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Big (1988)
a perfect movie in many senses
6 June 2024
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This is what I would call a perfect package movie, in the 80s the studios had slimmed down the movies of the dark epical of 70s to 100min family friendly popcorn movies of 80s. The flow and plots come in a way that it never gets boring,realistic acting had become to be entertaining and regular people could relate to. Tom Hanks does amazing job to keep the childish spirit throughout the movie. Entire cast were wisely chosen for thier part and thier mix of adult ,toned down behavior balances with Joshs energy and curiosity . I like that he had to make a mature choice while as adult of going back to be a child again because he realized he miss his home and he needs that arch of maturity, it's no fun to be a adult when you're not mentally ready for it.
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Not as great as I hoped!
6 May 2024
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Ingmar Bergman is somewhat of a philosophical director,there is a intellectual group that lift his films to class of masterpiece,mostly it is based pholosophical level. He is historically important director and the most prominent Swedish one so far but his film are not for broad audience entertainment.

Here Max von Sydow plays Antonius Block ,a crusader returning from the battlefield to his homeland Sweden that is in the midst of the plague, he debates for himself if life is worth living through all of its pain,cruelty,lies and betrayal. A traveling artist group that represent joy,rejuvenation of life,love and mystery cross thier path with the crusader,giving him hope,positive energy to carry on the burden of questioning life . It is symbolically a beautiful film even though Bergman bent the rules of the meaning of the reaper by having him kill someone( the grim ripper should not itself kill but appear when your time is up)
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Poor Things (2023)
Surrealism of films
27 February 2024
This film come as close as I seen to Surrealism, this film should not be seen as fragments of unreal and immoral as the entire world theyre in lacks moral boundries, it takes us as far deep in our desire to act like god with out any biologiska or moral boundries and discover life in its most raw and pure take. There was no law and people justified thier actions in ways they seem fit. Do not take it too personally or try to to make sense of it as you may not enjoy, we are though by moral and science stopped from going all out like in this film but it does remind us of our humanity and our darkest part.
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
Does not deserve the current 7,4,
20 February 2024
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So I finally watched this film from recommendation of someone that like conspiracies and odd films., my intuition proved me right. I need to say it's not a bad film but disorienting and with loose ends. It starts in Vietnam as US soldiers take a drug and the hell breaks loose, it's hard to make sense of it but this is explained throughout the movie. My problem is main character Jacob Singer enlist to serve in Vietnam after his son Gabe dies, late mr we get to know he was in love with his wife ,happily married and had 2other sons, but for some reason he abandon them for a reason not explained to go to Vietnam???

After Vietnam he is postal worker with hallucinations but has a loving relationship with his girlfriend, while trying to get this he meets few people from Vietnam that fill in the gap but doesn't explain the illogical reasoning and parallel storylines of the life of Jacob Singer.
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Manhattan (1979)
Great intro of Manhattan/New York
10 February 2024
This film has one of the best intros as it reveal both the main character occupation and the city he lives in(New York), he gives a personal and nostalgic vision of his New York,both good and bad,which is the center if his film "Manhattan" He also get Meryl Streep and Diane Keaton casted,which were the rising stars of that time,Woody Allen had already establushed himself as a promising filmdirector but was making a new mark here to darker and deeper storytelling, moving away from his sillier comedies in earlier 70s to darker and European influenced storytelling from 79 to later. One if my favorites among Woody Allens work.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Better than first adaptation
25 December 2023
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I write this as just watched the first adaptation and I come to conclusion that this one is way better,both are adaptation of the same novel but this time in Mexico instead of Italy. Tony Scott shows the relationship between Creasy and Pita much closer and realistic, you see it develop more naturally and not one sided but also not showing the kidnappers or the state of Pita put the audience in the same level of emotion, Tony's choice of photography and angles he choose depending on the relationship of the characters is recognizable here, the contrast between the wealthy part of Mexico city to the gritty and dirty of the city is as evident as Creasy before and after the kidnapping I have always enjoyed Tony Scott's style of directing of many back and forth of close ups to long shots , bold colors and showing details of the location between dialogues.
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Title misleading and repetitive
24 October 2023
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Overall a bittersweet story of a young woman that has contact with her biological mother after living in Sweden with adoptive parents since she was 4. She travels back to Iran after some bureaucratic huss&fuss and finally meets her biological mom and extended family, the title is childish and sugar coated as her mom is anything but a princess but was a single mother with three children that divorced a a drug addict husband ,the reality is much more harsh. The director should give some more information of locations ,time and place and who the relatives are as discripted text below to set the base of people,time and place gives the audience a platform. The story is also very repetitive and repeats the premise multiple times without moving the story anywhere, Once she comes back home to Sweden she has a more real grasp of her background,this personal development make a this documentary worth watching.
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Wrapping up 30 years of separation anxieties and forgiveness
24 October 2023
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I've read some of the reviews and it feels like people bias against the Shah cloud thier judgement,this documentary is about forgiveness,moving on and accepting realities.

Farahs hesitant of meeting one of her critics and later the developing friendship that unfolds holds up the documentary,now both exile and regular civillians they both have the same platform to build on. Persson gives a background story of the national events for non Iranians and a personal story for everyone before meeting up with Farah. She didn't Push Farah or ask questions that Farah was not responsible for and for all I know Farah was gracious queen that represented Iran in pivotal trying times.
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The Creator (2023)
"the Golden Child" with AI theme and deeper
2 October 2023
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Remember the late 80s film "the Golden Child"? Eddie Murphys character had despite his scepticism and his own idea to look after a gifted child and travel with the child to Tibet well this is very much like it and has something from all other sci fi films. The story is still interesting and offers a moral dilemmas, it questions who really is the heartless machine here, the Military or AI which is designed to help humans and who lies to whom that absolute power by design becomes evil because it has detach itself from humans for a larger goal, its is beautifully made with natural landscape for humans and the high tech machines for the military and has philosophic undertones.
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Titanic (1997)
Has everything that makes a great film
4 August 2023
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Th story itself is not so complicated and if you break i it down it reminds of JC first success "the Terminator" doubtful? Let me explain

-The Terminator takes place in future and present time, this takes place in past and present but what connects the two is a picture/drawing of the female lead Sarah Connor/Rose Dewitt

-The female leads feel out of place, unsettled and looking for her break

-a man from different world enters their life when they least expect it and their coming romantic interaction will change their life

-the male leads die only after the safety of female lead has been guaranteed

it has everything a love story should have as lost love, set during epical event, told in flashbacks, brief but full, but since its elaborately done and in great detail it makes it one go The best love films of history of cinema, I was 17 when it was released and right that age when stories like this sets a little deeper because of emotional development of those years.
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drops the ball a few times
30 July 2023
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A well made robbery scene in the post office takes place and after that is chase after the robber with loose ends, the motives and characters involved doesn't make sense, the characters relation to eachother and thier motives are never explained,why would a robber associate with high level politicians,witnesses we don't know they seen anything after they're dead some of the witness storries are filmed without actually adding anything to the overall story,a car chase takes place and the followed doesn't know he is being followed and still almost gets away. Scenes are added without giving the story any direction

I did like the conversations between the two inspectors and thier arguments,the film was inspired by American style cop movies ,it's not a bad film but messy with loose ends and very unlikely coincidences.
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Gorgeous scenery and costumes
6 March 2023
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I watched this not having read the classic literature by Jane Austin. As a film it has beautiful scenery,cinematography and costumes,as for casting some where type casted like Donald Sutherland as a understanding father,Judi Dench as a stern bossy lady and Keira Knightly as pretty lady, this story set in Georgian England before the industrial revolution romanticized a era which woman were set off to be married at young age so they won't a financial burden to parents,many died before reaching ripe age for marriage due to illness and harsh standards of living in poorer families but this is not about that,this is about how a couple beside having to overcome the gap in thier social class also had to fall in love before marriage and learn to know eachother.
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You People (2023)
out of date and waste of time
19 February 2023
This kind of film of two from different backgrounds with race,religion and culture would be interesting in the 50s or 60s but now it's cliche filled film with idled dialogue that doesn't move the story forward,it was like watching reality of any celebrity families tackling thier upper class problems like in TV but not for Netflix. Somebody with experience like Julia Dreyfus or Eddie Murphy souls step in say hey "where is this dialogue headed" and ""What is my characters motives" the film even portray both families filled with prejudice and as if they never met someone than from thier own. Some character even show such big flaws for the sake of comedy,not by true and logical motives.
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Rambo III (1988)
Set apart from other war movies
9 November 2022
This film came in the late 80s,most movies made in Hollywood was about the war in Vietnam and other cold war flashbacks but this was set apart as it was in Afghanistan,no other american film highlighted the ongoing massacre of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, he brought attention to a hidden conflict. The story could gone to a few drafts but overall it was a worthy sequel to Rambo series Sylvester Stallone never looked better physically and it was obvious he prepared for this role way in advance,but upper body only. They also introduced the peasant version of the sport polo,Originated in Persia(Iran)
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Bullet Train (2022)
Doesn't deserve 7,5
25 September 2022
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Doesn't deserve 7,5 I gave it 5 and I rounded up because of no decimals i rating this is a Guy Richie with some Quentin Tarantino feel rip off with no substantial dialogue and fast editing that doesn't build up to a climax but prolongs the film.

Sandra Bullock has done similiar roles before as a commenting sidekick as in "Speed" and "Demolition man" As soon as the story starts dragging another assassin shows up instead of a story plot and all over again is everybody trying to kill eachother,enough assassin in one train to lose track why they are there and not do we longer who they are. Entertaining at time though.
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The Heart (2018)
The title says nothing , just like the film
31 July 2022
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Young woman with much more need for intimacy and love than the guy struggles to keep the relationshi going, the guy might as well be in her head because it doesn't feel like he is there with her,a passive existence a.....nd thats all.
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a parody of Woody Allen by Woody Allen
5 December 2021
I read some of reviews and people seem to miss the point,Woody Allen is making fun of himself and genre and same time getting a few hits of What he hates :L. A lifestyle. One of Woody Allen's favorite directions Ingmar Bergman and his film "scenes from a marriage" is made to a L. A verision early 90s style,by a affluent at the top of thier career power couple that seem to have it all but something is missing,in the midst of chasing success,a family and lot of money and material they lost themselves in the modern consumption culture. I would give it higher rate if it wasn't for some unnecessary put in,exaggerated emotional reactions and the mime. It would need a actual drama to parallel the comedy, a tragic past some of sort and be more serious at times. The mall is real and it's the Beverly Center in L. A,it's not a studio,the film is low budget and has actual setting.
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Painful to watch remake
25 December 2020
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If you liked the original,you'll have a hard with this remake. For me the original 1986 version is special because of where I was in my life how it related to me personally. This remake was sloppy and carelessly made because they threw in the lines from the original here and there with no motivation than it was in the original script. The characters relation to each was completely off, in the original the focus was on Danny&Debbie, Bernie and Joan were side supporting characters that didn't like eachother and made comic sideline The whole chemistry,blocking and flow of the original story is not there,Iam also very annoyed with Kevin Hart which needs all the attention all the time and felt was trying material doing this movie In the remake there is a scene Danny and Derbie are watching the original film together,isn't it wierd that they then used the same lines in that film in thier life?! sometimes even the wrong character or opposite character said the lines of thier partner Just watch the original
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Positively surprised
24 October 2020
If you live in Sweden and watched Swedish movies once in a while it's not hard to get pessimistic about them,since many Swedish movies are pessimistic about life. if it's not a criminal drama then it's about someones downward life but once in a while a uplifting charming film pops out. This film has what's called the hollywood script format,which means it starts low and ends high. The town it's filmed at could be any small town in Sweden and same goes with the people, like Springfield in "the Simpsons" I thought it's going to be something cheesy,plotless story line but I was positively surprised.It was about the human spirit and not give up on life or you give up on yourself
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Hus i helvete (2002)
As a Iranian-Swede Iam insulted
9 April 2020
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This is directed by a theatre actress and probably why entire film takes place inside a small apartment and barely any ext scenes, it ridicules Iranian men and has a twisted extreme leftist feminism take on the world,it's a waste of time
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the most overrated film of 2019
13 February 2020
I love Q.Tarantino film but this one was a deal breaker, I forgive him taking great amount of liberty to alter historical events but thin but this....
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
Should end with Charlie
28 December 2019
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This show would get a higher rating if it ended with Charlies death, but they had to drag it on with Kutcher. He doesn't have the weight and celebrity status of Charlie Sheen to carry on the show
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Heat (1995)
The best bank robbery film ever
23 October 2019
The flow and elegance of storytelling by Mann in unmatched in this film, he could not have better top cast and how he gives all equal screen time to have their story told and overlap each other to the climax is masterly done.
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Underrated relationship comedy
20 October 2019
Underrated relationship comedy from the 80s, from the play "Sexual perversity in Chicago" from late 70s. The dilemmas,insecurity,tension,friends etc rings true even today didn't like the remake since I think Kevin Hart is annoying The original can still be enjoyed and laughed at, Bernie and Joan balance of with some tension& drama and bring comedy
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Hereditary (2018)
Overrated movie
1 August 2019
Maybe I was too generous with 4rating but I went with friends and we gotta good laugh at the ridiculous overdone "scary scenes" which was just awkward and pointless.The film surprises at times but don't get it confused with true build up suspense with characters we care for or are slowly getting scared off. I would try to avoid film with this director/screenwriter in the future as my time is too valuable for this kind of crap
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