
17 Reviews
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
Boring with very fake kill scenes.
27 July 2008
If I could sum this film up in one word it'd be mediocre. Wait no, boring... No, no, stupid. Fake? Maybe, crap? Well whatever it is it's damn near unwatchable. I've never been so bored watching a "horror" film. The story is way too ironic to be believable. Not to mention downright retarded. He's in a maximum security cell and he escapes through a ceiling vent? Come on... Even worse is how he disposed of kills. How can you stab someone so many times so violently and have only a few drops on the victims shirt. There should be blood everywhere. Even worse how can someone hide something like that from other victims so quickly. I couldn't relate to any of these characters at all. I didn't feel sorry in the least seeing them picked off. I was actually looking forward to it. I'd pass on this film. Travesty! That's the word I was looking for.
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Oldboy (2003)
Wow, I really didn't see this one coming.
27 July 2008
This is the best film I've ever seen from Korea. Honestly it's one of the best films I've seen in general. First off the story in this film is one of the best I've seen in years. Very well done. There are so many twists and turns that just when you think you have everything figured out the story completely turns and blows your mind. You get drawn in more and more as the story progresses. A very enlightening look at life, love, revenge and the importance of keeping your mouth shut. The production of the film is way better then I expected. The camera effects seem to be a little forced into the film but they fit in pretty good. There are a few fantasy scenes with some visually pleasing graphics thrown in. There were a few corny fight scenes that weren't exactly believable. The acting is believable though. Well at least from what I see. After all it's a Korean film in Korean. Long story short this was a great film with an unforgettable story. Well worth watching.
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Breathing Room (I) (2008)
A very unappealing rip off of the "Saw" series.
6 July 2008
This film is for the most part just like the "Saw" series. More like Saw 1 actually then the other two though. You basically have a group of kidnapped people trapped in a room where they're picked off one by one till there is one person left who then gets to go free. The only real difference is this film is horrible. The sound effects were so fake sounding, the characters were annoying at best and the story went basically no where. The twists in this film were so lame and didn't really change the plot at all. It just wasn't scary enough either. You never see anything graphic which also brings this movie down. The Saw series completely blows this film out of the water. I'd pass on this one.
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Nobody Loves Alice (2008 Video)
This isn't a horror film. More like a drama.
28 June 2008
This movie could of been way better then it was. First off labeling this as a horror film is just wrong. There's nothing horror about it. It had great potential to being a horror movie but it completely fell short of being. Except for a few quick and I mean quick violent shots there wasn't anything appealing going on. The story was dry. If the movie focused more on Alice's twisted obsessions and less on one particular victim it would of really helped this movie along. Instead you get to listen to a loved one of the victim complain about how she can't find him for an hour. The cinematic were OK. Some of the shot positions helped the gore scenes stand out but they were so few it was disappointing. The score has a nice horror feel to it. It would of been great on a slasher flick but on this film it was unfitting. There were quite a few scenes where the score gives a suspenseful build up leaving you on the edge of your seat then absolutely nothing happens leaving you feeling disappointed. The cast seem so casted off the street. The acting wasn't horrible but the actors look so plain. Bad skin, buck teeth, nappy hair, there wasn't a looker in the bunch that's for sure. I guess that kind of gives the film a more realistic feel to it. What's creepy is I've run into women who are just like how Alice acts in public. Dorky, shy, quiet, loner. Makes you wonder if they're like her when they get home. What I found stupid about this film is that people were standing around talking about Alice "behind her back" not wanting her to know what they're saying and she'll be standing like 5 feet away staring at them as they talk out loud about how they think she's up to something. Like she's not even there. Bad character placement if you ask me. I'd pass on this film.
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Another great to add to the Futurama collection.
26 June 2008
This is the second installment in the Futurama movie franchise and another great film to add to any Futurama collection. This movie was almost as good as the first but the story was a bit dry and un-dynamic. If this was an episode on TV, it'd be one of those middle of the road episodes. Not great but still good. The jokes seemed a tad more raunchy then with other Futurama content. I guess with the direct to DVD release they can get away with a lot of that stuff. As always this movie is another top notch animated film. I must say it looks and sounds so much better on DVD. The opening theme sounded awesome. I didn't notice any changed voices or dropped characters. All I can really say is the story wasn't great but the little comedy bits thrown in were hilarious.
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Halloween (2007)
Love, hate with a white trash luster
14 June 2008
This film is a bastardizing of an American horror classic. I'm a big fan of Rob Zombie but there are certain things you shouldn't mess with. Halloween being one of them. This film wreaks the original Halloween story. In humanizing Michael, it forces you to look at him in a completely different light. Plus the stories seem to be somewhat contradictory. If you haven't seen a Rob Zombie film before well you're in for a white trash smut treat. Seriously, any chance he gets he's throwing in a raunchy joke, a stripper and a good old fashion white trash fight worthy of Jerry Springer. On the other hand this story in it's self is great. It takes you deep into the mind of a future serial killer. That being said, anyone who hasn't seen the original Halloweens may enjoy this movie more then a die hard fan. To a die hard fan though this movie is heartbreaking. The stalking that makes Michael so great is just plain lame in this one. The kills are too quick and unappealing. The camera angles and lighting are crap compared to the original film. Newcomers to Halloween beware. This is not the film to base your liking of Halloween on. If you want to have the true Halloween experience pick up one of the original films from the 70's-80's. If you must watch this movie don't associate it with the Halloween series.
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I like the anime more but it's nice to see another take on the story.
13 June 2008
This film has it's flaws. What I liked most about this film is that it gave you a different ending then the anime. The beginning of this film follows the anime pretty well minus some action, and some characters and their sexes were changed. What bugged me though was how careless Light was. He seemed so much more insane yet dumber then in the anime. Honestly the story could of been much better then it was but still it was an interesting take on the story. The acting wasn't very good. The only believable characters in comparison to the anime were Mr. Yagami and L. L was a real joy to watch in live action. If all else see this movie just to see him and how eccentric he really is. So if you like seeing all angles of a story then this is a good movie to see. The different ending makes it worth watching.
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Vexille (2007)
One of the better anime style films I've seen in a long time.
9 June 2008
I really liked the story in this film. Easily one of the best anime stories I've seen. I'd say it's like "Ghost in the Shell" meets "Resident Evil". This film is an Action, Sci-Fi with a bit of a drama, horror undertone. The visuals are amazing. It has strong CG look but the textures almost looked hand colored. It has a real unique look to it. I can't explain. The score seemed a bit thrown together. The songs didn't seem to fit into what was happening on screen. Paul Oakenfold did a pretty poor job with the score if you ask me. The sound effects were well done and the voice acting was good. This film is worth seeing for it's great story and rich animation.
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A funny comedy with drama overtones.
8 June 2008
Let me start off by saying I find Jack Black very annoying. Not just in this film but in general. He does fit the character of Jerry very well though. The beginning of this movie was dry. Another movie where Jack Black's character screws up and they spend the rest of the movie trying to fix the problem. It really picks up once Jerry and Mike (Mos Def) come up with the idea of remaking their lost films. I found the amateur remakes by Jerry and Mike hilarious. I didn't expect that part of the movie to be so funny. Toward the end of the movie they mess up again and the story takes a turn and it becomes more of a drama, and a little depressing. I was expecting a comedy with humor from beginning to end. I was wrong. That's why I only gave this movie a 5. Still the story wasn't bad and there were some funny parts.
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"Grindhouse" meets a cheesy Kung Fu flick.
8 June 2008
This is a great film to add to any Grindhouse collection. Lots of fake blood, lots of fake fights, lots of cheesy "just killed you" one liners. The story is so Japanese. Your typical, "You've dishonored my family and now you must die" movie. The hero and her side kick in this one are women just like you usually see in "Grindhouse" movies. Which is a good change of pace from your typical action flick. The scenes between two women seem so lesbian. Nothing wrong with that but it seems to me every time two women get together in this movie they're hitting on each other. I just find that a little odd. This film is very cheesy. It's like watching the original "Power Rangers" with sexual content, bad language, and blood. Lots of blood. That's what makes this movie so great though. How extremely cheesy it is.
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Street Racer (2008 Video)
An insulting low budget after school special.
5 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was horrible. The voice acting sounded dubbed. The sound effects were completely fake. The graphics are way off. For example wrecked cars are reused later in working order. The Montero in the beginning of the film is obviously swapped right before the crash scene. It even looked like it was poorly spray painted to match the paint. Plus the back window was broken, the hood is all popped up and the bumpers are missing before the Mazda even hit it. Oh and that Mazda I was just talking about. It was reused after hitting the Montero. The bar scene after Johnny meets up with the mechanic at the salvage yard. As it's panning the lot there is the same exact car sitting in the lot with some guy standing in front of it. Coincidence? IT HAS THE SAME FRONT PLATES! 5yhf498, Match them up with the first racing scene and the lot. Also the Yellow S2000 hit the corrupt guy black-nailing Johnny, you see the same car 3 seconds later undamaged, parked, with the driver running over to get in it. He just hit a guy racing and now he's suddenly not in the car with it parked undamaged? I don't know if the director thinks your stupid or what but I find this down right insulting. Not even changing the plate? It's 2 screws! The story was unbelievable and not in the good sense of the word. The movie does show the dangers of street racing and corruptions at the highest level but the movie is so poorly done it's insulting. I felt like I was watching a low budget after school special. Preachy, preachy, unexciting, preachy, preachy. That's how this movie goes. I've yet to see a street racer movie that was above a 7 but this is not even close to that ball park. This is easily the only movie you'll ever see with a new release sticker in the $.99 bin. I did find some of the chop shop owner's one liners funny but that's about it. Still, stay away from this extremely poorly made movie.
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Rogue (2007)
One of the more believable "coming to eat me" movies.
4 June 2008
I didn't expect much from the beginning from all the other movies I've seen with basically the same theme. What made this movie better then those was the believable story. Something like this is more likely to happen then say "Jurassic Park" or "Anaconda". The graphics were also a lot better then I've seen with other movies of the same caliber. The computer animation blended well into the live action which gave it a more true to life feel. The acting wasn't bad. The killing scenes could of been better for an R rated movie. I was expecting much more gore. The first like 3 kills they didn't even show what happened. No blood no anything. It was very disappointing. Still it wasn't a bad movie.
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Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Extremely funny in the worse way possible.
1 June 2008
This is the best action comedy I've ever seen. This movie really brings out the immaturity in you. The action is non-stop. Seriously. You can't go 5 minutes without some kind of "Shoot 'Em Up" scene or car chase. The way Smith(Clive Owen) handles a gun is just insane. That being said, this is completely a guy movie. Most women will find this film very childish. Not all, but most. The one liners are funny yet a bit on the cheesy side. The story is just OK, not the best but there is a story. It does leave a lot of unanswered questions though. This movie is good purely on the action and humor. The casting is great. Who ever casted these actors were right on the money with this one. Paul Giamatti makes a great villain. Clive Owen plays the smug tough guy role very well too. All in all this was a great mindless action comedy. It's well worth the watch but your mature side will hate you for it.
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No story yet still very funny.
1 June 2008
This movie isn't so much a movie as it is a collection of skits. There is no real story what so ever. That being said viewers who enjoy plot and a rich story may not enjoy this movie. That aside this is a very funny movie. I found myself laughing quite a bit. The skits aren't over the top silly or cheesy but more stereotypical humor playing on pop-culture. It's basically a spoof of the evening news. If you enjoy movies like "Scary Movie" or "Anchorman" and TV programing such as "MADtv", satirical news shows such as "The Colbert Report" and "The Daily Show (with Jon Stewart)". Chances are you will really enjoy this movie. Don't be fooled by my vote of 7. For what it's worth it was a great film.
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This mini series hits you deep.
1 June 2008
Honestly this is the best series I've ever seen. Every episode in this series hit me deeply. I've always been a WWII history buff but never have I seen such a great first hand experience as I have with "Band of Brothers". The characters stay with you long after viewing the series. The actors portraying the soldiers are so believable that it's not hard to become addicted to the series. The acting is top notch on top of the real live accounts from the soldiers who lived "Band of Brothers". Effects are very well done and place you right on the front lines of WWII. The story could never be written by a writer. It'll leave you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. This is a series no one should ever go without seeing.
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The dark side of 1950's Suburbia.
31 May 2008
This was a great movie. I guess what made this movie so great is the fact that this is based on a true story. It's a dark trip through 1950's suburbia which most people view as a simple conservative time. Oddly enough I was talking to my mom about this movie and she remembered the actual story from the paper. This is indeed a true story. Names and locations were changed but it is a true story. It's not particularly scary or horrific, it's more sad and depressing. You truly feel sorry for "The Girl Next Door." The girl loses so much in her life and now faces even worse circumstances. The movie isn't all depressing. A love story is also embedded into the main story. I'd recommend this movie as a good substitute for a gory horror flick. It's something you can watch with a girlfriend and not have her freaked out yet you will also find mildly entertaining.
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These spoofs just get worse and worse.
31 May 2008
Let's face it. "Scary Movie" was a hit. This is not. With every spoof movie this genre dies a little more. I do admit that there were a few bits that got a laugh or two but over all this movie was horrible. The jokes are played out and down right corny. I wouldn't even recommend renting this movie. This movie had a lot of "Mad TV" cast members in it who basically perform skits which I've seen on past "Mad TV" episodes. It's like the makers of this movie casted actors straight out of old skits. "Meet the Spartans" is old and just plain unoriginal in every sense of the word. Stick to the "Scary Movie" franchise if you're looking for good movie spoofs.
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