
19 Reviews
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Poorly Executed
29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is clearly worked on ZERO budget. The acting is very poor and it cannot be classed as Horror. The director tried his hardest with the music to create a tense atmosphere, which is commendable, however it just wasn't enough to make this scary. The main antagonist of the movie uses a scythe to kill her victims however you can tell that this is plastic, the attacks carry no vocal element - one scene where a delivery guy gets attacked and throat slit he makes no noise whatsoever - like zero noise. It's just not a very good movie to watch. It is only 70 minutes long however it feels like 3 hours. Shame but it just isn't worth the watch.
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Z (I) (2019)
Ignore the Hate
26 February 2024
I don't quite understand the negativity surrounding this film. It is a good watch, the director clearly had a feel for how the audience should feel, the setting from the outset had an eerie ambience to it and the fact it didn't have large cast actually served it well. The acting is incredible and the script is well written. Nice jump scares in there but also the knife edge feeling when you think something is going to jump out and doesn't is very well worked. Whilst I do agree that maybe "Z" could have been something more sinister and more creepy looking when we got the chance to see it, this was overall a good watch for any horror fan. If you liked movies like Come Play and Babadook then give this one a try. You will pleasantly surprised.
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Baghead (2023)
Potential Not Reached
17 February 2024
This had bags of potential (no pun intended) but it just wasn't used. The script and idea is good but there is just not enough scare points scored with this. It is eerie in parts and the heartful backnotes of seeing your loved ones again after death makes this movie watchable but it is just not enough to rate over a 5 out of 10 score. Howecer I don't think you can blame this entirely on the director or the writers, this needed a bigger budget and really with that cash injection this would have been a great watch on par with the conjurning movies. Just fell short unfortunatley, which is a shame.
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Trinket Box (2023)
Starts off positive
24 January 2024
The beginning of the movie had real promise and gave off some "Get Out" vibes with its back story and well rounded cast. However, it dies off pretty quickly after 20 minutes. The scares are dulled by the lighting of the night scenes. You just cannot see or tell what is going on for 50% of the movie. A lighting director was obviously missing and the fact it didn't get picked up in the edit is equally baffling. I would save your time on this one. The acting is decent but the movie as a whole could have been so much better than this. Think of a cheap rendition of a mismatch of horror films and you won't be far off.
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5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's bad on so many levels. Even Michael Madsen looks embarressed to be in this. The story makes little sense. A girl who is murdered in 1952 seeks revenge on a group of People who are at a high school reunion. The acting is awful. Even from Madsen seems like he can't be arsed to even attempt his acting ability. All the other actors are beyond bad. The scenes jump around all over each other and nothing seems to knit together at all. It is a reletively short film so that saves the day, but please save your time on this one. I quite like bad Horror fliks as long as the is decent enough, but nothing can save this one I'm afraid. Up there with the worst of all time.
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It could have been more....
7 July 2023
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I liked the first 3 episodes and was really hoping that we would see the "Old Negan" but so far we just see an old Negan (in age). He looks fragile and like he can't be arsed. Maggie is like the vengeful Maggie we saw when Glen was killed, which I like but the chemistry between LC amd JDM doesn't seem to be there. It's like this is a paycheck series rather than a story finisher for Negan and Maggie. LOVED the UFC cage scene as it gave a little nod to when Rick and the gang got to the Prison (which is my favourite season of TWD by a country mile). It got 5 because of the story, it just seems to fall short, but acting and camera work, spot on. Hope this gets better for the last 2 episodes. Is a Negan Maggie showdown needed???? Absolutley it is.
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It's a mess that I keep watching
3 March 2023
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I really wanted to like this show. I'm coming off the back of Hawaii 5-0 which I really enjoyed watching, So for me the Scott Caan attachment drew me in. It started really promising, then it didn't just go downhill, it drove off a cliff. The main character Nikki is only just understandable, her English is terrible. Then there is the show's catchphrase "Lets get our baby back!" It's unbearable. The kid "Keith" is just unwatchable but the icing on the cake is the Black Bald Woman - when someone goes missing she doesn't look for them physically or do actual police work, she lights fires in the office, stares into candle wax, puts flowers in a bowl of water or (and I am not joking here) RUBS EGGS ON PEOPLE!!! I feel oblidged to watch the rest of season 1 however if this gets a second season with the current cast, I would be very surprised.
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Walker: Blinded by the Light (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Nice set up
29 January 2023
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This is one of my favourite shows and it is getting better and better. This is a nice episode that is setting up Walker's past life and pre Ranger career as a marine. So Greyflag is now clearly a mission to permantly oust all of Walker's old command unit and it is now getting a bit gritty. The angle is nice and the whole family feel is good as it is showing cracks in the family and friendships just like we all have in real life. The only thing that is leeting the show down a little is Padelecki's stuttering smiley acting thing. He did it alot in Supernatural and I thought it was a character thing but it seems to be how he acts. It's just a little annoying but other than that, great episode in a great show.
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Alert: Missing Persons Unit: Zoey (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Holy Duck Eggs Batman
29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It got 2 stars because i laughed 5 minutes into this episode, other than that utter tripe. So here is what made me laugh - the bald woman now is not only starting fires in the office to try and find missing people but now she went to the shop, bought a box of eggs, came back to the office and RUBBED two of the eggs onto the parents to reveal where the missing girl is located.... I am 100% serious EGGS. Then, because amazingly, rubbing 2 eggs onto humans did not help, she then started staring into some Candle Wax... Obviously then next step in finding someone who is missing. I cannot be the only person who is starting to think that this is some type of comedy show?? Next time you lose your car keys, stare into a candle whilst rubbing some egg on yourself and they should turn up.
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S.W.A.T.: Witness (2023)
Season 6, Episode 10
Plot Hole Central
14 January 2023
This episode had such great potential but the writing was sloppy and has more holes in it than sieve. It was like watching a movie that I kept falling asleep through. These are just some of the questions that you will ask yourself during this episode. "When did that happen?", "Who did that?", "Did I fall asleep?" - the episode would have been great if the holes were not so blatently visible. The writing was very lazy and felt like they had written this with one eye on the clock on a Friday afternoon with no overtime pay. However, it got 3 stars because of the kid - probably the best acting in the whole episode. They also need to address the whole Deacon Annie and the kids situation. We know that Brie is now in "Alert" (equally shocking by the way - don't bother with that car crash) so the writers need to address the fact that they are now gone. Maybe a divorce storyline where Annie takes the kids?? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter but just address it. The holes are thick in this episode but the holes in the show's entirity are getting bigger and bigger.
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Alert: Missing Persons Unit: Hugo (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Oh wow......
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first episode but this episode is just way over the top and the acting is abysmal. The kid (Keith) who is not the kid, is a terrible actor along with the lead detective (Nikki) whose English is just about understandable, and the bald woman who just keeps lighting fires in the office whenever someone goes missing is just laughable. The fire alarm would be going off all the time. I really wanted to like this show because of the Scott Caan attachment, but it's just not worth it. Two episodes in and "We get our Babies back" / "Let's get this baby back" is so irratating plus no police force would ever promise that they would get a missing person back safe and sound. Honestly, this will not get renewed for a second season.
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Alert: Missing Persons Unit: Chloe (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hit and miss
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so jumped on here to write a quick review. The ONLY reason this flagged my interest is because I am a huge Scott Caan fan. The start was really good, the background from his time in Afgahnistan was a good pitch and gave a wholesome image to his character. It took me a little while to understand the lead actress as her accent is so thick but after 20 minutes or so it is just about understandable. I liked the whole missing persons unit, there could be some potential with a few characters especially the geek in the lab. The first case is a little over the top and it is clear that they want a driven female lead, a little like NCIS Hawaii but it would make more sense for Scott Caan to take the lead role - he is just more believable as a character. So that is the 7 good stars now for the 3 missing stars.... The supporting actors - it just looks like the producers have just tried to tick every race card box instead of looking at their acting abilities, I understand the whole equality thing but make sure they can act. Also their son just happening to turn up after 6 years is super far fetched and they should have given either a shorter period of time missing or made the kid older when he dissapeared. Would have made more sense if the kid showed up end of season 1 when they could have built up more of a story line. Obviously the kid is not their kid - that is clear from the get go. Also what I did not understand was the whole "He is in Vegas" thing. The show is based in Philly and they just happen to arrive in Vegas and have just missed him? Oh and the whole "I know what room he is in, because of the mountains" is impossible to have known. So good start but not convinced that this will get to season 2 if the writing for the first episode is anything to go by.

Summary: Wait to see if renewed before investing your time.
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Fire Country: No Good Deed (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Follow on from a poor episode
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The last episode was poor and I was hoping that this would be better, but it looks like they have been written together. The start is poor with all the crew being bought in for internal investigations regarding the antics of the last episode. The female investigator does nothing for the episode and is just like the annoying nosey neighbour in the street. The jump from the bridge part is equally pathetic. The female probie jumps from a bridge into a free flowing river, dragged by a current and then into a larger body of water and then just happens to find a drowning Brodie which she then pulls up with no problem at all. Also I don't care how hot California is, you will be a shivering wreck when coming out of the water and then they stumble on a rescue mission who was the hit and run driver? It's just ridiculous story telling. Hope they get better writers for season 2.
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Fire Country: Bad Guy (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Poorly Written
8 January 2023
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I like this show. It's normally very entertaining and gives a bit of relief of real life when watching the show. This however was like an episode of Days of our Lives. Here is what would happen in this real life situation - The car is level and is mid engined this means that the car would likely be slipping forwards not stationary. ALL of the cars in the way of the fire truck have room to move and no person would just stand next to their car and not even attempt to move it. A rachet strap to secure the car??? No, Emergency Rescues will use steel cables with a stronghold of well over 10 tonne and would feed this around the car through the windows and doors. Finally any "unconciouss person" would not be the last person to be rescued. They would be the priority not the person who is awake and talking.
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Barbarian (2022)
Nerve Shreddingly Good
28 October 2022
Wow. This is a brilliant piece of film making. I was shocked at how good this was. Firstly it's not your typical horror. It's more intense and has a good storyline attached to it. I was expecting something along the lines of a slasher pic but I was really pleasently surprised at this. How the film is split into 3 sections is not just brilliant but it's executed supberbly. It's jumpy, edgy, nervy, creepy all in one. The 80's throwback section even incorperates the the preinvention of wide screen TV's. Everything is just really well done. Grab the popcorn and prepare for a real treat. Oh and Justin Long is exceptional in this.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: The Body Stitchers (2022)
Season 14, Episode 3
Solid Episode
25 October 2022
This was up there with one of my favourite episodes. You will need to go back to season 9 (The Monster) when we first saw the introduction of this serial killing cult. To be honest I had forgotten all about that episode until it all came flooding back in the intro to this episode.

The episode itself is solid, the acting, camera work and the movie theatre scene is really well shot edgy nervy and very Saw esque. The surprise element you can see coming a mile away however it doesn't spoil the episode and leaves the door wide open for this story line to be a 3 parter. Very enjoyable and we do need to see more of this type of story instead of the woke episodes that are so frequent especially in this franchise.
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Hit and Miss
14 October 2022
Ok. If you are going to watch this then be prepared that it a different avenue was explored when they wrote the script. If you want Halloween style suspense and gore then watch the classic original amd relive the awe of what is one of the best horror's written.

I like that they tried something different and if you took this film outside of the Halloween franchise then its a good movie that had promise however as soon as you introduce it as a Halloween / Michael Myers film then it just doesn't work.

Overall I enjoyed the movie, like i said previously if you take Michael Myers and Laurie out of the movie and just keep the Corey kid it would have got a strong 9 from me.

Shame but at least now we can look forward to new and improved original Horror films and leave the old in the past.
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Triassic Hunt (2021)
So Bad that I loved it
13 October 2022
This is terrible in every single sense. Acting, CGI, Sets, props, literally everything is abysmal. It is all shot in Extreme Close Ups so you get the sense that at no point was permission granted to the filmakers on any location so its all super close ups. I was ill on the day I watched this and its perfect for one of those sick day movies that makes you feel a little better about yourself. The best bits are the Dinosaur shots they made me howl with laughter. Safe to say that Michael Crichtons trust fund babies are safe in the knowledge that Triassic Hunt will not take over the Jurrasic Park franchise.
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All over the place
5 October 2022
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The acting is terrible for a start. The plot is all over the place from the brother sister thing at the start, people dieing and no one caring where they dissapeared too, the festival losing all power but the DJ still managing to play because he bought his Vinyls??

The plot bounces from a country road, to a mysterious shop, to a music festival, to a trip to an escape room that is a trap (that no one saw coming) to a kidnap plot.

It just doesn't follow suit of all the other movies before it. This is like a fan tried to remake Jeepers Creepers and failed miserably.

Honestly do not bother. 0 stars if I could.
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