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Walker, Texas Ranger: Division Street (2001)
Season 9, Episode 13
A good dose of spirituality and Peace
5 December 2010
This was a very well done episode. What it may have lacked in action, it made up for in Spirituality. Hulk Hogan plays Boomer Mcknight, a former gang banger who's been out of prison for 10 years. He opens a community center that helps to keep young people from joining gangs. Throughout the episode his center is broken into by a gang and a drug dealer who tear up things and spray paint graffiti on the benches. Boomer teaches Christian teaching which is that violence only leads to more violence and also peace. In one scene he confronts a group of young people with former inmates who tell them that if they go to jail their seen as nothing more than "fresh meat". At the end Boomer is kidnapped by the drug dealer who starts to hang him. Just then the two gangs, The guardians and the Blades attack the henchman and save him. They then start to hang the drug dealer until Boomer reminds them that they would go to jail for murder. I enjoyed the fact that they showed the reasons not to join a gang and didn't glamorize them as most TV does today. Bravo to this series for trying to deter youngsters from joining gangs.
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WWE Raw (1993– )
It's become a disgrace
13 September 2010
This has really become awful. The gimmicks are jokes and all the guys look the same. I remember back in the 90's when you had DX, The Hart Foundation, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Billy Gunn and many others. A lot of them wore outfits so you could tell them apart. Now it is very hard to tell who is who. Orton makes me mad because he trying to be the SCSA of today and that will never happen. Another reason this has become bad is that the PPVs have become jokes. The Survivor Series hasn't had in a long time one where it is all elimination matches. In a typical one, you'll have maybe 3 of these matches and the rest are title ones. I don't care about the titles, I want to see the elimination matches! In addition, the same people are in the main events every night. Was nothing learned from the demise of WCW? You have to have new main eventers all the time to keep people's interest. The only way I would watch this now is if they brought back a lot of the old tag teams and gimmicks like Doink the Clown, The Smoking Gunns, The Body Donnas, The Rockers and many others. What they show today is Garbage. The Big Show and the Great Khali couldn't wrestle to save their lives! The BS couldn't wrestle when he was in WCW as the Giant. I'd like to see Hardcore Holly back as well as Al Snow.
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Up All Night (1989–1998)
This was classic
28 August 2010
Gilbert Gottfried was an excellent host and the movies were so bad they were actually good. Most of them were in the style of Ed Wood. This was where I first saw "Killer Clowns from Outer Space". It like most of them was so bad it was good. It has since attained Cult Status. All of the films it showed were classics and the comments by Gottfried and Shear made this an unforgettable program. I truly do miss not being able to see this on TV anymore. We need more like this on the Tube. I agree with the other reviewer when he said most of these movies will never be shown again. They were so bad that no one would be willing to rent them or watch them. The comments that were made between the commercials were hilarious and made you want to watch.
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Impressive! Spoiler Alert!
11 July 2010
This was a very good episode. Danny Ford goes to prison for running a dog fighting ring. When he comes out, He is trained by a former boxing champion played very well by Dan Lauria. The other 2 guys in the ring end up dead and the detectives must figure out who did it. In the end, they discover that the trainer killed them because he was living his life through Ford's. The last scene shows the Detectives confronting him just as he's about to accompany DF to the ring for his title match. He points at DF and says in a manner of speaking " I trained you and you aren't anything without me". A very compelling episode that showed no sex, very little violence and managed to keep me interested. Everyone should see this one.
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A Good Twist on the Apocalypse. Spoiler ahead!
4 July 2010
I really enjoyed this one. It not only showed how the future will look but also added a spiritual element as well. It had the same formula as The Road Warrior: The Loner taking on an outlaw Motorcycle Gang. Denzel Washington gave a great performance as Eli, a man walking across a world where there was hardly any food or resources and people were trying to get what they could to survive. The visuals were stunning and beautifully done. The ending was the exact opposite of TRW: The hero dies and a woman starts walking down the road he was. Anyone who still wants to deny that Global Warming doesn't exist should be forced to watch this and they will change their mind. It was refreshing to see at the end when they are printing out the Bible. That book hasn't been referenced for years.
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Banacek (1972–1974)
Very good
30 June 2010
This was a very good show. It had a wonderful theme song, was funny and intelligent and never failed to disappoint. There were never any sex scenes in bed. It was like the "Monk" of its day in that at the end he would tell exactly how the crime ocurrred and the perpetrators would be arrested. It was exciting and entertaining all in one package and hardly any of the women were dressed as prostitutes. I would easily take this over the trash that they show today any day. Highly recommended. It managed to be entertaining without insulting your intelligence. The plots were very intriguing and well written and you didn't see any overweight people.
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What a movie should be
16 May 2010
I loved this movie. It was a mix of good acting, philosophy, and special effects. There was no smoking, no sex, and maybe one or two scenes where they were drinking but you couldn't tell if it was water or alcohol. The questions it asked were fundamental. Kubrick Foreshadowed what has come to pass: Computers rule the world. He was asking that if it's bad with humans, imagine a computer that runs the world, makes a mistake and doesn't want to admit it's wrong?. It would be like living with an electronic Hitler. There was also no violence. This showed that a movie can entertain and not have any of that crap in it and the industry doesn't want to admit it. This one succeeded because it didn't pander to the young people but was aimed at adults.
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Walker, Texas Ranger: El Coyote: Part 1 (1996)
Season 4, Episode 17
13 May 2010
This 2 parter really makes people sympathetic to people who come across the border from Mexico. The action is very good and it demonstrates how some people are willing to take advantage of others for money or so that they can have cheap labor. I especially felt sorry for the women who were forced to become prostitutes. That was really hard to see someone who was given no choice in the matter. They were told that they would either do it or be killed. That is the same method that all the drug cartels, dictators and rebels of the world use. I hate to say this but this has happened in the past and will continue to happen as long as the Developed Nations (United States/Great Britain, and others) want to pay the lowest prices possible for all items without realizing how many people die and are killed to make that possible. Everyone should have to watch these 2.
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Tales from the Crypt (1989–1996)
The Greatest Horror Series of all Time
10 May 2010
It is without exception the greatest series of all time. The acting by everyone was great and the Cryptkeepers's puns were hilarious (Just goes to show you kiddies, Be very careful what you Axe For Christmas, You Just Might Get it!) (I Call tonight's Putrid Piece "What's Cookin". This series will beat hands down any of the crap out there today. It was kind of like the Twilight Zone of the 90's. All the big and Upcoming stars were in the episodes. You had Lou Diamond Phillips, Priscillia Presley, Larry Drake, Ed Begley Jr, Judd Nelson, Christopher Reeve, Joe Pesci, Jeffrey Jones, Alan Ruck, Cheech Marin, Martin Sheen, Billy Zane, Anthong Michael Hall, Brooke Shields, and many others. The episodes were true to the comics and didn't try to change anything. The Best thing by far was John Kassir doing the Cryptkeeper's voice. That was fantastic and timeless.
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Doomsday Gun (1994 TV Movie)
Very Informative
7 May 2010
I found this to be very interesting. It was straight Forward and nothing added or omitted made it even better. The acting was good and the story made you wonder: would you do the same thing? After watching this, I was reminded that so many of the nations that hate us, we have helped create. As it said at the end "It is estimated that almost $3 million dollars of taxpayer money was sent to Iraq to arm them". The United States creates these monsters and then ends up having to face them. We did the same thing in Afghanstan in the name of National Pride. By arming the rebels who eventually became the Taliban, It became the mistake that came back and bite us on the ass. Now our Troops are paying for it. I really liked this movie.
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One of the most well known and yet historically Inaccurate film biographies of all time
28 April 2010
I liked this film. Peter O'Toole did an excellent Job playing Lawrence. I did not like however all the historical inaccuracies as well as the mischaracterisations of Lawrence, Allenby, and Auda Abu Tayi. Lawrence in real life was the opposite of the way he is shown here. Also, in real life Allenby considered Lawrence "one of his dearest friends". What I said about Lawrence is the same for Tayi. When this movie was released, his descendants filed a lawsuit against Columbia pictures saying their father had been misrepresented. It went on for about 10 years before the lawsuit was dropped. Also, Gasim was one of four characters created for the picture. The scene where Lawrence shots him after he confesses to killing someone was put in to stir Anti-War Sentiments at the time. David Mclean was very Anti-War. It's not that I didn't like the movie. It's when characters are created, stuff added that never happened and events not included. All I'm saying is that if I watch a film biography, I want the truth and nothing but the truth! No invented characters, no misrepresentations of anybody or any of that other crap. I want to be able to look online and see that everything that was in the movie actually happened. Also, Lawrence in the movie says he doesn't know about the Sykes-Pinchot Treaty. Wrong! In reality He knew about it. 9/10
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16 April 2010
I got this in 2 days ago and I have loved watching it. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers made 2 of the greatest music videos of all time with "Don't Come Around Here No More" and "Mary Jane's Last Dance". When I saw the first one back in the 80's, I never forgot it. It was one of the best takes I've ever seen taken of Alice in Wonderland. The second was a classic as well. When a person sees it, they don't forget them. I also liked the video for "Into the Wide Open" as well. When I saw it back in the 80's, I never forgot that scene where Eddie played by Johnny Depp blows his nose at the crowd. This is a must have for any fan of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. The difference between these videos and the ones put out today is that they will not be remembered 20 years from now and these always will be. I also noticed on many of the videos that Petty's character had on a jacket and a big hat. If you don't agree with what I'm saying, it means you don't want to admit what music has come down to these days which is it is all about sex. While it might sell Cds fast, in the long run it won't be remembered.
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The Outer Limits: Blood Brothers (1995)
Season 1, Episode 3
6 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fantastic episode. It showed just how far some people will go to have an eternal life. In the episode, one of the brothers knows he has Huntington's Disease. When Spencer tells him that Deighton C will keep something alive forever, he secretly steals some from the laboratory and injects it into himself. Then however Spencer discovers that it does not give immortal life but keeps the cells from regenerating and ages the subject. It is however too late to save the brother. It ends with a shot of him lying in a hospital bed looking like a 90 year old man. The Control Voice says lastly "There is a Proverb that says Be Careful What you wish for for you Just may get it. If your wish is eternal Life, you may have to live with it for a very long time.
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Labyrinth (1986)
One of the Greatest Disney Movies Ever Made
11 November 2009
This was without a doubt the best movie that Jim Henson ever did. The characters were so memorable and the plot was a little off the beaten path. However, the one thing that everyone remembers was the music. The songs that David Bowie sings are unforgettable. The only thing that made me mad was that they did not release a "Labyrinth" soundtrack and none of the songs have ever been released on any David Bowie CDs. This is one of the 10 greatest musicals ever made. Everyone should see this. Another reason that everyone remembers this movie is that it was one of the first movies that Jennifer Connelly made. The backgrounds were also very interesting. I mean you had the Labyrinth as well as the castle.
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Tales from the Darkside (1983–1988)
Very Well Done
10 November 2009
I have recently begun watching this series. I noticed a few things. one , the other writer is right about the new talent. Examples of that included Christian Slater and Seth Green. Two, Most of the stories tried to teach a lesson. Examples included the Pilot "Trick or Treat" in which an elderly old miser runs a haunted house where he invites the kids to come and look for their parents IOU's. In the end however he gets whats coming to him. It was kind of a take-off of a "A Christmas Carol" Other like "The Satanic Piano" and "Printer's Devil" reinforced the saying that's there's no such thing as a free Lunch. In Order to get something, you usually have to give something else up. I really liked the episode "I'll Give You a Million". I mean the idea that someone would sell their soul for a Million Dollars is just amazing. Also, a lot of the very best actors ever guest starred on the episodes. People like Danny Aiello, Christian Slater, Seth Green, Justine Bateman, and many others. This series is one of the best Horror/Sci-Fi series to ever come out. Everyone should have a chance to see this. I know the first 2 seasons are out on DVD Boxed sets but I don't know if they'll ever release the last 2 seasons.
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The Twilight Zone (2002–2003)
Very Good
18 October 2009
I really did like this. My 2 favorite episodes were "Shades of Guilt" and "Cradle of Darkness". The Synopsis for the 2 were easy. In the first , A white man coming home from work is approached by a black man who being chased by a group of skinheads. He refuses to let him in his car and drives away. The next day, he finds out that the guy was a college professor who had had 3 bestsellers on the New York Times. His Skin begins changing color and at the end, the roles are reversed with him asking the white guy. Initially, the WG drives off but then changes his mind, backs up and tells him to hop in. The character, Matt Mcgreevey asks the driver "what changed your mind?". The driver replies turns to him and says "Could Have been me.". Then Forest Whitaker appears and says "There's an old saying that says you can never know another man till you've walked a mile in his shoes." Matt Mcgreevey took that one step further by walking in another man's skin. It's just another lesson in compassion courtesy of the Twilight Zone. The Second one had a simple Synopsis: What if you could go back in time and save 60 Million to 70 million lives by killing an infant Hitler? Would you do it? Would it be ethical?
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