
2 Reviews
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7 February 2005
It's always great to see someone who can laugh at himself, and even make fun of himself in ways that most people aren't brave enough to do. Pauly is totally exposing what has to be at least a little painful: His "has-been-ness". It's too bad this wasn't able to be released in theaters. My boyfriend even thought it was really funny, and he's always despised Pauly Shore's movies and "weasel" stuff. Many will also find it at least somewhat inspirational, his being so vulnerable and open. Lots and lots of familiar faces too, plenty of great cameos. It's hard to believe how many people came on board to help out with this project. Check it out, chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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Perhaps the most underrated movie I've ever seen!
24 May 2004
I've seen this movie several times, and when it was in the theater I dragged everyone I could to see it with me... Not one was disappointed. Some giving feedback here may be calling it cheesy or cliché, but I found this movie to be incredibly original and real. I don't see much of a comparison with American Beauty, or any other movie for that matter. The performances are outstanding by all involved (as one who hasn't seen the Star Wars prequels, I was astounded to hear Hayden Christensen apparently does a horrible job acting in them). As a person who has lost both parents to illness, I was amazed and touched by Kevin Kline's performance, and wish there was a way to tell him what a great job he did.

Side note, for those who are criticizing Sam's transformation into something more "acceptable"... Please! It isn't about making him into somebody more acceptable or stereotypical... He journeys from being a miserable kid who spends his waking hours just trying to stay numb from the pain of his existence, to someone who can experience fulfillment; who knows he is loved, and is able to love for the first time.

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