
3 Reviews
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Rebel Highway: Roadracers (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
What happened Rodriguez?
13 January 2003
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person that thought this movie was a piece of crap... Normally, I love Rodriguez movies and I generally love the 50's rockabilly era, but this was just a horrible waste of the actors' time. Salma Hayek really shined in this film(She'd honestly shine in anything), but all the other actors just didn't act to their ability. The story was worse than "Deuce's Wild", which I hate to admit is a better film despite how incredibly horrible it was.

Is it just me or did this feel like one student film that dragged on way too long? If this was a 10 minute film I would not fault it as much. Maybe if it was a different director... But Rodriguez? The direction was surprisingly bad from somebody who usually sweeps the screen with smooth transitions and great tracking shots. This film lacks any creative vision that Rodriguez usually implicates into his films.

No wonder it's not out on DVD... I'd want to bury this film as deep as I could.

Only a film as truly horrible as this could bring me to such a question:

What happened Rodriguez?
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Absolutely Amazing!!
18 October 2002
First off, I'd like to say that this movie does NOT deserve all the bad attention it seems to be getting. In fact, it is in need of the exact opposite...

I think that although the story was incredibly simple, it remained unique in it's own way. The acting from Adam Sandler was absolutely amazing, and the character he portrayed was very interesting and well versed.

Barry, Sandler's character, is faced with many problems, one of which is himself and his emotional problems. While trying to overcome these problems, he is also faced with many others including his family, work, women and a credit card scam after calling a sex chat line. Seeing Sandler deal with these problems is like looking into someone's life, and everything he does is very real and believable.

Without spoiling this film I'd like to say that everything in it is resolved in a very pleasing way, and the climax is absolutely breathtaking! With superb acting, directing, cinematography, editing and sound I would like to recommend this film to anyone who still enjoys cinema with a beating heart and living soul. Great job everybody!! 10/10

PS P.T. Anderson: Was that you outside of tinseltown 10 last night?
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The Ring (2002)
Chills and thrills, but maybe just eye candy...
7 October 2002
I just got back from an advanced screening of "The Ring". If there was a point to this movie, I would honestly be surprised. Although I didn't find the story line all too intriguing, I did find the acting, direction, cinematography, editing and sound design to be quite good. Throughout the whole film I felt like I was waiting for something, ANYTHING to happen, but it kind of left me high and dry towards the end. There are a lot of great moments where I nearly p***ed myself, so I can't really call this a BAD movie. Aren't films made to entertain?

Great cinematography and believable acting kept me engaged, but I couldn't recommend this film to anyone who looks for a deep meaning when they make a trip to the theatre. If you want to be scared sporadically over the course of 90 minutes, then this is the film for you. I rate this film a 6/10... By the way, don't let the PG-13 rating steer you in the wrong direction, because this film was one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a long time.
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