
17 Reviews
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The Equalizer: The Big Take (2024)
Season 4, Episode 9
Running out of ideas
14 May 2024
I enjoy this series for what it is. It's entertaining even if it is a bit over the top, but most television is these days. But they must be running out of ideas because the weekly adventures of Delilah and Aunt Vi are getting annoying. Every series has a side character with a little story. But each week these two involve themselves in some nonsensical plot where they're trying to save the world. Old episodic tv always had the "very special" episode that dealt with some heavy topic of the day, but if you were lucky it was just one per season. Now in every episode we see these two in over their heads. Please stop! Or scale it back.
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Fire Country: Too Many Unknowns (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Way over the top
16 March 2024
There are a lot of shows on tv that one learns to take with a grain of salt. It is a drama, it's entertainment, it's over the top so don't expect super clever dialogue and plots. So when I watch this series I keep all of that in mind. Some episodes are better than others. But this entire episode was cringe. This season they are grasping at straws. How long can a series based on a prison fire camp truly last. From Gabriela's hasty engagement- I mean like we can't see where this is headed? In this episode the cracks are already showing. Sharon practically forcing Jake to propose to his girlfriend. And let's not forget probably the worst character - Eve. Her tough girl, say it with your chest and shoulders acting is embarrassing to watch. And how many ways can Bode be injured in one episode? Aye yi yi.
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Alert: Missing Persons Unit: Bus 447 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
An improvement over last season
8 March 2024
I honestly only watched this episode to see if there had been any improvement over the first season. I was certain this show would not be renewed. As a fan of many over the top tv shows, I've learned to accept some degree of nonsense. But this series was just absurd for the entire first season, from the characters to the acting, the plot holes and the ability to travel from Philly to Vegas and back again in a mind bendingly short period of time.

However this first episode of season 2 wasn't the worst. Per usual the premise was completely unbelievable- a hijacked city bus filled with kids on a school trip in a busy city. The bus wouldn't have made it two blocks. I'm still not sold on this show, but if they don't return to the silliness of last season it may at least be watchable.
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NCIS: The Stories We Leave Behind (2024)
Season 21, Episode 2
Great tribute
20 February 2024
This was a very touching episode. As a long time viewer of this show, I've seen all the cast changes. While there is never anything groundbreaking going on, it's a series that I always keep in my rotation. It's just one of those comfortable old shows that I enjoy watching.

In a flashback scene between Ducky and Jimmy, Ducky says "change is the essence of life". This line hit me because it's something I've been struggling with lately and it felt so timely.

It was nice seeing DiNozzo. I had hoped to see some other old cast members.

Very fine job done by the whole cast. This series will always remain a favorite of mine for as long as it continues.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Not terrible, not great ... but not terrible
2 January 2024
I don't understand all the low ratings. This series isn't that bad. When I see Harlan Coben I don't expect the reinvention of the wheel, but I know that usually I'll be moderately entertained for 6-8 episodes. This is not highly original but it's better than half the stuff that Netflix has been putting out lately. Between the ridiculous "action" movies, the unfunny comedy specials and the terribly dubbed series there isn't much worth watching.

The one thing that consistently annoyed me was the cop who continued to press on despite experiencing black outs. Come on! As a retired LEO this idea that law enforcement will stay on the case through any injury or illness always bothers me. If you have a broken limb, you're at home. If you're at work in any capacity it's assigned to a desk. To think that someone would refuse to be sidelined when they're experiencing blackouts is absurd.
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Sex Education: Episode 5 (2023)
Season 4, Episode 5
I love this series but ...
28 November 2023
I was a little late to the party with this show. I powered through the first 3 seasons, but have been slowly getting through this 4th season. It's fallen a bit short. This is not unusual with shows that have been on for awhile or are winding down. Stories get thin and characters become less enjoyable. Eric was the first one to lose me. I loved his character from the beginning but the way he handled the Adam situation was bad in my opinion and frankly made me not like him as much.

The new school this season has the worst people. From the teacher that tried to use the old headmaster for sex to the students that go on about how they don't gossip when they really aren't nice people.

Maeve frustrated me in the last episode when she made her best friends wait in the car for what seemed to be an entire day while she did a crossword puzzle. I've lost my mom, it sucks. But that was rude. I feel like the supporting cast, Aimee, Ruby, Isaac ... have made this season worthwhile.
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Found: Missing While Homeless (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Stop the madness
22 November 2023
I wrote a review of this show after watching a few episodes and I gave it a 7 because I was hopeful that in spite of a ridiculous premise it could be entertaining. Now after watching more I need to lower my rating. There aren't a lot of new shows out right now so I've been watching this despite the terrible story. As the episodes go on, the main character becomes more and more unlikeable even if you feel for her backstory. Sadly not all victims are likeable outside of what may have been a horrific ordeal.

In the last two episodes the main character has been intolerable. How the writers think this is an ongoing story is beyond me. Maybe it could pass as a short series or lifetime movie. None of these highly perceptive and intelligent people can see that this woman is hiding this huge secret. Someone in her basement?! Nobody is suspicious?
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Love in the Maldives (2023 TV Movie)
Great scenery
5 November 2023
If you're watching a hallmark movie for original content then you're going to be terribly disappointed. It's a well known joke that all the plots are pretty much the same. You can almost clock the pace of the story right down to the conflict with about 15 minutes to go. A conflict that could've been avoided with simple communication.

That said it is what it is. But I'm glad that they are branching out with the locations - we have enough snowy small towns, pumpkin patches, made up European countries with a Prince or Princess. And it's nice to see different faces and a wee bit more diversity with the supporting casts. As a long time watcher, it's been the same 10 actors for about a decade.

I'm chuckling at the comments about the frosted hair on the male lead. Seriously '90s boy bands called and want their look back.

What can I say. It's a hallmark movie. Enjoy the scenery.
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Fresh faces
3 November 2023
I've been watching cheesy hallmark mysteries and movies for a long time. Most of the mystery series are not groundbreaking, but they're entertaining for what they are. It's never a great shock to find out who the killer is. Most of the time in these shows I have it figured out within the first 10 minutes.

I don't know if some of the other reviewers are aware that CCB left the network because of different "values" (insert eye roll). She's gone so they had to move on. I think a pre-quel was a nice way to reboot the series. Screen writers do it all the time and change up the characters. Frankly I found CCB's portrayal to be whiny and annoying and was tired of seeing her be the same person in almost everything on Hallmark for a decade.

It was nice to see some fresh faces and not Arthur's uptight detective wife from the future.

This was much what you would expect from hallmark. I would watch more if they continue.
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Don't love Branagh as Poirot
1 November 2023
I've been a fan of Agatha Christie books for many years. I've seen countless adaptations of the stories. My favorite are the BBC versions that ran on public television. David Suchet is my favorite Poirot with Peter Ustinov as a close second. Prime has also put out several short series based on some of the tales. Whenever I see that there is a new adaptation, I will watch. But I must say I've been underwhelmed with the 3 Branagh films. Beautiful scenery, star studded casts, great overall film work, but there always seems to be something lacking in how it all comes together. He just isn't a convincing Poirot. This was probably the better of the three because of the supernatural twist. But I'm glad I didn't pay for this.
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Found (2023– )
Good but far fetched
25 October 2023
I actually like this series so far. It's entertaining. However it is extremely far fetched. Do I watch other shows that are far fetched - sure. But generally they are science fiction. The back story and ongoing plot is the main character was kidnapped as a child, escaped and is now holding her captor captive. This is what makes the story a bit unbelievable. A seemingly upstanding citizen who works closely with the police and media is keeping a hostage in the basement of her home. Another character who sits in the bus station where her son went missing every night for 15 years. I don't see how this could last longer than one season. Beyond that if you suspend belief a bit it's not the worst thing on tv.
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Was that it
15 October 2023
As I neared the end of this I kept checking the time because I couldn't believe there wasn't more to it. I've seen all the films though I can't recall every detail. I'm always amazed that script writers seem to have never set foot on a college campus. The events are not like anything I or most people I know have experienced. The roommate mix up in the beginning is highly unbelievable and that whole roommate character was cringey. I enjoyed the other films in this series enough to keep watching (though the first one was the best in my opinion), but overall there really just wasn't much to this film. I waited for the cheapest price to rent this, but I wish I had waited for it to be free.

I did like that they had the same actors through the years as the kids. That's rare.
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Barnaby Jones: The Killin' Cousin (1980)
Season 8, Episode 22
The End
15 October 2023
I enjoy watching old tv series from my childhood so I was happy to stumble upon Barnaby Jones. A show of which I had little recollection besides the main characters. It was a mostly decent series, typical of 70s tv detectives. I got a good laugh from some of the silly plots but it was all in good fun. Many shows don't get an opportunity for a farewell episode. I can't imagine that after 8 seasons they were surprised the show was ending. So this finale was a bit of a let down. The last several seasons it seemed like the writers just phoned it in. I understand from some of the other reviews that Buddy Ebsen wanted a lesser role as time passed, but Betty's never ending line of troubled relatives and friends was over done. The two bumbling detectives in this episode were cringey and the story was predictable.

The show deserved a better ending.
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Barnaby Jones: The Final Victim (1980)
Season 8, Episode 19
12 October 2023
This entire episode was problematic for me. But having watched nearly 8 years worth of shows in a short time, the episodes have become pretty repetitive. Now I'm happy with any show that doesn't feature Betty undercover. I was a very young child in the 70s so by the time I was a teen/young adult hitchhiking was not a thing people did at least not where I grew up. So it's hard for me to accept that an upstanding young woman would be silly enough to get into a car with a complete stranger in a known area for prostitution and be surprised when she is mistaken for a lady of the evening. She then freaks out and in her panic falls and hits her head. Which of course kills her. A nasty hit to the head can cause death. But it was probably second only to shooting as the cause of death in nearly every crime show of the 70s. All it took was a tumble or a blow to the head with a feather. Also quite common is the accidental death followed by a purposeful murder to cover it up. Never understood that one.

Not the worst episode of the series. But thank goodness whatever spin-off they were aiming for never got off the ground.
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Barnaby Jones: Deadly Sanctuary (1978)
Season 7, Episode 3
Betty in peril... again
2 October 2023
I thought the other reviews that mentioned Betty constantly in jeopardy were an exaggeration until I began making my way through this series. Now I agree.

I realize this show is 50 years old and society and gender roles have changed, but Betty is really clueless. I've seen Lee Meriweather in many projects and always categorized her as one of those old classic Hollywood starlets. Seeing her in the "Betty" role has made me rethink this opinion.

"I'm alright, I can take care of myself" ... Famous last words from Betty in every Betty in peril episode. Clearly she can not because she makes every wrong decision that can be made.
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Barnaby Jones: Shadow of Fear (1977)
Season 6, Episode 10
Oh Betty
28 September 2023
I remember seeing repeats of this show in my childhood. I'm a sucker for nostalgic tv, so I watch. I don't expect much depth from 70s detective shows so it's mostly background. As I get further into the series, I'm constantly amazed at Betty's complete lack of awareness in almost every situation. She's a sidekick and not a brilliant detective, but one would think she would've learned something in all the years of working for the agency.

As for the episode, it was the usual and certainly not the worst one that I've seen. But she could've just thanked the kindly man who helped her and gone about her merry way.
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Kind of cringey
20 August 2023
As an adult who occasionally watches a silly romance story, I enjoyed the first season for what it was- a ridiculous young adult drama.

You get what you get. I can suspend belief and watch nonsense from time to time. But this 2nd season has been a bit cringey. The whole brother dynamic is odd and uncomfortable. The character "Belly" comes off as being desperate, needy and a bit dense. For her to not understand why Jeremiah was avoiding her attention was obtuse. You dated his brother. Find someone outside of this one family to fall for. I hope the books are better. I can't even bring myself to sit through the final episode of the season.
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