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People expect too much from this and I guess that's ok?
14 January 2022
To me, this was a sendup or throwback (maybe even parody) of generic "bad cop" films. Does it ever exceed that? Not at all. Is it funny? Hell yes. The thing that elevates this movie is the cast; the script and direction is fine but works best when it's simply getting the characters to where they need to be without dragging. It's formulaic by design and maybe that's what people ding it for but I was on board from start to finish. Shame this wasn't just released on a streaming service from the beginning, I think it would've found it's audience a lot quicker.
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One of the most ambitious animated films ever
30 August 2021
You for sure will feel the 2+ hour runtime but I assure you every scene is necessary. This goes from being an impressive blend of seemingly unrelated moments to you frantically trying to connect it all by the end. The characters may be presented as grotesque puppets or just chicken scratches on smudged paper, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's an unpretty film to look at. They're animated so well and the characters/story is so fascinating you just want to hang out in this Halloween-ish looking world. Highly recommend and hope this director gets to make another film that hopefully won't take another 15 years to complete.
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Mr Inbetween: I'm Not Leaving (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
One of THE most perfect finales of all time
17 July 2021
Delivered the chill folksy scenes, some incredible action, and at the very last second floored the gas in ways I never knew "Mr Inbetween" was capable of. Glad it's going out on top but it's sad to see such an amazing one of a kind show leave us while there's so many other programs that will go on and win awards and get more of an audience. Whatever, I feel so fortunate I discovered this and followed it up to the end. Scott Ryan delivered not only one of the best performances I've ever seen but one of the best written seasons of television I've ever seen, can't wait to see what this dude does next.
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MTV probably shouldn't have made this bad idea a full length feature but they did and despite that, IT'S FUN!
13 July 2021
Liquid Television was a fun concept capturing a lot of crazy creativity that otherwise wouldn't have been encouraged. The original short for this isn't even that good, for being just a few minutes it somehow overstays it's welcome immediately and the premise isn't exactly that interesting. AND YET, when MTV was developing their first theatrical films, they released the Beavis and Butthead movie in Christmas of 1996 alongside Oscar bait (which is perfect really), but felt the need to release this as this their summer film. Right from the opening credits, you can imagine how even the most jaded awkward MTV fan would've walked out just from the credits alone, who was this made for??

Now it sounds like I hate the film, but it's actually the opposite. Once you realize how much effort is going into every single shot, it's clear there was a vision only the writer/director could put to film and that counts for a lot. Do all the jokes work, no in fact most of them don't work at all. But there's a clear difference between a lazy comedy with cheap humor and a cheap movie making fun of itself. So much imagination in every shot and gag with the roaches and the apartment, and the paint by numbers romance and overall plot in any other movie would have bored me. But again, this movie knows it's dumb and still keeps putting it's best foot forward in trying to capture a short time in the late 90s with it's acknowledgment of the music scene, young people being dumped into the real world after college without a system to look after them, all these things add up to a world that feels familiar albeit incredibly stylized almost to a fault. I think the fact the tone never gets too cynical or obnoxious helps a lot, the roaches ride the line but the gags at least feel inspired. The fact the only real "bad guys" in this are the 2 goons and the mobster who barely has a page of dialogue really makes this feel more positive than trying to actually earn a sad or depressing moment. I really hope this gets a proper restoration on bluray without commentary and special features cuz even for being a "bad movie", I really think it's worth sharing especially since it's earned the title of forgotten gem in my opinion.
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Mr Inbetween: Cut The Crap Princess (2021)
Season 3, Episode 4
The way this episode begins and ends is nothing short of amazing
12 June 2021
This season consistently keeps out doing itself. 80% friends and slice of life stuff, and bringing it all home with the signature drama Mr Inbetween is known for. Only now, you know somethings changed.
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Beautiful, so so beautiful
16 May 2021
This all started with me watching "Rectify", one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. Clayne Crawford's performance made me an instant fan and I was stoked when he was made one of the leads in the Lethal Weapon revival on Fox eventho I had zero interest in watching, just glad he was getting noticed. But then he was fired/killed off the show and seemed to go radio silent, only posting on his IG about his new career as a farmer, a fascinating trajectory for an actor who seemed like they were just getting their break but was tired of Hollywood. But then he started showing updates about an independent project he was working on with a small team and all I knew was this was something he was pouring himself into so I stayed glued. Then it was announced it would be premiering at Sundance where it continued to gain positive buzz, and finally it was released just as theaters were beginning to reopen and vaxxed moviegoers looking for stuff to see. Happy to say this was well worth the wait, I'm so glad my first movie theater experience back was such a beautifully acted, written and presented film.

The first thing that hit me was the sound design, this film could've just had a score but the sounds of clicking and doors slamming timed to editing were so effective at immersing into the situation our lead is in. It almost does the job of providing exposition outside of the dialogue. The aspect ratio choice also feels very appropriate and is used very well; boxing you into the truck scenes and the characters trying to break free but still feeling like they're struggling to catch their breath from the anxiety they're feeling. Just a fantastic truly American film unlike anything I've seen, so simple on one hand but delivered by talented artists of all sorts. I hope Clayne Crawford continues to be part of projects like this as well as everyone else involved.
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What the hell were you people expecting
12 May 2021
I'm not saying people shouldn't be critical of things they don't like but... in what way is this not consistent with the silly randomness of the first Tenacious D album???? It's basically a musical and literally all the songs are perfect and yet I know so many fans of the band that just don't dig this. I went into the theater not even knowing anything beyond Tribute and it made me an even bigger fan, bought the albums and loved rewatching the HBO show and concerts. The worst part is that this bombed so hard, Jack and Kyle still refer to it as a misfire; NO! I hope it grows in cult status like UHF, it deserves to much love and is honestly the best music the guys have made to this day.

My only real criticisms is how whatever the direction/cinematography is, yeah having more creativity in those departments might have helped push it over the edge. But you're not watching this movie for those things, the guys are the main attraction and they deliver.
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On Cinema (2012– )
There will never ever be another program like this for movie experts
1 April 2021
Sure we can thank the Eberts and Siskles for their contributions to film discourse blablablah but THIS is what Tim Burton would call "real art" (during one of his many collabs with Johnny Depp). It's almost a stream of consciousness of storytelling that slow cinema attempts to capture but that doesn't even do it justice to try boxing it into a genre or category. It's in a league of it's own and I'm truly blessed to have watched this series throughout some of the roughest years of my life when I just needed to feel good. Thank you Tim, Gregg, Mark, Joe, all the surviving members of Dekkar, I give this 5 bags of popcorn and little Oscar gold cuz I've got Oscar fever!
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There Needs to be a Better Documentary about LPC and His Art
8 December 2020
Longmont Potion Castle is one of the most fascinating enigmas of our lifetime, right up there with Banksy in my mind. For people expecting something as unique as "Exit Through the Gift Shop"'s approach to dissect the effect the artist has had on his longtime fans, this aint it. Even a simple walk through LPC's albums and most popular bits would've have been fine, instead we get 2 dudes way in over their heads who didn't care about presenting something with care. Chunks of this are crudely slapped together in editing, its mostly uneven interviews with musicians and Rainn Wilson poorly remembering bits from the prank calls, and worst of all the director's tried to fix their mess they must've realized they had by making themselves the main characters in a mockumentary. Someone with foresight could've made it work, unfortunately it feels like my lazy attempt at making a documentary in junior high, yeah I could've gone back and shot better stuff and nixed all the pointless unfunny bits, but I also wanted to be done working on it. That's how this feels, not like underdogs were making a shoestring budget film (that might've been endearing on some level), it just feels like they didn't have the energy to try making this a film any LPC fan would wanna show other fans or even someone who wants to know about the legend himself. The bits where they actually interview Longmont are obviously the best parts and I don't hold him responsible for anything I disliked about the film, I just wish it had been made by people who cared enough. I guess I'll have to make my own documentary on one of my comedy idols seeing as how low the bar has been set.
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If you like Ghostwatch and wish there was something close to the authenticity but for America, this is it.
1 October 2020
My friend was really good at tricking me into thinking this was real for a few minutes, if you can I highly recommend doing the same,.
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Hoops (2020)
It's not as obnoxious as the trailer makes it look like
27 September 2020
Western adult animation is a potential creative gold rush at the moment, for better and for worse. Now more than ever these unique comedy series ideas can be produced for the niche audiences that seem to want them, though a common criticism is that they begin to feel derivative and uninspired whether its the GoAnimate artstyle or that some think cursing is all you need for humor. I think alot of people saw the trailer for "Hoops" and wrote it off almost instantly when really the humor is a lot more effective than it let's on. The artstyle here is also very charming, I love how the backgrounds depict Kentucky.
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Mr Inbetween: There Rust, and Let Me Die (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
Still thinking about the final lines of dialogue from this
4 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Any trepidation I had with Big Boss Ray w the eye-patch or some of the misplaced silly parts at the beginning potentially undercutting the tension from the previous episode... none of it matters because this is still one of the best season finales I've ever seen. You could call it a cliffhanger and that wouldn't come close to describing the feeling of emptiness this episode was able to achieve in just the last 10 minutes. "Mr Inbetween" has always been great about presenting it's badass lead as more than a cliche and really letting us into its character's world of thoughts/emotion. This episode really shows the power of Scott Ryan's powerful writing matched with Nash's strength as a director who always knows how to hold on a moment where most TV director's would be tempted to cut. Thankfully we're getting Season 3 sometime in 2021 but if FX hadn't renewed it, this would've been a perfect series finale. Hopefully Scott and Nash are able to work on the show safely in the age of covid, and it's my hope the show will gain the larger audience it deserves.
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Spree (2020)
A Hilariously Creative Film about Internet Obsession
16 August 2020
Maybe people read the premise and thought this should be darker, more serious with the bleak subject matter or maybe they just didn't dig the humor. Personally, right from the jump Joe Keery and the visual direction of imitating a failing YouTube channel are spot on. It gives you more than enough context as to why you shouldn't sympathize with this fame obsessed dork while also helping establish just how authentic this type of person is, you probably know someone like Kurt. The tone the movie establishes is so bold, as it it should considering the main character is basically an Elliot Rodger type. This is such a taboo subject to explore in a low-budget horror comedy and I think the decision to play it so ridiculous makes the film flow a lot better than if they were trying to make this an actual compelling story. The comparison's to "Crank" are fair but even that had a serious relationship that kept propelling the character and story. 9 times out of 10 I really hate films that try to satirize internet culture in such an audacious way cuz it's normally not pulled off well and feels like it was written by out of touch people who clearly don't know what they're riffing. Fortunately that's not the case here, every character who uses the internet in the film feels appropriately written for what they're meant to represent. I hope Joe Keery and everyone involved in making this and getting it out don't focus on the negative reviews, I have a feeling people are gonna come around to this and I hope this inspires more people to try making inspired films like this with whatever means they have even if it's just phones and GoPros.
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Smiling Friends (2020– )
The Newgrounds Animators Have Finally Made It
17 April 2020
Following the production of the "Hellbenders" pilot and the brief history of Sleepy Cabin, its great to finally see some of the best internet funny bois get their vision on TV. It fully retains the spontaneity of Zach and Michael's unique internet animation styles and wastes no time at all with the jokes. The structure of the 12-min short is split into 2 plots which are equally fascinating and bizarre but not in the way a lot of "edgy" or subversive adult animated shows tend to be. The looseness of the drawing style helps the craziness never seem like its on rails, it truly feels like you're in the mind of 2 nutbag internet artists and I love it.

Mike Stoklasa's performance will be one for the history books.
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Terrifying and beautiful
29 February 2020
We all know someone like Gothic King Cobra and you may even know of a place like Casper. This all feels like a nightmare but unfortunately it's real life. Probably one of the best documentaries ever made.
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
I'm glad we can all collectively agree this show is awesome
5 February 2020
Words cant describe how much i appreciate this show. I have plenty of serials and random series to enjoy but I get something out of this show I've never gotten from any other piece of television. Its ineffable, maybe the fact its Australian maybe its the fact it feels like a mix of slice of life cinema mixed with gritty underground crime films made on small budgets but every small thing about this show shines extra bright for me. The writing moves beautifully at its own pace, we're only let into Ray's life at these brief 30 minutes episodes which I personally love in contrast to hour long programs that dont have nearly as much to say/show. I pray we get a Season 3 but if this is all for Mr Inbetween I've been blessed enough. Tell and show your friends this show if they want something truly special that anyone can enjoy. I also hope Scott Ryan and Nash get more higher profile projects because theyre the dream team.
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Virtuosity (1995)
1995 was a crazy time
30 January 2020
Couple of fresh faces that would go on to be the biggest stars on the planet. Who wouldve known anyone associated with this movie would soar so high?? It's not perfect but as far as capturing the imagination of future tech and the internet, you could do much worse. The script knows how crazy it is, doesnt try to make you experience anything other than dumb fun.
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People Just Do Nothing (2014–2018)
Literally One of the Best Comedy Shows of the Decade
28 December 2019
I haven't found myself rewatching a comedy series like this since Trailer Park Boys. There's something about watching v likable people on the fringes of society trying to make something of their lives but constantly getting in their own way. The unspoken bond between these losers is killer chemistry, they all feel so believable and real but executed in such a subtly hilarious way that the best mocumentarys capture. They literally have 2 crew members that are always hanging out in the background with their own lives but are also constantly told to shut up so we're left with these super brief glimpses into what kind of people they really are. This would obnoxious if it wasnt handled so brilliantly and believably, the way this show is shot adds alot to illusion of realism. I love this show and more people need to know about "People Just Do Nothing" because it's literally one of the best comedy shows of the decade and I'm literally just finding out about it.
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Mr Inbetween: Shoulda Tapped (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
amazing premiere
27 September 2019
Can't get Desiderata out of my head, this second season is gonna be amazing
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