15 Reviews
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Closer (I) (2004)
characters are all duplicitous, self-absorbed, narcissistic, nutjobs
13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Characters are all duplicitous, self-absorbed, narcissistic, nutjobs wrapped up in a wretched soap opera. I watched- nearly to the merciful end, hoping for a spark of redemptive empathy from ANY of these people. In the end, they're all twisted and exquisitely mean. This isn't about people working out the messy details of attraction, love, jealousy; these people purposely create anguished chaos for the sport of it.

In sum, we have good performances by well-cast professionals, crisply directed by veteran Mike Nichols ... all wasted by a storyline that is too tediously dark for a premortem audience. There's nothing to like here.
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Senior Moment (2021)
too dumb to describe
4 March 2022
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In an early scene, Shatner speeds out of an intersection in a 50s Porsche 356. Complete fantasy. That model was powered by a 1.6 litre modified Volkswagen bug engine that did 0 to 60 mph in 13 seconds. The car looked great, but it was sloooowwwwwww. Add to the stupidity, a boatload of sophomoric sexual references ... that pretty much sizes this disaster up. Save your time.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Interesting but enough very odd (not credible) stuff to derail it.
16 January 2022
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I tried to like this movie, but that was so much work. It just isn't well glued together, in my humble opinion. Nicholas Cage coproduced; that's why he's cast in the lead. Honestly Mr. Cage, another actor would have been more acceptable in the role; only Tom Cruise, Robert Redford, or Al Pacino would have been worse than you.
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Finch (2021)
suspension of disbelief just not possible with this one
12 November 2021
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Implausible would have been nice. There's just too much impossible-to-ignore ... impossible. Where do they get gas? Water? Does the dog ever poop or pee? (not in this movie).
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Nobody (I) (2021)
a seemingly subpar early few minutes- developes into gripping, good entertainment, sprinkled with comedic moments 😀
8 August 2021
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This movie is a fantasy-thriller, and is good fun. Bob Odenkirk is well-cast in the lead, and casting Christopher Lloyd was genius.

There is one forgivable goof. There are multiple references to the 4.9 litre engine in the 1972 Dodge. Chrysler, the manufacturer, did not have an engine of that size in 1972. Various sources indicate that the standard engine in a 1972 Dodge Challenger was a 340 cubic inch V8 ( 5.6 litre). Even Chrysler's smallest V8 that year was a larger 318 cu (5.2 litre).
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The Nest (I) (2020)
Implausible disaster of a movie
7 August 2021
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Nope. Just nope. I wouldn't know where to begin elaborating. The worst? This horrible movie has no resolution; it just stops, as if the budget ran out.
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clever script. Well cast. Fun entertainment.
4 August 2021
I'm surprised that the rating isn't higher. This movie is fun entertainment. Not cult-classic material, but nearly so.
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entertaining, but incorrect
29 May 2021
There was so much music in the sixties that reflected anti war views and the profound social change of that time... the notion that music in1971 was more significant, is ignorant. During the sixties, civil unrest sparked riots; the Black Panther Party and the SDS gained strength; US involvement in Vietnam exploded during LBJ's presidency causing generational rift, straining social fabric. In 1968, we watched on live television, as an army of law enforcement suppressed demonstraters outside the National Democratic convention with tear gas and clubs while the crowd chanted "the whole world is watching". All of this was expressed in music by Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Phil Ochs, Country Joe & the Fish, Buffalo Springfield, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Burdon, and many more. Woodstock happened in 1969. Music in the sixties surely did add fuel to opposition to US involvement in SE Asia, and likely influenced the political landscape- including Johnson's decision to not run for another term. Be that as it may, this series is entertaining- if historically wrong. Maybe Robin Williams was right when he said, "Anyone who remembers the sixties wasn't there."
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1917 (2019)
not believable -
10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They pull an Germah pilot from a burning airplane (believable), then one soldier wanders away, leaving his buddy alone with the enemy (unbelievable)

Soldier on a mission of utmost importance has a sensitive, almost romantic moment with pretty girl.

None of the Germans can hit the target our hero presents to them

Our hero carries a 10 round "short mag" Enfield rifle. He takes lots of shots, but we never see him change his magazine.

After our hero dispatches two Germans in hand to hand combat, he walks on, leaving his rifle behind.

He is knocked on his butt by a close-range shot, but somehow comes to and continues on his march, as though the enemy was shooting bricks from his weapon.
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Marriage Story is a landmark work, that places Noah Baumbach squarely within the ranks of Ingmar Bergman, Francois Truffault, Woody Allen ... a wonderful film
9 December 2019
Writer/director Noah Baumbach's execution of this masterpiece is simply brilliant. Anyone who has loved, will relate on a personal level. Some of the negative reviews share common themes: comparison with Kramer vs Kramer... yes, this is about a couple with a child who decide to divorce. However, whereas the focus is on the Dad in Kramer, Marriage story is more about the couple's relationship unwinding in spite of the fact that they still care very much about each other. Another common complaint labels this story as "self indulgent". I do not understand this complaint. Many of the most famous writers, including Hemingway, Graham Greene, and Joseph Conrad (for example) poured very personal experience into their works. I suspect that Noah Baumbach put his own soul into Marriage Story. This story is personal and gritty. If you don't cry, you're one of the lucky folks who has never had to say goodbye to a lover.
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The Laundromat (I) (2019)
fact-based story, corrupted by ignorant, if well-intentioned conclusion (that is my more charitable assessment)
23 October 2019
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At the foundation of this ... trash, is the true story about offshore tax evasion. In the dramatic wrapup, we hear a lecture that ties illegal offshore tax evasion with legitimate tax incentives that have been supported by bipartisan government for decades, and which are in place to fuel investment that results in employment. Soderberg dissappoints. This fact-based story could have been interesting and insightful, if it hadn't been fatally blemished by pop-conspiracy economic theory. Did I say, "trash"?
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Bird Box (2018)
silly, implausible waste of time
15 January 2019
There is practically no reality tossed out to grab hold of. Bullock's star power draws us in, but cannot save this disaster.
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slick, 92-minute star-speckled infomercial about the Carlyle Hotel (puke!)
1 September 2018
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This combination People Magazine/National Enquirer/QVC commercial piece might be ok, if you're a movie star-crazy 13-year old. No plot. Nothing redeeming. Besides, the Pierre Hotel is my choice. "Does this review contain spoilers?" the whole darn, 92-minute piece of trash is a "spoiler", in my own personal, humble opinion.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
tediously predictable political fertilizer
31 March 2017
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Seriously terrible, formulaic, self-righteous political commentary. Smart-ass, social misfit lobbyist with high standards (do you already see a problem?) takes on the gun lobby and Washington's old white men... bla, bla, bla. Save your time. This movie was created bottom-up by young, inexperienced, idealistic and vitriolic minions reaching for a spark of light within widely held misconception.
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high school stage production, filmed by a made-for-TV crew
27 April 2016
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A wretched waste of time. Life is short, do not spend time that you will never get back watching this... experiment. Character portraying Walt Disney is miscast. By all accounts, Mr. Disney was more serious-minded and more self effacing than the man we see in this film. Mr. Disney first drew a mouse while he was in the trenches, serving in World War I. This insipid movie had him befriending a mouse while down-and-out and dumpster diving. Worst of all, the man presented to viewers as Walt Disney in this movie is an unfocused goof-ball- nothing at all like the real man who was more like the Bill Gates of his time- very focused and hard working.
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