
8 Reviews
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The Lesson for Real Life
22 May 2002
One man. One woman. They meet. They get to know better about each other. They fall in love. They marry. However....., that's when problems begin. Marriage is not just about love. All kinds of things in life add up ever since the two tie the knot. Will Snow White and Prince Charming live happily ever after? Well, it depends on them. Some marriages remain happy after decades; some break up after just a short period of time. Everyone manages their marriages differently. However, it's not easy to keep a marriage merry and happy. So when the preacher asks the most important question in life to the couple in front of him which is also time for them to make the most important decision in life, maybe the romantic and expected "I do" should become "I'll try"!

When two people get married, they start facing all kinds of things in the life they share together. The Story of Us is just the story of many couples. In this film, we can see Katie and Ben facing the same problems that all couples have to face and deal with. Conflicts happen when they have different point of view on things and can't agree with each other or selfishly think each other is wrong. This film gives pretty sharp but real description of marriage, and also gives married people something to think about. A happy marriage doesn't come from out of the blue. It costs mutual respect, trust, and love. In movies, unhappy marriages can be fixed by romantic storyline, but in real life, it depends on couples themselves. I strongly suggest all married couples to see this meaningful and realistic film, which is a good lesson for them!
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Casino (1995)
Truly A Sparkling Diamond!
21 May 2002
"When you love someone, you've got to trust her, there's no other way. Otherwise what's the point? For a while, I believed that's the kind of love I had...." just then, Sam Rothstein was thrown into the bonfire caused by the explosion of his car. As the extremely sorrowful melody of Bach's St. Matthews Passion slowly brought us into the fanscinating world, where it's the paradise for gamblers, drug dealers, prostitutes, gangsters and killers - Les Vages, 1973, the story unveils...

This film is not just a crime drama, but indeed a tragedy as well. I know that De Niro, Pesci and Scorsese have made crime films together, "Goodfellas" for example. However, I don't really have anything to say about De Niro and Pesci, since I'm not their fan and haven't really watched a lot of their films. I only know that they both are pretty serious actors and have played killers or leaders of the underworld. But I do admire the talent of Martin Scorsese. This one and art film "The Age of Innocence", which he directed and made uncredited cameo appearance. He skillfully directed both films with different styles, and has made both of them wonderful!

I remember I was still pretty young when this film was released. And I couldn't stay in the theater to finish it because of all the dirty languages and cruel shooting and violence. But years later, when I found this film in the local video store, I rent it and this time, I could appreciate and understand this film much better. I was amazed by the flawless, perfect direction of Martin Scorsese, and especially by the powerful, excellent performance of Sharon Stone! This is undoubtedly the best performance of her career! And a must-see for her fans! Golden Globe and The Academy Award nomination that she won for this is the best proof of her success!
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Spiritual Masterpiece!
18 May 2002
Personally, I'm not a fan of both Susan and Sean, but I completely agree that they are decent and talented actors who produce wonderful films (for example Stepmom, Thelma & Louise, and the newly released I Am Sam...). Dead Man Walking is a spiritually fantastic film and is sure to be the best work of both Sarandon and Penn.

Helen Prejean, sympathizes with Matthew Poncelet, is caught among him, his family and the two victims' families. From the communication with Matthew, she gradually opens his heart, brought him to know God, and accepted him with love. It surely is difficult for her when she stands up for Matthews while everyone says that he is an animal and don't even consider him a human being. Facing the indignant accuse of the victims' families, she must know what is right and go for it no matter what.

This film reminds me about a horrible kidnap and murder that happened in Taiwan years ago. Three men Kao, Chen and Lin kidnapped the daughter Bai Shao-yen of a famous entertainer Bai Bin-bin. And when she was found, she was killed already. It took a long time for the polices to catch these criminals. Finally, Kao shot himself in a gunfight with the polices, and Lin was caught. Chen escaped and once again kidnapped McGill Alexander, the Brigadier General in the South African Army. Both McGill and his daughter Melanie were injured by his gun, but they forgave him, teach him to know God, and touched him by their forgiveness and how amazing and wonderful God is. Chen eventually got baptized and became a Christian in the jail. Shortly after his baptism, he was executed. After his death, he donated his heart and lungs and intestines to people, but no one wanted them. Many people still believe that Chen was born evil, and those who accept what he donates will be evil too. However, through the grace of God Jesus Christ and the wonderful heartwarming friendship, Chen has got the salvation of the Lord, and has overcome death and accepts the eternal life which is an everlasting promise to everyone from Jesus.

The same here, at first Matthew denied that he killed the two youngsters, but when he admitted, and later before he was executed, the way he looks at Sister Helen Prejean was full of gratitude and love. He has accepted the grace and wonderful salvation of the Lord, and died with peace. He is killed, but his spirits lives, and even though he is dead, but like what Jesus said in the Bible: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he died, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (John 11:25) The executing scene is most touching and a real tear-jerker! Penn's repentance has once again proved the everlasting truth: people are truly good at heart no matter they're evil or righteous. The salvation from God that Matthew got is far beyond death.

Under the amazing direction of Tim Robbins, both Susan and Sean shined in this heartwarming, superb and powerful story. I congratulae Susan on getting the Academy Award for this brilliant role! But it's really a pity that Sean didn't receive the award. However, the wonderfulness and brilliance of this film is not to be questioned and doubted. Out of 10, I give in an 8.5, and 8 for Tim, Susan and Sean!
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The Exorcist (1973)
Utterly Blasphemous!
18 May 2002
This is one of the most awful film I've ever seen! As a Christian, I can't accept all the dirty words and languages that are so humiliating and blasphemous to our God Jesus Christ! Whatever others say about this, I really don't consider any part of this movie to be good at all! A real piece of trash and blasphemy! And don't wish to say anything further about it! One of most awful film ever!
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The Muse (1999)
Veritably Hilarious Comedy With Good Performance
17 May 2002
Catherine Tramelle. Carly Norris. Sally Eastman. May Munro. Ellen the gunwoman. Nicole Horner. Cindy Ligget. Elizabeth Halperin. Gwen Dillon. Princess Bala. Ginger McKenna. From Merciless killer to shrewd mistress. Sharon Stone wasn't much of a comedian. In this "The Muse", I see a completely different Stone and her talent in comedies. Ever since "Sphere", Stone has been giving different but good performances. She actually can be very versatile and has the ability to try different roles. As for the rest of the actors, Jeff Bridges is better than Albert Brooks and Andie McDowell.

I would say that Sharon Stone's best performance ever is Ginger McKenna Rothstein in "Casino". However, even though I do not consider this one the best film of hers, I do enjoy this very first comedy that she did her best in. The Muse = the intriguing!
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Al Pacino at his best!
5 May 2002
"The Godfather" series, "Carlito's Way", "The Dog Day Afternoon"... surely Al has always been known for those famous films and roles. However, of all his works, even though I am not an Al Pacino fan, I would raise both my thumbs for this work, which he won Academy Award for - Scent of a Woman. A truly heartwarming story with marvelous acting, righteousness and friendship. The speech at the end of thie film is most enjoyable and meaningful! I am especially touched when he said "Integrity, courage, are the stuff leaders should be made of" and felt his strong courage and a heart for truth when he criticizes Mr. Trask and the meeting. Yes, he's blind. But he sees much clearly than anyone does; yes, he may seem violent, but through conflicts and togetherness with Charles Simms, their friendship reveals. Like Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot, Al succesfully interpret a blind man and his heart for righteousness and his friend Charles Simms.

However, there is something I don't understand. The story doesn't seem to have to do with the title. But the greatness about this film is not to be doubted and questioned. This is Al Pacino's best work!
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One Fine Day (1996)
One Fine Film
18 April 2002
Personally, Michelle Pfeiffer has always been a brilliant actress who makes truly two-thumps-up films. After the innocent Madame de Tourvel in "Dangerous Liaisons"; graceful Susie Diamond in "The Fabulous Baker Boys"; Confucius-like Louanne Johnson in "Dangerous Minds" ; ambitious Tally Atwater in "Up Close & Personal", it's undoubtedly wonderful to see her portray a real normal role that clings to real life, which makes me feel so close to her. George Clooney has the unique looks to play both normal man like Jack Taylor in this film and others like Daniel Ocean in "Ocean's Eleven", Ulysses McGill Everett ("O, Brother, Where Art Thou?"), Billy Tyne ("The Perfect Stor"), Thomas Devoe ("The Peacemaker") and so on. It's a great enjoyment to see these two talented actors star together in this story which gives just the wonderful description to the busy lives of modern people in big cities.

This is not a love story to me, but a story of modern busyness and love between parents and chidlren. Nowadays, people're busy with works and big events, and neglect the importance of spending time with their children, or can't be perfect at both. This film interpert the truth in a funny and warm way. It not just point out what modern people are really like, but all the potential problems (like in this film, a cellular phone mix-up, cat-eaten classroom fish, a crushed architectural model, a marble that has to be surgically removed from a small nostril, a lost child and various other crises). But even though all these catastrophes which may end up both Melanie and Jack's careers all add up in this hectic day, they finally go through all of them and it turned out to be one fine day.

I have three favorite films of all times, this is one of them. I fall in love with it when I first saw it, and till now, it remains my favorite one. "One Fine Day", a truly real, convincing, interesting, and close-to-life ONE FINE FILM!
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Kidman & McGregor Shine!
11 April 2002
"Mouin Rouge!" is indeed the best musical I have seen in my whole life. As a musical fan, I truly consider this one a real classic which's even better than "My Fair Lady", "The Sound of Music", "Broadway Melody" and many other musicals. The splendor, the magnificence, the gorgeousness, everthing in the film is absolutely wonderful. To get to the point, it is the best musical ever! Both Kidman and McGregor give extraordinary performances, and their singing and dancing are even more surprisingly fabulous! Moulin Rouge!, under the great direction of Baz Luhrmann, sure deserves a 9 out of 10! And the performances of both Kidman and McGregor deserve at least 8.8! Hail Moulin Rouge!
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