
3 Reviews
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Never trust a mental b**ch
7 December 2002
Now, this one is great! Not quite like anything you've ever seen before. Intense, thought-provoking and action-filled. The interesting thing about the film is that everyone seems to see something different. Some people say that they don't understand how would anyone want to be a nazi skinhead after watching it, some people don't understand how could anyone resist becoming a nazi skinhead after this (I tend to support the latter). The easiest thing is to proclaim this movie as "hate-filled". But that's only one side of the coin. The portrayed skinhead community is much like a pack of wolves -- brute, violent and even hateful to their enemies, yes, but at the same time you can't fail to notice the strong spirit of kinship among themselves. Well, and at least that's what I see in this film -- a strong community torn apart by a stranger, a sheep in wolve's clothing. Gabe doesn't belong there, she's a total alien. Yet, she is the one who destroys the group. I do think that's one strong lesson -- skinheads fighting against aliens that are destroying their country, yet failing to isolate alien that's destroying their own community, all because she's kinda nice and a pity to throw out. Also, people tend to say that skinheads in this film are so destructive. Yet, the most destructive person in the entire film is Gabe. Skinheads are destroying, true, but they destroy the things they feel are wrong, much like a surgeon is destroying a cancer when cutting it out. Gabe, on the other hand, destroys simply for the sake of destroying. She believes she's the centre of the universe and, therefore, can do whatever she fancies. Submission to leader, loyalty to kinsmen and race -- those things mean nothing to her. So, to sum it all up -- a great movie indeed. A small summary of all the problems facing White Power movement today. And a hint of what may face us if we don't get rid of the aliens who are tearing our society apart.
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The Needle (1988)
Now, that's Soviet cinema!
7 December 2002
In Soviet Union, nearly everything was Soviet -- Soviet music, Soviet food (you don't want to know the details, believe me), Soviet politics and, yes, Soviet cinema. And, as with all things Soviet, also Soviet cinema had those very special marks that distinguished it as typically Soviet. Now, Igla is the essence of Soviet cinema. Just about everything that has to be in Soviet Perestroika time drama is present in Igla -- lousy storyline about some "current problem" (drug addicts in this one -- although if it was called a problem then, I don't know how to call it now), very clear and visible efforts to make "art" out of this storyline, popular "star" (Tsoy) in leading role, Soviet rock as a soundtrack, unbelievably low-quality picture with mono sound and lots and lots of Soviet reality.

Overall, I find the film very depressing (must be because it reminds me of the "good ol'" Soviet Union times), but what do I know. Anyway -- if you're interested in Soviet Union, especially Perestroika time, this is a must see -- it really captures the mood of the time and feels much like time-machine. But if you are not, then you really shouldn't bother (and it might be extremely hard to get a copy anywhere that's to West from Russia).
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Ooh... touching.
8 September 2002
Gee, now that's another glorious example of Hollywood's brainwashing. I just love this kind of movies -- always tells me things I didn't know. Blacks indeed are nice and caring, race mixing is cool and we really have sooo much to learn from Afro-American "culture". Not that you see that in real life, but well, who said that gorgeous masterpieces like that have to be in touch with real life?

To quote Sam and Max: "I'd be peeing in my pants if I wore any".
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