
2 Reviews
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Animal Lovers and Environmentalist's Won't be Disappointed
24 June 2007
Eye of the Dolphin is a good movie. Generally, when I watch animal movies my expectations are low (I wasn't especially impressed with Air Bud or any of its many sequels), but I decided to give this one a shot because I saw a trailer and thought that it had some cool underwater sequences. It turned out to be better than I had expected. There is so much natural beauty in the film and Eye of the Dolphin also kept my interest with character development and story line.

It was good to see a little bit of "edgy" content in the film, perhaps I was expecting more of a "kiddie" movie but the main character, played by Carly Schroeder, depicts the stuggles of a modern teen girl well. Inevitably, some parts of the movie come across as being a bit cheesy, but the movie as a whole works and is definitely worth seeing. The dolphins are amazing and this film does an especially good job of showcasing some of what their superior echolocation allows them to do. Teenagers, environmentalists, animal lovers will enjoy this film.
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I've seen better from both of these guys.
21 June 2007
It's no Anchorman or Napolean D. However it has some decent moments and some great uncomfortable moments that Ferrell movies are famous for. Perhaps I've just grown to expect too much out him, but this film is not the same caliber as the Ricky Bobby or Ron Burgandy epics. With that being said, you always know that you are in for at least a decent time whenever you watch a movie starring Willie F. I think this movie is best suited for a night at the college dorm or kicking back with buddies over a few brew-ski's. It's humour that young adults are used to and can appreciate but it is nothing profound or new. For that reason I'll give it a 6. Good for cheap, easy laughs and again, there is nothing wrong with the picture minus the predictability. Watch it on a lazy night if you're in the mood for a comedy, but my best guess is that two months after you see it, won't be something that sticks with you and your friends won't be quoting it. And with that, "I'm Ron Burgandy?"

  • RR
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