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The Lottery (1969)
Nothing can prepare you for the shocking climax
22 December 2004
I never read the short story, so watching this short film was a true shocker for me. Like many other people, I saw this in my English class a long time ago and since then, I still haven't seen it. But I still remember that time, it really stays with you. I remember everyone in my class with their jaws dropping, we couldn't believe it, it was awesome. The surprising thing about it is that you think the movie is silly at the beginning, the characters are annoying, and its just something the teacher is making us watch to waste time. But once these characters do something unexpected, its when you feel you need to thank your teacher. If you ever get to see this, then you are lucky. Or read the short story by Shirley Jackson, its probably better.
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One of the worst movies of 2004
26 July 2004
This long titled movie is the type of annoyance that should've gone straight to video because it was so bad. I couldn't believe how bad Lindsay Lohan was in this after she made some good efforts in movies such as "The Parent Trap", "Freaky Friday", and my current favorite, "Mean Girls". "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" is one of her lamer efforts, and so far it's the worst movie I've seen this year.

While watching this garbage, I asked myself. "What the hell is this movie about?" It's about nothing. There's no conflict at all or anything that will keep the audience guessing. Its utter nonsense and its about a girl named Lola that moves to New York, goes to a new school, tries to get the lead role in her school play while finding out that her favorite band is breaking up. No conflict=no fun. This was a pretty selfish movie that didn't even try to make it appeal for all ages and genders; all it cared about was its target audience, which is young preteen girls. The supporting actors showed no signs of a promising career and they made these characters even more obnoxious because these type of people don't exist. Everything is depicted in a very lazy and fake way.

These type of movies are not suppose to be boring, they're suppose to be fun for anyone. I've recommended many movies that might not appeal to men like A Little Princess and Mean Girls but 'Drama Queen' is NOT for us. There wasn't one moment in where I was laughing. I didn't like how the director depicted the streets of New York as if they were happy and vibrant by adding neon colored trash bags and some other redundant material. There were many off-putting plot-holes that young girls might not become aware of but anyone who's seen many movies will of course notice many flaws in this. My little sister liked this movie and she has seen it 3 times now. She's crazy, I guess it was because of all the bright colors and costumes worn by Lindsay Lohan and maybe she liked the musical finale as well, which was the worst part of the movie, in my opinion. I don't recommend this to anyone, not even little girls. There are better movies than this on the Disney Channel and that's saying that this movie is infact TERRIBLE because movies on the Disney channel are often bad as well, but not as bad as this.

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Almost a Masterpiece
15 June 2004
Right away, you can tell that a much more talented person directed this. I noticed the better performances from the kids, the camera-work, and the stylized way it ended. You just couldn't ask for a better director. We still get some of the good qualities that made the first two movies into entertaining adventures like the humor, special effects, the musical score, and some likable characters. My favorite character is still Snape but I went on to prefer Prof. Lupin instead, I felt sorry for him at the end. Another character that stood out for me was Buckbeat, he has to be one the most beautiful non-existent creatures to ever be made by CGI.

Just when I thought the film was going to be over, there was still more left and it made everything more unpredictable. I was utterly mesmerized and impressed by the last scene with Harry and Hermoine. It made me think and it made me realize what a genius J.K. Rowling is. I really am missing out a lot by not reading these books. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is almost a masterpiece and so far, it's the best of the series and also the most unforgettable.


Rated PG(scary moments, creature violence, and mild language.)
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Dahmer (2002)
It was NOT boring
15 June 2004
I did hear a lot of bad buzz about this movie; mainly people were complaining that it was boring. The movie starts out with Jeffrey living alone in his apartment ready to kill his next victim, an Asian boy and meeting another one at the same time, Rodney. We get many flashbacks of when he was young and when he committed his first murder.

So was it boring? Hell No! Well for me it was never boring because from the beginning we are captivated by this lonely and troubled man. The reason behind this was due to Jeremy Renner's real and absorbing portrayal that should stand out as one of the best performances of 2002. Another reason it was never boring was because of its catchy dialogue. Jeffrey had some really though provoking things to say. The best conversations were between Jeffrey and Rodney who was played by Artel Kayaru. He was magnetic and he gave the second best performance.

People who thought that this movie was boring were probably expecting more scenes of Jeff killing all his victims. We don't see all of the crimes and that's because this film was more of a character study than a gore infested horror film. There were some creepy and disturbing scenes but nothing intensely frightening. Only one particular scene that caught me by surprise---oh,that really freaked me out. Great scene, I loved it because it didn't have any music and it was very well directed. It's really weird to feel sorry and be moved by a killer and it's the first time I ever felt that way.
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
Scary Movie 2 is offensive, disgusting, and not funny.
24 May 2004
I didn't think this film was going to be this awful . Part 1 made fun of slasher movies like "Scream" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer" but this time we get parodies from movies like The Exorcist and some Haunted House flicks.

Even though I liked that they parodied a crappy movie like "The Haunting" I was still disappointed and extremely offended by this. It's just the same jokes we got in the first one but grosser, lamer, and just not funny anymore. This movie was just too much for me and I'm used to it at times but to see it again in a sequel not only makes it look unoriginal but it also makes the people who wrote this look very lazy and dumb. Its like they came up with the idea to set the movie in a Haunted House and they decided to throw in some disgusting jokes and that's it, the script is done.

I couldn't wait til it was over because I couldn't stand anymore of this horrid and sexually perverse sequel.

0 out of 10

Rated R-Strong Sexual Gross Humor, Pervasive Language, Drug Use.
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Tori Amos: A Sorta Fairytale (2003 Music Video)
Weird Music Video
28 April 2004
"A Sorta Fairytale" was never one of my favorite songs by Tori Amos. I guess it was because of its girly and fairytale-like lyrics. The video premiered on October of 2002 and it stars Oscar winner Adrian Brody. That was way before he won the Oscar for THE PIANIST. The video is boring but also very weird. Tori plays a foot and Adrian is a hand. These things meet each other in the street and when they meet, they somehow fall in love. Adrian begins kissing Tori and she starts to get scared and runs away. They meet on the beach again and and they kiss more and they morph and become full bodies. Some people like this video because of its poetic qualities but I felt that it was too strange and silly for me.

The DVD has a behind the scenes look and an interview with Tori in were she explains what the video is about. That's a good thing because when I first saw it, I didn't get it and she describes the concept of the video and the song. Its a good thing that at least the video has something to do with the song. For a music video, it had some really good special effects and it kind of reminded me of the Aerosmith video for their song "Pink". This music video/song was just ok but not my favorites of Tori.
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Bug (2002)
Too many characters
27 November 2003
The Good Thing about this movie: The concept is interesting and there are some funny scenes. It also makes you think of those little things in life that could greatly affect the life of someone else without you ever knowing. Its a small world and this little movie shows us.

The Bad Thing:There are too many characters and its hard to tell who the main character is but its still a great movie.

Its a great movie and many people compare it to Magnolia which I haven't seen.


Not Rated---I would rate it PG-13 for brief violence,some language and sexual situations.
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