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Jury Duty (2023– )
The best thing I've seen in awhile
12 June 2023
This mockumentary was the best thing I've seen in awhile. It was so refreshing to enjoy something that wasn't a series about murder or the cops. It follows a young man as he navigates his way through jury duty and all the fun the happens along the way. Ronald, who the show follows the most meets all types of people as he shows what kind of person he is. We learn that he's just a great American, and all around great guy. He's nice, kind, empathetic, funny, charismatic, and the kind of person that everyone will like. He helps his fellow jurors out with everything including helping an actor read lines, help a young man with his relationship, help a separated husband feel good, and plenty more.

I highly recommend this, and it should be mandatory that all Americans see this bc it showed me that there's still lots of good people in the world. Not everyone is out for themselves, people do care about strangers.
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Just a great film!
11 June 2023
Ray Romano does it again and with the help of his daughter and son he made one of the best films of the year. Besides the kid who played his son 'Sticks' All the acting was great. The girl who played Danielle, the promiscuous love interest was really good and she's adorable. Laurie Metcalf shows why she's one of the better actresses of her generation, and Sebastian Maniscuclco was good but needed more lines. It's the story of an Italian family who goes through a bit of drama, but normal stuff. The mother is a cancer survivor who's constantly worrying about it coming back. Ray is trying to live out his dream of playing college basketball on a scholarship through his son 'Sticks'. 'Sticks' is troubled with anxiety and he's been sheltered his whole life, so when he gets his first gf his mom is upset of course. And the thing that happens with a lot of guys happens to him, he gets p-whipped really fast and she gets scared. They're only 18 and she doesn't know what she wants yet, but does 'Sticks'? Watch Leo (Ray Romano) try to keep things from falling apart while finding the truth within himself in this touching film.
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Uhhh, why did they ever leave?
27 May 2023
All I know is that Mike Judge is a genius, that's obvious. In the absence of a lot of music videos B&H clown on YouTube videos of all sorts. There's a little more organization in these episodes than in the old ones. They took some of the best things about them and reinforced them, but also added some new aspects. Crisp animation, more structure, and a fresh feel give the classic some new life. If you watched them back in the day you'll love them now. If you never watched them bc you're too young you'll love them anyways. I'd recommend watching some of the old episodes but remember it was kind of a showcase for MTV's music videos. So the music videos are full and can get a bit redundant, which was my biggest complaint back then. I wanted more of just B&H and less of the music videos. The new series has more story, better commentary on the videos and seems to be funnier than the old one. It looks like Judge learned a lot over the years with 'King of the Hill' and his films. B&H reboot is way better than I expected, and better than the original, which is almost unheard of. A sequel or reboot being better than the original?

Enjoy this series folks, it may not last forever but in other news a 'King of the Hill' reboot is supposed to be in the works too. Long live B&H!
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
MAY 2023 On season 2 episode 7-8
27 May 2023
I'm writing this review after getting close to the end of season 2. I have a feeling the producers and writers are going to drag this out as long as they can. They know the viewers want to see how and when they get rescued. They're going to keep milking the cow until it runs dry by going to flashbacks and adding drama with the current story situation. The stories are getting ridiculous but we're going to keep watching until we see then get rescued. Then, if they can they'll add some drama in after they get rescued. I can see them going back to society and having problems with other kids, their parents, and school. There will probably be some therapy involved and crazy stuff will happen.

If you haven't started watching it, I'd recommend waiting until they complete it before you do. That way you'll know the answer to the big question is out there, and available to find out. Christina Ricci is great in this series and she's not the only one that shines. The chick from 2 1/2 men and Juliette Lewis kick some ass too. Also, the dude who plays Ricci's wannabe detective sidekick is good too. There's a film called 'I don't want to live in this World any more' or something with him and the 2 1/2 men chick that reminds me of their characters in this. I had such a crush on Ricci in the late 90's especially in the film 'Then and Now', or was it 'Now and Then'? It had that fat lesbian in it, I'm spacing her name but Howard Stern hates her. Anyways I'm getting off topic, but this series is pretty good if you have patience.
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Fast X (2023)
Just Awful, what is this?
27 May 2023
While I liked the part Jason Momoa played in this film the whole thing just wreaked. I'm not a real fan of the franchise so I just tried to watch this as an objective moviegoer. All the car chases and action scenes ignore the laws of physics to the point of absolute absurdity. This was more like a clip of Grand Theft Auto than a film, and I wonder who keeps green lighting these. With all the stars this movie had and the cost of all the vehicles and special FX there's no way this turns a profit.

The story is as old as the franchise itself, go get the bad guy that's trying to blow up the world and prove to the agency you're innocent. There's plenty of things that can be done with a story like this to make it watchable, they didn't do it here. The part with the kayak turning into a plane? What is this, transformers? It almost had a Michael Bay feel to it. Hats off to all the cameos like Jason Statham and Pete Davidson, next time choose better paths for your careers.

If you're a fan of the F&F franchise you'll want to skip this one anyways, but you won't. How many sequels until you say 'enough'? If you're not a fan of the franchise you'll definitely want to skip it. But if you're reading this review you probably watched it and want to see if everybody agreed with you. Side note: my dog had puppies a few days ago and I gave her milk which was a a bad idea. She's been sharting all day long and I cleaned the same spot on the rug like 6 times. So I may have been distracted but I still feel like I didn't miss anything in this one. Why was Momoa wearing nail polish? I guess they wanted him to seem like a real nut case which he did. He was the only good thing in this movie, he was kind of funny.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Born in 1981
25 May 2023
As of this review it's 2023 and I'm 41 years old, and this is the oldest film I've reviewed. I don't know if I'd ever seen Henry Fonda in anything before this one and now I see why he was so famous. While I felt this could have gone on longer, I knew what was going to happen. While some of it seems forced and far fetched, the premise is really good. You have 12 men of all different social standings, and a decent variety of ages. I guess they didn't allow women on juries back then, or anything other than white males? The acting in this film is downright heroic is what it is. I was in awe of how good these guys were, not just Fonda but all of them really.

You won't be disappointing by the fact this one is in black and white and takes place in one room. Right from the start of this one it had me captivated and it's easy to see why this is considered such a classic. It stands the test of time, and I applauded all the actors in this one. Great for people of all ages, and a great lesson in this one too.
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FUBAR (2023– )
Better than 'Junior'!
25 May 2023
While this isn't the worst thing Arnold's done, it's far from the best. Forcible script and mission impossible type events mixed with some bad acting, decent sets and production, but overall very cheesy. It's hard to take this seriously, even though I'm a huge fan of Arnold. Obviously his T2 and True Lies days are over, and he's gotta take what he can get. So while the story is decent, production is okay, the overall theme just didn't do it for me. The scene where he finds out the 'family secret' is over the top cheesy and just too unbelievable to seem realistic. Compared with other series and films like the Bourne series this was just awful. When compared to other Netflix series it wasn't that bad. It seems like it's YA humor that tries to be like True Lies, and it's watchable.... barely.
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Gummo (1997)
Like a car accident, you can't look away
25 May 2023
The only reason I gave this film any stars is because it was intriguing to say the least. But one reviewer put it best by saying that people act like they 'Get' this film. There's nothing to get, don't act like this is an artistic film because it's not. It's made purely for shock value and that's it. There's no storyline, at least not a real one. It basically follows two young kids around a trashy town as they kill cats for money and have sex with ugly hookers. There's very off-putting scenes that will make you cringe, and it's hard to watch.

Don't fall into the loop, if you didn't like this film that's okay. If you enjoyed this, ask yourself why? What could possibly make you enjoy watching this? The fact that the crew in the film 'Belly' were watching this amazes me. I wondered what they were watching and before I even saw the scene with the rabbit I knew it was from this.

So while it has a little value for how disgusting it is, it's not something that should be celebrated. Anybody could make a film like this, people just don't want to because the target audience is too small. There's not enough inbred, white trash, rejects from hell to support a film like this. If you hate animals and like to see them tortured and abused you have bigger problems than liking this film. It falls into the category of the Canadian film 'Leolo', but even that film had some artistic integrity.
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Great movie for Tyler Perry's audience
25 May 2023
While the acting was good especially in the lead by Stenberg the plot was a little ridiculous. Using stereotypes and tidbits from different stories about black people getting killed by white police officers. They really made the white people seem stupid, drawn, and oblivious to everything. The thing people don't realize is that police officers have a job to do and when they ask you to keep their hands where they can see them, you better do it. White people get killed by cops all the time but it just doesn't make it to the news. It's a fact that a higher percentage of black people are involved in the justice system than white people and are more apt to carry weapons and drugs, especially in certain areas. A cop has milliseconds to decide something and they're put under a microscope.

While this film screams 'black lives matter' movement I adhere to the 'all lives matter' belief. While the premise is good, the film does nothing for black America but perpetuate stereotypes and help the agenda. If you're white you like this film, if you're black you'll definitely like it, but I don't know why. The drive-bye's, the gang violence, and all the soul food and stereotypical violence hurts this film in my opinion.
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Almost comical how badly this was done
23 May 2023
For those reviewers and critics who said this wasn't as bad as some rated it, I wonder about your sanity. This movie was a joke from the beginning, starting with the fact that most of the characters had American accents in a time before that was possible. I'm admittedly not a fan of the genre but I can still enjoy a good film even if does fall in the fantasy/witches/dragons/knights categories.

The films premise is it follows two knights who decide that fighting in the crusades is getting old and they decide to desert. Once they're taken captive for that, they are given a chance to redeem themselves if they're willing to transport an accused witch to a town to face trial. After gathering a small group they head off into darkness and demons.

The special effects were average, the cinematography was average, the acting was above average, and the script was below average. Skip this one folks, unless you're a huge Nic Cage fan (even then you'd have to be a huge one).
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Rare 2020's great sitcom
23 May 2023
There's so many reality shows and cop shows, hunting serial killers, dating shows, 10-part series, etc. That it's nice to watch an actual sitcom. Awkwafina is awkward, and different compared to any other comedienne. She's probably the only female comedian to make me laugh out loud in a long time if not ever. The writing sometimes suffers and wanders, but what the show lacks in content it makes up for in its brandish humor. Every actor and actress in this show make it that much better, especially BD Wong, the Grandma, and the gay cousin.

How come I have to write 600 words and some user reviews are only like 200? Does it depend how long you've been on IMDB? Or how many reviews I've authored?

Anyways, this show is really refreshing and for those people that say it's pointless fart humor: You really have to have a broader perspective. Not everything is going to be artistic and full of emotion. Isn't it nice to just watch a show and not have to worry about anything? Just a show to kick back and watch when you're sick of Family Guy and American Dad? This is that show, it's original and funny and if you don't think so then you're probably the kind of person that complains and gets offended about everything.
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Euphoria (2019– )
20 May 2023
For those critics that say this show is only about shock value and not realistic because it only follows teens with abnormal lives...well yeah! Because if it followed an average high school kid it wouldn't be that good. Being an addict is so hard, and I felt Rue's pain and hardship. Some of the sex stuff was a little over the top and pretty graphic, but I'm sure it happens in high schools all over the country.

The cinematography and acting are superb all the way around. The music was exceptional, I enjoyed this series immensely. I haven't been this captivated by an HBO series since GOT and The Wire. Not for anyone under 17! It might be about high school but I'd wait until after graduation to watch this.
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You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cheer for Big George!
18 May 2023
I have to say I was so surprised by how great this film was. From the realistic sets, to the script, the actors, even the costumes and makeup were really well done. I admit I didn't know much about Foreman before this film, but he was a great man.

It's that old sort of a fighter getting to his glory, reaching the top, then inevitably falling down after losing everything. But, that's what it took for Big George to find out what he was made of. Nobody thought a guy could take 10 years off from competitive sports and be the best in the world. Nobody has ever done anything like it, and probably never will. Even Michael Jordan only took a few years off, but nothing like George.

This was my favorite boxing film since Rocky III, and the fact that it was a true story made me like it that much more. I was cheering for Big George, and you and your family will do the same thing, enjoy!
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Couldn't have written it better myself!
14 May 2023
Between the acting, directing, cinematography, and the script this series had me hooked from the start. The fact that it was a true story made it even better, but Del Toro and Arquette were amazing in their roles.

A modern day prison escape where things go wrong, problems arise, help comes from others, love happens, sex happens, and stupidity arises. You'll be upset with Del Toro's character by the end because he was so cool and seemingly intelligent. This series is a very realistic portrayal of what life in prison is like. I wasn't a lifer but the fact that they had a lifer floor, and an honor unit didn't surprise me. And the fact that art played such a huge role in this series just proves how well it was made because art is really big in prison.

Watch this one with your girlfriend, enjoy it over a few days or binge it like I did because you had to see what would happen next.
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Hannibal (2001)
Worth watching
6 May 2023
Replacing Jodie Foster with Julianne Moore was my biggest complaint in this film. She just seemed out of it the whole time and nothing like the original character. I thought the storyline was decent, but the way she finds out where he's living is absurd! The Italian detective was good, Ray Liotta was not. Hopkins was great as Dr. Lecter and was my main reason for watching.

As far as sequels go this one was worthy, and I'm hoping they make another one that's not a prequel. Bring Foster back (what is she doing these days anyways?) and the original cast from Silence of the Lambs. Watch this one with your significant other, and teenage kids over 15.
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A stoner comedy masterpiece
4 May 2023
Not since 'Half Baked' has a stoner comedy had me laughing so hard that I was in tears. If you love stereotypes, raunch, and pointless humor that's original in all aspects you'll love this one. Don't go in expecting it to be something it's not, because it's simple and intricate at the same time. From the great guest cameo's, to the randomness that happens to these two characters in their quest for the best fast food burgers on earth. Even when you think there's no way that much stuff could happen on a trip to a fast food place, it's actually quite believable.

If this isn't your favorite genre then watch it anyways because it has a lot to offer in every realm. Roll one up, watch it with your boys or alone. I watched it for the first time when I was in prison and I just smoked weed for the first time in quite a while. My neighbor actually had to tell me to quiet down because I was laughing out loud so often.
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The Old Way (2023)
Generic western garbage
3 May 2023
As a fan of Nicolas Cage I was hoping this would be a showcase of his skills in a new genre for him. What I got was a heaping pile of rubbish starting from a script that's been done a million times. Bad man That's gone good only to have a tragedy bring out the bad man again. It was very close to the plot of 'Bad Henry' or 'Unforgiven'. I won't delve into the plot and ruin it for you, but I will say this one's not worth a watch. I'd say it was a little better than 'Willy's Wonderland' but barely.

If you're a die-hard Nic Cage fan then you may appreciate some parts of it. But it's hard to ignore the generic plot, and Cage trying to carry a script that fails on all levels. I can't help but wonder if he did this as a favor to a producer or director, or someone in Hollywood. You can watch this with your teenage kids, although they'll probably be on their phones the whole time out of boredom. Skip this one, trust me you're not missing much.
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Renfield (2023)
Disappointing, not what I was looking for
3 May 2023
While I'm not a huge fan of vampire flicks I thought this one could be different. I was wrong, this one was not worth the watch. The fact that they tied in a gang of drug dealers with it makes it even worse. Cage was great but in a very limited role. Awkwafina was okay, but this role didn't really suit her.

The story of Renfield being Draculas personal assistant responsible for bringing him victims was good, but it really didn't show much of that. If you're really into vampire flicks you may enjoy this film but as far as action comedies go it was not a good one. While there was some value in the fight scenes with lots of blood and gore it lacked a good plot. The script was ridiculous and needed more Cage as the blood sucking prince of darkness. The premise that a band of drug dealers would want to affiliate with him and take over the works made no sense.
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"Do...we...have...a...problem"? Not in this film
2 May 2023
A great film that spoofs living in the hood movies like Menace 2 Society, Boyz in Da Hood, Juice, and South Central. This one is hilarious from start to finish, exploiting stereotypes of all kinds. The Wayans brothers kill it with spoof movies like this one and 'Scary Movie'.

Not really a whole plot, but it basically just follows the life of Ashtray as he returns to the old hood. Hilarity ensues when he hooks up with a neighborhood mom and rubs an ex-con the wrong way.

This one will definitely go good with a few doobies, maybe even a 40 oz., but not something for the older crowd. Watch with your older kids (15 or older), maybe when Mom isn't around. You do have to see the hood movies I mentioned earlier to appreciate this one fully.
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Blue Chips (1994)
One of the best sports movies ever
2 May 2023
This film was loaded with talent, although Nick Nolte carried this one he was assisted by real basketball players including Shaq and Penny Hardaway. Made way before the NIL deal in college sports it shows the dilemma many coaches and athletic directors faced. How do you create a winning program and attract blue-chip athletes while playing by the rules? You don't. Whether they were caught or not, I guarantee that any college basketball or football team that won a title from 1990-2020 broke some rules.

Nolte is the coach at a (made up) college and the pressure to win and play by the rules of the NCAA becomes too much. He decides to do whatever it takes to win, even if that means breaking the rules. A one of a kind film of a taboo subject it teaches the viewer how much pressure coaches are under. I even found myself thinking that Noltes character did the right thing, and rooting for him. Great performance by Nolte, and what you'd expect ( maybe more) from Shaq make this film a classic about college sports. Not just for the sports fan, you can watch this with your kids and girlfriend.
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If you didn't find this funny.....
2 May 2023
If you didn't find this movie funny as a few reviewers stated 'The end couldn't come quick enough' then you just lack a good sense of humor. This film was absolutely hilarious, with all the actors playing themselves it was original, seemingly realistic (if an apocalypse could happen), thought-provoking, and well made. Rogen, Franco, Jonah Hill, and Jay something ( forgot his last name) and loads of cameos from their crew made this one a non-stop laugh fest.

Trapped in James Franco's Hollywood mansion during the apocalypse and forced to make tough decisions on how to survive, the cast comes together (for the most part) in a fight against the powers that be.

Not something you'd want to watch with your kids, and the older crowd (50+) may not enjoy this one. Lots of drug use, sex jokes, a little violence, along with a star-studded cast makes this one a classic comedy. Not to be taken seriously, roll one up, light it up, and enjoy this one!
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Be honest, don't give the Coen brothers benefit of doubt
2 May 2023
I like to keep my reviews short and to the point. These reviewers that write 6 pages giving away the whole plot...have you no lives? Nobody wants to read a review to hear the whole plot of the film. And I truly believe some people rated this one so high because it has a reputation as being so great. While it's watchable and has some great acting and well made sets, it didn't do it for me.

The idea of the film wasn't bad, a company needs it's stock price to do so they can buy it all up so they hire a nitwit as head of the company. A decent performance by Robbins as that nitwit and Jennifer Leigh as the reporter investigating him by posing as a secretary from the same small town he hails from. The whole thing is a bit silly and it's probably not to be taken seriously, but I didn't laugh once, it was kind of bleh. Not what I expected, especially from the guys that are supposed to be the best in the biz.

All in all it's worth seeing, but I think it's highly overrated and I was a bit disappointed after watching it.
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Batman (1989)
Best Batman movie ever, hands down
2 May 2023
Tim Burton makes a classic film here, not only the best superhero film of all time, but maybe one of the best period. Michael Keaton plays a great Batman and Jack Nicholson plays an even better joker. Coupled with a great soundtrack, and great supporting cast, this one withstands the test of time.

It's story really starts with Vicky Vail who's trying to get photographic evidence that Batman exists. All the while the Joker is trying to rule Gotham city with fear, and Bruce Wayne is doing whatever he can to stop him. With great action scenes, fun provided by The Joker, a great script, and amazing cinematography, this film is my favorite superhero adaptation (maybe tied with the first Toby Macguire Spider-Man) . Even if you're not a huge fan of the genre you'll love this one, it's a blockbuster that you can watch over and over with your kids or significant other.
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One of the best movies ever.... If not the best
2 May 2023
Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shine in this film that may be the best ever. Robbins plays a successful banker who goes to prison for killing his wife and her lover even though he's innocent. Freeman plays the convict that's guilty of his crime, but makes the best of his time and becomes Andy's (Tim Robbins) best friend. A shady warden, crooked, abusive correctional officers, and sex starved rapists all make his time more difficult.

Stephen Kings Novella was perfectly developed into a screenplay with the best adaptation I've seen. This film has no weaknesses, nothing I'd change, nothing I'd add or subtract. It's perfection in film making from the screenplay, the cast, and the director. It may change how an average person looks at convicts as it shows the softer side of many of them. You'll have empathy for those men whether they're guilty or not, and you'll hate the bullies who make Andy's life a living hell. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you will never forget the story of Andy Dufresne who entered Shawshank Prison a young man, and never faltered on his morality.
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Mean Creek (2004)
Low budget, must-see film
1 May 2023
With Rory Culkin leading the way as the main character who's a victim of bullying and Gregory Peck playing the bully this film was surprisingly great. The premise is that a group of kids trick Peck's character into coming on a boat ride down a river to enact revenge. What they discover is that while a little abrasive at times, he's not such a bad guy. He actually ends up sealing his own fate because of his temper. After the deed is done it's not hard to figure out what will happen next. If you listen to the old saying 'Three men can keep a secret if two are dead' and add in the fact that they're all adolescents and one is a girl then you can decipher where this film goes.

This is the kind of film that stays with you, and it's realism makes you wonder how often things like this happen. I enjoyed this one very much and recommend it to anyone who appreciates a good script, good direction, and great young actors.
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