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15 March 2024
Insulting to anyone with less than huge private ones, with references at men I found highly offensive. Your chest wasn't exactly brimming with greatness either so. Just about women or two women that are so much into themselves like most women today it is painful to watch them soak up your time on screen get off with one another and make a movie all about them. When are we going to see reality! When are we going to see the good side of guys and how we get treated in movies!? No? Okay! Society problem number one right there.

Look this movie is not good. Started off well but then went sour, and really really desperate performances and screen writing. You want to see sone girl on girl I get it, but don't subject us to it.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
Great film, poor directing.
26 February 2024
Don't blame the actors for the pot holes and under-done execution of the scenes. Much of the acting is awful except for the lead Harris aka miss money penny of James Bond, who shines in this and is absolutely outstanding. The others or at least half of them shouldn't have been cast if they lacked skill or commitment but perhaps that's just poor film making and directing.

This script was excellent but could have been far better than some of the mess we got in the final third. But the hidden messages, home truths, scenery, messages about our society (lots of them) the ending and the overall thrill and also the amount of emotional energy some actors put into this especially from the lead herself fully deserved a high rating. In fact the film is better than what critics have given.

The audience focussed too much on pot holes to rate this fairly. When I say pot holes, let's say the fact the less character doesn't radio in when she heard gun shots. Just things like that. Whereas the film critics mostly have said the movie didn't touch enough on societies equality issues etc. What movie were you watching then because it couldn't have been this.

A brilliant effort from Harris. A lot of work in the scenes to give us a really great movie and I'm really pleased at least one movie is realistic.
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25 February 2024
Too much waffling on. All very bla bla bla for ages and rarely anything grips you. Others say this is gripping, that's probably if you know the story and feel for the characters or are somehow thinking this is gripping at all. It's not, not in the way that was meant. The people just talk way too much and we don't see much except a few strangely edited scenes and close ups of their faces. Each of them and not just the evil one, are that annoying that it's hard for most of the audience to feel anything for them until some truths are finally revealed towards the end. Quite dull really. There's a chubby guy who was her son, interviewed and that takes up a lot of screen time and it gets really irritating.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Horror show
17 February 2024
The biggest ever fan of sky, Jason and the franchise but oh man what a huge let down. Stayed awake until the early hours watching this and bought the DVD, waited for the release rather than paying the price at the cinema and was massively unimpressed.

I think the issues were primarily the really weak acting and CGI. It resembled more of a computer game in terms of visionary and terrible acting especially from Megan fox and Curtis Jackson, couldn't hear or tell what he was saying and Megan annoyed me. Well they tried to be clever but failed terribly. Not even sly was upto his usual standards. Gone is the muscle, the work ethic and the gripping action fun and its replacement is live feeds with a fat guy, very bad acting, poor dialogue and really lacklustre performances from everyone even Jason, it's like everyone was passed it and taking it easier. Real big mistake.

I get sly had done tulsa king and wanted to spend time with his spoilt daughters on his reality tv show and therefore didn't put as much effort in; I get Jason is fifty odd and has slowed down amd isn't as up for it, and I also get Megan is pleasing on the eye and hyped up but come on. A really really bad display.

What didn't make sense was the final third where the men kept coming. Out of no where as well. Then we went from night to light in seconds and despite explosions and all happening on deck yet more men kept coming. And coming and coming. Get it yet? Where were they hiding? Where they spring from?

It was just a total and utter mess. Then your thinking well it's still the experience right of seeing your favs, but then they mess up on graphics and couldn't make use out of a really bland script.

All in all the worst movie and if they make a new one they really need to stop trying to fit in with today's confused society and must just stick to old school.

Shame on all of you really.
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Old Dads (2023)
Nearly a masterpiece.
6 February 2024
Although Connor Brady wasn't a good fit in this apart from his comedy elements, he annoyed me but everything else was good. They needed someone else in as a main character who was a bit more serious and stood up for what everyone else was thinking rather than just goofing around all the time. For example the lead character had a line that said along the lines of saying he is just saying what everyone else is thinking, but he had nobody at that point to stand up with him.

There's not much wrong with this film or the laughs we get. In fact everything is spot on with how society has become and how people especially younger personalities are so focused on fame, change and image and being socially cool. That was what was the most fun to watch. The fact that these guys didn't adjust well to it all but they still managed to prove points to the onlookers really made me smile.

There's so much about this film I like but it reminds me of the fact there's so much about people these days that I hate. And that is very good filmmaking and script writing. The movie should appeal to more people and shouldn't have been criticised so much because as it turns out the majority of real people praised the movie and gave it a good score.

As it's titled 'old dads' I was expecting a sort of daddy daycare type of movie. I was surprised as there wasn't much about being a dad or parenting going on because the three older guys were too busy defending themselves from being manipulated into this societies new way of thinking and acting. The title of the film is subjective but obviously it meant to be. It doesn't take itself too seriously but the mistake for me here was it should have. Had it have done so it would have proved to the world that it's not changing for the better.
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Big mess.
4 February 2024
Another polish flop about cheating and playing victim. Why am I not surprised. I wanted to enjoy this but there were too many cringe moments. Such as the lack of chemistry, the touching scenes were hot but not hot enough, her mother she didn't get on with but then took bad advice from, her husband we didn't really know much about, the story involving Janeks character who liked older women and had a track record we didn't know too much about other then he comes on strong but seems to get to base quickly and the most annoying part for me was yet again it's a huge mansion in a movie. Have you seen Poland lately? Do you realise how impossible and unrealistic it would be to afford that house? What's wrong with an ordinary house? And what was polish about the movie? Nothing.

For starters Nina who played Roma the blonde lead with a very questionable hair cut, seemed to pack on weight the more the movie went on. It was obvious how she was hiding a bit multiple times in a romantic scene that she was a tad insecure and probably out of her depth. Maybe not a good actress but it was her character from the start I really had big problems with. I mean, how awful of her to flirt during the interview or first meeting with the handsome blonde male? How wrong of her colleagues or friend to push for it knowing she's married? This is what's wrong with society. Women play victim, men just often want to escape their reality and then communication is to blame suddenly. Never wanting more as a female who fancied dipping her toe is to blame. Disgusting character.

But then you've got to admit as the movie went on and we saw how we could feel sorry for her because she really stepped into her role and looked vulnerable and desperate for attention. They didn't seem to get much work done though. She says she has nothing but the kids but yet she has a job like that. Very strange. Then throws herself into the arms of him to make herself feel hot and wanted. But having him in the house in front of her kids I mean who does that.

Finally Janek. Or whatever the male lead was called. That facial hair got in the way. He's toned but not muscular and blonde which is what girls tend to go for these days if they can, he seems really nice but then jumps all over women at the first chance. Almost felt forced. And the facial hair was disgusting.

I know how it feels to be her. I'm in that boat because I left my job to look after my son full time so my partner can work. That was the way things went after financial damage caused by lockdown. I feel unwanted every week. I could be out there dipping my toe. But for what it's worth, I don't. Because it's knowing what's important and right and wrong. And also because girls these days are exactly like her and her friends let's be spot on about that. So it's not worth it. Never would I ever is what I've read but that's false because most would.

All in all I could go on and on about this movie. I've not finished the ending yet but I've read that was bad. But as I said again a polish film, which couldn't make its mind up and didn't have a strong enough story, messed up.
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The Lost City (2022)
3 February 2024
Didn't really pass the time. Bored my partner and me. This received much praise from reviewers for acting and laughs yet I never laughed once and the acting is beyond cheesy.

Although it's good to see Brad try to snap himself out of his substance bubble and step up to a role, his action scenes were too cheesy and he appeared to struggle through even with movement. Leave it be now Brad! Oh and don't get me started on the long hair.

Sandra likes this kind of laid back comedy. It's better for her when she doesn't have to put too much effort in now apart from wear a low cut dress and hold her head high. With help from the nip tuck she's aged well and can still act but she is far from convincing here and much like her A-list neighbours, much of what she's done of late has been awful.

Finally, Channing had a few flashes of why he was picked he was quite fun but not funny. People if you be honest for a change you only speak highly of him here because it's Channing and because of his magic Mike seemingly aging presence. He already looks past his best and he's not even near brads age. His character wasn't interesting, just annoying, the same as Channings latest movies.

Be honest, cinema has changed. But that's the audiences fault as much as anyone's for liking this cheesy, lame stuff we're subjected to nowadays. Your not easy to please except when it comes to eye candy and flashy silly stuff - then that's fine, whether or not that eye candy is past it's sell by date. Think about it, Harry Potter, Brad Pitt, Sandra and magic mike all in leads with some flashy scenery and Indiana Jones type of feel, of course people would rate this movie highly and enjoy. That's why these actors were selected. To try and sell you what was a really bad script. Get real.

Nice try but you're not fooling me. Sure it's fun to relax isn't it Channing and co? But living a little and enjoying winding down or trying to restart isn't the same as actually doing a good job.
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Fair Play (2023)
Really disappointing
31 January 2024
Ah I wanted this to be much better. Disappointed. Not good performances by the two leads, well he was fine she was over the top, unconvincing and too comfortable. She knew she could walk through the whole thing which seemed far too short when you consider how flat and premature the ending is. She only turned up her performance at the end after she was bent over in the club. Yep, erm remind me again what was so good about this movie? It seemed like it was put together by some entitled college girls who liked to use men and twist things at the end to make the man seem the bad one when really they were both as bad as each other. And that's that.

No point bending the truth, you took my time and didn't do anything we haven't seen. Okay, a powerful annoying chairman or whoever he was wanted the cute girl to get the promotion because she talks out loud in the odd meeting. But, that's usually the case, girls get the good roles. But everything here bored me. Nothing hot about the adult scenes, or lack of, nothing inspiring. It was just flat, it was in a rush to tell a story that isn't strong enough to really be a story, and in a rush to show how women really do use their looks to their advantage and are fine with it until they've had enough. Yep.
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Cruella (2021)
Shockingly bad.
29 January 2024
Firstly ignore any positive review. That's just our TikTok fake entitled society. Secondly, don't watch this movie if you expect a decent one after watching the original. You can't beat a classic but this didn't even try and if it did it failed terribly bad.

The only decent thing here in the entire project was Emma stone, who despite being unable to live up to her hype in previous movies, and who's innocent looks have greatly faded carries this movie. Perhaps a few other leads did marginally okay as well. Other than that what an absolute mess. By far the worst film I've seen. And if I could score this a zero this would be indeed a zero.

An atrocious mess. A really unfulfilling, over the top experience. They couldn't even decide what time period they were in. One moment there's today's cars and buildings the next it's changed. Just mess after mess. And the first third of the movie is by far the worst. Anyone who praised this needs their head examined. And if this is the way modern cinema is going just to show glamour and theatrical nonsense I don't want any part in it.
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So so
7 January 2024
There's love actually and many more quality films with several star names in and lots going on to celebrate and be mushy around the holidays and then there's this. Okay in places it was decent. There is a story even if it's highly predictable and takes too long to get there.

Plenty to feast your eyes on for the straight guys or the not so straight girls with Amanda sey, and Olivia Wilde, I mean come on those two are Devine. And there's fun within the movie, maybe not laugh out loud stuff, but decent. I've rated this average. Because it is just that.

Large family get together but don't quite make sense. Romance as cheesy as it gets even teen sloppy romance which I had to turn away from. But if you just want a B movie to watch at Christmas I guess it's okay.
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All wrong with today
7 January 2024
This is everything wrong with a kids life these days. Tech, robots, concentration and attitude. Yes sure there's lots and lots of scenery and visionary for you to feats you eyes on, soundtrack, laughs etc but the whole thing is incredibly annoying and tiring. It's just bla bla bla all the way through and too much going on.

Made by a bunch of TikTok streamers it seemed. Let's be loud, flashy, throw in as much special effects as we can and keep things as modern as possible but also unrealistic. Can you not see? Definitely wouldn't recommend if you want your kid or teen to come back down to earth and put the iPad down.
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The Vow (2012)
27 December 2023
We all know why people watched this and voted. Magic Mike. And an average performance by Rachel mcadams. I am not your punching bag Paige, I'd say was the best line in the film. This was vital proof of how women tend to treat men these days. And don't deny it. Kissing your ex because your going through it, had that been the reverse, he'd have been gone. And ridiculed. I didn't buy into this cheesy mushy stuff from the beginning. Boo hoo. In distress. Nah, ya don't fool me.

At the end of the day, there's a lot of had films including this, but it'll always be watched because people are always so predictable and easily swayed. A bit of magic from Mike who knew his looks were fading, wasn't enough to save the movie. As for the party scenes, oh come on, the real world please.
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Christmas in the Rockies (2020 TV Movie)
Better than expected.
28 November 2023
Well, it's better than many Xmas movies this past few years. The last one I watched was a gift for Xmas which was really terrible. This movie in the rockies okay lacked a bit of a thrill and needed more going on to really score better, but it was nice. Nicely done, well acted, easy to watch. And realistic as well for example the cash amount which you'll have to watch. Usually that would be a grand prize of well a lot more. When the scenery and settings are decent in this movie. So nothing here to make me watch the movie again but as i said better than expected nothing spectacular and at least better than the usual stuff we get.
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A Gift to Remember (2017 TV Movie)
What was that?
28 November 2023
What on earth was all that? Terrible. And no it isn't cute at all. Lame, cheesy and cliche. For starters Europeans don't need to give away free or cheap food to show you they're not bad people. Book shops wouldn't pay that much, be that fun nor would they be run that way. Romantic comedy movies are usually quite funny this wasn't at all. Romantic movies are always all about the woman being single (for a moment then single a few more times and then being dreamy) so it's all about quirky blonde that likes to inappropriately smile and about a handsome guy that they believe isn't appealing unless he's got memory loss and has a little dog. I mean come on! It's just noise! Bla bla bla bla! Cliche cliche and desperate attention seeking Americans. Yawn yawn. Erm you know this is meant to be an Xmas movie right. Right?
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12 Days of Giving (2017 TV Movie)
26 November 2023
An outstanding low budget movie with masses of hidden messages that the majority of self entitled Americans will easily miss and overlook. This is a wonderful wonderful movie, and I liked it that much I wanted the movie to be longer.

The low to average ratings show to me quite clearly how much America and Britain as well meed such a film and many more of its kind. The truth is films like this are rare indeed.

There's no Xmas music, no sort of usual Santa etc but there is kindness, heart, warmth and spirit. This is all much more impressive than the other stuff we get lumbered with year after year today.

Take note Americans, you could really learn something here. You want to see yourselves in the mirror? Look at how his fiancée acts! That's you all over.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
The wrong reboot.
10 November 2023
Do not ignore the negative reviews. Don't listen to the ones who tell you to. This movie, is everything wrong with modern day cinema and society today really. A reboot not a sequel with good acting but very poor with everything else. Predictable, cringy, cheesy, political, awful dialogue, horrible writing and I could just go on and on. Very poor from the director.

These villages try and twist things in the final third so you'll when to watch some slightly cheesy slow stuff to get there but no you don't fool me.

All them silly cards Americans play. Stick to tick Tok people. Let's not make another one of these silly movies shall we.
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Shortcut (II) (2020)
Oh dear.
3 November 2023
School kids that aren't trained in acting properly, and I didn't care for the budget but a cheesy version of jeepers creepers with English annoying young teens. What a mess. Shot in the dark through the entire thing really but lacked on so many levels. Not a good piece guys.

Wasn't feeling the Harry Potter geeky girl with the glasses she was flat as pancake nor the swearing mouthy scrawny lead, or the fat kid on the drums. They needed more so much more and had this have been done right it would have been really something. Anyway, live and learn. Cliche, cheesy, slow and not at all entertaining. And someone teach the kids how to execute tension.
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Make up your mind
22 October 2023
Firstly, the lead who plays the stalker, fantastic performance. Some of the others too did really well. This might look a simple role to play but it's not.

Now the issues I've got with this movie, well I'm not going to lie this was really bad and too many poor things to mention. Does that clear it up yet? No? Okay let's break it down a bit.

This is an American film and so like always, no matter the genre - all repetitive. Cliche and cheesy.

The female lead, I think has just about as many issues as the stalker minus the killing. She's a student, does homework yet barely does any and is clearly fortunate and spoilt. What student had that sort of place? Oh the ones in American films of course.

So then moving on to the type of girl she is, girl power and all that but like so many serial online daters she first claims not to be looking for anything, then says he's not her type, then she's not ready for a boyfriend, next she argues knowing he's crazy and getting all the vibes then is a bit teasing with someone else and then backs off, that's fine right, but then she almost does it with another guy and then does it with the stalker anyway before meeting up with an ex. Ahem, talk about indecisive. Not only that but typical springs to mind. She was stuck up but has standards, some fairly high like most until hours later because she's not had anyone cook for her spend money on her and most of all sleep with her for a few weeks she caves in no time because it suits her. Yep sounds like girls of today.

How is it in her Venus fly trap crib, she wakes up each morning with a face full of make up and her hair done? Hmm. Also, why doesn't anyone find the bodies or see in broad day light? There's plenty there for the YouTube sin tally.

I mean come on, I know they want to make more people aware of the dangers of the dating pool as if we needed a reality check on that one, but I can't understand why film makers and actors constantly make a mockery out of us subjecting us to this trash. Nor can I understand why so many people watch this sort of stuff. Baffling.

This movie I rate one of the lowest this year, that is fair.
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Monsters (2010)
Failed from low budget.
21 October 2023
This failed in my view bedside of the low budget. They tried to make a go of it but too many things got in the way. Lacking in action, quality picture, too much of the blonde taking up screen time, too many scenes severely lacking, really poor execution on special effects. Such a shame I can only think the half a million budget they had was the reason. They had a good script actually until they focussed too much on the two leads relationship instead of focusing on what was going on in the world.

An alien invasion, yet no one in the background in Mexico seem to panic all walking at a steady pace this was a crime. And not enough on how the alien creatures were effecting people instead it was all about the camera focussing on the two leads. Again, lack of money low budget was the reason. Ah could go on and on. But the leads really did annoy mess the sequel was a flop as well.
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Bottom level awful.
21 October 2023
What on earth did I just watch? Based on a true story from about four decades ago, but nothing in this felt well done. From the terrible couple who just didn't seem a match to the jealous friend in need of a hair cut. There was absolutely nothing interesting in this movie. Australia you have your work cut out in future to produce better standards. Honestly, you must know this isn't a good watch?

The female lead did okay but the others absolutely awful especially the male lead. Need to work on your casting, your tension, pace and dialogue. Not bothered about jump scares etc that's just for certain people who don't know what they're talking about.
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Stop lying.
21 October 2023
You can relate to these couples? No you can't. Maybe in the sense of unfulfilled expectations and getting your head filled full of negative energy by your girl mates on a night out, but you can't relate. Real couples issues aren't what you see here.

From the off set, a few ordinary people that either have kids or write for a living (which is of course not going to happen much at all) join up with friends in a huge house. What does that house have? Yep this is America so it has to have a pool right. With some awful comedy thrown in. I mean, come on. Get real. This isn't real life this is spoilt entitled L. A people wanting more and more and showboating. That's what Americans like to do here in films, show boat. It's so boring now. You've no idea what the real world is like and that's clear.

After some average quite forged chemistry between the friends, there's plenty of cringe dialogue. Some people get to a certain age and panic but also girls get together and chat in a dreamy state of wanting to be desired and have approval from strangers and boys get together and talk about thinking they can bang any girl. Then, they play what I assume is a teenager game which can have a bad effect on their lives. That's basically it.

I mean come on. This isn't good. This had potential. But is a complete and utter total mess. Cringe after cringe. Don't encourage these women. Notice how the men didn't want this game to take place but the women did. With one claiming she didn't want to play but then not so subtly manipulating her husband to play along? Yep, that's women of today. Right here.
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19 October 2023
Okay, low budget, really frustrating and annoying dialogue, but wow. The ending is completely the opposite of what you'd expect. Based on a true story in some ways.

There should have been more characters involved, more depth to Julia's character other than blogging, and staying round the house in her pjs. I sort of get why, because the script was short and they wanted to get to the point but much better use is the English language was badly needed other then saying, totally, like, it's like, seriously. Like, like, really, I'm so, like. Look America you know there are many more words than that right? Is this how American girls talk really!? What in every film? Also a bit more clarity needed in the final third rather than us just being made to wonder.

Aside from all that, blown away as to how surprising this was. Well done this time. Audience reviews are lying.
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Snow Beast (2011)
Cheesy alert
18 October 2023
Oh dear. No one even bothered to comment. Maybe no one has seen it yet. This had such potential, but was severely weak and poorly executed and edited. Workers go to wherever it was meant to be some sort of ski resort which let's face it there's lots of, and come across an abominable snowman sort of beast. Of course this had potential because there's not many movies that play on this and use this to an advantage. But rather than a masterpiece, this was college girl and boy type of stuff. Real below average.

The snowman beast looked really poorly put together. Perhaps they could have made use out of the space more and made use of darkness instead of shooting most things in broad day light which failed miserably.

The real crime though was how annoying and awful an actor the blonde female girl lead is here. She's incredibly annoying I couldn't stand her or her character. The typical American teen, rolls her eyes, hormonal and spoilt, typical American girl smart phones etc, vain, doesn't want to be bossed around even though she isn't being, single dad and daughter old cliche to try and get us to care, just didn't work she just got in the way. Really poor choice of a character. Could have been way better if it wasn't for her. But so many things were so lack lustre about the entire movie. Terrible really.
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Locked Down (I) (2021)
Big mess
16 October 2023
What a mess and a bore. I'm sure Hathaway playing this role will excite her but the fact is it didn't excite me. Locked down for nearly two years and this is all we have so far? Lockdown ruined me. Financially and everything else and I warned as many people as possible yet you continued to spread it through these meaningless dull movies. Not impressed. Noticed they used a black guy as well because well they have To use a black man for a lead now, fine by me but getting It's ridiculous. No chemistry no execution and no conviction. This wasn't good. All in all they need to stop making such awful movies. Oh and IMDB doesn't post my reviews so don't write much eh folks.
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Centigrade (2020)
Lockdown failure
14 October 2023
What people forget is this was in the mist of a lockdown you know when you weren't meant to do stuff and mix with others? Oh it's America I forgot. Nothing needs to happen that you say in terms of action you need to listen more and understand. Anyway, a poor movie. Moving of course but so many things didn't add up. It's also not based on Americans it's based on a man in debt living in Sweden. Perhaps Americans need to realise they're not the centre of the universe. They could have done better but made an effort. The woman was annoying and the husband sacrificed himself that was the real tragedy here. But instead of letting the snow turn to ice they should have dug themselves free on the first day. More fool them.
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