watching. I don't think it was a waste of time and that it was better than a lot of tv shows out there. Just because you loved season 1, doesn't mean you can't love season 4 too. Definitely better than 2 or 3 which I couldn't finish. I don't think anyone liked them. Anyway. I would recommend season 4! I thought it was very entertaining and followed the theme of true detective but in a different way.
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Recipe for Love (2014 TV Movie)
"Romantic movie" not a cooking show
16 March 2024
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This was an adorable movie. Dannielle Panabaker is always a treat to watch. Pascale Hutton is very cute and fit in this movie. His character has to put on a facade and be who the producers of his cooking show want him to be on screen(sexy chef)which makes him an unhappy, rude person in reality. But we find out that he's actually a sensitive, down to earth young man who enjoys growing his own food. Dannielle P's character joins his show to encourage him to write a cookbook. Together they end up creating some wonderful recipes as they return to his family roots for inspiration. I can't believe people are critiquing this movie as if it was a "cooking show" and not a "Hallmark romance". We don't always need 100% accuracy in any show medical, crime, science fiction etc it's about entertainment. Watch a documentary if you want that but those aren't always 100% accurate either. I have watched this more than once and will watch it again as will lots of other people who love a sweet romance and a happy ending(even without 100% accuracy).
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A Dash of Love (2017 TV Movie)
Food and Romance(not for those who don't like Hallmark)
16 March 2024
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This was a very cute Valentines movie. Jen Lilley is always adorable. The sparks were flying between her and Brendan Perry. I like the Hallmark cooking stories. Chefs, cooks, bakers, diners, fancy restaurants, caterers etc who doesn't enjoy shows about delicious food and couples falling in love revolving around it. I don't even understand why Hallmark haters watch Hallmark? It's confusing. I just think they enjoy looking for negativity in romance and falling in love. Happy endings. Hallmark is an escape from a bad day into a happier reality. I have watched this movie a few times over the years and haven't tired of it. This was a story about family, friends and romance. A family bakery and 2 creative young chefs that fall in love and open a restaurant together. Typical Hallmark but you gotta love it!
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A Valentine's Match (2020 TV Movie)
Romance, high school couple reunited, antique picking
14 March 2024
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Hallmark is my escape from reality. The love and romance that always has a happy ending. A few sweet kisses here and there. Hand holding. Bethany J. L and Luke M made a cute couple. Good chemistry. Bethany almost always plays the girl with a bold personality protecting her heart. So, I know what to expect. My favorite movies of hers are with Andrew Walker. They have great chemistry. I always like the movies where the high school sweethearts find each other again. It's a nice dream I think a lot of us ladies have. And how nice to have a mom who wants you to find love and to be happy. Usually a kind, caring Dad also hoping the same. The plots are similar and I always know which one I am in the mood for. Their Valentine's dance in this movie, with the music playing, which fit so well, was sweet and romantic. You could imagine them back in high school at the Homecoming dance. I always like the endings where they both go looking for the other and both end up at the same place or when one returns and surprises the other. Anyway. If you watch Hallmark it's not to do a lot of thinking it's just to relax, enjoy a romance that can cheer you up and improve your mood. I liked the very end of this movie. I thought it was funny and an original one. So silly but what the heck.
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Love on the Sidelines (2015 TV Movie)
Hallmark Romance, Football, Aforanle dog
14 March 2024
Love on the Sidelines was a fun movie. Emily Kinney is a tiny girl and adorable. John Reardon is cute and tho his acting can be a little bland the 2 of them as a couple created some sparks and romance. Knute the dog stole quite a few scenes. Injured football player accidentally ends up with a female assistant who he doesn't like at first. There's a lot of relationship confusion, who's dating who and when. There is the loving family connections Hallmark likes to implement. A not so great girlfriend the lead starts out with. There's not a lot of football happening other than at the Sports bar. There's a wedding, not between the leads. I enjoyed this movie and will watch it again. The happy ending happened at the very end but as we always knew it would.
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A Summer Romance (2019 TV Movie)
A Hallmark love story on the ranch
13 March 2024
Erin K and Ryan P make an adorable couple once their characters get past their differences. I know it's corny but it's Hallmark and that's what you should expect. If not maybe you shouldn't be watching and giving bad reviews. Some say Erin is wearing too much makeup but once again it's Hallmark and maybe she just likes looking nice even if she's living on a ranch. Then when the handsome city slicker comes around well who wouldn't...Wherever it's filmed has a beautiful forest. It was cool when J. R(Ryan) started helping out around the ranch and began to observe all the beauty of nature and then connecting with it and with Sam(Erin). Things were a bit silly but Ryan did make a very cute cowboy and that was fun. Once again, as you can count on, a happy romantic ending with a kiss. I love my Hallmark movie days. They make me smile.
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A Safari Romance (2023 TV Movie)
Romance in the wild of South Africa
13 March 2024
A beautiful setting for a Hallmark movie, South Africa. You can't judge a hallmark movie the same way as a Hollywood movie. They are romantic movies with happy endings, not hoping for an Oscar. Andrew Walker is his handsome, fit, cute self. He spends a lot of screen time with his leading lady and while they are adorable together she seems a little uncomfortable, there is chemistry but not as much as usual. He's a guy from the city making a virtual experience for a theme park and she's a park ranger working for her PHD in "animal behavior". Both enjoy photography. There's a boss lady who took over the company he works for that comes to cause trouble but she's not successful. The scenery, animals and costumes are gorgeous. I almost felt like I was there. The exchange of the silver bracelets is sweet as they remind me of Clint Eastwood's in The Bridges of Madison County(he was a photographer for National Geographic). There's a second romance in the movie also. As always you can count on a happy ending from a Hallmark movie and sometimes that's just what we need on a bad day.
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Love on Safari (2018 TV Movie)
Romance with beautiful animals in the wild
13 March 2024
One of Hallmarks more beautiful settings for a movie. South Africa. It was almost like being there. Something different from the usual plot too. Andrew Walker is looking very handsome, his cute self and very fit. He spent a lot of screen time with his leading lady, they were adorable together but I wouldn't say there was a lot of chemistry. He's in Africa to research for his virtual reality experience for an amusement park. She's a park ranger working towards her PHD in the "study of animals". Both enjoy photography. They also have someone working with them who are attracted to each other too. There's a lot of interesting people that are living around the safari village. A school. The wardrobe in this movie is gorgeous. There's the boss lady from the city that comes to cause some trouble but she doesn't manage to cause that much. The exchange of the silver bracelets that reminded me of Clint Eastwoods in Bridges of Madison County(where he played a photographer for National Geographic)was sweet. I loved this movie and as with every other Hallmark movie it has a happy ending.
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