
14 Reviews
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The Witcher (2019– )
Many flaws
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? The acting is poor with most characters sounding like they are working at your local supermarket, there's no actual acting of the voices, the tones, nothing. They don't even try to sound like they are from a different Era. That's sloppy to me. And sloppy is a good word for the writing also. They throw dozens of names around, fall in love with each other in minutes, there's a very annoying singer accompanying the hero that sings blues-jazz-country-pop songs. You can see highlights on women's hair, and there's a Medieval Queen that goes to battle with lots of make-up on! Some coherence would add credibility to the plot, makes it more real to me. They talk about reverse psychology at one point, which is a concept that couldn't have existed back then. Honestly, sometimes I was waiting for them to mention Facebook or something like that. Oh! And at one point there's a ball happening in... well, a bar. The place looks totally like a 2019 bar in, say, New York. Old brick on the wall, all sorts of lights coming from who knows where. And the floor is clearly decorated with LED lights. It's very funny. Then there's a lot of grunts coming out of Mr Cavill. I guess he's supposed to sound like Batman but to me it sounds like Hulk. There's a scene where he gets covered in monster goo, like from head to toe, all over his face and clothes, the man looked like a walking sack of blood and goo. And then he gets all clean with just a bucket of water over his head, like the most efficient bucket challenge ever. Besides that, I find that the characters are pretty boring, the dialogue is childish and the soundtrack is awful. I watched 3 episodes and I don't think I'll be watching it again. Rolling my eyes so much gives me headaches.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
I don't get where the 8.2 rating comes from...
28 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually a sci-fi fan, although I must admit I've never been a Star Trek fan, or Battlestar Galactica or Firefly or Stargate. Just not my thing. But I am a fan of Star Wars and Alien for instance. I guess the TV format isn't my cup of tea.

Anyway, about The Expanse... The characters are not likable at all, they just blurt out clichés and catchphrases and the dialogues are lazy, at best. The special effects are average, I guess... for a TV Show. The plot is a huge stretch! The "belters" speak some sort of English/Creole rigmarole, so I recommend subtitles. The technology is very advanced (sort of a Minority Report style) but they still use dollars as currency. And then there's the Mormons, who don't knock at people's doors anymore (Although they still use the same outfits as today), but they invite you to go watch them do stand-up comedy gigs, for some reason. Also, they're building a giant ship to take them to a remote planet where they'll be able to live their own religion, away from persecution and terrorists.

Also there's some rich girl who disappeared and the cop with the ridiculous haircut tries to find her like his life depends on it. Oh and the cop is the usual kind of cop that we saw a billion times in shows and movies. Aloof, unconventional, unwilling to "play by the rules", with a Batman voice and five o'clock shadow and all that crap. So, that's my assessment. I watched 5 episodes and for now, I am not impressed. I don't know if I'll try to watch it further (I have lots of free time) but in my opinion nothing justifies the 8.2. I'll give it a 2 for now, because I wouldn't say it's awful. I do believe the people at Netflix are smart people! I'm a huge Daredevil fan, and Grace and Frankie, and Stranger Things, among others. So maybe it'll get better. Somehow.
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Containment (2016)
Not a bad show but...
24 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give it a 6 because it's not a bad show. Good acting, good story-line and all that, but I don't think that that's how things would have gone down if this really happened.

Now here come the spoilers: I don't understand why the government doesn't get an army inside the cordon, equipped with hazmat suits to control the population and perform some kind of disease control over the people that are not already in the hospital? Why don't they ensure that everyone has food and medication since day one? They're just worried about getting the area contained and they just let the people inside fend for themselves. Doesn't seem very organized or even decent. And how can they cut the internet access in the middle of a city like Atlanta? And even if internet doesn't work, why don't the cellphones work? They would have to cut the whole city's phone lines in order to do that since antennas have a wide range and all that... Oh, and you never see POTUS making some kind of announcement and I feel it should happen at some point. Like since day one?

Again, the show is not bad but there are lots of things that don't make sense to me or are missing and it's sort of frustrating. Also, the Jake character is too much of a drama queen. He's a cop, he should be able to keep it together throughout the whole thing, since the 10 year old kids are doing it. Nevertheless, I like the fact that there's some kind of conspiracy behind all that and I'm anxious to know where they're going with this. So yeah, it's not as good as The Walking Dead but it's a decent show.
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Second Chance (I) (2016)
That's a shame...
12 April 2016
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I don't buy it and they shouldn't be sellin' it. It's all just waaaaaay too easy. They bring a 75 year old guy back from the dead and they react as if they had successfully taken his wisdom teeth out. The scientist twins don't seem that close to me and I don't know... shouldn't she be wearing a lab coat, when she's in a lab, instead of a top? Also, my grandmother is 85 and I'm pretty sure I'd recognize her if I saw her 35 year old self. It would ring some kind of bell. But his own son (who just saw him a couple hours before he was killed) is completely and utterly clueless. And he's like a detective or something!

To sum up, during the 45 minutes pilot you meet the characters, the lead character gets killed, he's brought back to life with super strength and super potent (Whaaaaat????!!!), he adapted to the idea of dying and waking up in his 30 something body (all in a day's work), the female twin falls in love with him (aprox. 2 hours after meeting him) and he solves his own murder!

Sloppy. Unimaginative.

I'm not giving these guys a second chance.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
I'd give it an eleven!
29 March 2016
I don't know where to start. Daredevil is a complete success to me so far. The first season was already a very pleasant surprise and the second one is doing great. Maybe even better, if that's possible. The recipe is complete. You have a great script, great actors, great production value, the fight scenes are worthy of any multimillion dollar budget movie, without being too fancy. It's just believable. The actors clearly give their all and their all is just what we want. You really hate the bad guys and you really love the good ones, but there are the ones in the middle and you know what? They make sense. Kudos to the writers and I guess to the whole team. Lighting, director, casting crew, producers, caterers and cleaning ladies, the whole deal. This is a real treat and puts TV Shows like Arrow to shame. Which is not that difficult, I would say, but still true. This is not just a pretty boys and girls parade, this is not just a TV Show showing off what they can do with some tricks of lighting, choreography, stunt men and women and a whole lot of money. They show you substance, characters you can relate to or at the very least sympathize with. There are real dialogs, that people could actually have and the reactions are always appropriate whether you agree with them or not. At first I didn't know where to begin and now I'm finding it hard to finish this. I'll just say that I really recommend this TV Show.
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Not a comedy.
11 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is just childish rambling with swearing. There's nothing funny about this movie, I find it actually quite sad. Just a bunch of idiots apparently mentally challenged trying to get in women's pants using techniques that would hardly work in a woman if you paid her. But in the movie, it actually does work!!! And it has a 7.2 rating in IMDb!!!! That's just incredible!

I was having a bad day and needed a good laugh. Well... that backfired like a horse's kick right in the... you know where.

"This city was discovered by Germans in 1904 and they called it San Diago (Yes, DiAgo). Which of course, means a whale's vagina"(????!) In what planet is this funny?

And I never EVER found Will Ferrel funny. He LOOKS funny, which is different. I laugh at him, not with him. He actually kind of grosses me out. Must be some kind of acquired taste that only works in America.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
Recipe for failure
8 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm definitely a Marvel guy and the DC Comics TV Shows are no help to the argument. So if you're a fan of Arrow, Supergirl or The Flash, this review does not apply to you.

The acting is mediocre (I mean, even when they're just shooting their guns with no lines whatsoever, they're unconvincing),the props look like cheap toys, the sets are way too fake, they can't even nail simple explosion scenes! The dialogs are beyond predictable and emotional in all the wrong places. I get that the "Prison Break bros" are supposed to portray two psycho villains but do they have to make the crazy eyes and creepy faces? Constantly reminding us how evil and devious criminals they are... We get it, we get it! You're two crazy dudes. Get over it.

I find it impossible to relate to any of these characters because they have no personality, they just look like people who watched one too many Steven Seagal movie by the way they walk and talk.

Or, it's possible that my expectations were way too high due to the (misleading?) 7.5 stars on IMDb. I don't get it. Can't help but imagine a roomful of guys in a DC-owned building just giving fake ratings.

I would recommend Jessica Jones and Daredevil. Or just watching your nails grow.
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
Totally worth watching!
1 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I know... a 10 sounds a lot for any show. But I have to say, this show has so many things going on for it that I can't help but give it the maximum rating. There is no BS in Orphan Black. Not a trace of the fake beauties that overpopulate our TV screens, there is a great rhythm between the actors, the plot got me hooked by the end of the first episode and there are no unnecessary digital effects whatsoever.

Now, the best of all is Ms Maslany's acting. She plays several roles and each one of them has a characteristic and unique trait. It's not just the wardrobe and the hairdo that change, it's the whole personality and she does it beautifully. Not to mention the accents that go from British, to American-English, to Ukrainian and German! She is just a treat! She obviously takes her job seriously and it's refreshing to see such professionalism on screen. No egos there. You'll even see her playing character A passing for character B and she makes you forget that it's the one and same actor! Talk about a mind-numbing job, but again... she does it perfectly.

If you're looking for a good story with great acting, lots of humour, action and drama, all in one, that's the show for you.

Kudos to the rest of the cast too. Lots of respect goes to Jordan Gavaris who plays a kind of stereotypical gay guy but hey... as a gay man myself, I have nothing against it. There's all kinds of people around the world so... lighten up. Nothing wrong with being effeminate (that one is for the people who feel offended by Mr Gavaris' interpretation).
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Scandal (2012–2018)
25 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good show. Lots of intense moments and riveting script but I'll only give it a six. Here come the spoilers: Miss Pope is supposed to be a strong self-sufficient, professional woman yet she has very little self-control when it comes to men. The President of the United States looks awfully busy trying to impress or hurt or make endless declarations of love to his mistress and not really bothered with matters of the State. So, WORST President EVER! I'm at the end of season 2 right now and honestly, I have to fast forward every time I see Olivia Pope and POTUS together. Enough with the Presidential affair already!! I really hope season 3 focuses on something else because this is getting really old really fast.
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Mistresses (I) (2013–2016)
Sloppy moves on season 2
10 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First season was interesting, I think it's great that someone had the idea of looking into the minds and hearts of the mistresses who are not always bad people and also have feelings. Yunjin Kim does a great job, no doubt about that. Alyssa is... well Alyssa. And she's doing her thing, no complaints there. Rochelle Aytes in my opinion has the most boring character but she pulls it off nicely and Jes Macallan is a breath of fresh air, she's dynamic, cute but not intimidatingly cute and she brings a touch of youth to the show. Now the second season seems to be ruining it with a couple of unrealistic characters that really just made me roll my eyes every time I had to watch them. Rebeka Montoya's and Ricky Whittle characters really seem way over the top to me. Does Daniel Zamora owns a shirt? And what's with the morning glittery body and the cheap jewelery? His love scenes with April looked like a tacky Toni Braxton video. As to Miss Antonia what's-her-name, I just have a couple of questions, the first one being: Really? Is she a lawyer or a cheap prostitute? I can't tell with the Barbie outfits that they make her wear. I totally respect the actress and I actually feel sorry for her but honestly, her first appearance in the show was around 10 seconds long and it was more than enough to see that she was going to be the slut of the season. When the writers want to be so obvious it makes me feel one of two things: either they think I'm too stupid to get subtlety or they just want to make fast statements to get on with it. Also, a brunette, a blonde, an African-American and an Asian as stars of the show... Benetton much?
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Suits (2011–2019)
Great show, but...
10 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The show has a good structure, strong characters and compelling cases but I find the Mike Ross character extremely frustrating. I would expect, since it's a leading character, that it would bring more to the story than just some failed romances, eidetic memory (that he doesn't really use smartly anyway) and a childish attitude. He screws up a lot and the answer pretty much falls in his slap by listening someone talking about some random thing not related to the case in hand. Mike Ross may have an eidetic memory but he is NOT good lawyer material (or adult material, for that matter), I do not find believable that he would get so much attention from someone like Harvey Specter or Jessica Pearson. Also, the Rachel character is confusing, too emotional, annoyingly self righteous and too much of a distraction without bringing anything to the show. So for that i give it a 7, instead of a 9.
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Whitney (2011–2013)
Grows on you...
12 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say... the first episodes were just boring. The characters weren't believable at all, the actors seemed to be laughing of their own jokes (I HATE when they do that!!!) and it pretty much looked like the same sitcom we've already seen a thousand times before... all over again. I don't know why but I had to keep checking the following episodes, I guess I was curious to see how bad this show could become. But I gotta say... after the fourth episode I was kind of hooked. The jokes actually make me laugh and Whitney is much nicer. The couple seem to have found this complicity, this easy going back and forth dialogue and even the satellite characters seem funnier and also more believable. So yeah... I have to admit I'm converted to this smart couple and right now, I'm curious to see how good this show can get. I will stay tuned.
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Terra Nova (I) (2011)
Now THAT is a bad show! (SPOILERS!!!! )
29 September 2011
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-------------------->>>>> SPOILERS <<<<<------------------------------ Worse special effects EVER. Very poor acting. Do not care for the characters. Not even one. Everything is much too easy, the prison escape,getting rid of what I guess was some kind of tracking device implanted in his leg, the bag full of money waiting for him in what looks like a bad part of the town (and it wasn't even hidden!!!). The kids act like they're going to move to Jersey or something, I mean, who wouldn't freak out a little bit and look nervous or scared about traveling in time?! Well those people just looked bored to me. And what's with that Guzman guy? He looks like he needs glasses (watch the part where he says "Taylor wants to see you... without the children", it's hilarious). And since they can transport people and their luggage through time, why not investing in shipping in some technology apart from their guns, flat-screens and ipads 7 or whatever they're carrying. Even the evolution of technology isn't believable. Clothes hadn't changed a thing in a hundred years! The soldiers look like they're gonna go play paintball afterwards(That's fun!)The commander's office is also really funny, it's kind of a bungalow made of bamboo with flat screens on the walls. Oh and the commander is this bad guy from Avatar playing what seems to be the same role all over again (he even gives us a very NOT original speech). Total deja vu on this one. The war with the sixers (like The Others in "Lost") doesn't make sense at all. They all get in too much trouble in one day and live through it without a single emotion. The kids hang out in the middle of the jungle crowded with dinosaurs and they actually look like they come from the Gossip Girl Reject Club. The doctor apologizes to her husband while there's a girl bleeding to death right behind her. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Have to be honest here... I was kind of hoping the dinosaurs were going to eat them all.

Really, Mr. Spielberg?... Really?
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Up (2009)
Una aventura de emociones
19 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Antes de lanzar nuevos títulos, la presión sobre la gigante Pixar será aplastante. Después de éxitos como Monstros S.A, la saga Toy Story y el más reciente Wall-e, un nuevo proyecto es anunciado, recibido y observado como el nacimiento de realeza. Sin embargo, hablando de Up, el 10º proyecto de Pixar, no hablamos de una buena película. Más bien hablamos de una de las mejores. Nos cuenta la historia de Carl Fredricksen, de 78 años, que decide huir con su casa sujeta por exactamente 20622 globos de helio. Un amor maduro, un niño valiente, un viaje turbulento, Up no es aburrida en ningún momento de sus 96 minutos y nos enseña lo que la vida tiene de bueno y es un desafío a cualquiera a no sonreír... Es perfecto para toda la familia. ¡Ojo! a los llorones, eso si! Para mí, LA película de 2009.
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